Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    Thursday truth - I hate it when active skinny women complain about their life, body or workout. WThell... shut up already. We all have issues but please, your *kitten* is not your biggest problem. Also, I have not worked out in a week and I am still losing weight, I guess eating clean really works.
  • hayleymc3
    hayleymc3 Posts: 128 Member
    Truth Thursday! Okay, so I've been having issues with food and diary privacy this week. I've had SO much temptation this week and I have to admit I've caved in a few times.

    This sounds silly, but one of my biggest problems this week has been other people offering me things. I haven't actually gone to seek out any horrible foods, but I've been offered things left and right. My brother offered me chips, my co-worker brought me a huge brown butter muffin, my other co-worker brought me a slurpie, and my fiance offered me chocolate chip cookies (huge weakness!).

    I've been doing so well that I haven't wanted any of these things, but when I'm in a social situation I feel weird about not accepting the food. I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do with how I was raised. I'm from the south - food is a very social and binding thing down here! Anyway, if anyone has any good tips on turning down food in social situations, let me know. It's especially hard when people go out of their way to bring me something (like that darn muffin!).
  • hayleymc3
    hayleymc3 Posts: 128 Member
    Thursday truth - I hate it when active skinny women complain about their life, body or workout. WThell... shut up already. We all have issues but please, your *kitten* is not your biggest problem. Also, I have not worked out in a week and I am still losing weight, I guess eating clean really works.

    I understand what you're saying. It's very frustrating. I often feel like thin women could never possibly understand the struggles I've faced as a morbidly obese women - but then I take a step back and remember that we're all women and we can relate in that manner.
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I just started using my app and have a large amount of weight to lose (100+). I'd love to join you all and get support from people who know what it feels like to work to lose a large amount of weight. Please feel free to add me as a friend.

    By the way, what's up with all the bumps? Is it a motivation thing? :)
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    This seems like a great group. So many have suceeded so much. Rewards are in order.

    My truth: My hope is to maintain the momentum I have felt the past day. I don't want to fall into the rut I usually fall into. I want to be responsible with food and hope that translates to better health and more self esteem.

    On Thursday, I take my little great granddaughter to McDonalds for lunch and to play. My hubby suggested the park today and that is a great idea. No temptation with burger and fries and we will be out of doors. The weather in Atlanta is wonderful.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Thursday Truth: I'm finally feeling good and back to my normal way of eating and everything. Just got off track for awhile. I'm going to start working on a strict work out schedule that I will follow. Right now I think it's going to be Sat-Tues and every other Wed. So I wont have to get up at 4:30 on the days my husband works.

    As for financial aid for school. I received my letter and as long as I go full time 12credit hours I have been awarded $4350. Now I'm not really sure how this works cause I've never been to college. So I'm not sure if that's for the whole time I go to school or just this year I don't know. But I go Monday for my placement testing...nervous about that! And once I know what classes I need to take then I will go from there. If I can't get it to work around my work schedule I'm not sure if I will be able to go or not. I am praying and hoping that it all works out.
    I have not told my parents yet, I work for them. I am nervous that my Dad will be upset about it. I don't know how to tell them either. Just very nervous.

    Have a great Thursday everyone!

    @sunshine_frec::::: I DIDN'T weigh myself this morning! I wanted to...but I didn't! And it's driving me crazy lol
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Congrats to all who are living their lives pretty much on track! Yeah, it's a good feeling when everything seems to come together. Happy Birthday to my fellow late September celebrants. Welcome to the Newlings (love that term too). :heart:

    Thursday Truth: I am back to struggling. I am so incredibly exhausted and I cannot recharge. I got over 9 hrs of sleep last night according to FitBit and I am so tired today that I can barely type or think. I think it's just the rachet up in stress but as you all know, you can't escape it right? I thought I was home for at least a week when I got another call from the nurses that the sores on the tops and bottoms of his feet (this is my dad I'm writing about) are worse and the doctor wants to see him. The dr. won't come to the Skilled Nursing facility so he'll need to have an appt which translates to, we'll let you know when you need to be here to go w/him (folks, this is not around the corner, it will require a 2 1/2 hr drive to get there). My dad can barely hear and cannot process information so if I don't go, I'll have no idea of what's up. If I don't go, the facility will call me ONLY if the doctor writes any new orders. And no, there are no other relatives, it's me or no one. Meanwhile, I need to write checks for my dad's bills, get to the grocery store, the gas station and the library. I know, it doesn't sound like much but I feel like a discharged battery---no positive, no negative, no spark.

    Ok, that's my truth and I've spewed it all out. Now it's time to kick myself and get started. Argh.

    Hey, drink your water!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    @Linder --sorry you are so stressed and spread so thin, it's hard enough to deal w/ an ailing parent, but to have to do it all by yourself, just breaks my heart. I'm the youngest of four, and I can't imagine my live without my sister and brothers. (((hugs))) And if you have a good friend close to home, maybe ask them to help you with the local stuff, grocery, library. I understand it's hard to ask for help sometimes, but I believe that any support you recieve "right now" will be a relieve. Please don't forget to take care of yourself because your so busy taking care of your dad. I'm sending peaceful energy your way.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Lin - Happy Belated Birthday - :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sunshine freckles - 2 hr lacrosse - darn girl - that takes strength :love:

    Monarchris - a move to Chicago = wow what a big deal! That is going to be a big change in your life! Keep us posted!

    SweetP - no one HAS to do personals - you can just post your own updates and we'd love hearing about you. Glad to see you're around.

    Naceto - math is fun? OK now I understand you................:noway:

    SherrilsB - glad you found us - yay !!!

    Kris - Happy Birthday - WOOT :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Tina - glad you got your award money - the financial counselor at school will help you figure every thing out.

    Garetie - thats the right attitude to have

    Newbies - welcome to all of you!
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    @sunshine_frec::::: I DIDN'T weigh myself this morning! I wanted to...but I didn't! And it's driving me crazy lol

    Tina! You're fantastic! I didn't weigh myself either, and i'm currently eating a DELICIOUS bagel with natural peanut butter on it. So good.

    Thursday truth huh?: Let's see.
    Truth: I spent 100 dollars on grocery shopping (i live alone), but alas, it is all pretty much healthy besides the pop tarts and the puppy chow ingredients I had to make for my friend's 21st birthday!

    Truth: Our work goes on like you find your own sub. A girl asked me to cover her on Friday, and i've been overworked with school, so I just told her I couldn't because I already had plans... You know what my plans are? Sitting on this wonderful bed, staring at the tv, while cuddling with my blankets. I feel really guilty about lying.... haha, but I already work on Friday.
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Sunshine freckles - 2 hr lacrosse - darn girl - that takes strength :love:

    Hey there! Thank you! I love it, because it works your arms a lot.
    Yes, to be honest, i'm actually not built with a ton of "fat weight", it is quite a bit of muscle besides my stomach area.
    I love those practices. We start out with a 20 minute run around campus, and then get in the drills. I look forward to Sunday's practice. :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thursday Truth: I'm finally feeling good and back to my normal way of eating and everything. Just got off track for awhile. I'm going to start working on a strict work out schedule that I will follow. Right now I think it's going to be Sat-Tues and every other Wed. So I wont have to get up at 4:30 on the days my husband works.

    As for financial aid for school. I received my letter and as long as I go full time 12credit hours I have been awarded $4350. Now I'm not really sure how this works cause I've never been to college. So I'm not sure if that's for the whole time I go to school or just this year I don't know. But I go Monday for my placement testing...nervous about that! And once I know what classes I need to take then I will go from there. If I can't get it to work around my work schedule I'm not sure if I will be able to go or not. I am praying and hoping that it all works out.
    I have not told my parents yet, I work for them. I am nervous that my Dad will be upset about it. I don't know how to tell them either. Just very nervous.

    Have a great Thursday everyone!

    @Tina~First, congratuations for getting back on track! Sounds like you're working towards a great workout plan, too. Awesome on school, usually you need to apply for financial aid annually (especially if it is something like a Pell Grant). Will you be attending a community college or a 4-year university? Most colleges offer late afternoon and evening classes - I know the university I attend offers classes in the late afternoon/evening at 4, 5 and 7pm. I take two classes and they are from 7-10pm twice a week. I know Nicole is going to school also, I think her classes are in the evening as well. Most colleges try to cater to those that have full-time jobs. I hope your parents are supportive of your education - maybe your dad will be lenient and let you off a little early to make a 4pm class.
    Congrats to all who are living their lives pretty much on track! Yeah, it's a good feeling when everything seems to come together. Happy Birthday to my fellow late September celebrants. Welcome to the Newlings (love that term too). :heart:

    Thursday Truth: I am back to struggling. I am so incredibly exhausted and I cannot recharge. I got over 9 hrs of sleep last night according to FitBit and I am so tired today that I can barely type or think. I think it's just the rachet up in stress but as you all know, you can't escape it right? I thought I was home for at least a week when I got another call from the nurses that the sores on the tops and bottoms of his feet (this is my dad I'm writing about) are worse and the doctor wants to see him. The dr. won't come to the Skilled Nursing facility so he'll need to have an appt which translates to, we'll let you know when you need to be here to go w/him (folks, this is not around the corner, it will require a 2 1/2 hr drive to get there). My dad can barely hear and cannot process information so if I don't go, I'll have no idea of what's up. If I don't go, the facility will call me ONLY if the doctor writes any new orders. And no, there are no other relatives, it's me or no one. Meanwhile, I need to write checks for my dad's bills, get to the grocery store, the gas station and the library. I know, it doesn't sound like much but I feel like a discharged battery---no positive, no negative, no spark.

    Ok, that's my truth and I've spewed it all out. Now it's time to kick myself and get started. Argh.

    Hey, drink your water!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


    Sorry for all of the stress, Lin, and I can certainly relate. My mom is the sole care-giver for my ailing grandmother, she has a brother but he doesn't help much and I've seen the toll it takes on her occasionally. My grandmother is 90 but still living on her own - I think if she didn't have a nurse that came to the house daily or the woman and cooks and cleans for her, my mom would go batty. Hang in there! Try to get extra rest when you can.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    @sunshine_frec::::: I DIDN'T weigh myself this morning! I wanted to...but I didn't! And it's driving me crazy lol

    Tina! You're fantastic! I didn't weigh myself either, and i'm currently eating a DELICIOUS bagel with natural peanut butter on it. So good.

    Yay! I had a bagel this morning as well, blueberry bagel with pumpkin spice cream cheese....150 calories. SO good!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Thursday Truth: I'm finally feeling good and back to my normal way of eating and everything. Just got off track for awhile. I'm going to start working on a strict work out schedule that I will follow. Right now I think it's going to be Sat-Tues and every other Wed. So I wont have to get up at 4:30 on the days my husband works.

    As for financial aid for school. I received my letter and as long as I go full time 12credit hours I have been awarded $4350. Now I'm not really sure how this works cause I've never been to college. So I'm not sure if that's for the whole time I go to school or just this year I don't know. But I go Monday for my placement testing...nervous about that! And once I know what classes I need to take then I will go from there. If I can't get it to work around my work schedule I'm not sure if I will be able to go or not. I am praying and hoping that it all works out.
    I have not told my parents yet, I work for them. I am nervous that my Dad will be upset about it. I don't know how to tell them either. Just very nervous.

    Have a great Thursday everyone!

    @Tina~First, congratuations for getting back on track! Sounds like you're working towards a great workout plan, too. Awesome on school, usually you need to apply for financial aid annually (especially if it is something like a Pell Grant). Will you be attending a community college or a 4-year university? Most colleges offer late afternoon and evening classes - I know the university I attend offers classes in the late afternoon/evening at 4, 5 and 7pm. I take two classes and they are from 7-10pm twice a week. I know Nicole is going to school also, I think her classes are in the evening as well. Most colleges try to cater to those that have full-time jobs. I hope your parents are supportive of your education - maybe your dad will be lenient and let you off a little early to make a 4pm class.

    I'm looking at a community college. I know they have night classes BUT once the actual CNA classes start and then going for my RN it's going to be hard to work and do clinicals..that's what I'm mainly worried about. But I wont know anything until after I take my placement testing.
    Yeah I doubt he would be lenient, I'm on salary right now and he would probably put me back to hourly. So I don't know what I'm going to do. I feel bad. I like working for my parents, but I don't like my job if that makes sense. I like being apart of the company but what I do is NOT what I want to do. I LOVE the hours Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. I know being a nurse my schedule will be crazy and that scares me too, what if I can't handle the hectic schedule what if I never have time to see my family when right now I get quite a bit of time. So many questions and I don't know what the answers are right now. Kind of stressful at the moment lol
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @patty -- happy birthday! My 40s have been brilliant on the whole, just getting better and better.
    @dobarber -- I'm sure that if I start it, I'll finish, if I have to crawl. Good luck with your 5k!
    @Joe -- I'm always amazed at the cals in 'convenience' food. I try to keep snacks at about 100 calories around, and if I'm hungry I grab one of those.
    @Kris -- yesterday I ended dinner with just about 50 cals left for the day, and we were going out to a concert! I did have two beers at the concert, so I ended up over, but I'd been the same amount under the previous day (probably *why* I was so hungry yesterday) and I'm planning to go under a bit today, so I assume it all comes out right in the end.
    @linder4866 -- I'm sort of going "I can *walk* it if I have to", yes. What training did you do for your half marathon? I'm worried that I'm still far too tubby for this -- I was just about the fattest person in the park when I did my 5k.
    @ohpampered1 -- that's a pretty excessive reaction to someone losing weight, isn't it? Most of our partners are pretty supportive. Perhaps if your husband knows that this is something you're doing for *you*, he'd relax a bit?
    @raven -- I think lots of people go through spells when they have trouble eating all their calories. As long as you're getting to 1200, I wouldn't worry; and I wouldn't worry about the odd day anyway. If it's significantly less then adding high-calorie (but healthy) snacks like nuts or avocado might be an idea?
    @kris1085 -- the birthday that really got to me was 41.

