


  • wade78
    wade78 Posts: 141 Member
    I can eat a whole loaf of bread

    I've ordered a Large Domino's Pizza with garlic bread and ice cream..............and I ate it all

    I used to eat three Krispy Creme Doughnots in one sitting

    I confess driving around at 1am in the morning, looking for an open store so I could buy some more junk food

    I confess I am scared I will go back to my old ways

    I confess that if I hadnt found MFP, I would be even bigger
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    Guess we all have to say something in this thread, but... how exactly is that helping to our cause?
    Not being sarcastic, just curious.

    Does it matter?

    Each person gets their own thing out of reading and/or contributing. You cannot codify emotions.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461

    When we would go out to eat, I would order the biggest meal on the menu.

    Oh wow, me too. When I was about 16, for all I was lighter than I am now, I think that was my peak of disordered eating-not somuch in the amount i ate (though it was loads) but in the distress i experienced around eating. I used to be obsessed with getting the MOST food, regardless of type. Eating 9out was very unpleasant because I'd get so into trying to find out what was the most food i could have, without my family preventing me, and I'd feel angry, distressed and upset if it came and it was too small and other people looked like they hadmore! I am so glad I am over that.Even though I still struggle massively with overeating, I think I am over the part of my life where I experienced massive distress around food choices.
  • wade78
    wade78 Posts: 141 Member
    Greggs has a lot to answer for in the UK.

  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    I used to make my mom buy my 8 year old sister a 20 piece nugget and would eat them all, plus mine, leaving my sister with only the fries... and not all the fries because I ate some.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Guess we all have to say something in this thread, but... how exactly is that helping to our cause?
    Not being sarcastic, just curious.

    When you confess things like this, it opens your eyes when you re-read it to how things either use to be for you or how they are for you, sometimes that is when changes really happen. You know when you actually can admit to having a problem. Kinda like AA meetings, and rehab. They sit around and discuss their addictions to help them over come them.

    The difference with food, drugs and alcohol is we need food to survive so you can't give it up, drugs and alcohol we do not need. To over come a food addiction is in my opinion a very hard one to over come and grasp. Like I said we all need food to survive.

    Another confession from me: When there are sweets in the house this is something I battle with still, and I'm allowing myself to go over in my calories, I'll plan for 1 and try talking myself into having the entire thing like say there is a bag of candy (chocolate is and always has been my weakness) if I let myself have 1, it's usually a struggle to not eat the whole bag. I will go as far as telling myself "If you eat it all now, tomorrow it's gone and you can just start a new day." that's not right at all. Most days I can over come that and walk away, but not every day.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I'm so ashamed of how much I weigh that I still haven't told anyone. Not a soul.

    I'm so terrified of failing that sOmetimes I know im not eating enough by I justify it to myself by it being better than eating tO much and I know I have plenty if far stores to sustain me

    That was me a year ago...Im only 5'1" and I had gotten up to the same weight I was at when I was 9 months pregnant. I was so embarrassed that I could weight that much. But I can say one thing, it made me really, really determined and I'm 3lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight, and wear two size smaller pants than I ever have. You can do it.

    Confessions: I used to make two boxes of Kraft Mac & Cheese for my kids...they would eat about 1/4 of it and I'd eat the rest. I'm pretty sure I could have eaten all of it myself. TWO FREAKING BOXES! still love Mac & Cheese...haven't had it is in forever though, and I think I'll probably keep it that way.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I will go as far as telling myself "If you eat it all now, tomorrow it's gone and you can just start a new day." that's not right at all. Most days I can over come that and walk away, but not every day.

    I do this. I buy a 4 pack of yogurts or whatever, with the intention os spacing them out, a treat every day. But if i'm on a munch i'll eat them all in one go and tell myself well then at least there'll be none left for me to eat, so a clean slate tomorrow. I just stopped buying stuff now.
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I'm so ashamed of how much I weigh that I still haven't told anyone. Not a soul.

    I'm so terrified of failing that sOmetimes I know im not eating enough by I justify it to myself by it being better than eating tO much and I know I have plenty if far stores to sustain me

    I accidentally posted mine on facebook...needless to say I have now changed my mfp settings to NOT automatically sync to facebook and twitter!!!!!
  • PapaDunx
    1 x 72oz steak!! (in under an hour, to win a bet)
  • bodsmack7958
    bodsmack7958 Posts: 47 Member
    I used to eat dinner at my girlfriends house(now wife) with her family. Full course meal. Get home to my parents house and then eat what my family had for dinner. Two full meals. Did this also with my best friend's house as a kid too. Needless to say. I've always had a weight problem haha. Working on it tho.

