Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kaye -- don't worry about gaining weight during surgery; your body needs to take the time to heal.
    @Sally -- I try to plan in advance but I'm a bit rubbish at it.
    @Chris -- Congrats on the scale victory!
    @Karen -- congrats on 10 minute mile and lowest weight! Woot! I'm currently running about a 14 minute mile, and I can't do it for a mile at once, or anything like. But I think Week5Day3 is a 20 minute run, so that should be more than a mile, right? So, if I keep up the program, I should be running a mile by the end of the month. Wow.
    @Tammy -- love hearing about your puppy!
    @Lmackbeth -- sounds like an awesome hike; what a great encouragement.

    On shopping with friends: I very rarely do it, and I always sort of regret it when I do. They pick out cute things for me, and I have to say 'yes, but it doesn't go up to my size'. Anyway, hoping that won't be the case forever!

    I think about the Fat Girl Running blog post every time I run at the moment. I know I'm rubbish, and running at not much more than walking pace. But hey ho, at least I'm doing it. Hubby did 5k run/walk last night in 34 minutes; I'm really pleased for him because a couple of years ago he was having a lot of trouble with his feet.

    Carb limiting is not going all that well at the moment; I've been over nearly every day I think. Whoops.

    Tuesday goals -- gotta get all my stuff sorted for my brother's wedding at the weekend. Tonight I'm going to make everyone put on their wedding outfits and make sure they look great, and I'm helping with some of the music so I need to ****practice****

    Have a great day, everyone!

    -- Alison
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    Good Morning everyone! As usual I'm behind so going to do a little backtracking.

    Friday Fitness - Had a double session with my trainer because I haven't been able to get to the gym as often due to my erratic work schedule. He had me running at 5.1 mph for short bursts and I felt like I was going to die. When will running every get easier??? The rest of the workout kicked my butt as well and I'm still sore 4 days later.

    Saturday Success - I'm down 10 pounds since my last weigh-in which was about about 2 months ago. This is surprising to me since I don't feel like I've been eating well and I was barely losing 0.8 pounds/week when I was doing a better job at keeping under my calorie goal.

    Sunday Share - Next Thursday I'm going on vacation for 16 days! I'm so excited but I will have very little internet access so I don't think I'm going too be able to log my calories or check in here. I'm going to try to eat as well as I can and I may write my food down just to keep track of it but I'm not looking for any weight loss (unfortunately).

    Monday Check In - Even though I don't feel any different and I look the same to myself a lot of my clothes are getting too loose. So I was wondering, what do you all do when your clothes get too loose? Do you just keep wearing them as long as you can, do you get them altered or do you just donate them to Good Will and buy new clothes? I actually hate clothes shopping because I'm tall and it's hard to find pants and long sleeve shirts that are long enough and I have so many items that I love but they are just getting too big. I'm going to go to the tailor and see about getting some pants altered today but they can only be taken in so much, right?

    Tuesday Goals - To not eat any Halloween candy today. Seriously.

    Wednesday Wish - That everyone's Wednesday Wish comes true and that those who aren't feeling well get some relief.
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Tuesday everbody!

    My goal this week remains the lose 10 lbs by 11/25. Right now I'm down two.

    Does anyone else out there have a body that just loses weight really slowly? I'm finding that my body just doesn't want to give the weight up no matter how hard I work.

    Also, is anyone on here a Fitbit user? I just got one and have joined the group on MFP, but I use this thread the most, so I just wondered if anyone else was using one and what kind of success they were seeing.

    Have a great Tuesday everybody. :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Insomnia kicked in last night (even after melatonin & benadryl), so dragging today. Been awake since 2:30am and tonight is my late night - going to be a long day! :frown:

    Tuesday Goals~I'm keeping up with my Halloween Challenge Goals and my other regular goals so my new goal is to get some sleep!

    @nzenczak~I have a sluggish metabolism and now my hormones are a mess so I have to fight for every pound I lose. I have to watch carbs really closely and excercise, exercise, exercise - as long as my loses are consistent I try not to worry about it too much. Magori (Tom) uses Fitbit, I think there are some other users as well.

    @tungsten93~Great job on the run/training and weight loss!

