My dog ate ...



  • wildbluelife
    wildbluelife Posts: 3 Member
    ...part of a towel that required surgery. I won't tell you how much the surgery cost, but it would've made a nice down payment on a car.
  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    My dog will eat corn on the cob! And my daughter's retainer.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    My dog eats all the same human food that we eat. He doesn't eat dog food.

    The oddest thing he eats is Q-tips. He will pick the used ones out of the pail in the bathroom. He also pulls the plastic bin with the New Q-tips off of the bathroom counter. Usually in the middle of the night, setting off the alarm with a bang as it hits the tile floor.

    One time he ate an entire dish towel whole and *kitten* it out the next day.

    He also ate a possum. Killed it and tossed it around like a rag doll.

    Here he is as a pup.

    [img] Loss/IMG_3975.jpg[/img]
    I have a Husky cross so I can relate... for her, my socks are the ultimate treasure.
    My dog ate my *kitten*! and cat turds
    Props for honesty. LMAO.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    a hair brush...then we had to take her to the vet because she got stopped up..poor dog had to get an enema..she's so good that they didn't even have to sedate her!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    a 5x7 rug. my 3000 dollar dog had his stomach wrapped with the rug around his intestines and he got immediate surgery. a week in the er and then my baby was home. talk about separation anxiety. we got him some meds for a bit and he got much better. id pay again in a heart beat. i am still in debt and he didnt help, but he was so worth it, he lived another 6 years.
  • bongygs
    dental floss, not good when you have to help get them out
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    Years and years ago - my birth control pills.........
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    Rocks. We're talking golf-ball and larger size rocks. He was a loony Dalmatian, and we'd hear a "clunk, clunk, clunk..." and he'd be regurgitating them on the linoleum floor....
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    ...part of a towel that required surgery. I won't tell you how much the surgery cost, but it would've made a nice down payment on a car.

    i feel your pain. my dog roscoes was a lot too
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    My last pack of birth control.

    And now I have a daughter. :) True story.

    .....of course, I did wait 2 weeks to go in and get another pack of pills, so I can't blame it all on the dog. I can't wait to tell that story at my daughter's wedding!!
  • AndreaGrace29
    AndreaGrace29 Posts: 51 Member
    omg.. what HASN'T he eaten? lol.. rocks, ashes fresh from the bonfire..A wad of duct tape was the best.. when it was coming up at 4AM. He's got a hold of an chocolate Easter bunny and he was fine after it. The docs say chocolate could give them worms, so just keep an eye on your pooch.

    oh, and a very pretty ball of multi-colored yarn. it made for very festive piles in the back yard too. hah!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    My Beagle ate two couches. TWO COUCHES. ALL of the stuffing was ripped out.

    He's eaten everything pretty much. Milk cartons, soda bottles, bag of reese's pieces, permanent marker (all over my fiance's mothers nice new comforter), cat food cans, tampons, cereal boxes, and he get's into the garbage ALL THE TIME.

    Beagle <3

    I once had a beagle , and it would be easier to list what he DIDN'T eat -but let's see if I can think of as many things as I can:
    my glasses, my mattress, the carpet, my razors!!! (but didn't get hurt amazingly enough), anything in my purse, anything in the garbage, even when I put chili powder in it on purpose, tampons, markers. socks, my nightgowns, underwear, an entire bag of dog food once, his leash, my young son's dearly treasured Elmo, remote controls, shoes, his crate cushion, my toothbrush, q tips, etc. He could open any door, drawer or cabinet, so we changed out the doorknobs to ones he couldn't open, and put toddler safety locks on, including a refrigerator lock, so he ate the lining of the refrigerator door and a hole in the refrigerator and did the same to the dishwasher!

    holy crap. mine was part beagle too. i forgot what else he ate besides the 5x7 rug. he ate anything in the trash, and entire bag of dog food, a box of heartworm pills, shoes, my keys, etc.
  • deedeehopes
    deedeehopes Posts: 39 Member
    I wish I still had dogs! I would be terrified haha one of my dogs ate an m&m once and I cried. I was young though hahaha
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    My Basenji - underwear - anything paper
    My Boxer that passed in 2004 - a little tikes slide, the side of my spice rack and the spices
    My Samoyed that I owned in the 80's - my front door and an above ground swimming pool, a rock (required surgery)
  • My dog ate my *kitten*! and cat turds

    Oh my God! I nearly pissed myself when I read this!!! I can't type because I am laughing so hard! : )
  • My last pack of birth control.

    And now I have a daughter. :) True story.

    .....of course, I did wait 2 weeks to go in and get another pack of pills, so I can't blame it all on the dog. I can't wait to tell that story at my daughter's wedding!!

    Too freaking funny! I love it!
  • moesaid2
    My dog ate my seatbelt.....yep, I think of her every time I get into my car and have to wrestle to get it buckled.
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    I'm feeling really lucky after reading this topic. The first week I had Gertrude she chewed the corner of one of the drawers of the bathroom cabinets while I was taking a shower. The only other bad thing she's eaten was some pea gravel in my back yard that I've since removed.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Don't have a dog, but my cat is an expert at stealing stuff off the grill in the backyard. She stole a kielbasa once that was as big as she was and ran off with it.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    My dog loves vegetables, especially peas in the pod. Once he ate two whole chicken breasts and half a cob of corn off the kitchen counter. There went supper :(