New C25K for the New Year



  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I know resting is good, but the devil on my shoulder is going "Just do it! Your knee only hurts on the stairs, you'll be fine!" Silly thing.

    Wow, you're into week 8? I'm really inspired by how far you all have gotten - I hope I can stick with it!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Week 6 completed!! I ran 25 minutes non-stop for the first time in my life!!!!!!!!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    On this program, when did you all start noticing major weight loss? Was it after the program was past 6 weeks?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    On this program, when did you all start noticing major weight loss? Was it after the program was past 6 weeks?
    I've been losing about the same the whole time -- though I did notice a slow down from December-January but I'm pretty sure I can blame that on holiday cookies. :laugh:

    I can say that I have noticed my weight loss has kind of kicked into overdrive over the last 2 weeks though. And, that was when I started week 6... but correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation especially in a situation like this when there are so many variables. I've lost 4.0 pounds since last Thursday. :smile:
    I also noticed I had to start eating more (especially more protein) on days when I run now that they're all continuous runs (Eat more, lose more weight. Sounds good to me! :tongue:).
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Put the shoes back on and wrapped up week 1 today - I feel great!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Finished week 8 day 3 today. Really, I just did the same as week 9 (run 30 minutes). Ran a little faster than usual, so I was happy about that, too.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Started week 2 today - it was SO HARD! I don't know if it's because I'm really out of shape, or if it's because today is the coldest day I have tried to go running. (High teens with wind chill.) I couldn't pull in enough oxygen, it felt like. Does anyone else have trouble running when it's really cold out?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Sunsh1ne - I'm not running outside but it almost never gets that cold here anyway. I think that I would have problems running in the cold just because I think my lungs would start to hurt. I bet you can find a few articles online with suggestions for running in cold weather.

    I start week 9 today. I was just looking at the beginning of this thread and saw how many people there were who said they were going to start C25K at the beginning of the year. C'mon folks! You mean to tell me you can't even make a 9 week commitment? :huh:

    Take it from someone who will be finishing C25k this week (ME!), IT IS 100% WORTH IT! Just suck it up and do it. :happy:
    And, I know some of you were curious about how much weight you would lose or how much your measurements would change so I'll post my results from week 3 to week 9 when I finish on Saturday. But, just a little preview: I lost 11.2 pounds in January 2010. :wink:
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I always forget to post here :blushing:

    I'm taking the C25K pretty slow... I've been doing each "week" twice, since I'm apparently way out of shape. :tongue:
    Was going to start Week 3 yesterday, but after spending 3 hours shoveling 20" of snow on Saturday.. I'm just a tad sore. :huh:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I would like to start the program, but not sure I will get to the treadmill 3 times a week, so may take longer. I do step aerobics on Monday and Wed evenings, and also like doing the BL dvds on the other days. Will definately try to get on it 3 times a week.

    Jib123 - congrats with sticking with it for 9 weeks. I can barely run 5 mins at 4.5mph, anything higher I tire so quickly. How fast do you run at?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jib123 - congrats with sticking with it for 9 weeks. I can barely run 5 mins at 4.5mph, anything higher I tire so quickly. How fast do you run at?

    When I run 30 minutes straight I only run 4.0mph right now (I'm short!) and for the last few minutes of my 30 minute runs I've been pumping the treadmill up to around 5.5mph. It nearly kills me! :laugh: The first couple times I ran 25 minutes straight, I'd run 4.0 for the first 10 minutes or so but then I'd have to slow it down even more to around 3.7 to finish. I didn't care how slow I was running as long as I was still actually running. I'm doing as most folks recommend & focusing on endurance first. After I finish C25K, I'm going to start working on interval training with 2 different run speeds to build my speed. I'd like to run my first 5K at 5mph which is a pretty good run speed for me (whereas, I would consider 4.0 a "jog"). :smile:
  • Started week 2 today - it was SO HARD! I don't know if it's because I'm really out of shape, or if it's because today is the coldest day I have tried to go running. (High teens with wind chill.) I couldn't pull in enough oxygen, it felt like. Does anyone else have trouble running when it's really cold out?

    So i got a stupid idea a couple years ago to run a 5K cold... in Nov... in Wisconsin. Never again. The temp was ~30F and it was snowing lightly. My body was not conditioned to running outside in the cold, I felt like i was having an asthma attack the entire time(I do not have asthma) and I ended up walking most of it.:frown:
    The point: Temperature can make a BIG difference. I think you can condition your body to handle it and there are techniques to make it better, try for suggestions. Thankfully, spring will come soon (once we get past the next set of snow storms).:flowerforyou:

    Good luck.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Today I attempted week 5 again and bonked after the first interval. I ate something and tried again an hour later and bonked again. I will try again for the third time later tonight after I have a nap. They say the third time is the charm. Then it could be the result of all the lunges and squats I did yesterday. Note to self - do not do lower body exercises the day b4 C25k.:noway:

    Recently I've started doing c25k twice a day. I do my current week first then later I do the first week @ a faster pace.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Completed week 9 day 1 today. I struggled more than usual (I've been basically doing week 9 runs since week 7). I've noticed my performance really suffers with my TOM cycle -- the few days right before TOM, my cardiovascular endurance isn't as strong. Must be a stupid hormonal thing.
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    I was supposed to do week 7 day 2 on sunday but I was too tired, plus my body was saying "no". I decided to take 2 days off to rest my muscles because I have also been swimming on my days off. So, here I am...starting week 7 day 2 tomorrow. Wish me luck!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    The third time wasn't the charm. I guess I just suck today. Will try again thursday.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Doing w2d2 (heh) after classes today. Thanks for the tip, splooshcar, I did a little research and found out that putting a light scarf over the lower half of your face helps warm the air you breathe in a little, so I'll try that. I also found out (big duh) that running in the cold depletes your glycogen stores much faster than normal. So maybe the reason I pooped out so fast on Sunday was because it was so cold, not because I'm a big ol' wimp. Of course, with highs of 35 it's not like I'll find out today.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Just completed W1D1 of C35K. Was jogging at 5.0 and walking at 3.5. Burnt 374 cals. Not sure if I will get to any strength training today from Jillians No More Trouble Zones, will prob just do some crunches.
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    completed week 7 day 2~ it was painful but I am icing my pain area.
  • I definitely didn't know there was a thread for this! YAY!!!

    I started the C25K training plan yesterday - day 1 wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be!! I was certain I'd be pretty sore today but I wasn't this morning. As the day goes on though, the outside of my thighs is starting to get a little sore. But that's okay! It's not like it hurts to walk or anything :)

    I alternated between a 3.5 walking and a 4.5-4.7 jogging. After I was done, I felt GREAT!!!!!

    I'm using my blog to journal my 9 weeks - this way I can go back and read it to see all I've accomplished! :D

    After reading all of your comments, it seems like week 3 is going to be the hump to get over, huh?
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