

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I really took my reading of the nutritional labels further. Instead of just reading the carbs, fat, sodium etc. on the label, I also began paying attention to what the list of ingredients were in the product. It really opened my eyes.
    Reading the labels can be very :tongue: and :grumble: I was quite shocked to find out that all commercial chocolate has soy lecithin in it. I don't think that's a horrible chemical that will kill you, but I'm sure people made chocolate before soy lecithin ever existed.

    But what really shocked me was to find out that a lot of the so-called "good" chocolate is full of fillers and artificial ingredients. For example, Dove chocolate has:


    But Hershey's chocolate has these ingredients:

    Milk Chocolate (Milk Chocolate Contains Sugar, Milk, Cocoa Butter, Chocolate, Soya Lecithin (An Emulsifier), and Vanillin (An Artificial Flavoring)).

    and Lindt chocolate has:

    Chocolate, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla- a natural flavor

    I know which one I want to put into my body! :laugh:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi to everyone,

    Well, I started off this day really well and then one of the ladies at bowling just loves to bring goodies for any holiday. So I just blew it, blew it blew it! But on the other hand I had a wonderful bowling set!!! We won all the games!

    I did come home and had spaghetti for lunch but only a couple of bites of pasta and I put my sauce on my salad instead. I have had the munchies since ingesting all that sugar and junk.

    But now I am off to the elliptical and I will burn some more calories!

    Well, I'm off and remember drink a glass of water!

    Welcome to the new posters! I hope you like being here as much as I have!

  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187

    But what really shocked me was to find out that a lot of the so-called "good" chocolate is full of fillers and artificial ingredients. For example, Dove chocolate has:


    But Hershey's chocolate has these ingredients:

    Milk Chocolate (Milk Chocolate Contains Sugar, Milk, Cocoa Butter, Chocolate, Soya Lecithin (An Emulsifier), and Vanillin (An Artificial Flavoring)).

    and Lindt chocolate has:

    Chocolate, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla- a natural flavor

    I know which one I want to put into my body! :laugh:

    That's crazy!!

    Thanks for researching the chocolate MacMadame! And to think I'm a chocoholic, wow!

    Actually, my throat gets this weird constricting, tickle sensation when I eat "cheap" chocolate. I always laughed it off saying that my body is a "chocolate snob". After reading the ingredients (especially in Dove chocolate), I think I'm getting a real good understanding of why my body tries to tell me it doesn't like what I just put into it. I'm ingesting chemicals!! I don't even understand what the heck really makes up a Dove bar.

    Okay MacMadame, here's another one: Pancake syrup. I typically go for real blueberry syrup or real maple syrup (being Canadian and all). However, I also have regular table syrup in the cupboard that other people in the family go for.

    Here is the list of ingredients in that pancake syrup: corn syrup, glucose-fructose, 15% maple syrup, water, caramel coloring, potassium sorbate and artificial flavors, 4 tbsp of this non food gives us 210 useless calories.

    Mmmmmm.....pass that syrup.

    It's no wonder we are a continent of over weight people. Everything is loaded with chemically engineered junk that will make us fat and unhealthy.

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hi everyone.
    First of all, my condolences to Vicki and family on the loss of your cousin. I imagine it must be very tough for all of you. You have a lot of warm thougths and prayers from your friends here.:flowerforyou:

    Speaking of friends, I wanted to add my welcome to jbuffan218. :flowerforyou: This is a great thread even though I am not always good about posting. The ladies here are wonderful.

    By the way, I share your frustration over losing weight (and inches) at our ages. I think Heather voiced some of the same concerns. I have to say weight was never much of an issue for me, but having kids in my 30s changed my body for good. And now that menopause has kicked in, the weight has been a "losing" (I wish:laugh: ) battle. I really have to change my way of life, count calories, exercise and then maybe I won't gain.
    I guess I shouldn't complain. If we have our health and so do our loved ones, then everything else is manageable. But it is still annoying that every morsel sticks to the thighs and belly and back.:grumble:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    OK, ladies, I really need some help. I bet MacMadame and Debbie will be able to give me some words of wisdom.

    Here's my dilemma: I know that I really should be doing some yoga every day to increase my flexibility. Since today is the start of Lent, I've made that my Lenten "to do".

    Now, the trick is "to do" it! I seem to be able to find every excuse in the book. Now I don't have a problem exercising first thing in the a.m. Then I usually do some errands.

    Please....give me some "words to live by" to encourage me to "just do it". I need that.

  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    OK, ladies, I really need some help. I bet MacMadame and Debbie will be able to give me some words of wisdom.

    Here's my dilemma: I know that I really should be doing some yoga every day to increase my flexibility. Since today is the start of Lent, I've made that my Lenten "to do".

    Now, the trick is "to do" it! I seem to be able to find every excuse in the book. Now I don't have a problem exercising first thing in the a.m. Then I usually do some errands.

    Please....give me some "words to live by" to encourage me to "just do it". I need that.


    Hi Michele,

    You just struck a cord with me. I happen to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Yoga (did I mention I love yoga?) LOL.

    My advice to you Michele is to find a yoga workout for beginners. Also, something that is very gentle to do and does not take up a lot of your time (enough to keep you interested and wanting more).

    Gaiam puts out really good yoga dvd's for all levels of ability. I especially love doing yoga by Rodney Yee. He is like the Grand Master of Yoga.

    He has one particular dvd that is called "A.M. Yoga for your week". This is a series of 5 yoga sessions for Monday to Friday and each session is only 20 minutes long. Each day you do a different session and he will lead you through stretches for different areas of your body. It's a great way to start your day. It really helps with my flexibility and my stress levels.

    Google Gaiam and check out their other dvd's also.

    Good luck Michele, I know that you will discover a whole new world here and I am REALLY excited for you!

    Keep us all posted on your progress. This will change your life. (Ahhh, I'm getting goosebumps, lol.)

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    I love Yoga, too! I had a problem, though, learning yoga from a DVD. I couldn't seem to get the correct form, probably from trying to do it while also checking the tv screen!

    I found some really good audio routines at yogadownload.com. You can try a 20 minute hatha yoga one for free and then get longer ones for a very low price. I started with Gentle Hatha Yoga and soon will be moving on.

    My daughter has been using their prenatal yoga routine and really likes it.

    I love using yoga as a cooldown after my morning workout.

    There are SO many options out there. Good luck with your search!

    Almost forgot--they have printouts and videos of the routines so you can see what is involved.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    The Wii Fit Yoga with the balance board is another way to learn Yoga at home. The sensors keep you straight and balanced or it beeps at you. I do yoga in a class and with the Wii balance board and I think it is very accurate at keep you honest.

    I gave up M&Ms for Lent only I forgot that Lent started today and had my usual handful when I first got home. I asked my Dad (90 years old) if he would give up M&Ms with me and he said yes, but he will eat the last of them tonight and we will start tomorrow with a clean candy jar.

    Have a great evening,

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Plant lady, it's good to see you post again. Keep on keeping on.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    First let me thank all of you for your prayers and kind words. I do keep thinking of all the good times we had together. We were very close and spent a lot of time together when we were younger. She was my older cousin and took very good care of me.
    We are still having lots of fun. Start the day early and then come back to the condo for the late afternoon and take a rest. Have worked out every day and walked a lot. Today was Kenneth's 57th birthday. We went to eat at Tony Roma's I did good by getting chicken but I did treat myself to dessert. Not a lot but more than normal. Only 2 more days. I hate when my vacation is almost over. They go by so quickly. Have a good day tomorrow ladies. Thanks for your support and encouragement.
    Vicki M
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have Rodney Yee yoga DVDs and I think they're great.......I need more discipline in using them but the fault is me not the DVD:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jake's thumb got infected so now he has pain pills to take at night and antibiotics to take twice a day...but his attitude is good :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: we had date night (actually lunch) at a beautiful Thai restaurant....I had chicken curry and Jake had salmon curry
    good on calories and terrible on sodium

    :flowerforyou: Laura, your challenges with your mom remind me so much of my mom's last years.......I know I made decisions for her safety that she didn't like and the only way I could deal with the stress was to take it one day at a time and let my friends nurture and support me......you have a lot of friends on this thread....we can at least be good listeners and support your hard decisions....I had no siblings, only DH to help me so at least there weren't siblings to argue with the decisions I made.....hang in there...

    :flowerforyou: Alice, glad to hear that you are bouncing back from your surgery....it's good to hear from you.

    hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm reading a book about developing a normal relationship with food and it talks about every time you do an action, the neural pathways in your brain that control that behavior get stronger. So, every time you make yourself do yoga, your brain will remember and next time it will get easier to make yourself do yoga. Does that help?
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    I'm reading a book about developing a normal relationship with food and it talks about every time you do an action, the neural pathways in your brain that control that behavior get stronger. So, every time you make yourself do yoga, your brain will remember and next time it will get easier to make yourself do yoga. Does that help?

    That ties in with the common knowledge that it takes about a month to create a new habit.

    So Michele, if you dedicate a certain time each day that is "your" time to do yoga (and don't let anything or anyone interfere with that time), you will create a new habit.

    Good luck!
  • mynyddisamrs
    Back again for a quick log in.

    :grumble: Weight the same...
    :happy: Should keep in the calories today....
    :smile: Have cleaning calories to play with......

