Shocked by the calorie content



  • Illusent
    Illusent Posts: 228 Member
    Bowl(s) of cereal... OMG
  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    Orange Juice. Like liquid candy. Haven't drank it in a year...
    ^^ this...CANNOT drink OJ
  • dillyweed
    Tim Hortons (in Canada) Low fat muffins... Calorie, fat and even sugar wise it was better to eat the cherry cheese danish that one of the low fat muffins.
  • jayraycee
    I work at a bakery, we always look at the calories in new stuff. We are still shocked by honey buns, which are 600 calories.

    OMG losing weight and working in a bakery? I wouldn't succeed, I am telling you!
  • deadliftfan
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    Margaritas lol.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I work at a bakery, we always look at the calories in new stuff. We are still shocked by honey buns, which are 600 calories.

    OMG losing weight and working in a bakery? I wouldn't succeed, I am telling you!

    I would like to think I have willpower but I would fold like a paper dam if I was you. I love pastry waaaaaaaaay to much , I would have to quit.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Arby's Market Fresh Turkey and Swiss sandwich. 720 calories!!!!!! I could of had the roast beef!
  • sparknotes
    Pretty much anything on the 99 Restaurant menu!! We were on the road today and were out much longer than expected, so we stopped there for lunch! Thank God for my smart phone...I looked up calories before ordering and went with least damage...which cost 520 calories...most of the other choices I would have picked were over 1000 and 1300 calories!! An entire day's food in one thanks! (even though preMFP I wouldn't have thought twice about it!)
  • nkklllll
    Seeing a whole lot of people shocked about 1000 calorie meals and such, or that they are eating a slice of pie that has 800 calories and it is half of their daily intake. You should never be shocked at the calorie count of anything: chips are either tortilla or potato . . . both dense high calorie foods. Cake is cake, no matter how you slice it (haha slice), muffins are cake marketed as a breakfast food, all they are is oversized cupcakes. If you watn a low calorie dinner, here's a great one: Tyson's frozen chicken tenderloins (1 serving), 1 serving of Trader Joe's ready to cook brown rice, and some Del Monte fresh whole potatoes (they're in a can). Eat 1 serving of all those things i guarantee you'll be full and you will only have had about 3-400 calories. Also, the more protein you eat, the more full you'll feel, and longer.
  • lauragoat
    lauragoat Posts: 197 Member
    We used to go through at least 2 gallons a week between me and hubby... Since MFP we haven't went through two or three gallons in almost 18 months!!!

    I miss milk! :cry:
  • cooldrums
    I realized that I was having my full calorie intake of food per day in Coke.
  • gottagettagrip
    Smirnoff Ice 228 calories per bottle. :sad:
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    Orange Juice. Like liquid candy. Haven't drank it in a year...

    I quit drinking it also, was shocked at how many calories were in a cup

    My uncle turned me on to the Trop 50 juice. If you have a jones for some OJ, this one won't kill you at least!

    Whoever came up with the Trop 50 was a genius... its only 50% juice. Buggers took regular OJ, added water, and called it a brand new product with 50% less calories and sugar! If you are going to drink OJ, just take the regular stuff and mix it with water yourself!
  • topgals
    topgals Posts: 40 Member
    I was shocked to find out how much sugar there is in milk! & then the cereal &the Mocha I had after my gym workout.
    Most of all those cheeky few choccies I used to have between meals, can add upto to half my days calories!! :-(
    I now know where I was going wrong all these years. MFP has been a real eye opener :-)
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member

    Ditto...they've slowly gotten enormous and it doesn't take a whole lot of looking to find a 700 (or more!) calorie muffin.

    And Pop-Tarts. Just ONE is 220 cals (and who doesn't eat both in the wrapper?)

    YES! Poptarts was the worst, it's almost a feat how they've managed to get so many calories into one tiny pastry... that was the end of poptarts for me though :(
  • tourettte
    tourettte Posts: 142 Member
    this - CEKIN PILECA HRENOVKA 300gr.jpg
    chicken sausages/hot dogs. 5 in one package has 1310 Calories.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Onion rings.

    I wanted to cry when I realized how much other food I could have instead.
  • offthedeependay
    offthedeependay Posts: 435 Member
    65 grams of salted packaged peanuts is 430 calories
  • jojo98mu
    jojo98mu Posts: 20 Member
    Corn muffins at the Cracker Barrel! 270 calories in ONE! And that's without butter!