What's the most polite insult you've recieved?



  • "Would you please go eff yourself?" very polite

  • "You have thick thighs."

    Mostly said to me by men and sometimes girls as a compliment but I kinda take it offensive because people say it so much, makes me self conscious and like I have the thighs of God or something...
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    Well this isn't about weight... more about clothes....
    My grandmother said to me one day, "Lisa.... you look nice, for once."
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    "You have such a pretty face."

    This one makes me want to stab someone....
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    When I was pregnant with my second daughter;

    "You don't even look pregnant, you just look like you've gained weight"

    Thanks Grandma :angry:
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    Like all of the above? lol They are all like universal fat girl "complements".
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    When I was pregnant with my second daughter;

    "You don't even look pregnant, you just look like you've gained weight"

    Thanks Grandma :angry:

    I get the "are you pregnant?" question all the time. I'm almost 20 weeks, and my belly sticks way out now. It's obvious. Did they just think that I swallowed a bowling ball or something?
  • You look beautiful pregnant! .............. I wasn't pregnant.. - ___ -

    My wife got offered a seat on the subway the other day. the gentlemen (at least he was trying to be) said "sorry, I didn't notice you you are pregnant". She's only 5kg over what she "should be" after having two adorable girls in the past years.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I can't even repeat it because I just got over the way it made me feel and I am going to tell my gym friend exactly what I thought of her compliment when I see her next week. :grumble:
  • "You look like you work at Hooters"

    I'm not sure it that was supposed to be an insult or a compliment but either way, it was embarrassing, ESPECIALLY since a child said it to me -.-
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    I have two that are still in my thoughts...

    1- I had lost 65 lbs and walked in to my grandmother's house, proud to be under 200 lbs for the first time as an adult. She asked what I weighed, I said 195.... what I got back was, "Well, you don't look like you still weigh that much!"

    2- My mother was trying to tell me (as a young adult) her thoughts on whether my sister and I needed to marry. She told me that my sister needed to find a rich man to take care of her, but me, well, some people just never get married. My teenage brain read that as .... my mom thinks no one will want to marry me, and I still fight it today, haha!

    That so isnt funny, this is what we call a lifetime self-esteem road block. I hope you have or are working through that because those kinds of comments leave scars (spoken from personal experience and a professional therapists perspective)
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    I was told by my ex husband after I had his child.... your face is beauiful too bad youre fat with stretch marks now....to this day this still rings in my head.. .......
  • SavanahM
    SavanahM Posts: 9 Member
    Whenever I tell people how much I weigh (which isn't much) it is typically followed by "Wow I would never have guess you weighed that much!"

    I get this too! Or I'll tell them how much I weigh and they'll say "that can't be right." :|
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Not sure if it was polite but my grandmother said it with a concerned smile....."When you were young you were so beautiful........What happened to you?" My response.. I got fat grandma so thanks. By the way I am noticing that quiet of few of the comments were made by grandmothers!!!
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    I put on a lot of weight in my stomach after getting engaged. Needless to say there were many people who connected getting engaged to growing tummy and thought I was preggers.

    My husband and I were abstinant but thanks for assuming we were only tying the knot because he knocked me up.

    People are still surprised I haven't given birth yet to my nonexistant baby!
  • Whenever I tell people how much I weigh (which isn't much) it is typically followed by "Wow I would never have guess you weighed that much!"

    I get this too! Or I'll tell them how much I weigh and they'll say "that can't be right." :|

    I get that too.
  • miltongurl05
    miltongurl05 Posts: 64 Member
    "You dress nice for a larger girl"
    "Your large boobs mask your weight"
    "You are smart, funny, and have a beautiful face but aren't my type"
    "I like bigger and thicker girls so you fit right in"
  • sweetpeaz12345
    sweetpeaz12345 Posts: 64 Member
    Im 6 feet tall and I get this comment all the time.

    "Yeah but she's bigger, I mean taller.. taller "Dammit"
  • "Are you mixed? Cuz you looked mixed. Mexican or white but yeah, mixed."

    That's very irritating. I hate when people ask me if I'm half another race just because I'm not dark. Annoying.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    I dont want to date the hot girl, I want to date the pretty girl next door. Right along side of you arent fat, your thick, you stomach is still way smaller than you boobs.

    On recalling that convo i probably should have slugged him.