    Have a great day!

  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Tuesdays goals
    I am going to log my food better this week and exercise more at least try too ! I am going to the amish country on saturday on a bus trip and i will be walking alot there ! Thank goodness i will be eating alot of good food also !
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tungsten--if you have clothes you really love, then I say alter them. I donated mine b/c most were pretty old anyways. I was fortunate that my sister also lost weight at the same time and she is a size smaller than me. She's has given me so many clothes--has literally saved me hundreds of dollars, as I would've had to replace my entire wardrobe at least once at this point. Because of all of the hand-me-downs from her, I haven't had to walk around in baggy clothes very often.

    Tuesday Goal:
    To make sure I don't replace the carbs I'm saving with shiritaki noodles with crappy, simple sugars.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Because of all of the hand-me-downs from her, I haven't had to walk around in baggy clothes very often.
    I wish I had someone to give me some hand-me-downs, becuase I have had to walk around in baggy clothes.:cry: I buy a new pair of jeans and they are hardly worn out at all and they are to baggy. I guess if I have to complain, it is pretty good that I'm complaining about clothes that are too baggy.

    @nzenczak – I use a fitbit. I like the sleep function since I have sleep apnea. I wear it every day and try for 5000 steps and 10 flights of stairs. I am way too lazy on the weekends and on the Monday and Tuesday I was sick and had a bad back. I should check out the Fitbit group.

    @BohemianCoast – Have a great time at the wedding! What sort of music help are you doing? I might plan for a bad food day for the wedding. If you eat lightly on the day before and after you could get a little crazy for the wedding. Most weddings I have been to involved whiskey and cake.:drinker:

    @monarchris – Nice loss 4.5 lbs.! That is what I need.

    @RobinsEgg – Best wishes for the doctor’s visit today!:flowerforyou:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Because of all of the hand-me-downs from her, I haven't had to walk around in baggy clothes very often.
    I wish I had someone to give me some hand-me-downs, becuase I have had to walk around in baggy clothes.:cry: I buy a new pair of jeans and they are hardly worn out at all and they are to baggy. I guess if I have to complain, it is pretty good that I'm complaining about clothes that are too baggy.

    same here. i can take all of my pants off without unbuttoning them. and some of them just fall off if i move too much. awwwkkkwwwarrrrddd
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Monachris -Grats on the great weightloss. You are doing so amazingly wonderful and working so hard! God has lots to do with it but take credit where it is due. You are working HARD and it's showing!

    I bought new pants a while but they were all casual elastic banded pants (thank goodness I don't have to wear office dress at work) They were a bit tight when I got them and are getting looser now. I'll be wearing them baggy until my Christmas vacation. I budgeted a chunk of money so I could look GOOOD when I visited home. If I see shirts CHEAP on any of the old plus size sites I pick some up. A few weeks back I picked up two work worthy shirts in smaller sizes @ woman within for 5.99 a piece when I replaced my bathing suit. I figure 5 decent fitting shirts and pants are enough :P one for each day of the work week.

    Looks like I'll be replacing my shoes as well. I seem to have dropped half a shoe size......

    Tuesday goals - Mine have changed. Right now my stress level is so maxed out I just want to get by the new few days. Had an unhappy DR appointment yesterday that required travelling the majority of the day and tonight I have to take my 8 year old cat to the vet. I suspect Hyperthyroid from his symptoms. The earliest appointment I could get was for 5:45.... between grocery shopping, the vet, and making dinner I don't see my walk happening (I don't like walking after dark). Sleep has been non existent for the last 4 or 5 days and men are a pima.

    So yeah, current goal is to NOT eat my old weight in cheesie puffs in the next few day s.
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    @toots sorry to hear about the competition.

