Door Opening Men - a question for you

penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
To the men who open the doors when a lady is behind or in front of you.


What prompts you to open a door for a woman?

My reasoning for asking is simple. I have never been in a situation where there was a man immediately before or behind me where I've actually had to touch the door myself. They always, always, always open the door for me. I'm so used to it I've never noticed it.

However, a coworker of mine has been complaining that she has never met a man in this town who will open the door for her!

So what's the difference? Why are guys ignoring her and tripping over themselves to open doors for me?

It can't be appearance because she dresses better, she's skinnier and she's prettier (not being modest, this is just facts). So it's not as if I'm getting special treatment because of appearance. So what else could it be?

What is this elusive thing that will make you open the door for one woman and ignore the next? Please discuss and enlighten me. :D Thank you.


  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,052 Member
    I do this on a regular basis and it makes no difference if it's a lady or a man. If I'm coming out of a building or approaching a door I allways hold the door, or open it and wait if someone else is going that way.

    It's called manners and the result of good parenting.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    It is a conditioned response passed down from father to sun. I guess it starts with hold the door for your monther. This then evolves to we on in general. It is now reflex.
  • Sion73
    Sion73 Posts: 34 Member
    I do this on a regular basis and it makes no difference if it's a lady or a man. If I'm coming out of a building or approaching a door I allways hold the door, or open it and wait if someone else is going that way.

    It's called manners and the result of good parenting.
    I second that
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    So she's saying they just let the door go in her face? Sounds like most women I encounter when walking into or out of a business. :noway:

    FTR- I hold the door for anyone within a few steps of reaching it. I consider it rude to let it go when they are about to reach it.
  • I_wanna_live
    I_wanna_live Posts: 227 Member
    I do this on a regular basis and it makes no difference if it's a lady or a man. If I'm coming out of a building or approaching a door I allways hold the door, or open it and wait if someone else is going that way.

    It's called manners and the result of good parenting.

    Said, better than I could
  • ConnieM20
    ConnieM20 Posts: 493 Member
    i get the door held open for me occasionally, not as often as it should be. where are the gentlemen??
  • lukeevans85
    lukeevans85 Posts: 108 Member
    I open the door for everyone who is within a few feet of me when I go inside somewhere.
  • well i always ALWAYS open the door for women or for men!!!

    When you are raised properly by your parents you will have respect for other people. So if you have the chance no matter male or female OPEN THE DOOR FOR THEM!!!!
  • Hellguy76137
    Hellguy76137 Posts: 53 Member
    Respect and courtesy. I think that it is a woman that LETS me open the door for her. Not me just doing it. If I didn't then my mom could pop out from hiding and smack me!!
  • LCSoulkat
    LCSoulkat Posts: 89 Member
    I do this on a regular basis and it makes no difference if it's a lady or a man. If I'm coming out of a building or approaching a door I allways hold the door, or open it and wait if someone else is going that way.

    I've always done that...just trying to be nice and I know it is appreciated...Courtesy goes a long ways.
  • I open the door for anyone who happens to be near me - male, female or small pets.... To me it is just common courtesy and social decency
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    i do it cause my momma taught me to do it.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    I'm a woman, and I hold doors open for whoever's behind me. So do my daughters. (Ok, they have been known to shove each other out of the way to hold the door open for strangers, but one manner at a time, I guess.) It's just polite.

    My guess? You don't have an expectation that men MUST hold the door open, so you notice it when they do and the once or twice they don't doesn't register. She believes that all doors must swing by male arms only, and so the outrage gland starts working when they don't. (And we all listen to our outrage gland more than any other organ. True fact.)
  • Don't even have to think about it. Been doing it all my life. Will even hold it longer certain places like my apt. building if I see the person behind me has their hands full carrying kids/groceries/laundry/etc...
  • greenbox06
    greenbox06 Posts: 101 Member
    I do this on a regular basis and it makes no difference if it's a lady or a man. If I'm coming out of a building or approaching a door I allways hold the door, or open it and wait if someone else is going that way.

    It's called manners and the result of good parenting.

  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    Personally I think it has to do with respecting your significant other. My guy always opens any door for me, car, house, business. I feel special and he loves doing it. It was really hard to get used to tho. Most guys I dated prior just walked ahead of me and entered the building. Hm. Looking back maybe it was that they had big egos. Anyway, I love my guy for treating me this way and more men need to open doors for women!
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    I do this on a regular basis and it makes no difference if it's a lady or a man. If I'm coming out of a building or approaching a door I allways hold the door, or open it and wait if someone else is going that way.

    It's called manners and the result of good parenting.


    ^^^^ this for me too
  • fedupwithit
    fedupwithit Posts: 27 Member
    I was brought up that way. Not just to open the door for a woman. But if you are there first you open the door and hold it for all the others behind you. As a kid if I was seen not opening the door for someone I would get my rear end busted good to remind me to do it right the next time.
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    I and most people here, open door for others! I find not to do pretty rude.
  • I do it all the time as well... although one time a feminazi wouldn't walk through the door. (awkward) Now if I get that vibe, I won't hold it.