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Ghosts/spirits/unexplainable happenings??
I currently live on an Indian Reservation (teaching here) and there are stories of spirits/ghosts all over the place. There is teacher housing and some houses have stories behind them. The janitors/teachers say if you're alone in the school late at night the lights come on and there are weird sounds...I just tell them as long as the spirits stay out of my house and in the school, we'll get along great!
My college also had some pretty interesting stories. My roommate seemed to see several ghosts.0 -
ahh man i love this topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have A LOT of stories myself but heres a recent 1..
My fiance and I just moved a few months ago and the new house seems a lot less 'stressful' then the other place did but I still feel a lot of diff energies...one night after every1 went to bed i kept hearing stuff in the hallway and downstairs but my niece was sleeping on the couch so i thought nothing of it....I was laying down n my sister texts me asking me if i was walking around cuz she kept hearing things too....i ask her to go downstairs n make sure she locked the doors n make sure the dogs were in their kennels since the dogs just got walked i thought maybe they left one of them out or something....she made sure everything was ok downstairs and my niece was sleeping (covered head to toe as usual)....when my sister came back upstairs we both heard something again but this time it wasnt just steps....someone (or something rather) was playing basketball and throwing the ball against the side of the house, then banged on the front door,came in and walked upstairs...while still bouncing the basket ball :indifferent: we were so scared we just stayed in our rooms!!!! the next day i ask my niece what time she went to bed (even tho i knew it wasnt her cuz we dont have a basketball in the house) and she tells me she couldnt sleep cuz she was scared but didnt wanna come upstairs cuz she didnt wanna uncover her face fearing she would see something she didnt wanna see....she also heard everything we were hearing upstairs...the only person that didnt hear anything was my gf cuz she was knocked out but even the dogs were scared!!!
Normally i dont get scared...im pretty used to it but that night it caught me off guard!! I knew it wasnt an actual person coming in the house and walking upstairs cuz my dogs wouldve went CRAZY if someone wouldve walked in my house!!!0 -
LOVE this stuff!! Bumping to read later.0
I was hesitant to share my stories, but here goes...
I was in 8th grade when my parents decided to move to this farmhouse. Before we moved in, she took me to see the place. As soon as we pulled in to the driveway, I hated the place. I don't know what, but I had a VERY bad feeling. It was one of those in the middle of nowhere, no neighbors, surrounded by corn fields on all 4 sides type of houses. It even had a barn, chicken coop, garage, and grain silo on the property. Of course, none of it had been functional for many years, but it was kinda neat to see!
At the time, 2 guys were still living in the house and were very nice, showing us all the rooms and making us feel comfortable. After the tour, we sat down for something to drink in the living room and the lamp went off. I thought the bulb had blown, but one of the guys just chuckled, reached over, and turned it back on. He said something to the effect of, "oh, it happens all the time. You get used to it."
Well, we eventually moved in and all was well. About 4 months after we moved in, I had this recurring nightmare for exactly 7 days. 14 years later, I still remember it VERY vividly. It went something like this - my parents had left to go out for the evening and left me with my little brother and sister at home. I put the kids to bed, watched a little TV, and then went to bed myself. After I went to bed, someone broke into the house. The front door was directly across from the stairs, so as soon as the man broke in, he ran up the stairs and to my room at the end of the hall. My room had a side door into the bathroom and I escaped the man by running through the bathroom, back down the hall, and down the stairs. For each of the first 6 days, I found different passages out of the house, including an underground tunnel that ran from the house to the old, rundown chicken coop. On the 7th night, I didn't manage to escape. I was convinced something like this had happened in the house and frantically searched through the house for the underground passageways and little hideouts I had managed to find in my dreams. Unfortunately, the house had been remodeled in the 1970s, and I fear that any possible passageways were boarded up. The chicken coop was in such bad shape that it was not safe to walk through, but I desperately wanted to find that tunnel!
After the dreams stopped, the man started coming around. Once you reached the top of the stairs, there was a window the overlooked one of the cornfields. My room was on the opposite end of the hall from the window. Every few nights or so, I would be woken up and suddenly feel compelled to go out into the hallway. Every night this happened, a man wearing a flannel shirt and overalls would be standing at the window, looking out at the cornfields. When I came out, he would look at me and point ot the field. I never understood what he was pointing at because I was TERRIFIED and would end up running back to my room, throwing the covers over my head. This happened all the way until we moved out a few years later.
One night, everyone else in the house was asleep, but I was awake in my room, watching TV. Out of nowhere, I heard someone talking. I was thoroughly freaked out, but I went to investigate. I found my little brother, who was about 3 at the time, sitting in the stairs in the middle of the night, having a full-blown conversation. I freaked and went to wake my parents up. My stepdad came out and said Kenny wasn't on the stairs anymore, so we looked in his room. He wasn't there. We then went downstairs, and there he was, sitting on the couch in the living room in pitch darkness, still carrying on a conversation. I thought he might have been sleepwalking, but he was wide awake and said "HI SISSY" as soon as we got downstairs. We asked who he was talking to, and he said "Old MacDonald" to which I died laughing (I used to read him a book with Old MacDonald in it and he was dressed very similar to my window ghost) until I realized the connection with my man and the book he was referring to. Frequently after that, we would catch him in his room, just jabbering away. Creepy every time.
We had a backdoor in the kitchen that would constantly slam open and shut. I thought it was because of the wind until I realized it was not windy out.
Pots and pans would show up in random places, like in the middle of the stairs, on top of the washer or dryer, on the dining room table, etc. Very random, very bizarre.
One day, I stayed home sick from school and was laying down in my room, watching TV, the only one in the house. Out of nowhere, at 11AM, my mom's alarm clock started BLARING. I went in, turned it off, and went back to my room. As soon as I got comfortable, it started blaring again. Out of curiosity, I checked to see what time she had set the alarm to. It was set for 6AM. I didn't leave my bed for the rest of the day!
I was so happy to move out of that house!!!!!!! Never had any experiences before or since, but all of those are ingrained in my memory!
I LOVE your story! So scary :-//0 -
I'm a ghost hunter, been around the paranormal since day 1 of my life. They've always been attracted to me. I've hunted with some of the best out there, Ghost Adventures (see my profile pics), The Constantinos, talked with Zappis the best out there (Haunted Collector), Chris Flemming, Chip Coffey, and the list goes on and on. I have evps up on sound cloud, tons more to go through, been to some very good haunted places around here. I've taken a year break as I've had some really bad stuff happen, I was supposed to be on a paranormal radio show doing a live hunt (odd I know but at least people could hear it) with a live feed on the internet as well at the Bissman Building (as soon on Ghust Hunters) but I bowed out. I also had the chance to be on TV but bowed out as well. I've been considered a spirit box/shack hack/ghost box expert and a new paranormal show wanted me, but I would be teamed up with other random people in other paranormal specialities and tossed into cases. I hunt alone usually oddly enough unless I'm with someone who is brand spanking new I can train or with those that are like me hunting wise. I bowed out because I wanted to pick my team and they wouldn't let me, plus I've seen too many fakes, I refuse to hunt with fakes. Been there, done that, was not a happy camper. But if you want stories I got tons! I'm even in a paranormal book because of some of the people I know and hunted with. So if you want to hear my evps or stories, let me know. Don't want to bore everyone lol.
I would love to hear ur stories!!!0 -
Bump to finish later.0
When I moved to America, my mother found a 2 room apartment. I lived in this house for 9 years, and It was extremely paranormal. The story goes, way back when a Mother killed her daughter in the bath tub by cutting her stomach, many people claimed her to be a Witch. I was about 8 years old, and I knew something was very wrong with my place. But nothing, and I mean nothing- got to my Mother. She would literally sit and talk to Ghost, and let them know "I'm not leaving, so either we get along. Or we don't". My mother slept with her boyfriend, my sister & I shared a bed and my brother had his own bed. All in our attic. I had to use the bathroom and awoke from my dreams All of a sudden. I went to the bathroom, too tired to even turn on any lights. I was half asleep on the toilet, after a few minutes I decided to head back to bed. But first, wipe - I reach to my left to grab some tissue and I feel something Wet. My eyes are still close and I'm trying to make out what this could be. I continue to run my hands against this Wet - whatever it was- and then pressed my fingers, It felt like skin. So I opened my eyes are looked over, It was a girl. About my age, standing right NEXT to the toilet - looking right back at me. I got up, and rushed to the Attic within .3946 secounds. I woke up my Mom, in tears "Theres a girl in the bathroom and she looks Hurt!". My mom turned the lights on and my hand was stained with a Dark brown residue... At the time I couldnt make it out... But i believe it was Old blood.
Holy creepy! All these stories are giving me serious goosebumps!0 -
There's one that keeps eating my lunches at the office. Very spooky.
we have this problem here too... I wonder if it's the same ghost?0 -
I'm a little on the groggy side so forgive me for my grammatical errors.
First off, I LOVE anything dealing with the paranormal! It has always interested me in a 'omg i love to be scared but this is frickin amazing stuff because it makes you wonder' kind of way..
With that said, I've only had three separate happenings and I guess I'll try to shorten the posts and take it in order of occurrence.
(1) One evening when I was about the age of six, I was sleeping in bed next to my brother and for some reason just couldn't get any shut-eye. Since there weren't any mp3 players at that time, I just stared blankly out into the hallway. The door was open and the fish aquarium light could be seen from my brother's room so it was kind of soothing as it illuminated the dark hallway. For a good long time I watched until I noticed a shadowy figure suddenly poke its head about the threshold of my room. I blinked thinking it was just my imagination, but seconds later, this same shadow figure charged over towards the bed. Instantly I shut my eyes and threw the covers on me but I didn't feel anything happening. About a few minutes later I looked out again and whatever it was had gone. Since that day, I have not slept with the door open. Even now I refuse to keep it open the entire night. Dunno what the hell that way. Some people have said it's a playful shadow spirit..
(2) My grandma passed in 1997. She died in her house after a bout with cancer and after putting up a good fight, she was finally called home. Well since she lived in GA and we are from Alabama, (2 hour drive), we'd have to stay at her house during our visits and the same went for after her death. We were staying there for a few day---y'know, for the funeral and all---and then would leave that following Sunday. Well the night we arrived, her house was empty..which was eerie enough considering this was where she'd always been living. My younger cousin and his parents stop by later on that night and stay for a bit, but eventually it's time for them to go and my parents decide to give them a lift home. Well my little cousin decides to spend the night with me, and so it's just the two of us here while all of the parental units leave. So there we are, watching scary movies and everything when he decides that he has to use the bathroom and thus leaves me to go into the bathroom located in the very room where she passed. Meanwhile I'm sitting there just watching t.v. when all of a sudden the sink faucet from the kitchen, located about a few feet away from the living room, turns on full blast!!! My blood runs cold and my black *kitten* is probably pale as a ghost myself by this point. Very slowly I wander over to it and turn it off. When my cousin comes back, I ask him if that has ever happened to his knowledge. As SOON as he said, 'No' I was under the covers and shivering.
(3) The dorm that I lived in back on the college campus was said to be haunted by the spirit of a young girl who committed suicide shortly after having been denied to join a local sorority chapter. Supposedly there are more ghosts, but this is the only one that people claim to have seen and she only haunts the upper floors of the dorm. So there I was in my friend's room with two of our other buddies and we're waiting on the last person to show so that we can skadoodle. Well, FINALLY he comes a'knockin at the door and so I decide that I am going to hide away so that i could scare him when he walks in. ..So anyways like I said, there's a KNOCK at the door. My friend (room owner) says, 'Come iiiiiin!'. The door handle starts to turn, followed by the door being pushed opened slightly... but that's it. Confused, my friend opens the door to find no one there. We even search the hallway and nearby laundry room, but there was nothing there!0 -
I lived in a renovated 1839 farmhouse (with a two-seater outhouse in the backyard!). We heard boots clomping up the stairs frequently (daytime mostly, but sometimes just before dawn-- never at night, thank God), heard things crash LOUDLY elsewhere in the house when nothing appeared to be broken, and people heard my voice in the house when I wasn't home. Others saw shadows moving, but I never did.
Heard tapping on the window (impossible) just before we moved, which was one of the first times it really scared me. Otherwise, believe it or not, we sort of just got used to it all. You never felt alone there, even when you were, but it wasn't menacing at all. When we moved to a "quiet" house, the comparison was really jarring.0 -
When I bought my house about five years ago, it seemed like a normal little townhouse in a small cul-de-sac in my hometown. The day we arrived to begin renovations, I was approached by a neighbor who was carrying a folder. Upon our initial greeting, she informed me that I had purchased The Murder House. As clichéd as that is, she handed me the folder, allowing me to glimpse the articles about my house and the murder of one of its former owners. To summarize the story, a man and his wife lived in the house. The man loved his wife immensely and wanted a large family. The wife was into drugs and had a boyfriend on the side. One day, they got it in their heads to rob the husband of his savings and run off together. When the husband came home from work, the wife seduced him and while they were having sex, she stabbed him over 20 times. While this was happening, the boyfriend was looting the house. They were caught and sentenced and are still in the local prison. My heart truly is broken for that poor man who loved his wife so much.
Since that day, we began renovations which included removing carpets and appliances. When pulling up the carpet in what would be my son’s room, I was shocked but not surprised to find bloodstains on the baseboards. Once we moved in, little things started happening such as my cats getting locked in bedrooms or toilets flushing. Light bulbs burn out incredibly fast in our house (and yes, we’ve had the electrical checked). My son has come into my room at night and told me “the man” had kept him awake. Often times, I feel like I’m being watched but it never feels malevolent. It’s just there. I don’t even notice it much anymore.
I asked a friend of mine who often communicates with spirits and she did confirm it was the man who was killed in the house. She said he loved kids and stays mostly in my son’s room to watch over him. She also said he doesn’t leave the top floor of our house because he can’t.
She also said I have another spirit in my house in my basement; something mean and blue. I’m not sure what that means but I do get these nasty skin prickles and an uneasy feeling whenever I go down there. So there you have it.0 -
Lots of stories, but I feel pictures say more than words. Here are some creepy ones a ghost hunting friend of mine took and the last is a visit from my grandfather at Christmas!0
Here's the scientific explanation for you.
http://www.cracked.com/article_18828_the-creepy-scientific-explanation-behind-ghost-sightings.html0 -
There's only a couple that I can remember.
When I used to live with my boyfriend (now husband) at his father's house, there would be some days where I'd be alone and would hang out in the rec room down in the basement outside my bedroom. I was sitting on the futon putting a puzzle together and watching a movie one day and I distinctly heard doors upstairs opening and closing, and the sound of someone pacing back and forth across the living room upstairs, with the occasional creak on the top couple of steps of the basement stairs. I'd occasionally go up to check the driveway and find that I was still alone. Come to find out later that this was a regular occurence and it was actually my father-in-law's mother's spirit who stayed in the house and would do things like that from time to time.
The next one was when I was in the hospital in labor with my daughter. I wound up having to have an emergency c-section. My husband and I (even though the view was blocked by a sheet) kept looking in the direction of my stomach. When I was cut open, my daughter opened her eyes wide and stared straight at the surgeon, and as the cord was cut and she was held over the sheet for us to see, we both clearly saw white sprites nearby, and though my husband held my right hand, I felt a large, warm hand grip my left. At the time, my great-grandfather had been dead for a little over a decade, and he was my best friend. I feel his presence from time to time but never that strongly before.
The other time is when my great-grandmother was in the nursing home and had taken a turn for the worse with an infection she had caught. My mom had gone to visit her and she was slightly awake, but mumbling incoherently. My mom took her hand and told her that it was okay to let go and that we all loved her very much. We all knew she wouldn't be around much longer and didn't even know if she'd make it through the night. The next day, I was at work sitting at the filing cabinets and filing cards away as usual, and I got a really cold chill on one shoulder, it felt almost like a reassuring hand, and I very faintly heard the sound of my great-grandmother breathing (she used to make this whistling kind of noise whenever she would breathe in). I froze up and then felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. My mom sent me a text message telling me that she had passed away about ten minutes earlier.0 -
Lots of stories, but I feel pictures say more than words. Here are some creepy ones a ghost hunting friend of mine took and the last is a visit from my grandfather at Christmas!
