5 Pound a Month February 2010 Challenge



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I went mall walking yesterday while the hubby and kids went skiing. I had a great laugh they different vendors (think Tupperware, and home party plan) booths set up around the mall. My favorite one had a sign that said lose 20 pounds of belly fat. My laugh came when I saw the woman manning the booth and she was very overweight and carrying most of it in her belly. Maybe she should try whatever she was selling!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    That would definitely make me giggle too. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I have missed you guys so much! I have been feeling so out of it and have temporarily fallen off the wagon. My doc tells me I am lactose intolerant, which means I had to rethink my eating habits. I also had a throat infection that has affected my energy. I have not logged a meal into my diary for some time, but hope to begin again tomorrow.

    I did weigh in on Friday and had gained 1.6 lbs. Here's to looking forward to better weeks ahead :smile:

    I have read your posts and am proud of the progress you have made! :flowerforyou: I hope you all have a great day, and look forward to "seeing" you again soon!


    I hope you are doing much better today with your journalling your food and your throat.

    A gain here and there is not so bad, you now have the tools to fix the problem. You can do it, we are all here for you. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Pam- sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I know sometimes i have those day where i just fall off the wagon. So glad you are back on.
    Well I am down 1 lb this week. I really want to make to 181 by the end of feb. But if I don't it will be okay. I haven't been 181 without working out 5-6 days a week in awhile. With my foot, by the way still hurting, i am doing this just basically with changing my eating habits. I am glad everyday that i have found this site.

    Congrats on the loss. I am sorry to hear about your foot, I hope it gets better soon. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Jan 1st 216.7
    Feb 1st 211.8
    CW 2-16 208.6
    Mar 1st 206.8

    WOO HOO! The past week is the first time in 15 years I have actually felt like I can do it! My family and friends are supporting me, and all my new pals on MFP. I am working out REALLY hard and journaling religiously, and it doesn't feel overwhelming! Thanks all for the :smile:

    You are doing awesome, keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • ARDALE01
    Hey guys, I would like to join for Feb. I haven't started an exercise routine yet but plan to when the weather warms up. April is my Anniversary and I would love to be back into my old clothes.
    Starting weight
    Feb. - 160
    Feb. 18th- 154
    Goal Weight
    March- 150
    April- 145
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Had a busy weekend and didn't eat well. Today I feel kinda sick and think that it is all the junk food I eat. Now that I don't eat it every much it makes me ill the next day. :sick:
    Feel bad about making the wrong choices, but staying strong today. Every week it is the same old story...
    I do super during the week then the weekend comes and everything I learned about food goes out the window! :cry: I didn't even log my food last night.
    Long walk today to try and regain some ground. I don't want to cook dinner tonight, I need to think of an easy yummy something. Any quick low cal dinner ideas?

    I use to be bad over the weekends and good during the week as well. I finally decided that I really want to lose this weight and keep it off. Now, my weekends are much easier. Pick one meal during the weekend to do your cheat. Eat whatever and however much you want. The trick is doing that for only ONE meal. Try it this weekend and see how you feel eating healthy for the rest of the weekend. You can do it. It will get easier with time.

    My feet use to tingle as well. Make sure you do not tie your shoes too tight. I think that was my main problem. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I want in! My starting weight this month was 175lbs.(before I joined here). Already lost 2lbs of the 5lbs! So that makes my goal 170lbs by March! 3lbs to go!

    Welcome, glad you found us. 2 pounds is fantastic, keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I was good today, but I don't really feel much like exercise tonight. Think I'll sleep and workout harder tomorrow. :devil:

    I know I am late on this post, but did you know even when you don't feel like working out you should just get up and do 10 minutes and more than likely you will finish your routine and will feel much better because you worked out? I did see that you posted late, so I can understand not working out too soon to bedtime. I actually love to workout right before I go to bed, I take a nice warm shower and my body is ready for the rest. Everybody is different in that area. Just remember, when you don't feel like working out, go ahead and start moving, I promise you won't regret it. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hey guys, I would like to join for Feb. I haven't started an exercise routine yet but plan to when the weather warms up. April is my Anniversary and I would love to be back into my old clothes.
    Starting weight
    Feb. - 160
    Feb. 18th- 154
    Goal Weight
    March- 150
    April- 145