    Highest wieght-315 pounds
    Lowest weight-195 pounds
    Current weight- 235 pounds
    These weights are all since I graduated high school....
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member

    I confess I am scared I will go back to my old ways

    I think this is one we can all relate to. I'm terrified of going back to my old self. I was having a day not to long ago where I had a panic attack thinking about going back to old self, I was trying to find some comfort on this. I was having a day of sabotaging myself, so I starting questioning why I was doing this, but I'm also scared of maintaining and I think that is where self sabotaging comes in for me. I'm 14lbs shy from my goal weight. I was talking to a group of people and a few of them told me that the fear I have will keep me from going back to myself. That fear is normal and healthy. I'm so terrified of going back to my old self that I have nightmares where I wake up grabbing my chin, because I had a dream that my double/triple chin was back.
  • nikkiharbor1
    I used to make a vat of chili and eat the entire thing in a day with bags of shredded cheese and sour cream on top.
    Drink a 12 pack of pepsi in a day.
    Drink an entire bottle of tequila for dinner.
    Eat a block of cheddar cheese with a box of triscuits.

    I used to eat so much that I would try to hide the evidence from my, that seems like a lifetime ago. Don't ever want to go back there!
  • emsicle_o
    emsicle_o Posts: 162 Member
    I've eaten a whole medium pizza before. :/
    I try not to order pizza anymore.

    Also, when it comes to ordering Chinese food, I know that what I ordered is really meant to serve more than one person, but I would still eat it all.
    So now I just try not to order out. Period.

    Me too! I tried to force myself to eat a whole large once but just regretted it after as I couldn't stand, sit or lay down without feeling like my stomach was filled with cement!

    And I have no control over Chinese food! 6 mini spring rolls, as many noodles as i can fit on the plate, plus a few mouthfulls whilst i'm dishing up, and whatever main i chose. and then there's going back to the kitchen for seconds!

    And I hate to say it but I got fed up from work and for a few weeks was drinking enough to make me dizzy almost every single night of the week

  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    My guilty pleasure was much more subtle. I was a constant snacker. No huge quantities---at one sitting that is. Just a bag of cookies here and a bag of chips there that just managed to somehow disappear. I could fool myself with the I-will-just-eat-one-lie. And then that moment when the hand would go back for just one more and the bag would be EMPTY. It was always a surprise ( I have amazing powers of self-deception!) Now I eat by the clock. Some people find that weird but it keeps me from grazing all day long. At least there are whole hours when I am not eating. sigh
  • RachArmstrong
    RachArmstrong Posts: 17 Member
    To be honest I'm finding this thread a HUGE help.

    I think admitting these things "out loud" is good for drawing a line under them and saying "never again"
  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    I could eat a whole box of mac and cheese.....I dont even eat it anymore.
    I could eat a small only 2 pieces.
    MOUNTAIN DEW SHOULD BE BANNNED........I am currently trying to deafeat it with water downing 4 cups when I wake up is helping a lot.

    When I get REALLY UPSET i WOULD Get a pack of cigarette and a mountian dew. ......
    Found out I am a fast food junkie but not anymore
    Emotional eater and conveince eater
    I LOVE CHEESE....Still trying to slow that down lol
    I am currently replacing anger, depression, and mountain dew triggers with fast HARD excerise and going to the gym RIGHT after work. Seems to good a lot of good :)
  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    To be honest I'm finding this thread a HUGE help.

    I think admitting these things "out loud" is good for drawing a line under them and saying "never again"

  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Hooray for never going back!
  • mercymarque
    i commend you for writing this... This probably will help someone else. You have to start loving yourself and feeling better about urself. You made a big step starting on MFP. You going to the gym and trying to change ur eating habits. Remember to log everything, even if your having a bad day. This way you can make sense of what triggers your eating patterns. What foods help u and what doesn't work. Rest and water is very key in weight loss so make sure you get plenty of that. A lot of the "experts" are saying you have to work out an hour to maintain the weight you currently have. So anything over an hour should be a loss. Good luck and can't wait to see who I'm talking to.