Insanity Challenge



  • I did the fit test today as well. Basically I went hard as possible without compromising form. I'm not very fit but I'm working to change that.

    Switch kicks: 28
    Power jacks: 29
    Power knees: 42
    Power jumps: 19
    Globe jumps: 4
    Suicide jumps: 6
    Push-up jacks: 0 lol.. I cannot do a proper push-up so I did as many modified as possible but didn't keep track
    Low plank oblique: 14.

    that looks to me not bad :) will see how well i will do , im really out of shape dont have any strenght in me :(((
  • another thing i want to ask you all do you just fallo meal plan from insanity or do it you way ? have you set you protein fat and carb goal on MFP? in P90x meal guide there is 3 phases

    Protein Fat Carbs

    1 Fat Shredder 50% 20% 30%
    2 Energy booster 40% 20% 40%
    3 Endurance maximaiser 20% 20% 60%

    But in insanity i didnt spot anything like this
  • Tkats how i did it i just wanna die now

    Switch kicks: 47
    Power jacks: 42
    Power knees: 80
    Power jumps: 10
    Globe jumps: 9
    Suicide jumps: 8
    Push-up jacks: 1 my chest and arms so weak so i did from knee 26 (im still moving:))
    Low plank oblique: 15

    After all, quality is more important than quantity
    WHO will bet me ? come on girls
  • tracyjoys
    tracyjoys Posts: 69 Member
    I'm in! Did fit test on Monday (yesterday):

    Switch Kicks: 45
    Power Jacks: 42
    Power Jumps: 20
    Globe Jumps: 7
    Suicide Jumps: 15
    Push-Up Jacks: 11
    Low Plank Obliques: 60

    My legs are stronger than my core by a longshot. Can't wait to see the improvement over the coming fit tests.

    I'm 46 years old, and am on a mission to keep up with my 10 year old daughter. She's got a rock hard 6-pack from gymnastics and martial arts. I've never had a 6-pack, so here's something to work towards - and I need to shred all this squishy on my body, too!

    Looking forward to watching us all progress over the next 60 days!
  • I'm in! Did fit test on Monday (yesterday):

    Switch Kicks: 45
    Power Jacks: 42
    Power Jumps: 20
    Globe Jumps: 7
    Suicide Jumps: 15
    Push-Up Jacks: 11
    Low Plank Obliques: 60

    My legs are stronger than my core by a longshot. Can't wait to see the improvement over the coming fit tests.

    I'm 46 years old, and am on a mission to keep up with my 10 year old daughter. She's got a rock hard 6-pack from gymnastics and martial arts. I've never had a 6-pack, so here's something to work towards - and I need to shred all this squishy on my body, too!

    Looking forward to watching us all progress over the next 60 days!

    good job, thanks or sharing :)
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    I just finished the plyometric cardio circuit. Wow, it was tough compared to the fit test. But the end of it I was moving at twice the pace compared to the trainers. And when the drills moved from the floor to jumping up to the floor again? Forget about it! Lol. But I stuck with it and did my best so at least I can be proud of that.
  • linette247
    linette247 Posts: 17 Member
    I want to start!! But i need some motivation, are you going to start tomorrow?
  • We satarted today, if I would not started this post probably I would quit now but I committed to it 100% now I can't give up so as any of us we all want the best for our selfs so let's do it, you just need set your mide to it ' the way I think about all thing in my life ,,it will be over soon , just get over it ,, I think about insanity the same way that helps me going all thou I just started today :))))))))
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    I want to start!! But i need some motivation, are you going to start tomorrow?

    I think I'm one day ahead of HopetoFaith and Tracyjoys, so we're all around the same mark. I think you're good to go. .:smile:
  • legallysteph
    legallysteph Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in!
  • erookjr
    erookjr Posts: 48 Member
    Started my 3rd round last Monday. Check my pictures for my progress!!!
  • I'm joining in too! Today is my first day on My Fitness Pal and I'm going to be starting tomorrow :) I've done 1/2 of Insanity before, but I'm determined to make it all the way through this time!!!! Friend me if you want someone to talk to about it/ a motivational buddy. I could use the support too!
  • JuliePleasant
    JuliePleasant Posts: 72 Member
    Im on day 9 tomorrow. :-)
  • Im on day 9 tomorrow. :-)

    you almost there wel done:)
  • poly cardio cic i had to stop at 10 min left feel so guilty now, sweating like pig, need to push myself more, but im out of breath .....
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    poly cardio cic i had to stop at 10 min left feel so guilty now, sweating like pig, need to push myself more, but im out of breath .....

    I'm sorry, I just saw this now. How did you make out? The last 10 minutes is the hardest and I was by no means keeping up with the instructors. I just kept moving to the best of my ability. (while looking like a limp noodle)

    If you didn't finish I think you should try it now. You had some time to rest so pop that DVD back in and finish strong. You can do it!
  • too late now will do it tomorrow , in my minde i think it will get better and better every day passes i realy hope so..... i just cant give up espcialy when i started this mess here :) hahaha:::) . my sister took pictures of me today ohh my god i didnt thought i look so bad my mirrow lies to me :(( that just motivates me even more to dig deeper tomorrow its a new day a new start.
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Thats the spirt. Just hit pause if you need it, catch your breath, and keep going. I was sore sore yesterday evening but started feeling better this morning.

    Day 3 is a lot easier than day 2, so I hope that makes you feel better. :wink:
  • Starting tomorrow! 9/27!
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Starting tomorrow! 9/27!
    Good luck! Be sure to give us your results.