Smokers – selfish scum or persecuted minority?



  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I plan to quit soon but sadly this thread reminds me why I love smoking so much.

    I get to piss off uptight people.

    I'm not uptight at all. But smoking bothers me tremendously. I can not breathe in it. It also irritates my eyes. I don't have a problem with people smoking. It is their choice. But I think there should be designated smoking areas in any establishment that allows it.

    Some people get deathly ill from peanut dust. I don't plan to stop eating those either.

    You people have already won that fight in more and more places. Not only are smokers designated to a certain area, anymore you just can't smoke inside. Anywhere. Then they start making rules about how far you have to be from a building to smoke. It never ends.

    I won't tell you how to live your life if you don't tell me how to live mine.

    Yes, thats another one that bugs me. My daughter came home from school with a note that said no peanut butter sandwiches are allowed at lunch because there is a kid at school that is allergic to peanuts. So because one kid has an allergy, thousands cant have a sandwich. Instead of the parents of this kid taking precautions for their child, they expect everyone else to cater to them. How is that fair to the kids that love peanut butter? Just more of the same BS>
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    Then I would give you the same advice. Dont attend places that allow smoking. Simple fix.

    public streets allow smoking........
    non smokers should just stay indoors, i guess.

    Who knew the MD in your name stood for Major ****head.......
  • itskimmers
    itskimmers Posts: 13 Member
    When I lived in NYC, it would annoy me to be waiting in a bus line next to a smoker and be hit in the face with second hand smoke for the 20-30 minute wait. Numerous times I even offered to hold their place in line, and they refused to step back even a few feet, resulting in me then having to ask someone else to hold my spot so I could back away (which some people flat out refused to do).

    I'm asthmatic. If you want to kill yourself fine, but don't don't be inconsiderate to the rest of us. Thanks.

    I think they have passed the public smoking ban since then.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member

    Then I would give you the same advice. Dont attend places that allow smoking. Simple fix.

    public streets allow smoking........
    non smokers should just stay indoors, i guess.

    Who knew the MD in your name stood for Major ****head.......

    Well then I guess you just have to get over it huh? I guess the world doesnt cater to you and you dont like it? We should all ask you what you like and then act accordingly?
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I'm a total hypocrite. I wouldn't date a smoker, yet I smoke cigars regularly.

    I've never smoked cigarettes, but love a cigar when I am BBQing or working in the yard. It's a personal choice. Don't care what label (selfish scum or persecuted minority) that I am assigned.

    I'm with you RD, never had a cigarette in my life, but I enjoy a cigar outdoors working or fishing or in the barn when working on the bike. When I'm out hunting, I put a "pinch" in to pass the time in a tree stand.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    Well then I guess you just have to get over it huh? I guess the world doesnt cater to you and you dont like it? We should all ask you what you like and then act accordingly?

    It's just not really the logical thing to do.
    If someone is participating in a harmful activity. A drug addiction, that can negatively affect the health of the people in the nearby area.... Why would we allow them to do it in public?

    I'm fine with people who don't really care about their health/performance and choose to smoke. But I don't think I should have to change my day around to avoid the health hazards posed by their ignorance.
  • chinatbag
    chinatbag Posts: 249 Member
    Irritations sure. Maybe you dont like smoke. Maybe too much smoke burns your eyes (it will burn everyones eyes) But smoke does NOT contain proteins and ALL allergies are caused by proteins. Therefore, there is no such thing as being "allergic" to smoke. Cant happen. Feel free to ask your doctor. There is no such thing as "considered and allergic reaction" it either is or isnt an allergic reaction.

    This is only partially correct. It doesn't have to start as a protein, it only needs to bind to protein once it's in the body to cause an allergic reaction or a hypersensitive reaction. You still didn't answer my question.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    And yes, I can be a ****head. I dont deny that. I have no compassion for self absorbed people who think they should be able to tell others how to live. It bothers me. This is a true story that tok place years ago when I smoked. I was bowling and one of the wives of a guy on the team we were against apparently didnt like my smoke. So she says with a real snooty attitude " Um, you know Im breathing half your cigarette smoke" So I respond "Oh Yea, then you should be paying for half my Fing cigarettes"
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Persecuted when they are the only one exposed to the smoke. If they want to smoke and they know the risks, it's not different to me than if they liked drinking until they passed out every night. As long as you're not bothering anyone else.

    Selfish when it's blowing in my face for more than 30 seconds solid or if you have people that can't get away from it (children, pets or are smoking in a small enclosed space like an elevator). A lot of the smoker parents I know ALWAYS go outside their home or apartment to smoke because they don't want to risk hurting their pets or kids lungs. Even if the risk is small (which i doesn't seem to be), their child is much more important to them that having a cig now versus in 1 min.

    It's all about the control. If you control it, good. If it controls you, you need to decide if that's worth it.
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    I have both asthma and allergies and I can smell someone smoking if a car passes me and the wondow is open and someone is smoking. I'm glad you can't smoke in public. I have lost family memebers to lung cancer and my mother is on oxygen because of being a chain smoker. I'm very much against it. But I'm not a perfect person. My bad habits don't affect anyones health though.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Irritations sure. Maybe you dont like smoke. Maybe too much smoke burns your eyes (it will burn everyones eyes) But smoke does NOT contain proteins and ALL allergies are caused by proteins. Therefore, there is no such thing as being "allergic" to smoke. Cant happen. Feel free to ask your doctor. There is no such thing as "considered and allergic reaction" it either is or isnt an allergic reaction.

