Ghosts/spirits/unexplainable happenings??



  • cjhart81
    cjhart81 Posts: 200 Member
    Def BUMP!!! I have enjoyed reading this all day while at work :D
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I have a few stories from my mother.

    1) We had just moved into a new house. While she was unpacking the pots and pans in the kitchen she heard a child playing behind her. Thinking it was one of us kids she turned around... only to see a strange little sitting in the middle of the kitchen playing with the pots. "Who are you?" she asked but before the little girl could answer she was just gone.

    In that same house my mother used to be woken up in the night by the sound of a child screaming (this is the same home where I heard and saw the screaming woman). She would check on us kids one by one but of course we were all fast asleep.

    AFTER we moved out of this house we found out the entire family had been murdered by the father. Of course no one told US this until AFTER we moved out. *shakes fist* Jerks. The house still stands. I'd really love to visit it some day!

    2) Our house had ONE entrance. One afternoon while my mother was washing dishes she saw my dad walk behind her and down the hallway. She called out but he ignored her. A moment later he walked into the kitchen (from the same direction he'd come before). "Didn't you just go down the hall?" she asked.

    "No. I was out in the barn. I just got in." he reported.

    There's no way he could have gone down the hall and made it to the front of the house to re-enter again in the time that she saw him and then saw him... if that makes sense.

    This was the same land where we had cows mysteriously dying all the time. No injuries. No sickness. They would just lay down and die.

    PS: We moved a LOT... so we've lived in a lot of houses.
  • aaroboy21
    aaroboy21 Posts: 26 Member
    My experience happened while driving down Highway 101 in Oregon with a group a friends. It was close to midnight and we had been driving for a few hours to our Hotel in Coos Bay. At this time there aren't too many cars on the road, but still enough that you'd see headlights ever couple minutes. The two passengers in the back were sleeping and my friend in the passengers seat was sitting quietly. As I was driving we approached a man biking on the side of the road, as we got closer it was crazy to see it was one of those old bikes with the huge wheel in front and sits high up. As we passed the bike both my friend and I looked over and saw a gentleman dressed nicely with a black top hat on woth that 1920's look. He turned his head to look in our direction and gave us a little head nod, as if to thank us for merging over into the other lane to give him plenty of room. After that we quickly exchanged words saying, "we'll that was odd". As we were just about to discuss it and talk a little more about it, lights flashed from behind us.

    The car that was behind us was flashing their brights. I woke up the other passengers in the car and explained to them what was going on. The car behind us was speeding up and still flashing his brights. At this point the girls who just woke up were scared and told me to speed up. I did the oppisite and slowed down to about 40 and the car pulled up to the side of my car. His window was down, he looked frazzled/scared/suprised or something like that. I rolled down my window, and he yelled to us to pull over, then got back behind our car. At this point I decided we would not stop. We were about 20 minutes outside of the next city North Bend.

    The car stayed behind us all the way to North Bend. At that point I told the girls as soon as we stop at the Gas station to run inside and alert the clerk to let him know we were being followed. As soon as we parked at the gas station, the girls ran inside, and the man in the car that was follwing us hopped out of his car and yelled to me. "You saw the guy on the bike too right?" I replied that I had. He then proceded to tell me that right after I passed the bike he watched the man dissapear in a mist.

    We actually sat down in the restaraunt at the gas station and talked and shared our story with the clerk and a another couple that were there. He said he saw the old big wheeled bike too, and as he started to merge over tho the other lane he watched athe man just torn into a puff of mist or fog. Everyone believed the story and started sharing there own "ghost stories" on strange events or stories they had heard on the haunted highway 101.
  • mrsdamr
    mrsdamr Posts: 54 Member
  • crw72209
    crw72209 Posts: 169 Member
    Loving all the stories!!! :)
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
  • mavrick7
    mavrick7 Posts: 1,607 Member
    During my youth, we had a drive in theatre that was next to an old cememtary. There were many stories about a "faceless" ghost that would appear in the ladies restroom. I feared this place as a child, and never had any encounters with anything "unexplained". The drive-in theatre closed a couple of years later (when I about 15 years old). A couple of years later, I took a short cut through the abandoned drive in to get to the nearby shopping center. This place was located in the middle of the city, so there were houses and buildings on the perimeter of this huge empty lot, which was still next to the cemetary. There were street lights on the outside, but it was completely dark in drive-in. I wasn't planning to take this route, and didn't think that it would be so dark and the distance traveled was less than a 1/4 mile. I was halfway through the drive (at the darkest part), and couldn't see more than a couple of feet in front of me. That is when I heard foot steps behind me, like someone was dragging their back foot in the gravel road! At first, I kept walking in the dark, then I could tell that the pace was picking up. I turned around and couldn't see anyone, so I started to pick up the pace into a jog. I swear that the sound got closer, so I sprinted the hell out of the dark into the closest area with lights. I turned around still didn't see anyone in the distance, but ran another 100 yards to the nearest street. It was so comforting to see cars and traffic lights.

