Ghosts/spirits/unexplainable happenings??

sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
Let's discuss! I don't have any....but these are some of my favorite threads to read!


  • mavrick7
    mavrick7 Posts: 1,607 Member
    My office building is over 100 years old and has at least 2 ghosts rooming around the building. One ghost is female, that walks around in the evening. I can hear her foot steps, but haven't seen her. She also messes around with calcaltors, and other office equipment overnight. No one enters the building overnight, and everyone that works here has a story or two to share.

    The second ghost is male and rooms the warehouse outside of my office. I have seen his shadow, outside my office door late a night. He is a little scarier than the first ghost.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    There's one that keeps eating my lunches at the office. Very spooky.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I work at a winery in Sonoma County, and one of the houses on the property is haunted. But the ghost won't come out for me :sad: I wanted to see it too. One of the guys in our crew refuses to go into the house because the ghost will slam doors on him and really loves to mess with him.

    My dad grew up in a haunted house, and my neice can't go to graveyards because the ghosts like to talk to her. When she was about 5 or 6 she was with my mom visiting a friend whose husband had died about 6 months before. My mom went looking for Becca and found her in the study talking to "herself" my mom asked her who she was talking to and she said the man. But there was no man. Turns out it was the husbands office before he died.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    A little more than a year after my grandpa had passed, I was back at their place for a visit. My grandpa was a carpenter and had a workshop in the garage. I went out just to sit in his old stool. Smell the smells, close my eyes and remember him in that context. After awhile I decided to go back inside and as I opened the door I said aloud, "I love you grandpa. Miss you". In that moment I heard him say "Hi sweetheart". The hair on my neck stood up and I swung around to see him but of course, nothing there. I'd love to have that happen again but it never has. That was almost 8 years ago.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Love these.....bump! :)
  • Birdie
    Birdie Posts: 256 Member
    I've had a couple. At the house we grew up in I once woke up and saw this lady standing in the doorway of my bedroom watching my sister and I sleep. I lay there watching and assumed it was my mom. After several minutes I said "mom, is something wrong?" then the figure disappeared into the wall. I realised it wasn't mom and pulled the blankets up over my head.

    A few years later I was in the basement making a gift for my mom. I started feeling like there was someone watching over my shoulder and felt a feeling of approval, like this person was proud of what I was doing. I assumed maybe it was my grandfather whom I don't remember because he died when I was a toddler. A bit later I went upstairs, the phone rang, and it was my someone letting my parents know my Uncle died. So I think it must have been him.

    More recently I had a visit from my Grandmother in a dream. Her last years here she was unable to communicate. I think all of us stopped going to see her since she didn't know who even her own children were. She would just sit there. Well in my dream she told me that she could understand, she just couldn't respond. I told her I was sorry I didn't come, but I didn't think she knew. She said she understood, but we should all know that even if someone can't communicate they are still in there, they know what is going on around them, and we should treat them as if they could answer us. *interesting fact - just today I was thinking about this and wanted to share this story. Then I come to MFP and find this thread. Obviously someone needed to hear this. I don't believe it was a coincidence. To whomever it was :flowerforyou:
  • martymays
    martymays Posts: 188 Member
    I never believed in ghosts or anyting like that. But after my dad passed away in 2000 at the age of 67, I started seeing a lot of wierd happenings. It started off with lights and TVs giong on and off. Then one night was at my mom's house just checking on her and when I started to leave, I got outside the house and heard his car cranking over. I thought someone was trying to steal it, so I ran over to it, but no one was there. Scared the crap out of me. Things eventually tapered off over the next couple months. Never had anything like that happen before or since.
  • Firephoenix013
    I'm a ghost hunter, been around the paranormal since day 1 of my life. They've always been attracted to me. I've hunted with some of the best out there, Ghost Adventures (see my profile pics), The Constantinos, talked with Zappis the best out there (Haunted Collector), Chris Flemming, Chip Coffey, and the list goes on and on. I have evps up on sound cloud, tons more to go through, been to some very good haunted places around here. I've taken a year break as I've had some really bad stuff happen, I was supposed to be on a paranormal radio show doing a live hunt (odd I know but at least people could hear it) with a live feed on the internet as well at the Bissman Building (as soon on Ghust Hunters) but I bowed out. I also had the chance to be on TV but bowed out as well. I've been considered a spirit box/shack hack/ghost box expert and a new paranormal show wanted me, but I would be teamed up with other random people in other paranormal specialities and tossed into cases. I hunt alone usually oddly enough unless I'm with someone who is brand spanking new I can train or with those that are like me hunting wise. I bowed out because I wanted to pick my team and they wouldn't let me, plus I've seen too many fakes, I refuse to hunt with fakes. Been there, done that, was not a happy camper. But if you want stories I got tons! I'm even in a paranormal book because of some of the people I know and hunted with. So if you want to hear my evps or stories, let me know. Don't want to bore everyone lol.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    SnuggleBunny please post some!!! You won't bore us! :flowerforyou:
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    I never believed in ghosts or anyting like that. But after my dad passed away in 2000 at the age of 67, I started seeing a lot of wierd happenings. It started off with lights and TVs giong on and off. Then one night was at my mom's house just checking on her and when I started to leave, I got outside the house and heard his car cranking over. I thought someone was trying to steal it, so I ran over to it, but no one was there. Scared the crap out of me. Things eventually tapered off over the next couple months. Never had anything like that happen before or since.

