Are men wired to cheat...?



  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Since our evolutionary biologist got busy and couldn't reply again yesterday, I'll pose the question to you. How are human beings "wired" to cheat when cheating has to do with a moral decision and nothing scientific?

    Good question. I actually agree with you. It depends on what you mean by "wired to cheat". To me, that's shorthand "we are wired to find opportunistic extra-pair couplings desirable, regardless of our moral state", even if we don't act on it at all the time.

    If we have the feelings, then it's evidence of that impulse, that wiring, that feeling. It doesn't mean we act on it with another person. But we often act on it... a little bit. That's why men watch porn and women post 500 threads about Fifty Shades of Grey, despite being "happily married". Wired to cheat. If we weren't, porn and romance novels would never EVER be consumed inside a monogamous relationship. No boners and no tingles would be produced.

    If we act on it during a rationally-declared monogamous pair-bond with someone else, it's cheating. So it's that wiring that results in cheating, it's the force and feeling behind the action.

    If it happens outside of any pair bond, you're just a sloooot. :)
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    ...rationally-declared monogamous pair-bond...

    "You don't bring me flowers, anymore....." (That's an old sappy/sad love song, if I'm the only one old enough to remember it.)

    A wise man once said that trying to understand comedy by analyzing it is like trying to understand a frog by dissecting it. You might get it figured out, but in the end, the frog is dead.

    Same thing here I fear.
  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    Wired to cheat? Highly doubtful. But I have been cheated on once by my soon to be ex husband, once by the guy before that, and three times by the guy before that *scratches head*

    Maybe I'm wired to be cheated on lmao....

    Wow....I know several men have already made this comment so please take this the right way. I'm very happily married but you are stunning. I'm not sure where you typically go to meet men but if you've been cheated on by 3 different men.....wherever you are finding men.....immediately take a 180 and turn around and go the other way. I'm not sure where to tell you to look in the "right" places but you are definitely looking in the "wrong" places.

    Hahaha thank you!! I've found them from all over this state so maybe Washington is toxic for me lol!! I'm gonna do me now, and me far more selective the next time ;)
  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    Wired to cheat? Highly doubtful. But I have been cheated on once by my soon to be ex husband, once by the guy before that, and three times by the guy before that *scratches head*

    Maybe I'm wired to be cheated on lmao....

    And all 3 were out of their minds...

    Word, truest words on this thread

    :blushing: Stop it already lol
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 270 Member
    No. That's all.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    No. I could never cheat on the woman I love. In fact, all other women because ugly and unattractive to me when I am with a girl.

    I have, however, been cheated on.
  • pdj1220
    pdj1220 Posts: 175
    Never heard that one, are no more wired to cheat than women....depends on the person, not the gender

    Yeah, but men seem to use this excuse more....
    This is coming from someone who is jaded, and has been cheated on. From what I have learned/read, the difference is that when men cheat it doesn't mean as much. With women, they are often already emotionally checked out of the relationship.

    Many surveys also seem to show that cheating is now closer to a 50/50 situation, rather than just the guy with a fling while on a business trip.
  • tejasmh87
    tejasmh87 Posts: 91 Member
    Men are wired to have erections.
    Whom/ What they decided to do with it is their choice.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    I don't think it's possible to say that someone could be biologically wired to cheat unless you can also say that people are wired to get married. The concept of marriage and cheating are cultural phenomenons. I think it's entirely possible that some people may be more biologically inclined to form a pair and not stray while others would be more likely be more promiscuous.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    It might be the other way around.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    Am I wired that way? I've cheated and more then once, I find the female body irresistible, yes I can stop myself but most of the time I don't want too.
    I certainly hope you warn prospective dates about this sleeziness.

    yep I've learned the hard way. It's best to be open and honest from the start. for some reason I find it hard to stay with just one woman
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    Men are wired to have erections.
    Whom/ What they decided to do with it is their choice.

    it's such a good feeling :tongue:
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    i say no but my ex she an hebituly liar and cheater. she change men like i change underwear. once their run through no good.jk i change my clouthing way more then she changed men or cheated
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Am I wired that way? I've cheated and more then once, I find the female body irresistible, yes I can stop myself but most of the time I don't want too.
    I certainly hope you warn prospective dates about this sleeziness.

    yep I've learned the hard way. It's best to be open and honest from the start. for some reason I find it hard to stay with just one woman

    I give you mad props for being honest. :smile: Because I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of these "every other woman is ugly once I'm in a relationship" dudes are lying out of their *kitten*. :tongue:
  • CayleyRidgeRunner
    CayleyRidgeRunner Posts: 56 Member

    Ok, I have to admit at this point that I do not have the time to devote to further intro-to-science classes - I have a job to do (as a scientist, somewhat unsurprisingly). However, I will close with this.

    Evolution by natural selection is not 'a coincidence'.
    Science is a process. We collect small pieces of evidence and fit them into a whole. From that we make assertions (not claims of proof) based on the weight of evidence. Science is often wrong, but by correcting and continuing to question what is currently known, it corrects itself and advances.

    If you want to argue about the validity of scientific practice or knowledge, go crazy, but at least try to represent it correctly.

  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    Am I wired that way? I've cheated and more then once, I find the female body irresistible, yes I can stop myself but most of the time I don't want too.
    I certainly hope you warn prospective dates about this sleeziness.

    yep I've learned the hard way. It's best to be open and honest from the start. for some reason I find it hard to stay with just one woman

    I give you mad props for being honest. :smile: Because I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of these "every other woman is ugly once I'm in a relationship" dudes are lying out of their *kitten*. :tongue:

    it an't easy being sleazy
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Am I wired that way? I've cheated and more then once, I find the female body irresistible, yes I can stop myself but most of the time I don't want too.
    I certainly hope you warn prospective dates about this sleeziness.

    yep I've learned the hard way. It's best to be open and honest from the start. for some reason I find it hard to stay with just one woman

    I give you mad props for being honest. :smile: Because I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of these "every other woman is ugly once I'm in a relationship" dudes are lying out of their *kitten*. :tongue:

    it an't easy being sleazy

    Well, if you're honest about it, then it's not sleazy! :laugh:
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    not all men just the immature douchey ones :flowerforyou:
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    nope; they are not and if someone is saying they are....such a copout. Real men do not cheat. I can tell you I know plenty that do not and that includes my husband of 23 years.
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    My mom and dad are about to celebrate their 25th anniversary and had been together 3 years before they got married. My dad has never cheated on my mom and my mom has never cheated on my dad because they both know it would be unacceptable. A good man ( or woman) won't cheat on you because you will be more than enough for them,