My dog ate ...



  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    When my children were little, the newest thing were glittered, smelling crayons. Well the dog thought these were the greatest thing since Alpo. We came home and half of the crayons were eaten. She did spit out as much of the paper wrappers as possible though.

    Let me set the scene. It was in the dead of winter, we had a fresh blanket of snow and every so often you would see a patch of GLITTERY POO on the front lawn. Very Interesting.:noway:

    You say "interesting," I say, "festive!"

    ^^^ That's funny stuff!!
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    I have so many stories but the most recent was my inhaler. I just bought it too so the canister was new. It rocketed across the room!
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    I once had a german shepard that ate my prescription glasses. She took them right off my kitchen counter.
  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    Oh... where do I start. Probably the best mess he's ever made was when we put artificial lawn all through the back yard, and added a little to the inside of his kennel to make it warmer for him... we glued that sh** down with floor adhesive and liquids nails... woke up in the morning and he'd ripped it out and eaten half of it. he's also eaten one of our commercial door mats (massive rubber thing) that dog will eat just about anything. including raw sweet potato :P
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    My dog really, really loves butter. She knows not to get things off the counter (she's a big husky) but for butter she'll risk it. I'll get some out to warm up for cookies, it'll be gone 10 minutes later. She's 18 months old and has eaten at least a dozen bars of butter =/.
  • joshuamhort
    Well, one time my cousin was over and he was outside about to get a dip of chewing tobacco. He ended up dropping his can on the ground, and the dog I had at the time ate it up and was begging for more. That same dog also stole my brother's 1/2 lb solid chocolate bunny after he dropped up and before being able to pick it up. Perfectly healthy after that too. I had another dog who stole a full roast from the counter, and then there was another day where he stole a stack of chocolate chip cookies. Another dog of mine stole a bag of caramel apple suckers and a bag of hershey's kisses and ate them all. I also had a dog who snatched a slice of pizza from my brother when he was looking at his car and also a pork chop from my sister's lap when she bent over to pick up her fork. None of my dog's fell ill from the food they ate.
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    Where do I start with my pets >.<

    My Siamese loves plastic, she's chewed through so many headphone cords and other misc cords I 've lost count. Also condoms, new or used she picks them out of the trash it's awful.
    Our black lab has eaten ribbon, and pretty much anything that has come in contact with food (she loves trash) also cat faeces (but that seems normal for dogs)

    My dog has also eaten a condom. We about barfed when we "found out".
  • cblevitron
    I had a fancy mouse that loved corn dogs.
  • Grammytoots
    Grammytoots Posts: 1 Member
    my husbands dentures.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    My dog eats all the same human food that we eat. He doesn't eat dog food.

    The oddest thing he eats is Q-tips. He will pick the used ones out of the pail in the bathroom. He also pulls the plastic bin with the New Q-tips off of the bathroom counter. Usually in the middle of the night, setting off the alarm with a bang as it hits the tile floor.

    One time he ate an entire dish towel whole and *kitten* it out the next day.

    He also ate a possum. Killed it and tossed it around like a rag doll.

    Here he is as a pup.

    [img] Loss/IMG_3975.jpg[/img]
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    A really cute Robin, chipmunk, a mouse, various other birds and small rodents ... oh and he killed an entire family of bunnies but I caught him before he ate one. There I was burring baby bunnies in 5 inch heels at 7 am before work :(

    My other ones just like chew up underwear and socks so all our hampers hang from the door.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    My dog actually eats dog food! But he has earned the moniker "Paxton the Destroyer". If it is not nailed down or actively moving, whether it be animal, mineral, vegetable, he will eat it.
  • Zac - the border collie can kill any toy within 3.5 seconds - including kongs and soccer balls - out back yard is like a graveyard for old toys - but her still plays with them after killing them

    Bundy - the aussie will eat anything in his path including remotes, hats, tables and chairs. About the only thing he doesn't eat is shoes - he collects them instead. He steals your shoes and then takes them into the yard with him, then to his "hiding spot" We live in 1.5 acres so there is a lot of yard to cover to find a shoe! Some times, if you are lucky he will just take them onto the couch and cuddle them.

    Cookie - the aussie not longer chews - she hides things. Usually hides it under the bed - in the back corner - the place where you can't reach to get it back out again!

    Sasha - the rotti x, used to eat the fence! We had a brand new fence put up and we came home one day to find here happily chewing it. We gave her some firewood and she stopped after that. She also liked to gather toys. She would gather toys from all over the yard and put them in one spot and then lay close by so the other dogs couldn't have them. At night she would do the same , but she sould put them on the couch and then lie on them and go to sleep - no one was getting her toys! She is no longer with us :cry:
  • ccdog812
    ccdog812 Posts: 41 Member
    lets see.....

    Seger (black lab/retreiver) : Brand new clothes, countless shoes, retainer, glasses ( all as a puppy) oh and thanks to my sister leaving it out at our house on purpose a wet diaper.

    Joplin(Hound mix): Bathroom trash (gross), regular trash, cat food, mole jerky(moles that have been killed by her then squashed and sunbaked) any food left unattended for more than 1 minute. oh and patio furniture cushions. oh and before we fixed it some nice crunchy covered chocolate logs (cat turds) she really is disgusting....

    Joplin and Seger: Ummm everything... loveseat, books, shoes, paperplates, birth control pills, trash bags, trash, hats, pillows, peanut butter, cereal, and the best ever, about 150 redvines. This was all in one work day.... and the best thing was we were going out of town so we called the vet to make sure 150 redvines and 7 birthcontrol pills were safe, then dropped them off at grandma and grandpas for the weekend and let them know if they poop a twizzler it was ok.

    Drake (Mastiff): might be a surprise but only some shoes and that was mainly when we miss dinner time by more than 5 minutes, and sometimes those shoes are ok just slimed. So my dad was wrong he has not eaten us out of house and home :wink:

    We have determined that Joplin completes the tri-fecta, if we leave her out while we are gone 8/10 times something gets eaten.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    My Beagle ate two couches. TWO COUCHES. ALL of the stuffing was ripped out.

    He's eaten everything pretty much. Milk cartons, soda bottles, bag of reese's pieces, permanent marker (all over my fiance's mothers nice new comforter), cat food cans, tampons, cereal boxes, and he get's into the garbage ALL THE TIME.

    Beagle <3

    I once had a beagle , and it would be easier to list what he DIDN'T eat -but let's see if I can think of as many things as I can:
    my glasses, my mattress, the carpet, my razors!!! (but didn't get hurt amazingly enough), anything in my purse, anything in the garbage, even when I put chili powder in it on purpose, tampons, markers. socks, my nightgowns, underwear, an entire bag of dog food once, his leash, my young son's dearly treasured Elmo, remote controls, shoes, his crate cushion, my toothbrush, q tips, etc. He could open any door, drawer or cabinet, so we changed out the doorknobs to ones he couldn't open, and put toddler safety locks on, including a refrigerator lock, so he ate the lining of the refrigerator door and a hole in the refrigerator and did the same to the dishwasher!
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    the weirdest thing my dog ever ate was a gigantic whole in my bedroom wall! best part was when i polyfilled it because it wasnt really my house lol .. they didnt even notice
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member

    More like ripped it into pieces. It was like a bad jig saw puzzle with two 20.00 and a ten.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,636 Member
    My dog ate my *kitten*! and cat turds
  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    My dog has and apple when i go out the door, its his guard treat!! He's a good guard dog!
  • lynda155
    lynda155 Posts: 112 Member
    ate my diamond earring :noway: :grumble: :explode: :angry: ..
    But I still love him with all my heart :heart: :bigsmile: :smile: