
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Talking about Mom's, mine will turn 86 this year. She is still in her own home, thanks to the fact that my daughter got a job at the hospital in the city where she lives. They have lived together for a little over 2 years now. It's been good for both of them. Mom's been able to stay home and my daughter has saved up over a years worth of her salary. My daughter has always been frugal, not a miser or anything. I remember when she first started working at a day care center. Her boss, who was a friend of mine would sometimes call me as say "Would you please tell Emily to cash her paycheck"! I found one in the piano bench one time. I really think homeschooling had a lot to do with it because my kids made choices based on what they liked and not peer pressure.

    Hey, Teri: I'm not cleaning my kitchen this afternoon. My Son is going to do it for me while I go to the bank and grocery store for us and him! I've just got to say again, I've got the best children in the world.!


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Deb - that DVD that you were talking about, the Rodney Yee one AM yoga for your week. That's the one that I did last night! I like the fact that for one thing the sessions are short and the other is that there are 5 of them, one for each day of the week. Yes, I did my yoga last night. Hope I keep this up! Please keep after me, once I get in the habit, it'll be difficult to break. The trick is to get into the habit. So maybe if you constantly (at least at first) ask me, I'll have to have something to tell you which will mean that I'll have to do it. The only thing that I don't really like about doing the DVDs is the fact that sometimes you need to be looking down but you have to look up (and thereby straining your neck) to see exactly what's expected of you.

    Kathy (pjsmom) - in my class, yoga was claimed to be the best exercise for pregnant women. Also, it encourages you to be in a squatting position, which is really good for giving birth.

    Jeannine - I do like the yoga on the WiiFit. For a while (before I broke that darn bone) I was doing it and I could tell how it really helped me unconsciously balance myself, which is good. Oh no! You're giving up M&M's. If we have to go on food stamps.......................lol

    Poor Jake!

    MacMadame - what is the name of that book?

    Oh, I meant to mention. I never realized just how important getting enough sleep was to weight loss. About 2 days ago I started making a blanket for a friend. Usually, the first two rows are the most challenging, and I was determined to get them done! I was up until 2a.m. The next day I went on the WiiFit, and it said that I gained 4 lbs!

    Did an hour workout with a resistance band today. I just like mixing things up (OK, truth be told, I have a short attention span....lol). Tomorrow I think I'll do a step DVD at home. Haven't done step in a while. Then Saturday is my day to do yoga at the Y (I like the instructor). Sunday I usually do some of the balance games on the WiiFit, then Monday I'll take the deep water aerobics class since we're celebrating the birthdays of people who have one this month. Not sure what I'll do the rest of next week, tho.

    Jackie - thanks (and thank your mom) for the smile.

  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    I got my "mum" back for a tiny moment yesterday ... she hasn't lost her sense of humour to the Dementia yet!
    We were watching the W. Olympics ...Ladies downhill skiing with all those frightening accidents! I joked and told her that I'd put her name down and she was on in a few minutes! She looked quizzically ...as she does... thought for a minute... then got up. took her walking trolley by each handle, stuck out her "bum", bent her knees, looked back at me and said "I'll show them how it's done!" and toddled off to the loo!!

    Jackie - You had me laughing so much with you "mum" story! I totally got the visual on that, lol. What a laugh you must have had on that one.

    Michele - Way to go on doing the yoga! I think it's great that you're mixing it up with your routine. You definitely won't get bored any time soon, lol. You'll be ready to sport a new bathing suit this year to show off your new and improved self. You'll be a real hottie on the beach, lol.

    MacMadame - I'm with Michele, what is the name of the book you're reading? It sounds pretty interesting. You'll have to share more info, "enquiring minds want to know".

    Have a super evening everyone!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    I just got an email from Consumers Reports Health. It says:

    Worried someone close to you might have anorexia?

    People who have an eating disorder often try hard to keep it a secret. Here are some things that might suggest someone you know has anorexia or another eating disorder: Source:
    National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
    Binge eating disorder.
    June 2008. Available at http://win.niddk.nih.gov (accessed on 24 November 2009).
    1 Source:
    Hobbs WL, Johnson CA.
    Anorexia nervosa: an overview.
    American Family Physician. 1996; 54: 1273-1279, 1284-1286.

    Eating small portions of food and skipping meals, even if they haven't eaten for a while (sometimes I do this, especially if I'm not very hungry. I'm finding more and more that I like to "graze" rather than eat a big meal)

    Avoiding certain foods, such as meat and sweet foods. Instead they stick to "safe" low-calorie foods, like tomatoes and vegetables. Some people insist on eating these foods in set quantities (for example, 10 green beans or one tablespoon of ketchup) I don't always insist on eating in set quantities, but I'm trying to avoid high fat foods and eat more meatless meals.

