

  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    7. What is your least favorite healthy food?

    Brussel sprouts
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    15. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?

    152. No, I've gained. The plan is to get back on track after I had a really bad week - up until then I had managed to lose 2lbs a week for 3 weeks so whatever I was doing was obviously working.
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    8. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?

    I weighed in at 185.7
    I lost .7 this week. But, this is following a week where I lost 2 lbs, so I would have been happy to take any loss. I am also down another half inch on my waist and hips, so there is lots to celebrate. This biggest thing I need to worry about this week is my vacation home. I need to keep my eating and exercise in check, so that I don't gain while I am away.
  • tequilasunris3
    32. Try a new fruit today. Learn how to cut/eat it and enjoy! How was it?

    I tried dragon fruit :) it tasted like nothing but was quite refreshing.
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    29. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?
    206.5, I'm almost 30 pounds down!
  • tequilasunris3
    33. Are you on a diet or are you making this a lifestyle?

    Hmmm not sure, I haven't really thought about that. I just wanna lose weight. I guess my way of dealing with it is thinking of it as a diet up until christmas, and then my new years resolution will be to change my lifestyle :)
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    30. Are you a vegan or a vegetarian?
    No, but I try to eat more fruits and veggie with each meal, which is more than I used to.
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    16. Which part of your body do you wish to change the most and why?

    LOL, can I choose anything that wobbles?! But if I HAD to narrow it down it would be my back and upper arms. Living in a warm climate means cute summer dresses and strappy tops all year round, but I always cover up because I'm so conscious of the excess fat in those areas. I'm confident that I can shrink down my other wobbly bits, but these two areas are notoriously difficult to shift fat from.
  • ChshireKat
    Skipping 22 as I havent weight yet this week.

    23. How much water do you usually drink in a day?
    Truthfully, almost none, I get about a glass. I only drink when I remember too, same with meals, and both are hard to remember. I like water dead cold and it is hard to keep it that way. I try to get 4 glasses, but most days I am under tht.
  • tequilasunris3
    34. Do you take your meals from home to work? If so, what do you usually prepare?

    Just healthy sandwich on wholemeal bread and a piece of fruit.
  • JenniLynn28
    What a great idea. Here goes;

    1. Write your current status: height, weight and goal weight. Why are you loosing weight?
    I am 5'4" weighing in at 169.7. My goal weight is 135. I am loosing weight to build a better body, feel better, build self confidence and because I like the rush. I like working towards this goal, it gives me something to look forward to. Also, my hope is that I can divert stress into my work out...kind of working it out of my system! I just feel better already!
  • RoseAmongThorns91
    RoseAmongThorns91 Posts: 215 Member
    Love this!

    1 - 5'4.5", weighing 167, want to be want at least 145 if not smaller. I am doing this so I can stay in the Navy and be healthier in general.
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    17. Do you have a special event/date you want to lose the weight for?

    Not exactly. I have set myself a final goal of June 2013 but I've set intermediate goals for Hallowe'en, Christmas/New Year, my birthday (early February) and a possible holiday in late March or early April.
  • webdcyner
    I guess since I just started today I will start at the beginning and go from there:

    1. Write your current stats: height, current weight and goal weight. Why are you losing weight?

    Height: 5' 0"
    CW: 224
    GW: 120

    Why are you losing weight? Many reasons but the primary ones are to not have to have knee replacement surgery, to not fall asleep at work from sleep apnea and be fired and to be able to do things with my granddaughter.
  • darthkitty
    1. Write your current stats: height, current weight and goal weight. Why are you losing weight?


    I am losing weight because I want to look healthy. I am actually physically healthy, however I am carrying too much weight for my height.
  • ChshireKat
    24. Have you ever had an eating disorder?
    Nope, I just like to eat. It is a pleasure that can stay with you all your life.
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    31. What are your favorite workout clothes you own?
    It's a black and white t-shirt and Capri yoga pant set, it makes me feel awesome knowing they're a size smaller then what I started with and now the shirt is getting really loose.
  • tequilasunris3
    35. Have you ever fasted? What was the reason for it?

    No, never. I've not eaten when I've been ill which I guess doesn't count.. especially when it wasn't even for a whole day :P aha. I've never fasted.
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    32. Try a new fruit today. Learn how to cut/eat it and enjoy! How was it?
    Even though it not 'new', I have some fresh peaches and plums at home I'll eat, I usually only eat canned.
  • ChshireKat
    26. Do your friends know about you wanting to lose weight? Do they support you?
    Not really, we aren’t actually trying to lose weight, but trying to be more active and healthy. In that respect we are mutually supportive.