Turn your Life around 20's



  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    How about for our challenge this week we could make sure to add an additional 5-10mins to each workout we do this week.

    I am at 152.5 now from the last time I weighed in I was 156. 3.5 lb loss last week...woohoo I'll take it!

    Hoping to continue this trend...

  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Sounds good sparksfly... I had a very long weekend coaching volleyball... I did manage to get 2 workouts in though, the hotel had a nice gym and a great trail nearby for running so that was fun! It'll be a busy week for me, good luck to everyone and welcome to the newbies! :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Good call sparksfly! I like the idea of 5-10 more minutes! :drinker:
  • I'm 20,will be 21 very soon,and would like to join this group!
    Could anyone let me know what challenges have been set,etc? :)
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member

    So we weigh in on fridays and our challenge right now is to add 5-10 more minutes of exercise to our normal routines.
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member

    So we weigh in on fridays and our challenge right now is to add 5-10 more minutes of exercise to our normal routines.
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    are you guys eating the typical 1200 cals a day + your exercise cals?

    I feel like I do better when I stick to 1200-1300 on non workout days and 1200-1600 on workout days ( I usually burn 400-800 cals a workout session)

    Just seeing what other women are doing that around the same age as I am...
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    are you guys eating the typical 1200 cals a day + your exercise cals?

    I feel like I do better when I stick to 1200-1300 on non workout days and 1200-1600 on workout days ( I usually burn 400-800 cals a workout session)

    Just seeing what other women are doing that around the same age as I am...

    Honestly. I don't know that i really pay attention that great. I usually work out in the morning and then try to stay under however many calories it tells me i have left. i'm usually within 100. so I'd say i'm about the same as you. I eat what i burn. There is that 500 calorie deficiency automatically from what you'd "really need" so even if i eat what i work off i'm still "under". Idk if that makes sense i'm doing to many things at once. haha. But there ya go.
  • renasneed
    renasneed Posts: 20 Member
    I typically just stay between 1200-1300 even when I do work out. I really don't like eating more calories just because I've worked out. I feel like there is more weight loss success when I take the same intake everyday, rather than increasing on days I work out. That's just what I do.

    Sparksfly-- Great idea on challenge this week! :)
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    hope everyone is doing well with the extra 10 mins of exercise!! Getting on a elliptical AFTER an hour of zumba was tough, but I burned another 100 cals or so!

    I don't weigh in on Friday. I weigh in on Sunday monring so GL everyone tomorrow that weighs in on Friday!
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    So I'm skipping weigh-in tomorrow because i have a big busy day. So I'm going to weigh in on monday, because thats my goal day(idk why) haha. But good luck everyone.
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Yahoo! I am down 1.9 pounds this week! I also did a 6am class this morning! I feel very motivated today! :drinker: Hope everyone is having a great day and good luck with the weigh in!
  • renasneed
    renasneed Posts: 20 Member
    Good luck with weigh-in guys! Knowing I have this site to put my weekly weigh in's, it really motivates me to do well each week. I lost 3 pounds exactly this week! Good luck to everyone else! :happy:
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    mshay and rena !!! WOO HOO

    Congrats on the losses.

    I have to weigh in on Sunday/Monday so I am held accountable for the weekends. Otherwise I go crazyyy!

    Hopefully there will be a loss for me this week too!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!!!! Good luck sparksfly and ash!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Hey All!

    Forgot to post yesterday - 169 still - soooo shocked its unreal. Ive eaten like crap, drank way to much soda, and i didnt gain. Now if only can stick to eating well, id be in great shape.
    I bought some snacks this wekend to take to work on Monday so that hopefully i wont go grabbing the carbs at lunch cause im so hungry, but ive been eating whole wheat pasta with tons of green veggies in it most days.
    Seriously hating on my job these days. Not sure how much longer i can do this for a living, too much undo stress and its only going to get worse with the economy picking up as more people quit.

    Hope everyone has a good rest of their weekend, and keeps it up for a good weigh in next week!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm almost 24 and I will not let myself be 25 and still at this weight! There was never a better time to continue losing weight than right now.
    I typically just stay between 1200-1300 even when I do work out. I really don't like eating more calories just because I've worked out. I feel like there is more weight loss success when I take the same intake everyday, rather than increasing on days I work out.

    That may be the only thing I dont like about this site... That my workouts tell me I can eat more. From now on, I should only add up my exercise at the END of the day.
  • Well i've been MIA for a couple weeks, but im back and ready to lose weight. I have a photoshoot in bout 3 weeks to a month and i need to lose the weight i've gained since being off of here. So i need all the motivation i can get again!!!

    Hope everyone is doing great!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Good luck sollygirl! I think you have great motivation to get in shape. Do your best and show 'em what you've got!
  • renasneed
    renasneed Posts: 20 Member
    Well, the only reason it add more intake limits is because of the nutritional intake you're allowed to have with amount of calories burned. However, the only way I acknowledge those is if I just absolutely am having a bad day. I think it's a VERY smart idea to just add exercise at the end of the day.
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