    I never went through that place again. Would you believe that they built houses on that property? Just like that movie the Poltergeist!!!
  • AmethystEFC
    AmethystEFC Posts: 140 Member
    Back when I was a single Mum and trying to get used to living in a new house on my own with two little girls, the youngest came into my bedroom at about 2.30 in the morning. So I asked her why she was up and she said "Mummy, why is there a man in my room?"

    I can safely say that I have never had such a heart leaping terrifying moment since, I threw back the covers and ran into her room fully expecting to find that someone had broken into the house. When I couldn't see anyone I whirled back around to run into my other Daughter's room when the little one piped up "Can't you see him, Mummy? He is there in the corner?" and was pointing back into her bedroom.

    They both slept with me that night but it was for my benefit as much as theirs :embarassed:
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    Bump - I have a few stories but I have to get to a real keyboard to tell them - hopefully I will be able to make some time for this soon!
  • cjhart81
    cjhart81 Posts: 200 Member
    loved reading all of your stories! I do love all this stuff, although I still need convincing..

    I think that when someone dies your mind can WANT to hear or see things.. the mind is a wonderful thing..

    saying that.. a couple of things have happened to me.. I dont know if my mind was playing tricks or what but I know they happened.. or did i want them too.. I dunno.. but after reading all these stories on here I wanted some opinions..

    but one thing is sure, it does seem to happen to most people after loosing someone close and when you are grieving..

    1) - My close uncle died when i was about 12.. when he died he used to visit me.. at the time i told my mum every time and it really freaked her out, she said the dog would sit outside my room staring at the door and also the lights would flicker in the rest of the house, one time I came out after a 'visit' and she said 'i know he has just been, the lights went out!' - I will be honest, I dont remember the visits much anymore.. and maybe i just wanted to believe he came.. I dont remember.. it was a long time ago now.. 20years...

    2) Me and my Boyf moved to an old Lodge house that was hundreds of year old.. and I would always see shadows in the kitchen which was in the basement but i always put that down to he shadows of people walking past the window.. although one day i saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye and it was too far across the room to be someone walking by.. that freaked me out.. i wont lie!

    3) After my nan died, I was always very was very tough. A couple of times I would be upstairs and hear the kettle start to boil downstairs in the kitchen.. not weird no, could have been the plug, faulty kettle.. yes. any of that. I was washing up one day next to the kettle and it started to boil again.. I like to think it was my nan telling me to stop washing up and sit and have a cuppa.. she was a masssssive tea drinker :D it only ever happend twice though, soon after she died.. so doubt it was a faulty plug or kettle.. if it was then the problem fixed itself!

    4) the same bloody kitchen..!!! dfferent plug! so that in its self was weird.. I would be sitting upstairs and all of a sudden the microwave would start beeping.. like something was ready.. this happened a lot.. i had to unplug it in the end because it was freaking me out.. i just hoped that once i unplugged it, it didnt beep again.. haha.. it didnt.

    5) Now this is the most odd.. and one that I like to think happened the way I am going to tell it.. but i know there are many explanations really...
    again someone died.. this time my granddad.. my granddad and I were extremely close! he was the one that taught me how to play guitar when i was young.. and when i was older I taught him a few Nirvana songs and we used to play together,.. even though he much preferred country music. I was devastated when he died, like my world had closed in on me. I went to see my grandma one day and she asked me if i would like his guitar, of course I did! It stayed in the living room on display next to our spiral stairs and I just couldnt bring myself to play it... well one night while my boyfriend was at work I decided it was time and my granddad would be annoyed if i left it to get dusty! i just sat n front of the TV tuning it up a bit and then started to play the silly tune he always played.. and then the sound on the TV COMPLETELY turned down! i stopped and sat for a minute.. it was such timing! the tv wasnt old and it was given to us by a friend.. we had had it for a year and that had never ever happend.. i called her straight away to ask if it had happened to her and she said no never.. so all I could think was that my granddad was enjoying listening to me play and didnt wanna have any silly tv on in the back ground..

    Still not a massive believer tho :D
  • crw72209
    crw72209 Posts: 169 Member
    No more stories??? Wahhhhh :sad:
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    No more stories??? Wahhhhh :sad:

    If I share all my stories people will be confirmed in thinking I'm nuts. :P


    There's a ghost at my workplace.

    A year or so back I had an APPLE thrown at me. (sailed straight UP from the apple display, and then slammed into the wall directly behind me. No one was around. It was just me and that damned apple).

    I've seen a 'man' walking in the office but when I go to check no one is ever there (there's just one exit and no way they could have left without me seeing).

    AND we caught it on the security camera! This time it threw meat at one of our clerks. Same thing as with the apple. It went straight up and then straight at him. Hah! Scared the crap out of him and of course we kept the film to share with all the employees to freak them out with. :P

    Often when I'm there I feel like there's someone behind me. Last night it was so strong I kept turning around but of course no one was ever there.