    Behaving strangely around food. They might cut their food into little pieces or crumble it and move it around the plate so it looks like they're eating. They may hoard food or recipes Hey, I like recipes, I don't think I'm hoarding them, but I certainly keep them

    Not wanting to eat with others NO problem here

    Constantly talking about food Nope

    Saying they feel very fat but being very thin I certainly don't consider myself very thin

    Saying they are fatter than someone when they are clearly not Nope

    Constantly checking their weight and how they look in the mirror. Complaining they are heavy or hate parts of their body Don't we all have parts of our body that we hate?

    Preparing big meals for family and friends but not eating the food or eating just a little or only a few low-calorie foods I sometimes will do this but mainly because I'm not real hungry

    Being irritable and distressed, especially around mealtimes Nope

    Feeling full after eating only small amounts of food Yup

    Leaving the table during or immediately after a meal, often to go to the bathroom Nope

    Lying about food and being very secretive. For example, saying, "I ate earlier" to avoid a meal Nope

    Exercising nearly all the time What is meant by "nearly all the time". I do for about an hour each day, but that's all. Wonder if that's considered "nearly all the time".

    Being so thin that they're bony, with bones showing through their clothes Sometimes, but I don't consider myself real thin, more healthy, I feel good

    Having fine downy hair on their face Nope,

    Always feeling cold and wearing lots of clothes to help stay warm (and to hide thinness) Many times I'm cold, but I'm not trying to hide thinness

    Drinking lots of water or fizzy low-calorie drinks to take away hunger pangs I am a big water drinker, but I don't drink to take away hunger pains.

    Missing school or work. Nope

    If you think someone has anorexia, try talking to them about it, but don't be surprised if they get angry. People who have anorexia may think others are just trying to fatten them up. They may deny they have a problem. The best thing you can do is encourage a person who has anorexia to get professional help. The first step is to take them to see their doctor or to a clinic for people with eating disorders.

    You may also find it useful to talk with someone about your worries. Your doctor may be able to put you in touch with a local support group for people with anorexia and their families. The people there may be able to give you some advice and support on how to cope with someone who has an eating disorder.

    Sources for the information on this page:National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.Binge eating disorder.June 2008. Available at http://win.niddk.nih.gov (accessed on 24 November 2009).
    Hobbs WL, Johnson CA.Anorexia nervosa: an overview.American Family Physician. 1996; 54: 1273-1279, 1284-1286.
    This information was

    Now according to this, I have an eating disorder! So, what do you all think?

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    3 lb. in 5 weeks is actually a very good weight loss. I think we get weird ideas about how much we should be losing from programs like the Biggest Loser where they drop weight like crazy. But they also workout 6-8 hours a day! Sure, it would be great to lose faster, but it's still nothing to sneeze at.

    And, I hate to disappoint any of you, but scientists tell us you can't build muscle when you operate at a calorie deficit. You have to operating at a calorie surplus to do that. I don't want to believe this, but I think I kind of do as it does make sense from the POV of physics and calories in/calories out and all that. Plus my scale shows me my muscle mass and it didn't start going up until I stopped losing. Le sigh.

    The book I am reading is called "The Rules of 'Normal' Eating" by Karen Koenig. And, yes, "Normal" is in quotes on purpose. Some other cool things she talks about in the book is how for people like us, being a "normal" eater is like learning a foreign language. We may get fluent, but we'll probably always have a bit of an accent. She says her personal goal is to eat like a normal person 95% of the time and forgiver herself for the other 5% because even so-called normal eaters don't eat perfectly all the time.

    She also wrote another book that I also liked but didn't find that personally useful. It's called The Food and Feelings book and it would be really great if you were an emotional eater, but I'm not really, so I got bored eventually. :laugh: However, in the 2nd chapter it had this exercise about head hunger vs. real hunger that was most enlightening. It was worth the entire cost of the whole book, in fact.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Now according to this, I have an eating disorder! So, what do you all think?
    I'd be surprised if you actually did. :happy: Tendencies maybe, but some of those items are vague and describe normal behavior and it's only considered anorexic if you take it to extremes. For example, anorexics often exercise 6-8 hours a day! That's what they mean by "all the time". One hour a day is the recommended amount. It's normal.

