Top 5 gym pet peeves



  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I work out at home, but i still have a few.
    1. if im running with my three dogs, for chrissakes dont try to stop me to say hi. these.behemoths outweigh me by 70lbs and one isnt friendly. and yet, after being lunged at and cussed out, i still have to drag my dogs away from thr same people.
    2. when i take my bar outside, its because i get tired of the clanging on our concrete floors. its not an open invitation for you to come onto my property to chat while i try not to throw heavy things at you.
    3. headphones=STFU. dont get offended when i walk right past you. i listen to otep or slayer most workouts and cant hear you.

    I work out at home too and people still find a way to irritate the crap out of me.

    1. When I'm running I'm not going to stop to talk to you. I want to get my workout done so I can get on with my day, we'll chat later.

    2. When I'm doing a kickbxing DVD in my living room don't stand behind me or to my side and then get pissed when you get kicked or punched (yes I have family members that are that stupid)

    3. Don't climb over me when I'm doing ab work. I know I am in the direct path to the side door but gues what? There is a front door for a reason.

    4.If the phone rings while Im workingout I'm not going to stop to answer it. And if its for me TAKE A FREAKING MESSAGE

    5. When I am gasping for breath and pushing through a tough workout is not the time to ask me unimportant questions or tell me a story from your day.
  • Exavier_W
    1. People that break machines due to improper use. Then when the machine is fixed, they go back and continue to misuse the machine.

    2. Guys that use the blow dryer in the locker room to dry themselves off instead of using a towel and ask for help to blow dry thier back. WTF

    3. When big muscular guys address smaller guys as "Wzup Big Dawg!"

    4. When the gym pool, sauna and hot tub closes due to lightning. Its not lightning inside the building!

    5. Annual towel fee surcharge. On second thought, scratch this one because I make sure I (not me but someone I know, of course) takes home enough towels annually to offset the towel fee surcharge.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    1. People that don't clean the machines when done using...
    2. People that leave the magazine holders on the machines...
    3. People that have to slam the weights down as if having to announce that they are there...
    4. People that try to hold a conversation with me... a simple hello is fine thank you
    5. People that don't put their towels in the baskets...
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    Someone wearing too much perfume/cologne.

    agreeing when there's an empty row of machines except the one I'm on and someone hops on next to me.

    people that talk on their phone sharing their conversations.

    people that socialize on some equipment while I want to workout on it.

    and definitely rude sucky people that don't wipe down equipment after they use it.
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    When people are talking LOUDLY on their cell phones through their WHOLE workout! Ugh. Actually asked a man to please take it outside and he got in my face and started screaming at me and then assulted me. And I rarely complain.

    Also, when people are running on the treadmill and they come down flat on their feet and make that loud smacking noise. So hard to concentrate when they do that!
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    To be honest - I rarely notice what's going on around me, to busy training!

    I'm at a boxing gym so everyone is relatively focused, disciplined and respectful.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    To be honest - I rarely notice what's going on around me, to busy training!

    I'm at a boxing gym so everyone is relatively focused, disciplined and respectful.

    I want to go to your gym. To be honest, I'm not sure why people get themselves so worked up over other people's business. I just turn my iPod up, get in my zone, and mind my own business. Keeps everybody happy.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    2. Guys that use the blow dryer in the locker room to dry themselves off instead of using a towel and ask for help to blow dry their back. WTF
    Seriously!? If I were a guy I'd find it really creepy to be asked to blow dry another guys back. Even being female I'd find that creepy.
  • blushingmama
    blushingmama Posts: 111 Member
    The personal trainers get on my nerves the most. They make up the most ridiculous exercises, take up way too much room & get in the way.

    And then when they want to rush me to get off the incline bench so their client can stand on two benches and do some ridiculous, unstable exercise their body would never naturally do. Go do some squats instead!

    But I'm already really, really good at squats. Which is why I want a trainer to show me something really difficult and awesome to do! Isn't the whole point of working out to challenge your body?

    okay, fair enough. I supposed some people could have maxed out the amount of weight they can squat and have done every variety of squats they could do. And couldn't possilby research exercises to challenge themselves on their own. Therefore, needing to pay 50 for 30 minutes of training. But hey it helps keep people employed.

    I fail to see how a wobbly person standing on two benches and squating down to pick up a medicine ball would be a safer or more challenging option than putting an olympic bar on your back and getting to work. But that's me... and I wanted to use the bench to ya know... incline press.
  • meganbook
    I think you guys covered most of my gym pet peeves, but my biggest pet peeve when I'm running is I have my GPS tracker timing my run, earplugs in music blasting, and people will pull up next to me in their car or wave me down on the street and ask me for directions. Luckily for them, I'm nice about it and will help them. I've tried to avoid this and run on a trail by my house and an older woman still flagged me down asking where a restaurant was. C'mon people! Trying to run here! :-)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    The personal trainers get on my nerves the most. They make up the most ridiculous exercises, take up way too much room & get in the way.

