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  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    WOw, why are you doing so much fiber? WHat is your calorie intake for a day? Just curious if you dont mind me asking. I think that much a day would hurt my belly,lol. Although one day this week where I got in to the 20's I think. Salad and apples every day wow! Better then me,lol. I am gonna have to have a salad tmrw to get my salds in for the week. I was thinking of doing carbs next week for a challange, but was not sure if we should keep the fiber and carbs together cause that is hard as you have discovered. lol That tortilla sounds like a good one Ill have to check it out I am thinking of alternating next week some type of chicken tortilla for lunch or a sald - with that tortilla if I can find it. :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    WTG Chip on the challanges! The Farm sounds cozy!! :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    COngrats ont he weight loss! That is awsome! I hope you have a better week this week!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Well I am finally back down to 139.8!!!! It took me 2 weeks to lose 2 pounds and I am ok with that! Keep up the good work folks! Now I just have to get through this weekend, normally I mess it up by eating badly! I feel like this will be a good weekend. :) Talk with you all soon.
  • Amanda,

    WOw, why are you doing so much fiber? WHat is your calorie intake for a day? Just curious if you dont mind me asking. I think that much a day would hurt my belly,lol. Although one day this week where I got in to the 20's I think. Salad and apples every day wow! Better then me,lol. I am gonna have to have a salad tmrw to get my salds in for the week. I was thinking of doing carbs next week for a challange, but was not sure if we should keep the fiber and carbs together cause that is hard as you have discovered. lol That tortilla sounds like a good one Ill have to check it out I am thinking of alternating next week some type of chicken tortilla for lunch or a sald - with that tortilla if I can find it. :)

    Mission brand tortillas seem to be pretty common. I prefer this one of the wheat version anyday. It's the closest i have found to a flour tortilla taste.

    The more fiber I eat, the longer I feel full. Plus the fiber helps to offset the carbs. Think back to Atkins and the whole net carb thing. Deduct the fiber from your total count and that is your net carbs. I have just found this keeps the mindless eating and cravings at bay, this combined with higher protein. When my protein and fiber counts are low, it usually means my simple carbs got out of hand. I find myself munching all day long and never feeling satisfied.

    Some people can not handle alot of fiber. The key is to gradually increase your fiber and drink lots and lots of water. But definitely listen to your body.
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
  • Weighed in today and was down 0.4 lbs from Sunday. I am glad for that. My eating hasn't been consistantly clean all week. Plus I can definitely tell a difference when I get my water goal in and when I don't. Time to get serious about water!

    Today was my last day at the school district. It was kind of bittersweet. I am very glad to be leaving the department that I was in. It is interesting to see what people are really like when they know you are leaving. Definitely interesting. It was heartwrenching because I have become really close to a woman in another department. She was having a hard time with me leaving. This is mainly due to I have been so supportive of her during this time while she is going through a divorce. Plus everyone else in the other departments were all so great and supportive and wishing me well. Sad I can't say that about some of the people I worked with.....I felt like I couldn't get out the door fast enough for them. No biggy. Met with the new crew this morning. They were all really welcoming and it seemed real. That right there means a lot to me! I am so done with fake! Ugh!

    Congrats to everyone on giving each day a shot and striving to a goal. When times get tough, don't reach for something to munch on. I have always struggled with being a huge emotional eater. I am learning to rethink this. Stop and ask yourself what is the reason you want to eat. Are you really hungry? Or is something bothering you? What is bothering you? Does a person need to be addressed? Is there something else you could do that is more productive and supportive of your goals? We all will experience hormones, bad days, and other drama in our life. As women, I have come to believe it is a rule. :) But we need to stop and remember to take care of ourselves and support ourselves. Would we hand a friend a half gallon of ice cream if she was feeling down? Ok....don't answer that. LOL. But seriously, we usually offer productive support. So we need to learn to offer ourselves productive support. Remember, when you start feeling down and hearing that little negative voice in your head, ask yourself....would I say/act/do this to/with a friend? You have to be your own bestfriend!

    Hugs to all. Have a great day!!!
  • Myth, i didn't answer your calorie question. I 'm sorry. My calories stay at about 1200. If I am eating exactly on target, it is hard for me to get those in because I am not hungry. Now if I was exercising, I would be eating more. That has not become the focus yet. With everything going on right now with job change, school, kids, etc, I want to get my routine down and then incorporate the exercise. I do try to add movement in whenever possible: walking to the store instead of driving, biking when I can, working in the garden. You can even log those mintues cleaning house! When I do incorporate my workouts into my day to day life, I will be focusing on interval cardio and weight training. I love it when I have muscles! To me, muscles are sexy! Plus they help to burn calories. AND you can way more but be a smaller size when you are muscular. That is why I try not to focus too hard on the scale when I am lifting because it can trick you. I definitely need to take measurements. This really tells me what is going on. Love to see those numbers shrinking!