    Welcome to the group. Glad you found us. I recommend buying some workout videos and start moving even if it is cold outside. Eating healthy is a big step and so is exercising. You really need to do both in order to lose weight. You can also go to my website www.beachbodycoach.com/jjtonic75 There are a lot of great workout programs for you to choose from. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Thanks for the great advise. I think I will try both (allow a cheat meal-so I don't get crazy over board on weekends as well as exercising when I don't feel like it) this weekend and see how I feel about it. I don't want to do a whole free day, but I like the one meal idea. I can even plan ahead by eating lower calories the other meals that day. I think it wouldn't be as bad as I am thinking if I exercise that day and eat healthy for the other meals. I would also have something to look forward to!

    Hope everyone has a good hard last chance workout today! See ya at the scale tomorrow...
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi everyone,
    It's Friday and I have been pretty good to not weight myself every day partly because "the relatives" borrowed my scales and have not brought them back. But I weighed in on my friends scale today and i was happy to see another pound GONE! I am so happy. Oh and by the way WELCOME to all these that have just joined this group. It is the BEST! I love reading and checking in with everyone every day and hearing how everyone is getting along. All the tips and suggestions and stories are most welcome and motivating to me. so here goes:
    Starting weight in Jan: 159
    Feb. 1 - 156
    Feb. 5 - 154
    Feb. 12- 153
    Today Feb. 19- 152
    Goal by the end of Month - 150 and I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE 140's!!!!
    Can't wait to hear all about everyone else weigh in this week. Sometimes I think WHY only one pound, but then again I think at least it is going down and that is the right direction. I think the healthy new life style is paying off and I feel great. In all my dieting days I have never know about this eating your exercise calories and at first I was like "NO WAY" that will never work but it seems to really work and I love eating them calories up after I have a good work out. My additional goal this week is to drink a cup or two more water than I have before. that will put me at about 10 cups a day instead of 8.
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Good Morning,

    Thought I would go ahead and post before I head out the door to work.

    Today's weight: 150.4 which is a loss of 1.1 lbs since last week. Not bad considering I had gained since becoming sick. Now if I can just get below the 149.3 I was on Feb. 1st, I would be a happy camper!! I am feeling so much better, which I think is reflected in the weight loss. While ill, I was also aware of the foods I was consuming on an unconscious level, even when I wasn't logging them into my diary. I found myself making smart choices.

    I am observing Lent, which also helps to keep me focused. As a rule, I try not to use dieting as a penance, like my priest says, we have Weight Watchers for that,! But as I continue through this time, I try to stay aware of keeping my body healthy.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend,

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hello all!

    Friday February 5 weight 179
    Friday February 12 weight 178.4
    Friday February 19 weight 177.4 Lost 1 pound!:drinker:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good Morning,

    Thought I would go ahead and post before I head out the door to work.

    Today's weight: 150.4 which is a loss of 1.1 lbs since last week. Not bad considering I had gained since becoming sick. Now if I can just get below the 149.3 I was on Feb. 1st, I would be a happy camper!! I am feeling so much better, which I think is reflected in the weight loss. While ill, I was also aware of the foods I was consuming on an unconscious level, even when I wasn't logging them into my diary. I found myself making smart choices.