    Welcome to all the newlings! This is a wonderful thread.

    So... as for that half marathon. My friend the fitness trainer says 'it will be brilliant!' and that six months is plenty as long as I wasn't planning to run the entire way. My friends who live locally (it's the Reading half marathon) said 'come and stay!' So I did the first run of 'Ease into 5k' today, and it was fine. Not easy, but not hard either. I could have run a little more at the end of the 60 second run segments. My walking pace was 18 minutes/mile ish and my running pace 13 minutes/mile. So that all feels fine. I *might* start week 2 after two week 1 runs instead of three, but I want to be careful not to overdo it.

    I want to fit in a 5k and maybe a 10k along the way; there's a 5k just up the road in six weeks but that might be a bit early.

    Last time I ran regularly I wasn't logging calories, and I didn't lose hardly any weight, but I dropped an entire dress size *really fast*. I think it's great exercise if you can do it.

    Thursday truth -- I've got a great wodge of 'you don't *deserve* to be fit and healthy' going on. I need to unpick that a bit. More next Thursday, maybe?

    -- Alison
  • marthadztx
    marthadztx Posts: 337 Member
    Truth- I'm really 47yrs old. :happy:
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    OK is it sadistic of me to be thinking about increasing my running distance over the next few months to a 10k distance even before doing my first 5k? I've been running for less than a year and when I started, 1 minute as a daunting task. Now I'm running 3+ miles at a stretch and considering doing twice that much now. Whoda thunk it?
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thursday Truth . Today is my 39th birthday ! I am going to be a good girl today and not have any cake we are celebrating my birthday on saturday though and i will be having cake then. 39 does not bother me but i am dreading next year though turning 40 now that scares me !

    happy birthday! it was the weirdest thing. when i turned 30 i couldn't have cared less. i had a memory of how much my mother just freaked when she turned 30. but when i turned 35 it was really depressing. currently i'm turning 37 in a few weeks so i'm not sure how 40 will strike me, but if the pattern follows i'll wait to freak out until i'm 45 :laugh:
    As for financial aid for school. I received my letter and as long as I go full time 12credit hours I have been awarded $4350. Now I'm not really sure how this works cause I've never been to college. So I'm not sure if that's for the whole time I go to school or just this year I don't know. But I go Monday for my placement testing...nervous about that! And once I know what classes I need to take then I will go from there. If I can't get it to work around my work schedule I'm not sure if I will be able to go or not. I am praying and hoping that it all works out.
    I have not told my parents yet, I work for them. I am nervous that my Dad will be upset about it. I don't know how to tell them either. Just very nervous.

    congrats. you'd think your parents might just be happy for you to be going to college so maybe they'll be more inclined to work something out with you. good luck spreading the news.
  • Thursday Truth . Today is my 39th birthday ! I am going to be a good girl today and not have any cake we are celebrating my birthday on saturday though and i will be having cake then. 39 does not bother me but i am dreading next year though turning 40 now that scares me !

    Kris: I just hit that mile stone yesterday:noway: Still blows me away that I am 40:sad: I think I will be the 70 yo that people see & talk about..cause she still thinks she's 39:laugh: can't help it...I don't feel It MUST be a LIE:tongue: but seriously, 30 terrified me, 40 not so much...and Happy Bday:flowerforyou: Next year I will welcome you to the 40+ club:wink:

    @Skinny: Thank You:flowerforyou: for the bday wishes!
    @Toots: It is crazy how the chain reaction thing works, huh?:wink:
    @RobinsEgg: Thank You for the bday wishes also....:smile:
    @LaurieK: Thank You too:flowerforyou:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    thursday truth. i had three brownies for breakfast. :blushing: but i stayed within my breakfast calorie range which is fine, but really, amber? three brownies?