    Another belated Monday Check In, but I have lost another pound, so I am now 11 pounds lost

    Tuesday goal (sort of) - I have recently decided whenever I lose a pound in weight, I have to put one pound cash in a money box. So when I have lost all my weight I will have over one hundred pounds to go shopping for clothes.
  • GerritTheBlacksmith
    Tuesday - Goals
    to add strength training to my workout.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Hi all, still here, kind of. I don't post as much anymore but still love reading and you are such a good group.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi y'all. Saw the doc and he gave me a new provisional diagnosis. Blood work with confirm or deny it: polymyalgia rheumatica. If that's my diagnosis, I'll see a neurologist for it, and be treated with corticosteroids or chemo drugs, his choice. THis is a better diagnosis than the one I came up with, so I'm hoping the blood work confirms it. Right now, my use of my arms is so limited, my reach and grasp are much less than normal, my fatigue factor is way high, and between me and the doc, we've decided I do have to take pain meds to control the pain. I fought against this but without hte meds I get bone-cracking pain, so am taking 1/2 pill every 4-5 hours, in addition to ibuprofen around the clock.

    The doc even made me laugh about the provisional diagnosis I had come up with - a brachial plexus injury - he said they are so rare in non-athletes - the only injury he saw in med school was a drunk who fell off of a bar stool onto a bar!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I'd like to propose a discussion:

    What did we learn this summer?

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday Everyone....

    My goal today is to get a 30 minute walk in before bed. I have started drinking more water which makes me feel a little back on track.

    My school work had me stuck in the house all weekend but I am finally caught up on Sociology but Algebra still 2 chapeters behind. I am just not getting the hang of it.

    I do read up on what is going on just not posting very much.

    @Robin good luck with blood work results.

    @Tina- love the profile pic

    @everyone- congrats on all the weight loss and NSV's
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    This summer I learned I was basically eating a maintenance diet and I was doing that by zig-zagging my calories over the course of a week. I learned I could pretty well estimate my calories and stay under or near what I needed to eat to stay the same weight but I couldn't estimate calories good enough to lose weight.

    I am still learninig that exercise is key to healthy living and that its in your head - your attitude toward exercise is in your head. if you tell yourself you are going to go play - its fun, and if that's your attitude toward exercise is that its your play time its a whole lot better.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I learned two important lessons this summer.

    The first is that I *CAN* control my eating (and therefore my weight) and I don't have to let it control me (food OR my weight).

    I also learned that sweating really isn't *SO* awful. As crazy as I thought people were for saying it... sweating really DOES feel good and pushing through the pain is usually doable.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Tuesday afternoon and I have had a great day so far. Have taken Belle on 2 walks already today and will do 1 more this evening. Spent morning learning how to make pillowcase dresses for little girls and got 1 all prepepped to sew. They are really cute and easy to make. Going to be making them for missions 2 mornings a month. Had a healthy salad at Wendy's with a friend and walked with another friend and our dogs. It is amazing the things I am doing now that I never thought I could do before I lost weight. Being less isolated helps with the "munchies" and I have missed being around people since I could no longer work. My goal is to be able to work part-time. Would anyone go to a therapist who is on oxygen? I guess I still am a little self-conscious about it and the looks I get.

    My MowMow I am with you in that I learned this summer that sweat will not kill a person!

    Take care everyone, keep safe and healthy!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    This summer i learned that i need to slow down sometimes and just get some rest . I was in the hospital for 3 weeks in the summer had to have major surgery done and i am fully recovered now . But i did get alot of rest before that i came back to work and now i am back to getting to exercise every day and back to going to Zumba class that i love going too !
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I'd like to propose a discussion:

    What did we learn this summer?

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    This summer I learned that pushing the remind me after 10 lbs. lost button instead of lowering my macros has put me close to maintenance mode. I should have gradually dropped the macros like MFP suggested, but no,:blushing: I had to leave it alone. Now it wants me to lower calories by 400 a day.:grumble: I am always so happy to have lost weight and want to enter it right away. I just wanted to see what my ticker looked like. Now after not lowering my macros (and not losing as much weight) I did lower calories by 200. It should have been closer to 400, but I’m going to try 200 first for a while then maybe cut 50 more. I also learned that I am way out of shape and need strength training. I have been fighting some back pain and now have been told I have neuropathy (spell?) in my feet from Diabetes type 2. I am also having a male health issue which I am getting some tests done on 10/19. I am falling apart. So those are excuses I have been using to not do strength training. I will try to start(slowly this time) on some strength training.

    I had 12 smokes yesterday.:smokin:
