300 calorie FILLING breakfast?



  • I eat one fried egg topped on a toasted multigrain bagel thin or 100 calorie english muffin bottm and then add a slice or two of turkey bacon or low sodium ham, about 10g of shredded mozzarella and place in oven to melt cheese. Remove from oven and top with thin slice of tomato
  • you can aways skip breakfast...just saying..

    That is such a bad recommendation
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    For 140 cals, I had 2 pieces of toast and a "fried" egg. That has been keeping me a lot fuller during the day instead of cereal. You add in anything you want. Have a side of fruit. Add in some real butter. Add some cheese. Possibilities are endless.
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    I use southwest egg beaters, turkey sausage crumbles to make a little omlet and then a piece of whole wheat toast and a black plum or some other fruit.
    Another good one for our weekend special breakfast we make is our pancakes with my vanilla ice cream protein powder. The hint of vanilla in the pancakes with a little lite maple syrup is DELICIOUS! And filling.
  • I do one whole egg and two eggs worth of egg whites, then I load up on sauteed veggies. (only a tsp of olive oil) onions, peppers, zucchini, spinach. cook up your veggies and then pour the eggs over the top and scramble it up. Soo good!! and it works out to about 300 cal. If you have the time it is my favorite breakfast and very filling.
  • positivelylisa
    positivelylisa Posts: 32 Member
    Gala - Gala Apple, 1 Medium apple 65
    Laughing Cow - Light Garlic and Herb Cheese Wedge, 1 wedge 35
    Birds Eye - Chopped Frozen Spinach, 1/3 cup 30
    Wegmans Bakery - Lite English Muffins, 1 muffin 90
    Egg - Egg Whites, 2 large egg white 32

    I usually have this as a breakfast sandwich, eat the apple slices at my desk with a cup of coffee. I eat the sandwich around 6:30 am with at least 24 oz of water, the apples around 8:30 and I rarely feel hungry until lunch at 12:30. If I do get hungry early I have a half oz of almonds in my purse to tide me over. Or another cup of coffee or water will hold me.
  • sscad
    sscad Posts: 73 Member
    THE fillest breakfast for me has always been some form of oats, especially if I were to add in egg whites. I don't even THINK about food until hours later.
  • I love my whole wheat bagel with light cream cheese, at 300 cal, I feel full and ample energy for the day.
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    1/2 c Fage 0% yogurt, handful of blueberries & 1/2 c of Kashi Go-Lean. Kashi Go-Lean will fill you up!
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    2 poached eggs, with spianch, mushrooms and a slice of wholemeal toast. About 250cal. Just had it for lunch, yum!
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I eat a bacon sandwich every morning... lol. 3 slices of thick sliced bacon (180 calories), 2 slices of the 45 calorie sara lee bread (so 90 calories) and some pickle slices, tomatos, and a laughing cow cheese wedge (35 cals).

    Mine is around 325 calories and it keeps me super super full.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Yoghurt, muesli, and a banana
    Scrambled eggs with a low carb torilla. Add a slice of low sodium bacon - so worth it and a lot fewer calories than I ever would have thought
    Original shredded wheat with banana or an apple
    My mom made us an eggnog with milk, raw egg, and instant coffee almost every morning before school. (You might want to use eggbeaters, as they're pasteurized.) You can add oatmeal or peanut butter to them.
    Great smoothie recipes: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/08/its-smoothie-time/

    Add 8 oz of orange juice or a glass of milk to any meal

    I was just complaining that if I don't eat enough at breakfast not only am I hungry, but I also have a hard time eating enough calories without eating junk.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    300 cals for breakfast? I laugh at that. Why skimp in the mawnin?
  • scrambled eggs with veggies mixed in and topped with salsa...its so good and very filling and low calorie
  • springb513
    springb513 Posts: 41 Member
    Schwan's vegetable omlet (130 calories) topped with some shredded cheese (50 calories) and salsa (10 calories) - quick,, easy, and yummy
  • moraldd
    moraldd Posts: 99
    Try switching your meals around. If you usually have a heavier lunch or dinner have those meals for breakfast instead then you can replace that meal with your breakfast at a time when a lighter meal will not make you ravenous. If your breakfast is too light and you feel hungry to start your day it might be more difficult to control your appetite.
  • This morning was very good. I had three eggs (pasture raised) scrambled with a half ounce of cheese, an once of chopped onions, and an ounce of chopped bell pepper for 284 calories. I almost added some Pace picante sauce but passed on it today. That would have put it right at 300 calories.
  • slshaw23
    slshaw23 Posts: 126 Member
    Jimmy dean pancake sausage on a stick is great and you still have room from a yogurt or special k has some new breakfast sandwiches that are good ...or some mini wheats they are very filling and you get some fiber
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Toast with peanut butter is always my go-to breakfast. Some days I'll do a couple of poached eggs, a slice of toast and fruit.
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    Fiber one cereal, skim milk and berries. 16 grams of fiber...you will stay full.