    Thalia, I think the drop in 30 calories is fine. The theory is that the smaller you get the less calories it takes to support your body and bodily functions. Just do not go below 1200. When you do begin adding exercise, you will need to eat more calories. Yes, that will be hard to accept. I would think staying at 1200 AND exercising would help you meet your goal quicker. What it will actually do is eat your muscles away because if you don't give your body the calories it needs it's going to take it from somewhere. And you need your muscles. They give you tone and shape and burn calories! Muscles are our friends! :flowerforyou:

    Off to work on some papers. I have really got to get into my routine of getting up at 5 in the morning. Ugh!

    I really am itching to switch my bedroom with my kiddos room. Their room is smaller and would afford me more privacy. This house is set up really funny. Then the kiddos would have the bigger room giving them a good place to play and a place where I can set up a desk for my son to study and do his homework. It's supposed to rain today so I should be able to get some stuff done inside. Tomorrow I may get out and work in my mini garden. Would like to get some veggies planted. My goal is to try and grow most of my veggies here at home. We'll see how that goes. The soil was horrible, but we have been beefing it up with compost and good soil. I can already tell a difference. The other day when I was working it up and "feeding" it the compost I was turning up all these nice big worms. That tells me my soil is getting healthier. Yea!

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • wow, so many posts! i love reading them, everyone's usually so cheerful :) and i didn't get to weigh myself, i slept in by mistake and had no time haha. but tomorrow i will, for sure!!

    went to a party last night, and i kept the eating in check. i ate before i went to the party, so i was able to skip the pizza that they were serving. i only had a peice of cake. so for this weeks challenge, i got two salads in and tons of fruit. and my fiber count was up around 3-4 more grams than before on average. that doesn't seem like a lot i suppose, but at the beginning of the year, i was getting around 6-8 grams. i had such horrible eating habits!

    And i don't know if i've mentioned where i live but i live in a city just outside of vancouver. and I found out this week that i'm going to get to go to the opening ceremonies of the olympics! i'm so excited... :smile:

    hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Eek, dress warm for olympics. I went to summer games in Atlanta back in 96, was a real treat think everyone should go at least once.

    Myth, my average fiber for week of Feb 1 to Feb 5 was 18 g. Am on a 2000 calorie diet but that is close. Had 3 salads and 7 fruit. What's next?

    New beginnings, congrats on weight loss with all that happened last week.

    Welcome newbies.

  • ps i like the carb ideafor next week's challenge. i almost always go over on carbs everyday by a little bit...

    and for the olympics... lol chipgal. this january has been the warmest in vancouver ever documented, due to the fact it's an el nino year. there wasn't been even one snowflake in vancouver this january! and since it's so mild here anyways, it's pretty much like early spring right now, honestly. the poor mountains are probably shipping snow to cover the ski hills and such!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    Congratulations on hyour weightloss. Every little bit counts. As far as measurments go I have not measured mine yet but I can tell in the way my clothes fit. :) Good luck and I hope your new job goes well this week. I think at every job there are people we all get along with and dont get along with. Especially us women, someitmes we are our own worst enemy when it comes to other women,lol. SO I hope you love it! I also hope you got your room switched with your kids today. I remember doing that with my mom when my sister and I were younger. It was always fun to change things up. This is the first time over the last few times when I have tried to lose weight that I started working out right off the bat with weights and cardio as well. I totally I agree I like the way muscle looks! lol I know it helps burn fat more efficiently so I am excited about it. I also eat 1200 calories as well, and my body seems to do well with 12 carbs, just like you I noticed the days my fiber is up more then normal I realized I do feel more full all day. Good luck this week.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    I think tha tis fine about droping the 30 cal, btu I say do it if you want and see if it makes a difference. Your call. But I think it is ok.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    I wish I could have slept in today or at all this weekend! lol It sounds like you did great at the party! COngrats! But I must join you,lol my son went to a bday party today, they had Pizza from a place I have never had pizza frombefore and i have wanted to try but I DIDNT! I also DID NOT have any cake! I also chose chicken noodle soup over a pastry from panera! SO yayy usss!!! WTG! Also good job on the fiber just getting it up is good. WTG on the salad and fruits, you did better then I! I only had 1 salad and 2 fruits. :( Any way that is awsome that you get to go ot the olympics! You are the second person I sort of know,(lol) that is going. :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    WTG on the salad and fruit, like I told Eek you to did better then I did. I got one salad and 2 fruit. :(
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    last Weeks challange

    OK all for those of you who have not checked in.. here is your reminder!

