Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Praying everyone is having a blessed Sunday. I have had a quiet one so far, walked Belle for our long walk. Lots of pain today so all through the walk I was having to talk myself into the 20 minute walk instead, but my determination won out over the pain. It is going to hurt either way so did the long one. Was able to sleep last night, but the cloudy cool weather is making me sleepy right now. Looking forward to being with family later on this afternoon and evening and eating those pork ribs:love: I had a dream last night that I was going to eat this great big soft chocolate, chocolate chip cookie and was about to eat it but I stopped and broke it in half. In my old dreams I would have scarfed the whole thing down and then woke up mad at myself for eating the cookie. I guess MFP works on both the conscious and subconscious levels.:laugh:

    Aug-congrats on the new truck!
    Morgori-Careful on the back and the whiskey:laugh:

    Darn there were a couple of other personals I was going to do but oldtimers disease struck! Everyone have a great day. Love you all.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    HI Everyone :flowerforyou:

    I've found a few minutes for some "ME" time so I thought I would pop in. My life has been just crazy this past month but hopefully it will calm down a bit now. I had a really bad scare last Sunday with my mother. The doctors caring for her at the rehab center were thinning her blood trying to get rid of a large blood clot in her bad leg and they thinned her blood too much. This sent her to the ER and then to ICU. She was doing well until last Saturday night when she took a turn for the worst. I got a call very early Sunday morning from the ICU nurse telling me she was not responding and to gather the family because they were not sure if she would make it through the day. Of course this was the day that my brother and SIL had agreed to help move my sister into my condo. WHAT A LONG DAY! My brother went down to the hospital early Monday Morning expecting the worst and to his surprise she was awake, alert, and asking if I was coming down to see her today. I guess it was not her time to go (Thank You, Thank You :love: ) Her condition improved so much that she was released from the hospital and is now back at the Retirement Center. This time we have Hospice helping with her care so hopefully there will be no more trips to the ER. I am now believer in the powers above :love: .

    I have moved my sister who has MS in with me and I now know why I never had children. Motherhood is definitely not my gig :laugh: . So far the only good thing that has happen this past month is that I have lost 8 lbs. Of course not having time to eat and running, running, running 24/7 I'm sure had everything to do with my weight loss. It's not the healthiest way to lose weight but right now I'll take any weight loss I can get.

    @RobinsEgg - So sorry to hear about your added condition. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do what the doctors say and tell your family about it. It's a horrible feeling watching your loved one (even if you don't get along) go through something that you knew nothing about.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,125 Member
    Bella - thoughts and prayers and more prayers are with you. It's easy to say take care of yourself but it is really HARD TO DO. Glad to hear the positive news on your mother's condition.

    Hope you get more *ME* time soon.

  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Sunday Share:

    Was having a great weekend until about 10pm last night. I think I ended up with food poisioning. :( Just haven't felt really well and have been up and down since 5:30am. I'm hoping this is out of my system soon. I can't afford to miss work. If I'm still running fever this evening, I'm calling into work for tomorrow.

    Prior to getting sick, I got to spend an awesome day with my bf. :) We went and did some shopping, went and saw my friend and her baby, and had planned on coming home and vegging out in front of the tv until I started feeling bad. (He has been the best bf ever. He got up and held my hair and even ran out to get me gatorade and crackers. However, I'm having a hard time keeping it down. :( )

    On the plus side, I'm down 3lbs...haha. However, I know it isn't by my doing. But I'll still take it. Only downside is that my training is having to take a backseat today. I need time to get better.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend. Prayers out to those hurting or ill and congrats out to those who have had great losses as well as NSV's. I'll check in soon.

    ~ Jana
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Big Aug - so happy for you to get a new-to-you truck ! I've been simmering about your SO not helping with any of the house or yard work - it just seems so unfair to you. I'm sure you've had many sit-downs with her about helping - but she must resort to childish behavior or tears or whatever to get out of doing her share. Do you do the laundry too? It may be time to tell her you're not doing her's any more and mean it. Then no hugs from Augie until she learns to do another chore.....there's got to be a way to motivate this woman....

    Bellawares - thanks for the words of concern. All my bro's and sisters are in the know on my condition. Just don't have many family left is what my problem is.....have outlived my parents.
    Hope your sister learns to be a good player in your home, and hope you can spell that out to her without being harsh. I'm praying for you and your family.

    Morgori - you bring out the hedonist in me. :noway: I want some whiskey and I want some shepherds pie, and I want it now!