    Something similar happened for about a month after my "father-in law" died (I'm not married but my man and I have been together for about 8 years). The lights would turn on and off. Also my guy is afraid of grasshoppers and his dad was the reason (he would chase him around with his hands cupped and say he had a grasshopper haha). The day after he died it was Halloween and there was snow on the ground and yet when we were getting ready to go to his house we saw a grasshopper hopping around next to the car so I took that as a sign as well.

    I also have lots of stories as well but will post later.

    Also, SnuggleBunny0, I am SO jealous. I love Ghost Adventures!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Birdie I love your dream message. :)
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    My office building has spirits.

    I live in one of the most haunted cities in the US - so there are lots of stories. For work a few years ago I had to walk through the cemetery - there was NO ONE around, but I got hit in the shoulder with a rock. Lots of other stories too. But I believe!!!!!!!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    More more!!!!
  • Fit_Vixen
    Is it weird that I love the paranormal world? Always have. When I was a tiny little kid, around 8 yrs old I would play with the Ouija board along with my cousin. Yes, I know it's a very bad thing. I learned that shortly after, lol. Anyway, my Grandma (RIP) had lost one of her rings. My cousin & I decided to use the board to help us. It kept telling us that it was under the fridge and we kept going back telling it that there was nothing there. Well it kept insisting. So I stuck my hand under there, thru all of the dust, and guess what?!? Sure enough it was there in a ball of dust!!!!! I kept having nightmares every night after I started playing the Ouija.

    My same Grandma passed away going on 3 years, I believe, this October. My mom & I wouldn't leave her side while she was passing away. Finally at 2 am my mom and I decided to get some rest. We got the call at 3ish that she had passed. She didn't want to leave us :( No matter how many times we said it was ok for her to leave, rest, and enjoy the rest of eternity with my Grandad. Well anyway, I was sleeping one night 2 years ago, and a really really bad pain on my left calf woke me up (No, it wasn't a charlie horse, I wasn't working out then and I know what those feel like) It felt as if someone was digging all of their fingers into both sides of my calf. That morning I talked to my mom and then I told her what happend to me. She then told me it was Grandma's 1 year anniversary of leaving this world. It might have just been a coincidence, but I believe it was my Grandma waking my butt up, lol!!!

    I've always wanted to go on a ghost hunt, but 1. no one would go with me & 2. I wouldn't even know how to start.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Bumping because I wanna come back and read, and I'll post mine later. I wanna get out of work early! :bigsmile:
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I'll be walking and notice someone out of the corner of my eye, I turn around to see who it is and there's no one there (and no way they could have moved out of sight that quickly). But it happens quite often. Oh and occasionally I feel like there's someone behind me when I'm alone.
  • tnmyers23
    tnmyers23 Posts: 108 Member
    I hav had unexplainable experiencemy whole life and have excepted them but the one that gets to me the most and will remain forever in my heart as it may have saved my life is this one.

    To start my father passed away in June of 2004 from a massive MI at the age of 54. In June of 2008 I was camping in a remote area. I had spent the day hiking, fishing, laughing and in the evening with supper I enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine. Well around 2 in the morning I woke with horrible chest pain that was radiating down both my arms. Now I am an EMT so I should of known better but to me it felt more like when you have had an abdominal surgery and they fill you full of air. So I took a couple of Advil as I had no tums.. don't ask why I did it I don't know. I fell back to sleep and all of a sudden my dad was standing in the yard of where I was, angry with me. He kept motioning me to leave. I didn't want to wake the couple I was with up and I knew that there was no First Responders in this area at this time so Seach and Rescue would have to come carry me out and I was a memeber of that team and I was not going to let them carry me out. So I stuck it out and about 8 in the morning it resolved itself. So I completed the camping trip and drove home. On the way home the pain started again. Well to make this story short and you guys don't see how stubborn I truely am. I had a heart attack and on the 4 year anniversary of my fathers death I was in Cath Lab.

    I have been visitied by my father a few other times since he has passed away and each time I am thankful for the visit. I also have a priest on standby at the new house we are living in as I have had strange things happen. I just keep telling him that I am not ready to have this house blessed as I don't want my good spirits to leave me.
  • m13sam2012
    i wil not sleep this nite.... :noway: LOL
  • heliumheels
    heliumheels Posts: 241 Member
    I have been told that I am a medium. For years I have woken up to people standing next to my bed or leaning over me. I have been whispered to by spirits many times while trying to fall asleep. It can be scary. I will wake up and see someone there and get so freaked out that I am literally shaking and sometimes to the point of tears. I wouldn't think too much of it, except after talking to a a number of psychics, they all think I am clairvoyant. I actually had the spirit of a girl following me for years. I found out a couple of summers ago when talking with a psychic. When the psychic came to the house I grew up in, all of the negative spirit energy was in my bedroom. Creepy. She "cleansed" the house. I know she wasn't lying, because she never even asked to be paid. She was helping me out of the goodness of her heart. I have had some crazy experiences.