    This is only partially correct. It doesn't have to start as a protein, it only needs to bind to protein once it's in the body to cause an allergic reaction or a hypersensitive reaction. You still didn't answer my question.

    Meh, the MD is pretty much right though. You aren't technically allergic to smoke.
    The smoke can be a major irritant and cause crappy side effects, so even though he's right on the technical terms, everyone complaining of symptoms is still correct that smoke is negatively affecting their health.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    And yes, I can be a ****head. I dont deny that. I have no compassion for self absorbed people who think they should be able to tell others how to live. It bothers me. This is a true story that tok place years ago when I smoked. I was bowling and one of the wives of a guy on the team we were against apparently didnt like my smoke. So she says with a real snooty attitude " Um, you know Im breathing half your cigarette smoke" So I respond "Oh Yea, then you should be paying for half my Fing cigarettes"

    strong hypocrisy when it comes to being "self absorbed".

    Granted she didn't have to be snooty, she shouldn't have to put up with your drug addiction.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Persecuted minority!!! I haven't smoked in 15 years but come on, give the smokers a break, if you you don't like it stay home!!
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member

    Well then I guess you just have to get over it huh? I guess the world doesnt cater to you and you dont like it? We should all ask you what you like and then act accordingly?

    It's just not really the logical thing to do.
    If someone is participating in a harmful activity. A drug addiction, that can negatively affect the health of the people in the nearby area.... Why would we allow them to do it in public?

    I'm fine with people who don't really care about their health/performance and choose to smoke. But I don't think I should have to change my day around to avoid the health hazards posed by their ignorance.

    Well, we probably agree that some people are inconsiderate and smoking in line for the bus is just a Dbag thing to do. My problem really is the ban when it comes to businesses. If I own a business, its should be my choice as to whether or not smoking is allowed. It is then your choice to come in or not.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    And yes, I can be a ****head. I dont deny that. I have no compassion for self absorbed people who think they should be able to tell others how to live. It bothers me. This is a true story that tok place years ago when I smoked. I was bowling and one of the wives of a guy on the team we were against apparently didnt like my smoke. So she says with a real snooty attitude " Um, you know Im breathing half your cigarette smoke" So I respond "Oh Yea, then you should be paying for half my Fing cigarettes"

    strong hypocrisy when it comes to being "self absorbed".

    Granted she didn't have to be snooty, she shouldn't have to put up with your drug addiction.

    Correct, she could have left. Smoking was allowed at the time. So she made a choice to come into a place that allows smoking ans then she *****ed that people were smoking. Yea, that makes sense.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    Well, we probably agree that some people are inconsiderate and smoking in line for the bus is just a Dbag thing to do. My problem really is the ban when it comes to businesses. If I own a business, its should be my choice as to whether or not smoking is allowed. It is then your choice to come in or not.

    I can agree there.
    I personally think it should be their choice, and they should understand that they will lose business if they allow smoking.
    I wouldn't take my kids to an establishment that allows smoking, and hope that most parents would say the same.

    I for one was very happy to see cigarettes removed from bars. I was working hard on killing my liver on a regular basis, and I had all of these *kitten* messing with my sinuses.
  • samlankford
    to each their own, I don't smoke and do not care if others want to smoke... Now if they smoke in my house, in my car, or blow smoke in my direction I have a problem with that....
  • missa526
    missa526 Posts: 103 Member
    I smoke and I think that restraunts and especially bars should be allowed to choose whether or not to allow smoking. And going to the American Cancer Society for info on Second hand smoking is like going to R.J. Renolds for information on second hand smoking. IT'S BIASED!!! DO your own research looking up American Journal of Medicine and you'll see that 20 min-60 min of second hand smoking doesn't effect you except while you're in the smoke. 15min after you leave the smoke your body is back to normal. What I'm sick of it going to casino's where smoking is alllowed everywhere, that have nonsmoking sectioning, and getting dirty looks, or over exagerated coughing when I light up. When I'm in the casino non-smokers are in the minority and they can't stand it. Anymore that's were I prefer to go, great food, good drinks, and I can have a couple of cigarettes freely. But if i see a nonsmoker I usually ask if it's okay for me to smoke. It they say they prefer I not i use an E-cig that glos blue at the tip and lets out water vapor. I try to be considerate but sometimes when I'm in a smoking establishment I just don't care because the non-smokers choose to come come here knowing that there is a chance that evreyone will be smoking.

    You took away our bars, where children shouldn't be, and the majority of people smoked, you took away the owner's choice of small restraunts and bars. This isn't a dictatorship but it's begining to feel like one. How many people die from getting hit by drunk drivers? Maybe focus more on the that instead of the 'nuisance' of tobacco smoke.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member

    Well, we probably agree that some people are inconsiderate and smoking in line for the bus is just a Dbag thing to do. My problem really is the ban when it comes to businesses. If I own a business, its should be my choice as to whether or not smoking is allowed. It is then your choice to come in or not.

    I can agree there.
    I personally think it should be their choice, and they should understand that they will lose business if they allow smoking.
    I wouldn't take my kids to an establishment that allows smoking, and hope that most parents would say the same.

    I for one was very happy to see cigarettes removed from bars. I was working hard on killing my liver on a regular basis, and I had all of these *kitten* messing with my sinuses.

    But again, that was a choice you made right? You chose to go to the bar which allows smoking. Obviously the smoke doesnt bother you that much, or you would have chosen to not go.
  • gcdcgcdc
    I have asthma and smoking irritates it, so i am glad smoking is banned in public places. and i think smoking is a serious addiction. One of my good friends is a teacher and she always talks about parents who never have lunch or field trip money but always have a cigarette in their hands.