    It's also normal to try to eat healthy and limit junk food and bad carbs. That's not what they mean when they talk about avoiding food groups. Anorexics, for example, might decided to completely cut meat out of their diet. Not because they are vegetarians, but because they've decided that meat has too many calories. They try to live on salad and veggies. Or, at the most extreme end, lettuce and water! Not fruit, because those have sugar and not nuts because those are too fatty. Like I said... extreme.
  • Hey Deb...I would so like to share this story of "pants" with you...Im 65 and for the first time in 10yrs (had heart surgery) I lost 30lbs on a work out progrqm ane this site to keep to 1200cal eating regime...so 6 months later and 30 lbs less...I went to a Goodwill thrift shop as I need grab bag items for my church...never stepped foot in one before (no reason) so after my hands are filled with grab bag things for kids, I meander over to the jeans ...now I havent worn jeans in 20yrs....so here I am at 199lbs (was 230)and Im fitting into 16 jeans but the legs and rear end are getting a bit loose...didnt want to spend big $s for a 14 to see if it would fit so I figure let me buy a pair here and if they dont fit nothing much lost or Ill just give them away...THEY FIT LIKE A GLOVE and I was in heaven...my favorite pair since at $6!!!!!! but that pair of jeans is what is keeping me in check and on track! Those pants will do it every time wont they...you go girl!!!!!!! keep cookin...Loretta:)
  • Just joined up today, saw this website in the "Family Circle", very user friendly. My adult daughter & I decided to lose 20 lbs
    together, so here we go! I'm already realizing how much junk food I've been eating, well no more.
  • Great way to buy jeans,from Goodwill, you're not spending a fortune on jeans that won't fit in a month or less.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi:drinker: Speaking of Moms. My mom turned 87 yesterday. I am very proud of her. :love: Wouldn't you know that she called me while I was sick, even though she NEVER calls me, and certainly never calls me on a weekday!! Even though she's 6000 miles away, I think there is something in her that just KNOWS when there's something not quite right with her far away daughter. Go figure.

    :heart: I love my mom. :heart:

    And thanks for all the "MOM" stories: some funny, some sad, some heartbreaking yet always heartwarming.

    P.S. Just came back from my 2nd dentist visit and am not quite sure yet how I am going to eat anything with this frozen mouth :bigsmile:

  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    Just joined up today, saw this website in the "Family Circle", very user friendly. My adult daughter & I decided to lose 20 lbs
    together, so here we go! I'm already realizing how much junk food I've been eating, well no more.

    :flowerforyou: WELCOME...This is a great place to be...
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm sitting here smiling to myself and I laughed out loud reading some of these posts. Boy, we sure do know how to cheer each other up!

    Week one of my new plan is going well. I took two of those 6 things from that article I posted the link to a while back. I'm having oatmeal in the morning and weighing first thing everyday. I will only count one mid-week weight for checkin.

    Well this was a late night, so I will call it quits here and make this a short post.

    To all the newbies - welcome!

    To all the oldbies - keep the faith, keep smiling and keep posting!

  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    I love the jeans story! I've had 3 sets - fat jeans, medium jeans, and tight jeans. I've tossed the fat ones, the mediums are getting a bit loose, and the tight jeans alllllmost fit. It's a great feeling.

    Keeping up the the exercise. The scale doesn't show much weight loss, but my hips, neck, and thighs feel smaller. Now, if I could only tighten up the waist! (I'm an apple-shaped lady).

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I think any of us who have been really careful about losing weight have some moderate versions of the signs of anorexia......exercising whenever possible, weighing and measuring food, eliminating whole groups of food (simple carbs, sugar, pizza, birthday cake), continuing to lose weight even when some well meaning (?) friend says that we're "wasting away", fixing a big meal for the family and having a protein shake instead.....many obsessive compulsive disorders are exaggerated versions of normal focused behavior.

    :flowerforyou: the mom stories are great......my mom has been gone a long time so I'm enjoying sharing all of yours.

    :flowerforyou: Jake's thumb is much better but no golf or washing the car for awhile

    :flowerforyou: The weather is so warm and beautiful that we walked for 45 minutes on the trail today......All of you with your bicycles would love this trail.....we're going to have the same good weather through the weekend.....:bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker: Now it's time to drink some more water and go back to watching the Olympics.:heart::heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Okay, so we all know how important it is to log our food and exercise or we wouldn't be here, right? Well, I had an experience yesterday that really brought home how important it is even more...

    I explained it all in my blog so I'll just post a link instead of repeating it all again:

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    Bingo! MacMadame you put your finger right on it!

    BUT if you're logging both food and exercise here in MFP why not just watch the Net Calories report?

    Rekeying data is against my religion ;)

    Don't look at mine, though, it looks like a profile of the Sawtooth Mountains, with all those weekend peaks [sigh]
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning! I'm up and running (literally). I passed up pancakes with the kids so I could do my weigh-in and walk on the treadmill! I feel great! Now upstairs to the schoolroom with my kids and my water bottle. We had about 5 inches of snow, but the beauty of homeschool is that you don't have to take snow days! Actually, they will play in the snow this afternoon as we do half goals on Fridays. Later...:flowerforyou:
  • Good day everyone .... :flowerforyou: Hi to all the new ladies too!