I'm not one to look at orbs as anything other than dust or bugs but that first picture is pretty impressive.0 -
Every time someone posts a link to Cracked, I find myself sucked into the site for hours at a time.
That counts, right?0 -
Lots of stories, but I feel pictures say more than words. Here are some creepy ones a ghost hunting friend of mine took and the last is a visit from my grandfather at Christmas!
WOW! Looks like he is crawling on the floor playing with the little girl. AWESOME!0 -
I'm a little on the groggy side so forgive me for my grammatical errors.
First off, I LOVE anything dealing with the paranormal! It has always interested me in a 'omg i love to be scared but this is frickin amazing stuff because it makes you wonder' kind of way..
With that said, I've only had three separate happenings and I guess I'll try to shorten the posts and take it in order of occurrence.
(1) One evening when I was about the age of six, I was sleeping in bed next to my brother and for some reason just couldn't get any shut-eye. Since there weren't any mp3 players at that time, I just stared blankly out into the hallway. The door was open and the fish aquarium light could be seen from my brother's room so it was kind of soothing as it illuminated the dark hallway. For a good long time I watched until I noticed a shadowy figure suddenly poke its head about the threshold of my room. I blinked thinking it was just my imagination, but seconds later, this same shadow figure charged over towards the bed. Instantly I shut my eyes and threw the covers on me but I didn't feel anything happening. About a few minutes later I looked out again and whatever it was had gone. Since that day, I have not slept with the door open. Even now I refuse to keep it open the entire night. Dunno what the hell that way. Some people have said it's a playful shadow spirit..
(2) My grandma passed in 1997. She died in her house after a bout with cancer and after putting up a good fight, she was finally called home. Well since she lived in GA and we are from Alabama, (2 hour drive), we'd have to stay at her house during our visits and the same went for after her death. We were staying there for a few day---y'know, for the funeral and all---and then would leave that following Sunday. Well the night we arrived, her house was empty..which was eerie enough considering this was where she'd always been living. My younger cousin and his parents stop by later on that night and stay for a bit, but eventually it's time for them to go and my parents decide to give them a lift home. Well my little cousin decides to spend the night with me, and so it's just the two of us here while all of the parental units leave. So there we are, watching scary movies and everything when he decides that he has to use the bathroom and thus leaves me to go into the bathroom located in the very room where she passed. Meanwhile I'm sitting there just watching t.v. when all of a sudden the sink faucet from the kitchen, located about a few feet away from the living room, turns on full blast!!! My blood runs cold and my black *kitten* is probably pale as a ghost myself by this point. Very slowly I wander over to it and turn it off. When my cousin comes back, I ask him if that has ever happened to his knowledge. As SOON as he said, 'No' I was under the covers and shivering.
(3) The dorm that I lived in back on the college campus was said to be haunted by the spirit of a young girl who committed suicide shortly after having been denied to join a local sorority chapter. Supposedly there are more ghosts, but this is the only one that people claim to have seen and she only haunts the upper floors of the dorm. So there I was in my friend's room with two of our other buddies and we're waiting on the last person to show so that we can skadoodle. Well, FINALLY he comes a'knockin at the door and so I decide that I am going to hide away so that i could scare him when he walks in. ..So anyways like I said, there's a KNOCK at the door. My friend (room owner) says, 'Come iiiiiin!'. The door handle starts to turn, followed by the door being pushed opened slightly... but that's it. Confused, my friend opens the door to find no one there. We even search the hallway and nearby laundry room, but there was nothing there!
Your first story is sooooo scary!! I would have died!0 -
Lots of stories, but I feel pictures say more than words. Here are some creepy ones a ghost hunting friend of mine took and the last is a visit from my grandfather at Christmas!
crazy!!! i have a few pics myself but i cant upload em on MFP -_-0 -
Here's the scientific explanation for you.