    I am observing Lent, which also helps to keep me focused. As a rule, I try not to use dieting as a penance, like my priest says, we have Weight Watchers for that,! But as I continue through this time, I try to stay aware of keeping my body healthy.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend,


    Way to go Pam. I always feel great with any loss. Keep up the great work!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi everyone,
    It's Friday and I have been pretty good to not weight myself every day partly because "the relatives" borrowed my scales and have not brought them back. But I weighed in on my friends scale today and i was happy to see another pound GONE! I am so happy. Oh and by the way WELCOME to all these that have just joined this group. It is the BEST! I love reading and checking in with everyone every day and hearing how everyone is getting along. All the tips and suggestions and stories are most welcome and motivating to me. so here goes:
    Starting weight in Jan: 159
    Feb. 1 - 156
    Feb. 5 - 154
    Feb. 12- 153
    Today Feb. 19- 152
    Goal by the end of Month - 150 and I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE 140's!!!!
    Can't wait to hear all about everyone else weigh in this week. Sometimes I think WHY only one pound, but then again I think at least it is going down and that is the right direction. I think the healthy new life style is paying off and I feel great. In all my dieting days I have never know about this eating your exercise calories and at first I was like "NO WAY" that will never work but it seems to really work and I love eating them calories up after I have a good work out. My additional goal this week is to drink a cup or two more water than I have before. that will put me at about 10 cups a day instead of 8.

    Keep up the awesome work slow and steady wins the race!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Good for you! I can't wait until my ticker says lost 25 pounds like yours does. that must make you feel so proud. Phyljen:smile:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    :sad: 1 lb gain

    2/1: 153
    2/5: 151
    2/12: 149
    2/19: 150

    Why can't I stay under 150! I know why, really, because I snack after dinner! I had so much cheesy garlic bread last night, even though I knew today was the day to face the scale. But at least I logged it, butter and all. I did do a hard workout last night and plan to stay good this weekend. And it was Valentines day on top of a 4 day weekend. So I guess it could have been worse.
    Maybe it is because it was such a high sodium day. Lets hope.
    Have a great weekend, and congrats to all who lost!
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    :sad: 1 lb gain

    2/1: 153
    2/5: 151
    2/12: 149
    2/19: 150

    Why can't I stay under 150! I know why, really, because I snack after dinner! I had so much cheesy garlic bread last night, even though I knew today was the day to face the scale. But at least I logged it, butter and all. I did do a hard workout last night and plan to stay good this weekend. And it was Valentines day on top of a 4 day weekend. So I guess it could have been worse.
    Maybe it is because it was such a high sodium day. Lets hope.
    Have a great weekend, and congrats to all who lost!

    Oh Girl, I feel your pain! I am trying to hard to stay below 150 lbs.! I see it on the scale and before I can get really excited, I gain it back. Okay. What are we going to do about this? I am at 150 also. Let's work on this together this week...we can do it. One meal at a time, one ounce at a time. You in??!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Jan 1st 216.7
    Feb 1st 211.8
    CW 2-19 207.7
    Mar 1st 206.8
    Woo Hoo! Doing Good! Today however I went over on my calories, but that is o.k.! I'll get back to it tomorrow.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Hi everyone,
    It's Friday and I have been pretty good to not weight myself every day partly because "the relatives" borrowed my scales and have not brought them back. But I weighed in on my friends scale today and i was happy to see another pound GONE! I am so happy. Oh and by the way WELCOME to all these that have just joined this group. It is the BEST! I love reading and checking in with everyone every day and hearing how everyone is getting along. All the tips and suggestions and stories are most welcome and motivating to me. so here goes:
    Starting weight in Jan: 159
    Feb. 1 - 156
    Feb. 5 - 154
    Feb. 12- 153
    Today Feb. 19- 152
    Goal by the end of Month - 150 and I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE 140's!!!!
    Can't wait to hear all about everyone else weigh in this week. Sometimes I think WHY only one pound, but then again I think at least it is going down and that is the right direction. I think the healthy new life style is paying off and I feel great. In all my dieting days I have never know about this eating your exercise calories and at first I was like "NO WAY" that will never work but it seems to really work and I love eating them calories up after I have a good work out. My additional goal this week is to drink a cup or two more water than I have before. that will put me at about 10 cups a day instead of 8.
    Good job! a pound is a pound, and a pound lost is better than a pound gained. You are getting SO close the the 140's! That's so FABULOUS I have been doing the 10-12 glasses of water a day, I think it helps! keep that water with you ALL the time! :flowerforyou: