10 in 9, part 2



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey, Nolachick...I really enjoy your blogs and I love this thread. I was born and raised in NOLA. What part are you from? I grew up in the Airline Park neighborhood in Metairie. How cool to find you on here!


    Hey there thnx for posting. I moved to new orleans in the fall of 05 when the storm hit, but in spring 06 I came right back to pursue my college degree. I graduated in 09 and here I am working now and enjoying it very much. I have been considering moving out to metairie or uptown but still can't decide. Are u going to be in town for the parades?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies! Another day closer to the weekend, Woo Hoo! My workout is complete for today. I decided to do 40 minutes of the Cardio X dvd of the P90X series and 10 minutes of the "Melt It Off" dvd for a total of 50 minutes. I was going to head to the gym today but as always did not sleep well last night and was dragging a bit this morning. I meet w/my new primary care physician tomorrow and will tell her about my sleep issues and see what she thinks. No matter how tired or how late I go to bed I can't get more than 4/5 hours of sleep. Alot of times I'm able to get right up and begin my work day but by mid afternoon I find that I begin to drag. Anyway, the workout is done and I am happy about that.

    Happy Thursday all!
  • actually choco. i just do the dvds. i don't do specfic ones. what i've done so far and when i can do it, i like them all,so far.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Way to go on the workout Choco! thnx for always listening and giving great advice. last night i hugged and kissed my mom good night, this morning she seemed less upset. Will try to have a girls' night tonight, last time it turned out pretty good. I really do hope the rest of her time here goes well cuz she leaves sunday. I can't wait for tomorrow! I'm also happy it's thursday cuz I wanna be in my bed and watch tv while it's cold outside, or watch movies, and also do my workouts in my home. ahhhh

    Choco, I cannot imagine having ur problem, I would be very frustrated too...I love to sleep and my friends always comment on how easily I can fall asleep and how deep I sleep that its hard to wake me up. lol that can be good and bad sometimes. hahaha

    well my knees have been feeling funny lately sometimes I feel a sharp pain sometimes its just dull kind of tired, sometimes when I step on it a certain way u can hear something in there crack or snap.....I'm starting to worry, I have been reading up on OA and the symptoms kind of sound like it. I think I will try taking supplements like Glucosamine first for a month or two and see how that goes. My mom and bf recommended it as an alternative approach. I hope that makes my knees better.

    Will check in after lunch. Hope everyone is having an awesome day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Nola, always here to listen, so whenever you need to chat you can either post here in the thread or shoot me an email. We all need someone who can listen w/o being judgmental. I'm glad the tension eased a bit last night, you only have a few more days w/her so just try to enjoy them.

    What are you and the girls getting into? I absolutely love girls night out. A group of ladies (I met at a book club mtg) and I got together monthly to participate in different activities. It began in July 09 but slowed down right before Thanksgiving but I'm hoping it will pick up soon. During the time that we were pretty active we did dinner and an old school party, dinner and bowling, a cooking class (we prepared a carribean meal and were able to eat it after w/a nice glass of wine), a bahamas cruise and a NBA basketball game. We always have a good time.

    Were you able to get your workout in this morning?
  • Hey, Nolachick...I really enjoy your blogs and I love this thread. I was born and raised in NOLA. What part are you from? I grew up in the Airline Park neighborhood in Metairie. How cool to find you on here!


    Hey there thnx for posting. I moved to new orleans in the fall of 05 when the storm hit, but in spring 06 I came right back to pursue my college degree. I graduated in 09 and here I am working now and enjoying it very much. I have been considering moving out to metairie or uptown but still can't decide. Are u going to be in town for the parades?

  • I totally wish! I so miss being there right now!

    Hi, Everyone! I want to be a part of this thread, so here is my log for the day. Oh, wait a minute...I haven't logged my calories yet today. It's been a busy morning and afternoon running errands and schlepping kids around. I'll have to post my calories later. I plan on working out on my elliptical machine this evening when I get home from playing Bunko. I rather like working out on it because it is in my bedroom and I just turn something interesting on t.v. and do my thing. Before I know it, 25 minutes have gone by. I started doing MFP and working out just about a month ago. I started off with just doing 20 minutes on the elliptical as I am so out of shape and didn't want to kill myself. I now do 25 minutes. My goal is to do at least 30 minutes a day. I usually stay under 1200 calories a day. I've already lost 7 pounds since I've started. My goal is to lose about 40 more pounds.

    Hey, Choco...are you in the ATL? I live north of there.
  • Ok, not quite sure why my quote didn't post with my reply. :P I'm still trying to navigate this site.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I totally wish! I so miss being there right now!

    Hi, Everyone! I want to be a part of this thread, so here is my log for the day. Oh, wait a minute...I haven't logged my calories yet today. It's been a busy morning and afternoon running errands and schlepping kids around. I'll have to post my calories later. I plan on working out on my elliptical machine this evening when I get home from playing Bunko. I rather like working out on it because it is in my bedroom and I just turn something interesting on t.v. and do my thing. Before I know it, 25 minutes have gone by. I started doing MFP and working out just about a month ago. I started off with just doing 20 minutes on the elliptical as I am so out of shape and didn't want to kill myself. I now do 25 minutes. My goal is to do at least 30 minutes a day. I usually stay under 1200 calories a day. I've already lost 7 pounds since I've started. My goal is to lose about 40 more pounds.

    Hey, Choco...are you in the ATL? I live north of there.