    I only had 1 salad and 2 fruits but my fiber was up every day but 1 think. My water was also very good this past week. I actually even thought this week a couple times about slowing down my eating.. the funny thing was at one point I almost told my son to slow down so he could taste his food cause I was thinking it for my self ROFL!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    This weeks challange GOOD LUCK!!!!

    1) WATCH YOUR CARBS (since a few of you liked it) Its your fault lol. I want to try to keep mine under a 100 I know this from past expierence with Atkins! lol
    2) watch your fiber
    3) 2 salads
    4) 2 fruits
    6) pay attention to what you are eating maybe ask "why am I eating this??"
  • Hello everyone! Checking in really quick. I had at least one salad a day as well as tried to get in two other servings of greens and/or veggies. I think I got it done everyday this week.

    Eating has been on one day, sketchy the next. I will chock it up to hormones and lack of planning. I missed supper yesterday. Just wasn't hungry and don't like eating late. Plus had hit my calories due to the two cookies I ate while baking. I know better than to bake baked goods on the weekend. They are my weakness. Missed breakfast this morning due to sleeping in, working on a paper, and then spending an hour or more on the phone with my bank and itunes after finding out some idiot stole my itunes id and password and went on a shopping spree. Ugh! Luckily they couldn't get my whole card number and could only use it on itunes. It still is a major hassle. Anyways, I am short on calories, but not hungry. Might make me a protein shake just to get closer to my 1200. I am short by about 320. I would much rather go over a little than got below.

    Water has been at least half a gallon on most days. I will do 3 quarts this week. My ultimate goal is to get back to 1 gallon a day. Fiber has been good when I really focused on it. I averaged 20 g each day except for today. I will continue to bump it up. Would like to see it in the upper 20's lower 30's.

    Excited about the carb challenge. This is a great one for me for the next two weeks because of where I am in my cycle. It is fat burning time baby! Whooohoo! Now to keep the eats clean and get some movement in.

    I read a great article in Oxygen magazine yesterday that stated that breaking up exercise/cardio into segments does just as much or is better than trying to do it all in one lump. It also stated that some of your cardio needs to be some sort of interval workout. So my goal is to get in 3 lifting workouts and also 3 cardio workouts that are at least 15 minutes each. This will be a challenge mainly due to scheduling, but I am up for it! I want to see some major weightloss for this week.

    Ok, off to finish another paper. Everyone have a great night and a productive start of the week! Stay focused! Imagine how you will feel when you have obtained your goal. Hear people congratulating you. Feel the pride and satisfaction as you put on a certain outfit. Imagine it so much that it seems very real. Do this and you will be able to easily rise above any challenge that comes your way!
  • turin
    turin Posts: 14
    Hi Folks,

    I had my weigh-in this morning and the scales didn't move ...yet again :frown:

    I am having a proper swing pattern in my diet since I started. Week 1 I lost 3.25 pounds, Week 2 the scales didn't move, Week 3 I lost 3.4 pounds, this week again the scales didn't move.

    I've been trying to make some sense of the pattern, using pure statistics. I don't know if anyone else does this kind of analysis too, but I have been maintaining my own excel spreadsheet with numbers input from MFP to keep track on the big picture. These are the facts in a nutshell :

    Calorie Intake Exercise Calories Net Calories Net Calories per day Weight loss

    Week 1 - 9822 2189 7633 1090 3.25
    Week 2 - 10464 1413 9051 1293 0.00
    Week 3 - 8825 990 7835 1119 3.37
    Week 4 - 10100 1078 9022 1288 0.00

    The conclusion I am drawing from the above is that I need to keep my net calories in the 1200's in order to see losses happening (Week 1 is probably an exception due to it being the first week and the water loss etc). Obviously, four weeks isn't enough to make very definite trend conclusions, but I think I'll take the cue from this and act on this. The next few weeks should confirm whether it was a valid conclusion or not.

    Any thoughts, anyone? Any suggestions welcome !!

    Best Regards,

  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!!

    I am back from Holiday!!!! I had a great time in Australia visiting my mum and family. I took my BF across to meet the family and guess what... HE PROPOSED!!!! so we are now engaged!!!!!!!!

    So I have a huge motivation to lose weight.. Wedding next March (2012)!!

    But amongst the celebrations and wining and dining!!! I put on 2kilos which is 4 pounds!!! argghhhh!!!!

    I have a lot of catching up to do here! I see new faces and lots of posts and challenges!!! I am so ready to lose this weight and learn more from everyone!!!!

    gees it feels uncomfortable carrying around this extra weight!!!!
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