Pet Peeves at the Gym



  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    - people who go to the gym who "dress the part" but don't actually work out
    - women who do not wear bras - built in bras don't give you the support you think they do and if i can see your nipples.. well....
    - women who wear skirts (not skorts but actual mini skirts)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    doesnt affect me but just makes me wonder...

    people who come in wearing their gym clothes work up a sweat (and dont bring a towel) and then just stroll out.
    Fair enough there is a shower at your house but i like to be clean! as soon as im done in the gym i go straight to have a shower in the locker room, not wait 20mins to drive home let the sweat go dry and stale then wash.

    I drive home and shower. Public showers are disgusting.
  • ronleuty
    ronleuty Posts: 14 Member
    There are a couple of guys at the Y who, when they lift weights, sound like they're having an orgasm. Either that or they're having a coronary. Either way, it scares me!
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    People who don't wipe down the machines.

    Oh, that grosses me out! Lucky for me, I belong to Planet Fitness, where cleaning the machines when you're done is practically a religion.

    Not at mine. You're lucky if you get a decent human being to wipe the machine down after they're done especially the cardio machines.
    I know you don't think you got the machine all sweaty, but your hands sweat too, UGH.
  • stu_j_lfc
    stu_j_lfc Posts: 37 Member
    After getting 'in the zone', I approach the gym after taking my bcaa's, caffeine and 'textbook' pre workout meal, ready to destroy the place.... Then it's closed because of unforeseen circumstances.... Leaving me with a 10mile drive to the nearest base so I can use their comparably inadequate gym, by which time my buzz/focus is lost

  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    People who curl in the squat rack

    /rage every fcking time and contemplate chunking 10lbs weights at their head like frisbees

    You were the first one to mention it, and I'm agreeing, And SHRUGGING in the squat rack. WTF right.
  • stu_j_lfc
    stu_j_lfc Posts: 37 Member
    Guys who throw weights down!!! Really!!??? If you can't pick them up and put them down gently then they are too heavy for you!!!! Get lighter weight!!! Dufus!!!

    To be fair, after shoulder pressing two 40kg (90lb) dumbells for a good 8 reps, attempting to place them heavy *kitten* weights down can potentially **** up my shoulder. Attempt to place them? Or drop them from a reasonable height because they're rubber??

    Though I do get your point, there are definitely right and wrong times to do it at and 'dropping'/'throwing' are 2 different things, although both viewed equally by some people
  • stu_j_lfc
    stu_j_lfc Posts: 37 Member
    People who curl in the squat rack

    /rage every fcking time and contemplate chunking 10lbs weights at their head like frisbees

    You were the first one to mention it, and I'm agreeing, And SHRUGGING in the squat rack. WTF right.

    Shrugging in the squat rack is actually acceptable IMO. I go really heavy on my shrugs, and I don't plan on having to do deadlifts every time I want to hit my traps.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Guys who throw weights down!!! Really!!??? If you can't pick them up and put them down gently then they are too heavy for you!!!! Get lighter weight!!! Dufus!!!

    To be fair, after shoulder pressing two 40kg (90lb) dumbells for a good 8 reps, attempting to place them heavy *kitten* weights down can potentially **** up my shoulder. Attempt to place them? Or drop them from a reasonable height because they're rubber??

    Though I do get your point, there are definitely right and wrong times to do it at and 'dropping'/'throwing' are 2 different things, although both viewed equally by some people

    Personally, you would drive me mad in the gym. Shrugging the the squat rack and dropping your dumbells. I don't understad why anyone WOULDNT want to do deadlifts. :tongue:
  • stu_j_lfc
    stu_j_lfc Posts: 37 Member
    Guys who throw weights down!!! Really!!??? If you can't pick them up and put them down gently then they are too heavy for you!!!! Get lighter weight!!! Dufus!!!

    To be fair, after shoulder pressing two 40kg (90lb) dumbells for a good 8 reps, attempting to place them heavy *kitten* weights down can potentially **** up my shoulder. Attempt to place them? Or drop them from a reasonable height because they're rubber??

    Though I do get your point, there are definitely right and wrong times to do it at and 'dropping'/'throwing' are 2 different things, although both viewed equally by some people

    Personally, you would drive me mad in the gym. Shrugging the the squat rack and dropping your dumbells. I don't understad why anyone WOULDNT want to do deadlifts. :tongue:

    I don't want to do deadlifts if i'm training delts and traps, if at all!

    Saying that, Army gyms and civilian gyms are completely different. I'm one of the only guys in our gym who actually trains legs, everyone is put off due to how much running we do.

    Re; deadlifts, a lot of people (myself included) have temperamental lower backs due to running with weight a lot and a whole other bunch of 'work' related reasons, these really don't help that, not even with a belt. I know lots of bodybuilders who don't do them at all actually.

