Ghosts/spirits/unexplainable happenings??



  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    BUMP! I love ghost stories! and Snugglebunnie, I'm so jealous because I love Ghost Adventures and have always wanted to go on a ghost hunt!

    One time when I was younger we went camping, It was night and we had a fire going. I was coming up from the lake after having went there to look out at the water, and when I turned away I felt a cold chill, and hands were playing with my hair. I was so freaked out because it felt so much like hands pushing into my hair and pulling it almost in pigtails. I freaked out and ran to everyone sitting around the fire! lol!

    One other time I remember, I worked at a retirement home. People told a lot of ghost stories there, and I was cleaning one end of the wing while they were all eating. There was no one else in the hall, and while cleaning a room I saw the light in the bathroom was on, the door shut, and a shadow moving back and forth. I realized someone hadn't gone to lunch and just kept cleaning, finally I knocked on the door. The shadow was still there! I finally had to open the door to see what was wrong, and yes, the shadow was there still there, but no one was in the bathroom! I was freaked out!
  • xnikkixsikkix
    I totally forgot, my childhood home! I never saw or felt ANYTHING in the house until my dad packed his stuff and left. Since then, the house has been a hotbed of weird occurrences.

    When I was living there I would hear whispers and feel things all the time. Things randomly disappear and reappear in strange places months later. I've come home at least half a dozen times to one of the several dead bolted doors on the outside of the house wide open and unlocked. One of them only unlocks from INSIDE, and that one always seems to open on its own.

    My mom is constantly telling me about weird things happening. She woke up one morning, and went to make coffee, and found a frozen wrapped hunk of expired cheese from a grocery store she's never been to that has been closed for 7 years on the kitchen counter.

    Food she cooks will disappear or be moved somewhere where she doesn't find it for a few days.

    My dog loki, who we got as a puppy will NOT go into the kitchen. The same door that we have found open several times is in the kitchen. She refuses to go through it to go outside. She won't even go into the kitchen to eat. She constantly barks and growls at nothing, so does my dog Virginia.

    I've had jewelry go missing when I know exactly where I put it the night before.

    I keep wanting to buy a motion activated camera and set it up there to see if I can catch anything.
  • Butler018
    Butler018 Posts: 26 Member
    Bumping for later - I love this stuff! I've got a few stories of my own and one photo!
  • Proyecto_AN
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    Ok, so when I was about 12 years old we lived in this older home and the bathroom that my brother and I used was haunted I think!!!! The water would come on in the tub all by its self and just run for a minute, and turn off... SO STRANGE!! I would never go in there if the shower curtain was shut... I'd make my 5 years younger brother open it before I'd go in! LOL
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    I've had a couple. At the house we grew up in I once woke up and saw this lady standing in the doorway of my bedroom watching my sister and I sleep. I lay there watching and assumed it was my mom. After several minutes I said "mom, is something wrong?" then the figure disappeared into the wall. I realised it wasn't mom and pulled the blankets up over my head.

    A few years later I was in the basement making a gift for my mom. I started feeling like there was someone watching over my shoulder and felt a feeling of approval, like this person was proud of what I was doing. I assumed maybe it was my grandfather whom I don't remember because he died when I was a toddler. A bit later I went upstairs, the phone rang, and it was my someone letting my parents know my Uncle died. So I think it must have been him.