    (Secretly pulls the curtain shut on her mysterious RL identity)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jana--so sorry you're sick! :frown:

    @bella--glad you got a chance to check in and that the scare with your mom was just a scare. Oh, and happy MFP anniversary yesterday!! :drinker:

    @toots--Happy MFP anniversary to you too (one day late :blushing: ) !!! :drinker:

    @christine--great job going for the long walk!! :flowerforyou: That happens to me a lot--I'll plan for just a short walk and then once I'm out the door, it seems silly not to go for longer. That's one of many reasons I love my Gunner so much--he gives me the push out the door (literally tries to sometimes b/c he's a shepherd :laugh: ).

    @morgori--glad I wasn't craving Irish fare when I read your post! :laugh:

    Finished a few more essays (surpassed my goal of 10 for the weekend :bigsmile: ) and was planning to read more of The Awakening, but the flies in starbucks are starting to really annoy me, so I think I'll head home. It's really nice weather, so I might do a bit of yard work. I've been wanting to edge my lawn; I don't have a fancy power edger so it will probably help me burn a few calories, too.

    Grading goals:
    1. 58/58 motif analyses--DONE!!!
    2. 14/49 AP essays
    3. re-read The Awakening (started this)
    4. x/58 short answer tests
  • TNFirefly
    TNFirefly Posts: 169 Member
    Sunday - Just need to get out there that my 40th was last week. I have been off plan for about a week and a half. I haven't gain a ton, YET. but I need to get my backside in gear and get back on track and FAST. My mom is refusing to eat again, which is frustrating as a caregiver. I am seriously involved right now in prepping for my medical coding certification exam and worried about coming up with the $300 fee. Tons of appointments and activities, and my back is killing me. Cardiology appt tomorrow morning and I think it is for my stress test, so I am not looking forward to that. Just overall, lots of whining and Idontwannas going on in my head.

    I hate when my head starts the entitlement chatter. It shouldn't be this hard, I should have more support, I should have an easier time of this! The reality is that this is hard, not just for me, but for every person here. We are all working toward a goal. Those who put in the harder work and dedication to their goals get the better results. Right now, I am not in this category. I am not making exercise a priority the last week or two, and my diet has gone to crap. Therefore, I am not entitled to results or an easy time of this process.
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    Sunday Share - Happy and healthy Sunday to you all!

    I never revealed how I got my user name either - there was a song I think from the 50's Glow little Gloworm, and so my Dad started calling me Gloworm because my name is Gloria. So it's an old nickname with my birth year.

    @lizmil - wow what a break on your car/truck. I used to obsess like that about food although would never do my food tracker ahead of time because then I might not log an unplanned food. I log throughout the day and kind of plan what I'm going to have at the beginning of the day or as mealtime comes. I have gotten in the habit of freezing serving size meals so I can pop them in the microwave if the fam is having something that isn't in my food plan.

    @skinnyjean - glad to hear your cold is getting better - sure a lot of stuff going around right now

    @Morgori - I think I put on 5lbs reading your post ---lol

    @monachris - funny dream and good job on breaking it in half - when I was married I once had a dream I was having an affair and woke up totally feeling guilty!

    @bellawares - I am moving my brother in with me next month who has MS - I haven't seen him in over 20yrs but he is my baby brother so am hoping it works for both of us - praises for your mother's recovery.

    Heading out for a walk in the sunshine then Zumba as only I can do it - I need a slowmo version so I can keep up! Oh well it makes me laugh and laughter is good for the soul and your health!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Sunday share:
    Hello to all the new folks :) For my part on the screen name reveals - my screen name is me - it is actually my name squished together (wow, now that is unimaginative!!). And I'm an over 50 nurse manager in a state psychiatric facility - but I'm not a psych nurse, I'm the Infection Preventionist & a few other things.

    Right now, I'm having a little trouble keeping my activity numbers up high enough (back issues), and I'm afraid it's making me very depressed. I had a goal of being in the one-derland (under 200lbs) by the 25th of this month, and had to change that to being past my half-way mark (210)... and I'm thinking I won't make that either at this point :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Pain issues have kept me off my 3x a week gym schedule for 2 weeks now (only once week before last, and twice last week).

    I'm trying hard to be positive, and although I can't "see" any difference when I look in the mirror, I do see the dress size going down a little, and the scale going down (somethimes) - but not many of the measurements.

    You are all very inspiring to me - I really appreciate hearing your successes. You guys really mean the world to me, and I don't think I'd be doing well at all without you.