    And then when they want to rush me to get off the incline bench so their client can stand on two benches and do some ridiculous, unstable exercise their body would never naturally do. Go do some squats instead!

    But I'm already really, really good at squats. Which is why I want a trainer to show me something really difficult and awesome to do! Isn't the whole point of working out to challenge your body?

    okay, fair enough. I supposed some people could have maxed out the amount of weight they can squat and have done every variety of squats they could do. And couldn't possilby research exercises to challenge themselves on their own. Therefore, needing to pay 50 for 30 minutes of training. But hey it helps keep people employed.

    I fail to see how a wobbly person standing on two benches and squating down to pick up a medicine ball would be a safer or more challenging option than putting an olympic bar on your back and getting to work. But that's me... and I wanted to use the bench to ya know... incline press.

    "wobbly" exercises work on balance and stabilizing muscles..
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    2. People who wear hats to the gym. I don't know why this annoys me. How are they comfortable wearing that!!!

    :laugh: my boyfriend ALWAYS wears a hat at the gym and I say the same thing to him every single time. He says he'd rather wear a hat than a sweat band or something and hates when sweat drips on his face while he's in the middle of a set.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    2. People who wear hats to the gym. I don't know why this annoys me. How are they comfortable wearing that!!!

    :laugh: my boyfriend ALWAYS wears a hat at the gym and I say the same thing to him every single time. He says he'd rather wear a hat than a sweat band or something and hates when sweat drips on his face while he's in the middle of a set.

    That's why I wear one.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    2. People who wear hats to the gym. I don't know why this annoys me. How are they comfortable wearing that!!!

    :laugh: my boyfriend ALWAYS wears a hat at the gym and I say the same thing to him every single time. He says he'd rather wear a hat than a sweat band or something and hates when sweat drips on his face while he's in the middle of a set.

    That's why I wear one.

    It makes definitely makes sense, but it's funny watching him constantly turn it forwards or backwards depending on what he's doing. He gets so frustrated when he leans back on something and forgets his hat is backwards at that moment.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Seems that some people just have a hard time being around other people.

    I think a home gym may be their only hope.
  • blushingmama
    blushingmama Posts: 111 Member
    The personal trainers get on my nerves the most. They make up the most ridiculous exercises, take up way too much room & get in the way.

    And then when they want to rush me to get off the incline bench so their client can stand on two benches and do some ridiculous, unstable exercise their body would never naturally do. Go do some squats instead!

    But I'm already really, really good at squats. Which is why I want a trainer to show me something really difficult and awesome to do! Isn't the whole point of working out to challenge your body?

    okay, fair enough. I supposed some people could have maxed out the amount of weight they can squat and have done every variety of squats they could do. And couldn't possilby research exercises to challenge themselves on their own. Therefore, needing to pay 50 for 30 minutes of training. But hey it helps keep people employed.

    I fail to see how a wobbly person standing on two benches and squating down to pick up a medicine ball would be a safer or more challenging option than putting an olympic bar on your back and getting to work. But that's me... and I wanted to use the bench to ya know... incline press.

    "wobbly" exercises work on balance and stabilizing muscles..

    very true. so work on those issues by using a bosu ball, or do one legged squats. why must a personal trainer crowd out other people using equipment for it's intended use? because it's unconventional? or because they're inconsiderate and think they have more of a right to the gym than the others that pay their monthly dues?
  • fallintomyworld
    fallintomyworld Posts: 45 Member
    Amen sister!!!
  • Gela1979
    I hate the hogging machines thing. I walk up to the leg press, it's fully loaded with 5 45-lb weights on each side. Just when I'm done unloading and reloading the machine some dope walks up and goes, "I was using that." Cuz ya didn't see me standing here effing around with it for the past five minutes!!??

    And this has only happened once, but it was bizarre, that for a while we only had one set of 15-lb dumbells at our gym. A lady refused to let me work in and use them (okay, whatever) but when she moved on to the next exercise w/ a different weight she stuck them under a bench under her sweater. She hid them! What are we, in kindergarten hiding our favorite toys?

    And the personal space thing is bizarre . Or people just generally staring. Yes, I'm working out hard and I'm sweating, what's up with you?

    Another, not a pet peeve, but I think gyms could do better here in educating people, 10 people toiling away on cardio machines, they're just kind of zoned out, they're not even sweating. Let's get this workout done! Let's make it count! Go hard!
  • Gela1979
    Personal trainers are the WORST for not returning equipment to its place and leaving crap lying around all over the floor for others to trip over.