    More recently I had a visit from my Grandmother in a dream. Her last years here she was unable to communicate. I think all of us stopped going to see her since she didn't know who even her own children were. She would just sit there. Well in my dream she told me that she could understand, she just couldn't respond. I told her I was sorry I didn't come, but I didn't think she knew. She said she understood, but we should all know that even if someone can't communicate they are still in there, they know what is going on around them, and we should treat them as if they could answer us. *interesting fact - just today I was thinking about this and wanted to share this story. Then I come to MFP and find this thread. Obviously someone needed to hear this. I don't believe it was a coincidence. To whomever it was :flowerforyou:

    It's funny you mentioned this because my mom died 4 months ago and my sister and I that are close kept having dreams of her right after. She died of emphysema and she looked tired for a lack of words in the end but in the dreams she was young and happy. Our oldest sister (with who we don't talk much) called us just a couple weeks ago and said she was having dreams of the same things. It's funny because my close sister and I started having the dreams again the same time our other sister did and she knew nothing about our dreams. We think it was our mom saying she was finally happy and feeling and looking good again. That part of being sick always hurt her a lot. Thanks for your post.
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    Is it weird that I love the paranormal world? Always have. When I was a tiny little kid, around 8 yrs old I would play with the Ouija board along with my cousin. Yes, I know it's a very bad thing. I learned that shortly after, lol. Anyway, my Grandma (RIP) had lost one of her rings. My cousin & I decided to use the board to help us. It kept telling us that it was under the fridge and we kept going back telling it that there was nothing there. Well it kept insisting. So I stuck my hand under there, thru all of the dust, and guess what?!? Sure enough it was there in a ball of dust!!!!! I kept having nightmares every night after I started playing the Ouija.

    My same Grandma passed away going on 3 years, I believe, this October. My mom & I wouldn't leave her side while she was passing away. Finally at 2 am my mom and I decided to get some rest. We got the call at 3ish that she had passed. She didn't want to leave us :( No matter how many times we said it was ok for her to leave, rest, and enjoy the rest of eternity with my Grandad. Well anyway, I was sleeping one night 2 years ago, and a really really bad pain on my left calf woke me up (No, it wasn't a charlie horse, I wasn't working out then and I know what those feel like) It felt as if someone was digging all of their fingers into both sides of my calf. That morning I talked to my mom and then I told her what happend to me. She then told me it was Grandma's 1 year anniversary of leaving this world. It might have just been a coincidence, but I believe it was my Grandma waking my butt up, lol!!!

    I've always wanted to go on a ghost hunt, but 1. no one would go with me & 2. I wouldn't even know how to start.

    My mom did the same thing. My sister and I were always with her and the night we thought she was doing better and I left and my sister didn't visit she went into intensive care and died the next morning. I think she wanted us to be gone before she left us...
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    We have odd happenings in our house. The lights go on and off. The radio will turn on and off. Our dog will randomly bark at the wall. My daughter's toys used to turn on and off by themselves. The strangest, was one night at about 9:30 pm we had 3 big knocks on the front door. I went out but no one was there. The weird thing is that we didn't hear the screen door open or close and someone would have had to open it to knock on the main door. Also, when I was pregnant and my friend came over to the house, the basement door started shaking like someone was trying to open it.

    I always just pass this off as my father-in-law coming to visit us, since I can't think of anyone else who would want to hang out with us. Since my son has been born, we haven't really had anything going on. Also, we had our house built, no one has ever lived her besides us. We do live beside a cemetery though.