^^^ This0 -
Bump, bump, bumpity, bump bump.0
I was 19, stationed in CO. At the time I was living in the dorms. It was a Saturday night, had a weird dream.
The most I remember now, I was with family. Something really bad had happened, and a tall, skinny red head had passed away in my dream.
Woke on Sunday to my cell phone being completely dead, could not get it to turn on even on the charger. The dream really freaked me out and I instantly thought something was wrong with my G-ma (seeing she is a whole 110 pounds and her nickname is "Red" for a reason. I had no way to call and check on her. I had only been at my base for 1 week, and knew no one. So, I just let the feeling go.
Monday I had started my official duty. I had an appt at my squadron, and was shuttled there. I was there and found out my appt was cancelled. As I was waiting for my ride back to post, my chief came out and asked "You are Airman England correct?" I was nervous at this point being new, and scared anyways. He told me to stand by. I was asked to hand over my weapons, and follow him to the conference room. I go into the room, and all of my higher-ups, and a Chaplin are sitting around the table.
All I could think was "Oh my God, what have I done wrong". My commander starts talking. He asks my first name. "Rachel, there has been an accident. Your husband Richard is at LSU Hospital." I instantly start asking a million questions. "What kind of accident, is he ok..etc.." They didn't have a lot of information at the time.
An hour later he returns, and informs me that Ricky had passed. October 29 will be 5 years that we lost someone dear to us.
Just funny how your mind goes to the older person. Ricky was also a skinny tall redhead. You just don't think that someone that young would be robbed from their family.
We may have not had the best relationship towards the end, but I still loved him, still do, and always will. Will always remember the great times we had fishing, hanging out with friends, being ourselves, and just being in love.
But from that point on, I pay great attention to my dreams, and I have deja vu almost every day. I personally believe it is God's way of helping me prepare for what can/could/will happen. Took me years to realize this, but I'm glad I did.
Side Note: While writing about this, I have Pandora on in the background." I won't let go" by Rascal Flatts played. Just ironic to me.
I have many other stories, but this is the one that means the most and sticks with me.0 -
When i was a kid my family took us to Gettysburg to tour the grounds and as I didn't see or hear anything, I had this weird feeling as i passed the bloody wheat fields and Devil's Den. Had the same creeped out feeling when we toured Arlington National Cemetery.
Fast forward a few years to Sept 1998. I lost my sister to a car accident. Within two weeks of this we had taken what we needed from our home and moved to Florida. On the night we left, My sister came to visit our next door neighbor. We were always going over there to visit with her and watch TV so she was like a second Mom to us. My neighbor said that she was back the hallway in one of the rooms and heard something at the door as if the screen door was opened. She walked into the living room and her inside door was standing wide open. My sister was saying goodbye. (Its been well over 14 years since that happened and I'm a bit jealous I guess that Ive never felt her presence)
In April 2010 my Sister in Law lost her husband to a heart attack. We had the viewing in the morning/early afternoon on a Friday. The whole family convened back at the house for a bit and they then went home. I stayed the weekend. We were sitting in the living room watching TV when their dog Daisy started barking at the dark empty doorway leading to the dining room. It was the only time it happened but we think that Daisy saw him standing there watching over us.
A few months ago i had my kitty Sammybear put down due to a cancer tumor. I was devastated because he was my life for well over 12 years. After a setback/problem with his cremation, I finally got his ashes back on a Thursday evening. A few days later, Saturday morning, I'm laying in bed trying to go back to sleep. (Backstory- Sam would always sleep up near my head) As I'm laying there, I felt this weight push down on the edge and it continued down the length of the bed as it was moving. I layed there in disbelief because i knew I wasn't dreaming! Sam had come to visit me.0 -
i have a couple...
when i was like 2 or 3 my mom and i lived in an apartment building and i had an "imaginary friend" who was a 10/12yo boy whose mom was a witch. Well there was a woman that lived down the hall way who used to live in our apartment and she had a son who had died of lukiemia in my room. Well this lady looked like a witchy, stringy black hair, wart on her nose..the works and she showed my mom and i a picture of her son and i said "mommy thats my friend" i had been talking to the ghost of the lady's son for months.
in middle school we owned a really old house and we found a old dog chain in the basement. and before we got our dog we would hear a dog walking around. in the same house my mom say an old main walking thru the living room towards the back stairs. and then when i had a sleep over one night we were all up at like 3am playing with a ouiji board and all of a sudden we all see this shadowy figure walking on the front porch...but no one was on the street or front yard or anywhere when we looked.