    :love: I don't know where to start replying to all your posts but have avidly read them all. Hang in there all of you that have pain and sadness in your lives. To everyone...We all must cherish the love that is surely around us and keep hold of all the happniness and laughter to use when times are tough. It's great to share in all of this with MFP

    :heart: I got my "mum" back for a tiny moment yesterday ... she hasn't lost her sense of humour to the Dementia yet!
    We were watching the W. Olympics ...Ladies downhill skiing with all those frightening accidents! I joked and told her that I'd put her name down and she was on in a few minutes! She looked quizzically ...as she does... thought for a minute... then got up. took her walking trolley by each handle, stuck out her "bum", bent her knees, looked back at me and said "I'll show them how it's done!" and toddled off to the loo!!

    Bye for now
    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Jackie - Great 'Mom' story to start my day off in good spirits! Thanks for sharing.

    I have been staying under my daily calories everyday now for a week. After all the advice from this thread I am eating some of my exercise calories (making sure there is not too much of a gap between what I eat and what the allowance is) and I do feel better. Plus there is a little wiggle room for a treat if I'm careful.

    Off to work for me. I hope everyone has a great day.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Been missing most of my all strength classes due to the kids needing things done. :mad: My eating has been good with the exception of the Valentine chocolates.:explode:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning to All~

    Jeannie - thank you for the kind thoughts and encouragement:bigsmile: ...sure do wish I had a brother to go thru this with!

    Barbie - sorry to hear that Jake got an infection...but glad to know it was caught in time to get on antibiotics. Thank you for the encouragement with Mom, it is quite the long distant challenge:grumble:

    Jackie - so glad to hear that your Mum still has a sense of humor:laugh: , that helps in a difficult situation.

    Spoke with Mom last night on my way home from work, she has had a lot of people come to visit her for now...I just hope that come after she has been in the rehab for a month. It always seems like when people first have something happen in their lives people respond right away, it's when the long haul takes place that people seem to fade away. She was telling me that she can really yell:noway: I guess when they make her get up to do her therapy that's when that happens, better them than me:wink:

    I guess this life style change (aka diet) and bit of exercise are finally starting to show, last night after my work out my husband said he's starting to notice that my neck is a lot thinner:huh: ....wish it was other places that were more noticable:grumble: ...not that I'm not glad for some change...but those jeans in the closet aren't having a hard time getting over my neck:sad: it's those hip and thighs that need to be changing:grumble:

    Hope you all have a good Thursday....everyone keep up the good fight :drinker:

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Jackie: just cherish those priceless times with your mother! Granny hasn't been able to talk to us for about 5 years now and I really miss her. She is still here in body but the mind is gone, gone, gone. She & I had lots of good times together and I miss her a lot.

    Took the dog to the vet for his yearly this morning. Glad that is over.

    We have beautiful blue skies today but it is still very very cold!


  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    First off, Vicki so sorry to hear about your cousin. Prayers and hugs go out for you and your family.

    Morning Ladies and Jake??

    I wonder if anyone has had a problem dropping any pounds once you start exercising?? I have been very faithfully going to an exercise class (not easy either) 5 days a week and doing a dvd at home on weekends, for six weeks. I have only slipped on my calorie intake 3 times and only eat 2/3's of my exercise calories and have only lost 3 lbs. I'm not really complaining, because I know I'm doing good things for the inside and I notice myself a bit smaller here and there but the scale number still has a hold on me. I guess I thought the changes would show on the scale quicker. Maybe my body thinks there's no use losing it because I just put it back on anyway:laugh: I will keep eating right and I will keep exercising because oddly enough, I like it. I've read many times how it sometimes takes a little longer for the results.

    Heather, don't forget muscle weighs more than fat. You are toning and replacing fat with the muscles you are developing. But all that extra muscle burns "hotter" (meaning more calories) than the fat. So, in spite of all the pain and suffering you are turning your body into a lean mean fat burning machine! Keep up the good work!

    Haven't finished reading all the posts yet...sorry. But, as I promised myself to get some housework done today (thanks Cindy, guilt is a great motivator) I must get back to it now.

    Hope everyone has a great day. :heart: Terri
  • lose2cruise
    Hello All! Have been reading back posts. My daughter does the Brikam (sp?) yoga. Hot yoga, I call it. She really enjoys it and she said it really gets her bum in shape. I normally do the treadmill everyday, but I will mix it up with Zumba video or I go to the cable channel where you can order free exercise videos. Yesterday I did the Last Chance Workout from Biggest Loser and Jillian Michaels. It was only a half hour, but it was quite a work out. I got back on the treadmill this AM, but had hard time. I did complete my three miles though.

    That was a great mom story! I am visiting my 90 year old mother this weekend. I try to get out to see her every other weekend. She still lives alone and is independent, but is on a walker. Usually, I go see her and I end up cleaning up after her the whole time. My niece cleans her house for her, but not often enough. We have tried to encourage mom to have her come more often, but she won't hear of it.

    I'm still down 4 lbs and hoping for another loss this week. Just plugging away day by day.