    Our house does the same kinds of things, but as big of a chicken as I am I don't really feel scared so I think whatever it is must be okay. I had a time about a year ago where I felt scared every morning about 1 but it stopped and never happened again...???
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Every time I get drunk, I wake up naked, and my butt hurts. It's really weird.
  • KelliMarie89
    I love these stories, and anything to do with the paranormal. My partner and I love watching the Ghost Hunter and Adventures. I sometimes get chills. I have a few experiences my partner has had more but refuses to talk about them.
    We moved into my mother in law house it a 70 something year old house. Our daughter was in her cot asleep I heard crying which I jumped up cause I thought it was her crying but she was sound asleep in her cot. The family have heard the baby quite a few times my mother law heard the baby not long after we moved out.
    Another time in there house we were doing Karaoke and my mother in laws father passed away 17 years ago and they were really close she was singing Papa Don't Breach By Madonna and song that relates to her and her father because she feel pregnant young with my partner. She was sitting on the floor singing and I was on the couch while she was singing something touch both my shoulders. I told my partner as it scared me a little bit, he told me that it was probably him giving me his approval. My partners Pop is always around them.
    This is probably the thing that gave me the chills the most my daughter woke up crying so I was settling her with her head over my shoulder when she started gabbling on and I turned the light on and nothing was there so I quickly turned it off and tried to get her to sleep and she started gabbling to it again and playing hide and seek. Needles to say we turned the lights on and didn't turn them off til she feel asleep.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Oh man... I forgot about this one. I went with a friend of mine to the city to get some portraits done (she's a model) in a home studio. It was a two story duplex, each apartment was 2 stories. I sat on the stairs to be out of the way, and kept hearing noises coming from the upstairs. She had said she had dogs, so I figure it was that. It came up in later conversation that the dogs were outside and the kids were gone. She told us she kept hearing strange noises, and had once mentioned it to her neighbors who then told her that the people in the other duplex had died right before she moved in. The couple had gotten high on bath salts and the man murdered 2 children, his girlfriend and the committed suicide. I wouldn't be at all surprised if those noises weren't the "neighbors," and my firend and I both heard the same noises.
  • BaristaX
    BaristaX Posts: 151 Member
    well since this is a weird / paranormal topic, I guess I can share what happen to me a long long time ago.

    long story short, my parents bought a vase from a garage sale I believe, it had old looking art and some Japanese text on it.
    for a while nothing really happened, the vase was just sitting on top of a shelf as a decoration.

    7 months pass, and small weird things started to happen, we had an intercom system in the house and it would randomly start making static noises when it never did anything like that before, we just thought it was old and glitching out, and then one certain days it would be louder static noise than normal, so it kind of creep me out when it happened while I was alone.

    about a year passes and I decide to move out, my parents were reorganizing the room where the vase was in, so as I was packing, I decided to help out with the room and clean the stuff on the shelves, when I got to the vase I started wiping it down with one of those lysol wipes, as soon as I started to wipe the inside of the vase, this is where *kitten* gets real, I felt as if a hand had grabbed on to my hand while I was wiping the inside of the vase, not a grab that would feel like a hand shake, but like a grab and then a yank. I freaked out and pushed the vase away from me, my parents freaked out to when they heard me do what seemed like a gasp/yell.

    I asked my parents where they got this vase, they told me and I went to the house that had a garage sale, when I got there, the people living at the house said the previous family had moved away, so I did the next thing and researched more about Japanese vases, well it turned out from the information I had gathered, that vase was not just for decoration, but it was an urn for the deceased.

    to this day, my parents still have that vase in the room, but what ever that was, it isn't bothering them or anything, but still it freaked the hell out of me, and I am a big time skeptic and still cannot explain if that was a fluke and I might have caught my hand in the vase, but to this day I still refuse to touch it.
  • Softrbreeze
    Softrbreeze Posts: 156 Member
    Oh, SO many stories! Most of them when I was much younger. I've come to the conclusion that some people act like buffers for the paranormal- I believe my husband is one of these. I've experienced next to nothing since starting to date him in 95 (such a relief!). Prior to that, omg... On one occasion I was in a church sanctuary with my friend who had a pt job in the rectory. She had a crush on the organ player who was rehearsing for the Sunday service. We were chatting in one of the back pews and listening to him play when there appeared to be some kind of haze forming blotting out the back of his head (the organ faced us and he faced the organ). At first I thought I had something in my eyes and I blinked a few times to clear it without success, then I noticed my friend had gotten quiet. Then a transparent image of his head formed NEXT to his head, just floating in the air near where his head should have been. I asked my friend at that point "Do you see what I see?" (I was very careful not to mention what I saw) and she replied "His head is floating next to his head". I would LOVE to hear some theories on that event- not a straightforward ghost-sighting at all!

    I had another friend whose grandfather had died 2 wks prior. She and I were at the grocery store, just leaving and there was a bank of telephone booths you passed as you went out the automatic doors (this was the 80's). All of the sudden my friend just froze, staring in disbelief. I looked and saw her grandfather standing at one of the booths with the phone to his ear. Mind you, no look-alikes of him had ever been seen before and this was not a major shopping area so unless you lived in the neighborhood, there was no reason to be shopping at this store. Even so, I might have written this off as coincidence EXCEPT that this exact same scenario happened twice more in the next 2 weeks when we were both together. It happened again in the exact same grocery store, then again at a mall several miles away, always with "Grandpaw" standing at a phone booth. My friend would invariably freeze in terror then run away as fast as her chubby legs would take her lol! And I would run right along with her because there was no way I was being left alone with a ghost! I've always wondered if she would have been able to communicate with him if she had picked up another phone in a nearby booth though.

    I had a group of friends that had some interest in the paranormal and a lot of our experiences seemed to center around the church mentioned in my first story. One day we were congregating in my bedroom, just chatting about some of the stuff we had experienced. I had a pile of clothes on my desk with my ouija board perched on top. As we were talking, we would mention the name of the church occasionally. Everytime someone mentioned "St Jerome's", the ouija board moved. At first, we just shrugged it off- the board was on my pile of clothing, not exactly an even surface. We thought it was just gravity. But after this happened several times ONLY when someone mentioned the name, we were starting to get spooked but still playing it cool. The final straw was when the thing fell off the desk- every one of us jumped up and ran out of the room screaming! lol I was the last one out and the only one that actually saw the ouija board move across my FLAT floor. Well, a gaggle of screaming, terrified girls clustered in the bathroom was the last straw for my parental units lol- they made me get rid of the ouija board, though I wasn't putting up much of an argument at that point.

    One of the things that frequently scared me in later years, up until I met my husband, was the sensation of someone bouncing on my bed when I was trying to sleep. That would scare the crap out of me, though I could never tell if there was anything malevalent about it. I've only experienced it a few times since then. I've wondered often if it was the spirit of the baby I miscarried when I was 18, though that idea never occurred to me until years after it started. It seems the bouncing started soon after that event though.

    Many, many more stories but I'll stop there! Good night :)
  • EdensJourney
    EdensJourney Posts: 19 Member
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    I worked night shift in a nursing home, and we didn't have a generator at the time and our power went out. We had to carry little lanterns around and check on everybody. Well, me and the other aide and the nurse (the only three staff members there that night) were all up at the nurses station and it was pitch black except for the lanterns we had. I looked down the one hall and at the end a bright flash of light went down the hall...I got goosebumps and my co-worker saw it too. The lights came on shortly after and we went down that hall checking on everyone and at the end of the hall, one of the patients had passed away.
  • childofArtemis24
    Ok I have had experiences with the paranormal, for a while. When I lived at home with my parents, our house was laid out quite simple. Kitchen and living room where the biggest two rooms, then into the hallway, the bathroom to the right and my room right across from it' followed by the other two bedrooms. I was 22 and had to sleep with a night lite! Now hear me out!
    I had been hearing footsteps in my house every night since we had moved in . We had been there like 7 years, so I was use to the footsteps, but they still scared me to death. They would go into every room in the house, and then come into my room and stop right next to my bed! Never saw anyone, but was scared to death! So i bought a nite lite, one that was a florescent green. You could see everything in the room. Anyway, I had just come back from the bathroom, and jumped in the bed. I was setting up, and smoothing my covers out. Immediately, I hear the footsteps. So I thought to myself, I am going to confront it. So this shadow comes across my wall. The footsteps, started, and it Set Down on my Bed! I saw my covers being pushed and sink in. As if some one was sitting there.I pulled my covers over my head, and laid there. The footsteps can be heard at my parent's house any time!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I was staying at a friend's house for a few days, and my alarm clock disappeared from my room. Nobody knew where it was, and I was getting in trouble with work for being late all the time, so I had to be up at 5:30. I decided I would use the cooking timer and just reset it every hour when it went off, but I never heard it go off. I woke up because I heard a girl call my name. I thought it was my friend standing there in a long white nightgown, even though it didn't look like her, I just figured I was tired. I grabbed my watch off the nightstand and it was exactly 5:30. I looked back toward the door to say thank you, but she was gone. I passed her bedroom on my way to take my shower, and she was lying across her bed in the same clothes she had on the night before. I called her later that morning and asked if she had woken me up and she said no. I told her what happened, and she said it sounded like the same girl another friend saw in the room adjacent to mine, which I would never sleep in because the attic door is in that room and it always creeped me out. She said the girl sat on the bed and started talking to her, but she couldn't understand what she was saying. She said my name clear as day. The next time I saw her, I was woken up by the sound of a car horn like it was in the room. I opened my eyes and the girl was standing next to the bed, soaking wet, with a really creepy grin on her face and dark circles under her eyes. Scared the crap out of me and I pulled the sheets over my head and stayed there until morning. When I told my friend about that, she thought maybe it was her cousin whose car had gone off a bridge and she drowned, but it didn't look like her, so who knows. They were the first family to live in that house.

