What if your daughter's boyfriend did this?



  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I bet 9/10 Breaking Bad fans have googled this

    I did!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I bet 9/10 Breaking Bad fans have googled this

    I must be the 1/10 but i'm sure that many have.

    I've never seen the show, but I have thought about looking up how it's made, simply out of curiosity. The only reason I haven't is that I never remember to do it when I'm somewhere I can. I have a basic idea of what's in it, but I'm curious about exactly what's in it.

    I have never done an illegal drug in my life and at 35 with a pretty stable life, it's doubtful I'm going to start now. I barely drink, FPS.
  • DaraEden
    DaraEden Posts: 68 Member
    They'd no longer be dating because he is stupid. Stupid for researching it, but more stupid for doing it on my computer.

    best answer! haha
  • jorgensena6273
    You know he may just be curious. I looked that up in high school, BUT i would do your research on this kid. Does he have a delinquent past, is he a loner, who are his friends, whats his home life like. I always like to go the approach of being the wise parent :). Its better to know a situation completely before flying off the handle. And there is nothing wrong with approaching them on it. They may act like your being a drag, BUT if it protects your daughter? I mean you can even approach it as such and if he's around enough and he treats your daughter well then I don't see a problem with talking man to man with him. if he's not respectable its time to have a talk with your daughter. The best talk i ever got from a parent was when my dad said "If you wouldn't want your daughter doing it, don't do it yourself. Someday you'll have children and try to imagine them dating someone like him, or getting trashed at a party and something happening to her, you would still feel responsible. Look at everyone in a situation, not just yourself and let God guide you because you have very poor judgement" hahaha true story I do have very poor judgement, but it did help me alot that my dad told me he loved me explained to me in a way that worked for me how he felt and it made me respect him more even though i rolled my eyes. It did mean something to me.
  • Mollie007
    Nothing. I looked up how to make heroin the other day at work because a girl and I were talking about it. (I work in a NICU and we were getting a lot of heroin moms in a the time and we were curious). People look up dumb stuff all the time out of curiosity. They probably just got done watching Breaking Bad.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Tell him you know, and ask him, straight up- why he looked it up. Then youll have your answer :smokin:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    He is not curious and he is not doing this for some project. After I heard what he is doing I had a friend look him up online. He has a very long record with the court systems in three states.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    He is not curious and he is not doing this for some project. After I heard what he is doing I had a friend look him up online. He has a very long record with the court systems in three states.

    And, again, you left out a ton of pertinent information in your first post and waited three days to clarify why you were so concerned.

  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Sweet Jesus on a buttered bagel.

    It seems like he's living under your roof... how about you kick him out? And if he's got a record in three states, he has to be an adult (if you can find them online) so, once again, kick him out. Kick him out? How about kicking him out? Maybe locking your computer and kicking him out? Teaching your daughter to date better kick him out? Hmm. Interesting concept.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    He is not curious and he is not doing this for some project. After I heard what he is doing I had a friend look him up online. He has a very long record with the court systems in three states.
    Time to have a conversation with your daughter.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    He is not curious and he is not doing this for some project. After I heard what he is doing I had a friend look him up online. He has a very long record with the court systems in three states.
    Time to have a conversation with your daughter.

    ^^ This.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    He is not curious and he is not doing this for some project. After I heard what he is doing I had a friend look him up online. He has a very long record with the court systems in three states.

    And, again, you left out a ton of pertinent information in your first post and waited three days to clarify why you were so concerned.


    Yes, this would have changed a lot of answers. It is totally different than the impression you first gave.
  • peles_fire
    I'd still kill him and bury the body in a shallow grave. Why take chances? :bigsmile:

    Although I wonder...how many google meth searches have been caused by watching "Breaking Bad?"
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Where there's smoke, there's usually fire. Not always, but when it's my daughter- better safe than sorry. Glad you caught him.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I have looked up stuff before that I had no intention of doing anything with the information. I read about weird things. But that being said, examine his other behavior as well before you jump to conclusions. It could be for school, for personal knowledge, for something he is reading in a book. But if there is other evidence I would be concerned.
  • ChelseaYepThatsMe
    I would talk to the kid, tell him what you found, and see where it goes.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am sure that he is not looking this up just for the fun of it. I have spoken to a police office in our town. This boy has a longer record then we knew. We also found out that the police has had him under supervision for a long time. They didn't know where he gone when he moved from his appartment to our house. They do know now and they will be watching him. Like I said...this boy is banned from both of our local food stores. But, he still goes to them. The police asked us to call them when we know that he is at a store and they will give the store a visit. I have not talked to the boy or my daughter because I am going to let the police take care of it. They have been given info that they can use. If I were to confront him or my daughter then he will know that we are on to him.
  • scottpwilliams
    It could be something as innocent as him watching Breaking Bad on TV (awesome show!) and wondering if it was really true?

    Or hes a wannabe dealer lol. If he rocks up in a pimped out Range Rover, you know the answer ;)
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I am sure that he is not looking this up just for the fun of it. I have spoken to a police office in our town. This boy has a longer record then we knew. We also found out that the police has had him under supervision for a long time. They didn't know where he gone when he moved from his appartment to our house. They do know now and they will be watching him. Like I said...this boy is banned from both of our local food stores. But, he still goes to them. The police asked us to call them when we know that he is at a store and they will give the store a visit. I have not talked to the boy or my daughter because I am going to let the police take care of it. They have been given info that they can use. If I were to confront him or my daughter then he will know that we are on to him.

    Put aside the meth stuff.

    This is reason enough to not approve of him. Also, how old is he and how old is your daughter?

    I was under the assumption that both were teenagers, but I read another one of your posts in which you stated he has been in trouble with the law in three different states and you stated here that he moved from an apartment to your house. Is he living with you and your daughter now??
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am sure that he is not looking this up just for the fun of it. I have spoken to a police office in our town. This boy has a longer record then we knew. We also found out that the police has had him under supervision for a long time. They didn't know where he gone when he moved from his appartment to our house. They do know now and they will be watching him. Like I said...this boy is banned from both of our local food stores. But, he still goes to them. The police asked us to call them when we know that he is at a store and they will give the store a visit. I have not talked to the boy or my daughter because I am going to let the police take care of it. They have been given info that they can use. If I were to confront him or my daughter then he will know that we are on to him.

    Put aside the meth stuff.

    This is reason enough to not approve of him. Also, how old is he and how old is your daughter?

    I was under the assumption that both were teenagers, but I read another one of your posts in which you stated he has been in trouble with the law in three different states and you stated here that he moved from an apartment to your house. Is he living with you and your daughter now??

    Clearly, there is much more to this story than we're getting and clearly, Mom and Dad should have put a stop to this long before she found the search on the computer.