    :angry: Today it's snowing hard here in N.Wales. ... Yet again ....big lumps falling from the sky. They've not gritted the roads so it's sticking! ..Great fun will be had by all !!!

    :grumble: - Same weight this morning
    :drinker: - have been good so far and will factor in my glass of wine I'm going to have tonight!
    :smile: - I have cleaning calories to add too but don't think I'll be doing any other exercise later. ...mmm? Maybe ....!!!

    :bigsmile: I've been on line and bought an ...."Oh no ...Not another new dress!!" ...for our August Cruise. Again it's a UKsize 16! Still can't really believe it, as at the begining of last year I was buying size 20's. I think all the weight went on when I started taking HRT. Great for the hot flushes etc but not for the figure! When I came off HRT towards the end of last summer that was when I suddenly realised that I was no longer size 20. The menopause has a lot to answer for !! It has taken a while to get used to buying smaller sizes. I know I should be a size 12 .... think of all the fun I could have shopping!!! but I am happy to see 16 on the labels for now.

    :grumble: As we know... "Stuff" happens in three's. Here's mine!

    :noway: 1) As per previous post - toilet flush broke!! Still broken but sort of repaired by DH and myself ... now awaiting the proper part
    ( instead of the "just the right size" bottle that acts as the flush push)
    :sad: 2 ) The oven( that was in the house when we moved in and is so old that we can't get parts for it) decided to stay cold ... as posted. So we've coughed up the £168 and had it repaired ... amazing they found a part to fit.. We did have the cooker on the service agreement but as it was so old the gas board advised us it was money wasted due to parts difficulty etc.
    :explode: 3) The gas MEN ...yep 2 of them ... as oven was heavy to move ... had just left ,when the thermostat went on our lounge radiator. So last night we were sweltering in the lounge ,with the window open to stop us fainting. We had to leave the heating on for my mum's rooms!!... at least thats covered under the policy... So now, we're waiting for another engineer to come with a new thermostat. At least it stuck on and not off with this weather.

    :noway: Maybe a fourth calamity... The Dance studio ...so they said... sent out another set of How to Dance DVD's after I phoned to say they hadn't arrived.. I had to phone them again yesterday to say they still hadn't arrived!!! Maybe they'll add yet another Dance to the list to compensate. I think maybe the postmen are setting up here own dance lessons!! I've been promised that the DVD's will be hand delivered on Monday ... watch this space...again!!!

    :heart: So I'll say bye for now ....
    Back tomorrow with all you lovely people

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Friday to everyone and welcome new members!

    I am doing okay...going out to dinner tonight so I need to have a few less calories during the day. Started off with oatmeal and a clementine so am okay so far.

    I made a start on some cleaning and finished all the laundry yesterday. Probably would have gotten more done if I didn't have to stop to disassemble the bottom of the portable vacuum cleaner (involved finding a philips screw driver, flipping over the vacuum and removing 7 screws, the brush and the plastic cover), go downstairs to retrieve the central vac hose and tools, and vacuum/dig out the matted dirt and dust inside the clear plastic top of the portable vacuum head. All that to get dirt (that had no impact on the cleaning ability of the vacuum) out from a vacuum that doesn't even belong to me. Can anyone say "OCD"? Oh well, back to cleaning today.

    Cindy, your kids do sound wonderful. Son cleans kitchen, daughter lives with Grandma...yep, they're keepers!!

    Hope everyone has a great day!! :heart: Terri:heart:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Happy Happy Friday:flowerforyou:

    There is nothing like Friday's to brighten the work week...of course seeing the scale down a pound :bigsmile: added to the TGIF feeling.

    Welcome all you newbies:flowerforyou:

    Cindy - so glad for you that your Mom is still able to be at her own home:flowerforyou: , sure do wish that was Mom's case.

    Michele - Nope I don't think you have an eating disorder, but did find many of those points in my life....and since I have to lose weight:grumble: ...well I'm sure there were points there that all of us could relate to.

    Jackie - 1,2,3,4...oh my gosh! I feel for you with all your house challenges! Three years ago we took 18 months to give our house a "face lift", it started with just wanting to paint, then the floors looked bad:grumble: , then the deck:grumble: , then the outside paint:grumble: , well you get the picture....hang in there:flowerforyou:

    Being Friday my weigh in was down a pound:bigsmile: ...of course...it's always hard to hold it until Monday which is my official weight in day and with no computer at home:angry: it really makes me be extra careful. I am hoping to increase the exercise this weekend:tongue: so I will keep my fingers crossed.

    Everyone have a good weekend and I'll be back on Monday:flowerforyou:

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