    Hugs & much love to all of you :heart:
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    @bellawares - I am moving my brother in with me next month who has MS - I haven't seen him in over 20yrs but he is my baby brother so am hoping it works for both of us - praises for your mother's recovery.

    @Gloworm46 - I try to check the thread daily. Hopefully it will be easier for me now that my mother is back at the retirement center so if you need someone for support I'm here for you. All I can say about my experience so far is it's a BIG learning curve. Good Luck :drinker:

    @All - Thank you everyone for your love and support. It means the world to me :heart: :heart: :heart: .
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    This has been a very busy week and I am thrilled that I can relax this weekend. Today, I went on a bike ride for the first time in years. We covered about 10 miles after a shaky start. I was a little wobbly just starting out and these two guys who passed us told my friend that I was little nervous. Yeah, I was but I soon got over it. I am planning on riding again next week and in the future.

    Tomorrow, I am suppose to meet with a new trainer since the gym will not refund my money. I will try him out but he needs to meet my standards and be able to climb a rock wall. I have very high standards with regards to my trainer. I am still working with my long time trainer but right now he is in the process of starting a new job (landscaping) and moving to a new place. I hope to speak with him this week to see when he will be available to train.

    Toots and Bella- Congrats on your one year anniversary.

    Bella- good luck with your sister moving in. I hope she adjusts to your routine. Glad your mother is doing better. Blood thinners are scary and the balancing act is very delicate.

    Miles challenge 15/200. Time to kick it up and get back on track.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Welcome to the newbies~ :flowerforyou: You found the hidden gem of MFP here. Everyone is so supportive and inspiring.

    Gloworm, we are practically neighbors! :) Small world. I love living in the Pacific Northwest... Especially lately. It has been such amazing weather.

    Sunday share - For those that do not know me, my name is Nicole, and I am a widow and mother to an amazing 14 year old son. Since I started being consistent with my healthy choices on June 30, I had decided not to date. I have had some bad experiences and just need the time to focus on "me". I work full time and go to school, so not a lot of room for a social life anyway.... but last night was the third time I went out with friends to shoot darts, and my friend's boyfriend's coworker is part of the group. (Some of you may recall a month or so back, I spoke of the guy they were trying to set me up with?) Last night, everyone was going home pretty early (I probably should have also) but I don't get out very often and wanted to cut loose. The guy and I went to a bar for karaoke and had an absolute blast. Anyway, he really is a nice guy, so I agreed to go out to dinner with him. I keep telling myself, "it's just dinner", but what if it's not "just dinner" to him? I have to find a way to be honest with him about not wanting a LTR right now, without sounding like a snooty mcsnooterson. Wish me luck. The other thing about last night was that I drank more than I am used to and have a nasty hangover... ugh.... I had fun, but next time I think I will stop at 2 beers. :sick:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sunday share - For those that do not know me, my name is Nicole, and I am a widow and mother to an amazing 14 year old son. Since I started being consistent with my healthy choices on June 30, I had decided not to date. I have had some bad experiences and just need the time to focus on "me". I work full time and go to school, so not a lot of room for a social life anyway.... but last night was the third time I went out with friends to shoot darts, and my friend's boyfriend's coworker is part of the group. (Some of you may recall a month or so back, I spoke of the guy they were trying to set me up with?) Last night, everyone was going home pretty early (I probably should have also) but I don't get out very often and wanted to cut loose. The guy and I went to a bar for karaoke and had an absolute blast. Anyway, he really is a nice guy, so I agreed to go out to dinner with him. I keep telling myself, "it's just dinner", but what if it's not "just dinner" to him? I have to find a way to be honest with him about not wanting a LTR right now, without sounding like a snooty mcsnooterson. Wish me luck. The other thing about last night was that I drank more than I am used to and have a nasty hangover... ugh.... I had fun, but next time I think I will stop at 2 beers. :sick:

    Heck you don't OWE him an explanation ! Just suck him dry of everything he has to offer and leave him by the side of the road.:smokin:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots and Bella- Congrats on your one year anniversary.

    thanks. happy anniversary to bella as well!
    @toots--Happy MFP anniversary to you too (one day late :blushing: ) !!! :drinker:

    it isn't one day late because of leap year. so actually you're right on time!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--I say just go a keep it casual. If he brings up getting into a LTR, be honest with him. However, he may not want anything serious either, so there's no reason to assume he does.

    @laurie--hope things go well with the new trainer. Sorry to hear the gym wouldn't refund your money. :grumble:

    @vickie--sorry you are having back issues--hope you heal quickly so you can get back to your routine.