    Pamela: I'm a little south of Atlanta. I'm actually very close to Hartsfield-Jackson airport. How far North are you?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    weight loss and diet myths busted.....


    thought u guys might like this.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Nola, I checked out the link. thank for sharing.
  • Choco---I live in Flowery Branch, in Hall County.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon my workout buddies and happy Friday! My day began w/ P90X "Legs & Back" dvd. Since completing more than 1 pull up is next to impossible for me I decided to do negative pull ups. I had been reading ppl discuss them in different threads and a friend of mine stated that's what they use in the military to help you build to an actual pull up. A negative pull up is when you lift hold yourself above the pull up bar and slowly let yourself down. I can honestly say I felt it working my back. Hopefully after a few weeks of completing these I will be able to do more than 1 standard pull up. Time will tell.

    I went to the dr today to discuss my insomnia and unfortunately the dr didn't have any immediate suggestions. Since I'm a new patient she had to run labs and things of that nature so she won't have options to discuss until the results are back. While I was hoping for a quick fix I can definitely appreciate her not arbitrarily writing a prescription for a sleep aide w/o doing a thorough workup.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Choco, great job on the workout. I am happy to report that I got to bed early last night but of course didn't hear my alarm to wake up so I woke up super late with barely enough time to get ready for work. Hm.
    Well I'm sorry your doctor cudnt help with the insomnia but it just so happens that yesterday I attended a presentation on it. Some suggestions to consider:
    1. no tv in the bedroom, if this can't be avoided use a sleep timer so the tv shuts off after say 30mins.
    2. do not fall asleep withthe tv on as this may cause "arousal" (from sleep lol) which disrupts ur sleep
    3. u shud not be doing anything in bed but sleeping - no reading in bed, being on the computer in bed, etc.
    the bed and bedroom shud only be used for sleeping and another thing lol (sex)
    This will get ur mind into the habit of associating ur bedroom with sleep. So for example instead of reading in bed which will let ur mind stay alert for long periods of time try reading in another place.
    4. If u go to bed early say 9 and wake up at night say at 2am and toss and turn, consider moving ur bedtime to a later time.
    5. if u wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep, do not stay in bed and become frustrated tossing and turning as this will only make the process of falling asleep more difficult. Instead get up and do something around the house, eg. fold laundry, wash dishes, something that will let ur mind relax and when u think u are becoming sleepy go back to bed.

    Those are only some of the things I can remember, hope they help.

    Happy Friday Everyone!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Nola, thank for the information. I have tried some of those things but I will admit I love spending time in the bedroom. I often have to remind myself that I have a 3 bedroom house that I should be utilizing. I don't know why i'm still in college mode...LOL. I really do need to get better w/not doing anything in bed other than sleeping. Perhaps this will be my new goal along w/this lifestyle change.

    Thank again for the information. Do you and your boo have any fun V-day plans?

    No V-day plans for me b/c I don't have a boo but I do have a book club mtg tomorrow and I have rented some movies to watch over the weekend.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    no prob girl, glad to be of help. must be nice to have a 3bed room house girl, use it! Assign each one for different th ings like the workout room, the guest room, the reading/tv room.

    He told me today that he will be cooking me dinner so I hope its something healthy and tasty. We haven't been able to spend time since my mom's been in town so it will be nice to have some alone time. But Vday has never really been a big deal to me. However, now it has a little meaning since our first date was actually on valentine's day. :love:

    Anyhoo we'll see how it goes, as long as we have some nice quality time I'll be happy. Ya'll shud go to the movies, tonight my mom and girlfriends are planning to go to dinner and a movie, I hope it works out cuz I know tonight there'll be 4 parades rolling and I just DON'T wanna deal with crowds or traffic. Hmmm tomorrow is her last day, will wake up and get a good workout with her and try to take her somewhere new like museum or something. Hope we get along before she leaves cuz I'm already starting to miss her. Choco you seem super cool and I hope when essence fest rolls around we can hang out, go for a good workout or a nice healthy meal together lol. That would be nice.

    Will try to check in tomorrow after my workout. :flowerforyou:
  • good afternoon ladies. i have a problem. actually i've had this medical problem for along time. i have low sugar,not high sugar but low. ok this i do i eat my main three meals a day and i have my snacks. i exercise. alittle later i start feeling shaky, dizzy,disorinated, i can't seem to concertrate on anything, i get really cold, and other. so i eat something to get my sugar up, even though it's not time for me to eat yet. i need to keep going to lose this weight. there's time i'm not hungry yet and seems like my sugar starts dropping. long time aga i went to a doctor that's into sugar diabetes. he told me if i lose the weight it will get better and i wouldn't have any more problems. here i am losing this weight again and now my sugar is bothering me. what should i do, to keep my sugar from not bothering me and to lose this weight. i tyr not to eat anything that's high in carbs. and sugars.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Just checkin in with yall. I got my final paychecks in the mail today and akll the paperwork I need to fill out and file. I am going to start P90X tomorrow and see how it goes. Monday I am going to hit the ground running to try to find a job
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Choco you seem super cool and I hope when essence fest rolls around we can hang out, go for a good workout or a nice healthy meal together lol. That would be nice.

    Nola: Thank about seeming super cook especially coming from a young lady who in essence can be my daughter....LOL. As crazy as it seems, I'm 37 and have friends and family my age that have children your age, how crazy is that...LOL. On a serious note, you are a cool young lady and I would love for us to get together while in your beautiful city. I'm trying to firm up some plans now regarding when I'm arriving and leaving. Once I have details I will definitely pass them on. How cool would it be to meet in person after months of chatting online.

    Hope your weekend is coming along well. I'm procrastinating w/todays workout. I just need to get it done and over with. It's Kenpo X day and I actually like that dvd.
  • choco: i like that dvd too and i like the yoga.
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