My grandmother died in '09 and since then my mom, family members and I have all been finding strings on certain articles of clothing. she was a quilter and there was always strings everywhere and when my mom and her sisters cleaned the house they vacuumed up her main quilting area and the next morning all the strings were back on the floor. I found one on my daughters onsie before she was born, before my little brother was born last year my mom found a blue sting on her belly when she wasnt wearing blue, i found one on my boyfriend randomly soon after we started dating, found one on his daughters dress when we were going to a wedding, and there was nothing on it when i hung it up. its like shes approving of the things that are happening and who we are with.
my little family and my mom her BF and my little brother all vacationed in my grandparents old house (same ones as the story above) and my bfs daughter found an old desk bell, one of the ones you ring for service. and it was starting to get annoying so we told her to stop. a few hours later i went to check on the babies and while i was in the hall way, my bf and mom both heard the bell ring, but it wasnt where Jada left it when she was playing with it. We think it was my granpa bc he always loved kids and doing magic tricks and stuff. we didnt find the bell till the next morning and it was across the room from where jada was playing with it the night before.
Then one night about a month after i moved in with my bf, we had his daughter and she was alseep in her room next to the livingroom. My Bf was playing MW2 and i was sitting next to him when' all of a sudden we heard a wicked clear voice say something, but we didnt agree on what it said but to me it sounded like get in here." and it sounded like a little boy, so my BF goes to check on his daughter bc we werent sure if maybe it was her talking in her sleep and we just heard it wrong, when he opens the door her feet were slidding off the edge of the bed, but her upper body was perfectly still like it was being held in place till my BF got there then her body dropped off the bed when he grabbed her. definetly creeped us out, bc there was no one outside and she was dead asleep.0 -
Lots of stories, but I feel pictures say more than words. Here are some creepy ones a ghost hunting friend of mine took and the last is a visit from my grandfather at Christmas!
The first one is very ompressive, for an old man to be able to execute the doggy style position is amazing actually. Go Grandda, hitt that0 -
Great thread
I've always been skeptical regarding paranormal activity. I've never had any "Clear" experiences to make me believe 100%, but I don't completely doubt that it happens. When I was younger, I was sleeping with the covers thrown off me. I felt something solid poke the center of my back. It jumped me out of a dead sleep and scared the crap out of me. It felt like something actually touched me, not like a muscle spasm that you sometimes have while sleeping. From that day on even to today I have not been able to sleep without being covered by blankets!
Also, my husband and I moved into my Aunt and Uncle's house last winter. My uncle had a heart attack and passed away in that house a couple of years ago. I've had experiences where I 'thought' I heard or saw something or where I thought I had left a light on in a room then went back to it to find it off... but most of those things I have just brushed off as my mind playing tricks on me because I'm expecting things to happen. The whole subject is completely fascinating to me. These stories are incredible!
Also, my friend Matt has a paranormal website where people can post audio clips, photos, and stories about their experiences. Please check it out!! www.308am.com0 -
My great-great grandmother was psychic and passed away when my Mum was two. She was very well-known in the Sydney community and used to provide clairvoyant readings - but always refused to give readings to her family.
Since she passed away, everyone she was close to has had paranormal experiences - my grandfather, my great aunts, my mother's cousin and my mother. All of the family members I mentioned are 'sensitives' and have had numerous experiences with spirits over the years.
The sensitivity also passed down to my sister and I from a very young age, but both of us have the ability to block it out. We were both scared too many times as children to want to have anything to do with the spirit world.
Sometimes I will 'open myself' back up to it - but I now only allow visitations from my grandmother and a few of my great-grandparents.0
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