    And finally, one night while I was alone in the office one of the packages started rocking VIOLENTLY back and forth. It kept going for some time. When it stopped I went over and tried to recreate the event but it was a solid, flat package and would NOT rock.

    So yeah. I'm pretty convinced there's some weirdness going on there.
  • cjhart81
    cjhart81 Posts: 200 Member
    Anyone have Anymore? :(
  • GLJezebel
    GLJezebel Posts: 312 Member
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    My old best friend and I made our own Ouija board and used it....yes it worked and yes I'll never forget it! It was crazy but I think I'd be wary to try it again....the only way I know it wasn't my friend moving it was because I asked it questions that she would never know. (My great grandmothers middle name, first dog's name, etc.) It knew it all. It was quite the experience. It was that night that made me rethink there was nothing else out there. (I was an atheist.)
  • Noki1024
    Noki1024 Posts: 302
    My cousin, who was 7 at the time (I was 10) was standing at the top of the stairs at a cabin my family rented one summer. It was an old cabin and had a creepy play house outside. So my cousin was standing at the top of the stairs alone, everyone else was downstairs, she started with her first step down and all of a sudden I saw her back arch like someone pushed her hard and then she fell down the stairs!! I was frecked out ~ no one else saw it or believed me. My cousin said she felt a push but her parents just shrugged it off like it was an accident. Clearly a spirit pushed her or something. Not a good ghost experience :-(
  • juli_jones
    juli_jones Posts: 101 Member
    Love this...

    My grandmother, mother, sisiter and I are all sensitive to spirits. We have had many different experiences, but my three favorites are...

    My father used to give me and my sister "yankee dimes" (kisses) after he passed away we started finding dimes in the strangest places. I have opened my car and found them sitting right in the middle of my seat, my sister has found them on the threshold to her door, I have found them on my desk at work. Now I know you are all thinking "I find money all the time" but I started paying close attention to where I found coins - the pennies, nickels, and quarters were in places you would expect to find loose change, but the dimes always seem to be somewere they seem specifically placed. What is weird is that we both thought it was dad leaving them without knowing that the other one was also finding dimes. My sister found a dime when we were togeter one day and said "hi, Dad" and I ask her about it and that is when we discovered that we were both finding them. I still regularly find them and it is often when I'm having a bad day and could use a kiss from Dad :-)

    We own property in Tennesse that has a civil war era cemetary on it. Once when visiting the property, my sister and I were taking pictures (back in the day of actual film) we had two different cameras with different types of film yet we both had orbs in the pictures when they were developed. The orbs were only in the pics taken in the cemetary, no were else on the property.

    My husband and I live in the house that belonged to my grandparents. My grandfather had a stroke shortly after I was born and was unable to speak. One day he was trying very hard to talk and the only word he could get out was "baby" - he wanted to see me. One night after moving into his house I was home alone and clearly heard a mans voice say "hey, sug." Sug was what he called my mom.

    There are 3 spirits in my house - two are nice, but the other scares the crap out of me. There is a man that I feel in the hall - I feel that it is my grandfather; a woman in the dining room - my grandmother; and something in my daughters room - this one really scares me and her too. I just recently found out that a young man, who worked for my grandfather back in the 60's, was crushed to death in my back yard. My grandfathers truck fell of the jack. My animals also since these spirits - my dog will bark and nothing in these areas and my cat will hiss.

    keep posting the stores...I love to read about other peoples experiences :-)
  • ERains63
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Was this on Oahu?
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    During my youth, we had a drive in theatre that was next to an old cememtary. There were many stories about a "faceless" ghost that would appear in the ladies restroom. I feared this place as a child, and never had any encounters with anything "unexplained". The drive-in theatre closed a couple of years later (when I about 15 years old). A couple of years later, I took a short cut through the abandoned drive in to get to the nearby shopping center. This place was located in the middle of the city, so there were houses and buildings on the perimeter of this huge empty lot, which was still next to the cemetary. There were street lights on the outside, but it was completely dark in drive-in. I wasn't planning to take this route, and didn't think that it would be so dark and the distance traveled was less than a 1/4 mile. I was halfway through the drive (at the darkest part), and couldn't see more than a couple of feet in front of me. That is when I heard foot steps behind me, like someone was dragging their back foot in the gravel road! At first, I kept walking in the dark, then I could tell that the pace was picking up. I turned around and couldn't see anyone, so I started to pick up the pace into a jog. I swear that the sound got closer, so I sprinted the hell out of the dark into the closest area with lights. I turned around still didn't see anyone in the distance, but ran another 100 yards to the nearest street. It was so comforting to see cars and traffic lights.

    I never went through that place again. Would you believe that they built houses on that property? Just like that movie the Poltergeist!!!

    Was this on Oahu??