    Or, how about not calling it a squat rack? 'squat racks' in most gyms aren't actually squat racks, they are actually racks intended for multiple purposes, but instead people choose to deprive them of that option by naming them after their favourite exercise. Would that deprive them of monopolising the equipment? :p
  • I hate it when someone take up all the machines whether it is an eliptical or treadmill and walk at a snails pace for only 10min and leave acting like they did something. Stay at home in the bed if you are not there for a purpose.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    doesnt affect me but just makes me wonder...

    people who come in wearing their gym clothes work up a sweat (and dont bring a towel) and then just stroll out.
    Fair enough there is a shower at your house but i like to be clean! as soon as im done in the gym i go straight to have a shower in the locker room, not wait 20mins to drive home let the sweat go dry and stale then wash.

    I cycle to the gym so I arrive by bike wearing my gym gear and cycle home wearing my gym gear after my workout. I then shower at home. There's little point changing and showering at the gym when I'm going to get all sweaty again cycling home.
  • stu_j_lfc
    stu_j_lfc Posts: 37 Member
    I hate it when someone take up all the machines whether it is an eliptical or treadmill and walk at a snails pace for only 10min and leave acting like they did something. Stay at home in the bed if you are not there for a purpose.

    especially if on their phone at the same time!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Guys who throw weights down!!! Really!!??? If you can't pick them up and put them down gently then they are too heavy for you!!!! Get lighter weight!!! Dufus!!!
    I'm not putting a 440lb deadlift down 'gently', sorry. :laugh:
  • Talking on cell phones ... If I can hear you screaming over my headphones, you got a problem
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    Guys who throw weights down!!! Really!!??? If you can't pick them up and put them down gently then they are too heavy for you!!!! Get lighter weight!!! Dufus!!!
    I'm not putting a 440lb deadlift down 'gently', sorry. :laugh:

    Why not?! I assume you dont let the weights slam to the floor or together after each rep, so why do it on your last rep? I'd rather do 1 less rep or use a lighter weight than drop weights to the floor. Also, it is good lifting technique to be slow & controlled to prevent injury & it actually builds more muscle as by dropping weights, you are effectively only doing half a rep as energy is also required for a controlled drop.
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    When there are ten EMPTY treadmills and someone ALWAYS has to climb on the one RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!! UGH!

    Yes!! It's like they're purposely trying to annoy the hell out of you:explode:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Guys who throw weights down!!! Really!!??? If you can't pick them up and put them down gently then they are too heavy for you!!!! Get lighter weight!!! Dufus!!!
    I'm not putting a 440lb deadlift down 'gently', sorry. :laugh:

    Why not?! I assume you dont let the weights slam to the floor or together after each rep, so why do it on your last rep? I'd rather do 1 less rep or use a lighter weight than drop weights to the floor. Also, it is good lifting technique to be slow & controlled to prevent injury & it actually builds more muscle as by dropping weights, you are effectively only doing half a rep as energy is also required for a controlled drop.
    There's little benefit to the negative on deadlifts. And they're single lifts, so doing 1 rep less would be kinda pointless :wink:
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    I think you all people should COOL OFF....TRY TO HATE LESS AND LOVE MORE. So what if people look, they look at my machine too. If it bothers you that much, throw a towel on your treadmill so they won't be able to see. :happy:

    Everyone a bit smells when they work out, that is NORMAL.

    If they walk between you and your machine, maybe their head is somewhere else and it's not intentional????

    IF everyone bothers you, then, you are just selfish and you want everything for yourself!!!! BUT every one else paid as much as you paid too and they are entitled too! Please don't forget that.

    PLEASE DON'T FORGET ONE THING: I LOVE ALL OF YOU! That is why I replied to calm you down and have you enjoy your work out instead of having negative feelings and hate! I hope you understand and have a Happy Night. SWEET DREAMS. Good night,, all.

    You're nice. I like you :)
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I have several catgories:

    In the weight room - People who hog the circuit equipment for sets; people who refuse to let you work in a set while they sit for 10 minutes cooling down when your one set would take less than 30 seconds; the overcrowding of the d-bags who come in and yell at each other and swear and talk inappropriately about the women in the room. The Y is a family facility. Clean up your talk, and you shouldn't talk about women as objects.

    In the pool - The overbooking of swimming lessons for the kids. Yesterday, I had to share a single lane with 4 other people. All the other lanes were being used by swimming lessons. People who just jump in your lane without letting you know, and then get annoyed when you accidentally kick them when you weren't even aware they were there. People who won't circle swim when you have three in a lane.

    In the steam room - People who shake the sweat of fof them like a wet dog. I don't want to wear your sweat.

    In the whirlpool - People who don't shower before entering, and they have residual soap in their clothing resulting in massive foaming of the pool which threatens to bury you.

    Around the track where some cardio equipment is - This is also the area for all of the aerobics/les MIlls, and spin classes are held. The music is so loud, you can't hear your own unless you max it out. The instructor sings along with the music and can't carry a tune. The calsses are all in the center of the track and in front of the cardio equipment, so when you get in the zone, and hit that spacey point, you look like you are a creeper staring at the class members.

    In the locker room - The bench is long enough that someone other than you should be able to put their gear down for a minute. People who take the shower, or come from the pool, and don't dry off before coming into the changing area. I take my shower, and dry my feet off. I don't want to walk through your puddles right in front of my locker while changing my clothes.