    @firefly--happy belated 40th!! :drinker: Glad you decided to jump back in. :smile:

    AFM--so I decided to come home and manually edge my lawn. I got through about half and my yard waste bin was full. We have another, but it was full of mulch from when we had our tree taken down in June. I decided to stop edging and spread the rest of the mulch. This was easier said than done as the mulch was packed solidly into the bin due to rain and gravity. I had to break it all up with a hand trowel as I shoveled it into the garden beds. By the time I finished that, I had been working non-stop for 2 hours and I was beat. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be very sore tomorrow. :ohwell:
  • mommyplus3
    Newbie here =)
    Looking for extra support, motivation and some friends who can struggle & succeed with me along the way.
    Feel free to add me!

    Young momma to a 5 year old little girl, a 3 year old and 1 year old little boys <3
    Weighing in at 292 & I am completely frustrated with starting over so I refuse to give up this time!
    In 2010 I lost almost 50lbs bringing me to my lowest weight (since I was pregnant with my daughter) of 230. I then gained it all back & more while pregnant with my youngest & am having a hell of a struggle! Joined Curves last week & so far so good! Have problems with my ankles & often get a herniated disc in my back which keep me from walking/jogging & am hoping that once I lose some weight I can start back up walking/jogging again.

    Anyways... Hi there!!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Sunday share - For those that do not know me, my name is Nicole, and I am a widow and mother to an amazing 14 year old son. Since I started being consistent with my healthy choices on June 30, I had decided not to date. I have had some bad experiences and just need the time to focus on "me". I work full time and go to school, so not a lot of room for a social life anyway.... but last night was the third time I went out with friends to shoot darts, and my friend's boyfriend's coworker is part of the group. (Some of you may recall a month or so back, I spoke of the guy they were trying to set me up with?) Last night, everyone was going home pretty early (I probably should have also) but I don't get out very often and wanted to cut loose. The guy and I went to a bar for karaoke and had an absolute blast. Anyway, he really is a nice guy, so I agreed to go out to dinner with him. I keep telling myself, "it's just dinner", but what if it's not "just dinner" to him? I have to find a way to be honest with him about not wanting a LTR right now, without sounding like a snooty mcsnooterson. Wish me luck. The other thing about last night was that I drank more than I am used to and have a nasty hangover... ugh.... I had fun, but next time I think I will stop at 2 beers. :sick:

    Heck you don't OWE him an explanation ! Just suck him dry of everything he has to offer and leave him by the side of the road.:smokin:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    @Skinnyjeanz- thanks. Though Robinsegg's plan is a good one in theory :wink: I think I shall follow your advice. Maybe I am freaking out over nothing. :bigsmile:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Newbie here =)
    Looking for extra support, motivation and some friends who can struggle & succeed with me along the way.
    Feel free to add me!

    Young momma to a 5 year old little girl, a 3 year old and 1 year old little boys <3
    Weighing in at 292 & I am completely frustrated with starting over so I refuse to give up this time!
    In 2010 I lost almost 50lbs bringing me to my lowest weight (since I was pregnant with my daughter) of 230. I then gained it all back & more while pregnant with my youngest & am having a hell of a struggle! Joined Curves last week & so far so good! Have problems with my ankles & often get a herniated disc in my back which keep me from walking/jogging & am hoping that once I lose some weight I can start back up walking/jogging again.

    Anyways... Hi there!!

    Welcome! You are in the right place!
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    @vickimieth - sorry to hear about your back giving you problems. One thing I've learned however is that food is 80% of your weight loss and exercise 20%. I can really attest to this as I did not exercise for at least the first 2 months during which time I started eating healthy and I lost at least 30 lbs. now that I have been exercising consistently and not eating as clean as I had been I have really slowed down the amount of weight I am losing. Maybe if you just focus on your food plan right now it will get you through your injury period until you can exercise again.

    @bellawares - thanks for the offer of support - I may need it!

    @lauriek - good job on the bike - I want a bike but it is going to be a recumbent 3 wheeler!

    @naceto - you have any problems just give me a holler! Dating just is not what it used to be when all we wondered was if we would get a good night KISS!

    @mommyplus3 - welcome - you have your hands full with those little ones. Keep thinking about how much more fun you'll have with them when you get healthier and it will serve to motivate you!

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    @Robin - Thanks for the support. I guess I do whine a lot about my SO. I'd probably whine a little less if she'd pick up after herself.

    @Skinnyjeanz - yard work is hard work. 2 hours of mowing is far more tiring than a hard workout out to me.