    The second one I didn't actually see, I just heard. I had stayed at a friend's in WV overnight, and she was putting me in the room with "MIchael". She said he was harmless, and he just taps on the window. It took forever to fall asleep after hearing that, but I didn't hear Michael. The next night at home, I was working on the computer and I heard what sounded like pebbles being thrown at my daughter's window, but there was nobody there when I looked. As soon as I sat down, I heard something fall over in the kitchen. I walked out there, and all of the kids' lunchboxes and mini coolers were on the floor. I put them back and went back to my room, and as soon as I sat down it happened again. The dogs weren't running around, and there was no reason they should be falling over. It happened one more time, and then I thought maybe it was Michael because of the pebble sound from my daughter's room. I pointed in the direction of the mess and yelled "Cut it out!" That was the last time it happened. The Maryland Paranormal Society said I probably reminded him of someone, and he followed me home, which made me feel bad for yelling at him. :(
  • xnikkixsikkix
    bumpity bump!
  • aneexer
    Ilived in Lebanon for 2 years with my husband and 2 kids. One night I couldnt sleep I dont know why so I went out and tried to sleep on the sofa in the lounge room. I eventually slept but around 3:30am I was woken by a sound.
    I opened my eyes and there in front of me in the middle of the room was a woman. She was about 50 but looked well she had a long white veil on and a blue dress. She was looking at me and saying the words "ty habibti ty" gestering with her hand to come as that is what those words mean come my darling come.
    I froze I didnt know what to do I knew it had to be my husbands mother who was buried under the house as that was her wishes to be buried on her property.
    The next day we went to see a sheq to understand why she would be telling me to come I was so scared that she was inviting me to death.
    He explained that she was inviting me to the family that she meant no harm which was a great relief for me :)

    Since moving into an apartment alone with my kids, btw me and that husband slit up.......and this is years later I have felt while sleeping someone touch my forehead and wake me this I believe is my deceased father he has also touched a visitor that we had over enough so that the person never came back as he was too afraid.
    I dont get paranormal activity very often but when it happens its not scarey to me its soothing so I do beleive it is from well my father and my aunty that I was very close to
    Thats it from me not very exciting but still iuts exciting to me :))
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    Most of the apartments I've lived in had unexplainable stuff going on. I'd be home alone, put all the dishes away, go into the bedroom... hear cupboards opening, run into the kitchen, & see all the glasses lined up on the counter. Or I'd be in the living room & hear the metal closet opening/closing in the bedroom. At my last place, my cat had a friend... something unseen that would throw her toy around for her while I just watched. I most definitely believe in spirits!