It 2010 Please Join me Part 2!...My lovely Group!

NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello all! This is Part 2 in case we get locked out at 500 posts like someone stated!

Part 2 will be even better! Here's to us :flowerforyou:


  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
  • new thread :)

    Newbeginning-- a w e s o m e ! i'm sure you will be able to meet your goal by march. sounds like things are going well for you right now :flowerforyou: i didn't get a chance to weigh myself, maybe tomorrow :(

    i have to take off in a minute to music lessons but i just wanted to check in, enter my foods, etc. it's 3 30 and i still have over 600 calories! yess! i recently cut back what i normally eat for lunch, and it's really helped out with my calories. i find it a lot easier to meet my goal without going over now. basically i just took out the sandwich i usually have and replaced it with a fruit. i'm surprisingly not hungry even though my sandwich was like 300 cals (ouch a lot) and the fruit is around 100. but it's not bad at all!

    hope everyone finds the thread ok, and that nobody misses it lol :)

  • Hello, hello! I found you all. Yea! Ok, now off to bed. :)
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    HI EVERYONE :flowerforyou:
  • turin
    turin Posts: 14
    Hi All,

    Found the new thread.

    Had my weigh-n this morning and my alternate week trend continues. Week 5 I had lost weight, hence week 6 was doomed from the start :smile:

    I actually ended up putting on 1.6 pounds :mad: Of course, the statistical trend was helped by the fact that I did overeat and under-burn my calories last week.

    The good thing is that it means I will certainly lose weight this week. :laugh:

    Best Regards,

  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    bump!! :glasses: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Yea for Part 2! Hope you all are having a fantastic week!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    yaaayy CONgrats Thalia!!!!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    You kill me lol. Partically cause I sound just like you rationing everything,lol. Hey it works :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    ok ladies just throwing it out here cause I had it on the "other" group- lol sounds so dirty rofl

    OK LAdies, Last week we were just trying to get back to basics. If you needed it. This week do it all again baby!!!

    2 salads
    2 fruits
    watch your carbs I would like to keep mine around 100
    watch your fiber I am trying to do 12v - 1 for every 100 cal - but remmeber this is your lifestyle change do what you need to do
    MIndless drinking!
    Take your time

    For a kicker see how many servings of vegetables you eat this week??? just keep track..
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    SO I have to tell you ladies and Thank you :)

    I asked for ideas of things you normally eat and I have tried 3 of them..kind off,lol. One I like the Low carb tortillas Amanda suggested, also I am eating the "tortilla pizza" I have had for lunch a few times and this morning i tried the breakfast tortilla, I had one and my kids split the other one. I liked it, my daughter did as well, my son I am not sure cause he complained about the slasa and the bacon,lol. But he ate it. SO I think I have 3 new things THANK YOU!!!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Hello everyone :bigsmile:

    It is snowing again here at the farm. I moved into town with my parents. This is the first day I've had internet.

    Thanks for starting a new topic.

    Weighed myself everyday and it helped keep me on track, Sat I was down another pound so it does help.

    Already had 2 salads this week and 2 fruit. Will watch carbs as I fill in my diaries.

  • Hello everybody :)

    Thalia, I tried the pizza tortilla idea, and it was delicious! And I love the fact it's pretty low cal, too. Thank-you for sharing that recipe!

    This week has gone well so far. Not up to two salads yet, but I'll get there. I also have a fruit salad almost everyday in my lunch, but I'm not counting that as a "salad," just fruit. My carbs are doing pretty well. I've been in and around 10g of my goal this week (a huge accomplishment for me). I also have not let any other liquid but water pass my lips at all this week! The thing that makes me happy about that is that I wasn't conciously trying, I just automatically choose water over pop, or juice. Hooray!

    I'd also like to share an exciting bit of news. You know how if you have low-quality jeans, they stretch out throughout the day, and by the end they look a little saggy? (It happens to me. lol) Mine don't stretch anymore! So I know I'm getting a little bit smaller, even if it isn't yet a whole size. That was encouraging for me :)

    Hope everyone else's week is shaping up well. :flowerforyou:
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    hahah about the jeans, all mine do that, (they are old navy) and yes they fit better the 2nd day, but if i go up a size they are to big, they need half sizes rofl. I usually only wear them like 6 hours a day which is after all the gym and that but oh yes they fit better the next day,lol. I agree I like the pizza as well it totally killed my pizza craving I had been haveing with out killing me lol.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    ok so I am a little scared ladies,lol :ohwell:

    Over this past weekend I started out sat trying ot be good. We went to ihop before our boyscout field trip. I got a 2x2x2 for me breakfast and only ate 1 pancake with sugar free syrup. So I sis great. Then for lunch we went to ........cicis pizza. My thought was I wont have dinner. Then I should be good. Well a friend came over and my dh made chicken wings. I had to try them. I had 4 then some mac and cheese and then she always has desert and we brought out the samoa gs cookies. Ya the 3 adults finished that package off. I think I forgot to mention I also had 2 iced coffees that day. total cal was like 2700. Bad bad day! Sunday while nno where near as bad, OMG! Monday morning I had last weight! It said 138 i think it was. I was liek :huh: what ever Ill believe it when I see it tomorrow,lol. Well as of this morning it still went down. I have tried to eat a little more every day but at the same time I went running one day this week and yesterday did some program at home as well as class at the ymca. I am trying to shake it up. But I am just shocked at how I lost weight over the weekend with the way I ate. What do you ail think??
  • LostTeen
    LostTeen Posts: 110
    HI everyone,

    Can I join this group?
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Lost, you are more then welcome to join us! Just jump in and start talkin! :)
  • myth--don't you love how fate just seems to work against you some days? haha. that would be me today. i usually have a pretty small breakfast. maybe around 150 cals, because i don't seem to need it in the morning. anyways, today, i was at my parent's house, and i came downstairs in the morning and my mom had made me a bagel with peanut butter and jelly on it! i used to love those before i started MFP. because i found out that all thogether it's like 500 calories. ack.

    so anyways, i felt bad so i ate it. i mean, she went through the trouble to make it... :frown: so then my lunch was pretty normal... until my friend brought a bag of giant cookies for everyone to share. honestly, you would have never seen a cookie as big as these ones! so i shared one with a friend, but it was still unneeded calories. and now, i just found out that tonight my soccer team is having a social tonight. we're all going over to the coach's house, watching the hockey game, and, of course... eating pizza. sigh. i'm guessing i'll finish the day at around 2000, 2200 cals... i'm trying to figure it out in my diary now... :sad: i feel sad because i was doing REALLY well this week...

    guess i'll just really enjoy the pizza i'll eat tonight, cuz i'm gonna have to get my butt back on track tomorrow! lol.
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Myth i tell you i hope that i have that luck....and actually i did have that luck this past week. I lost more weight the week i had my cheat day which was 3 pounds. However this week will be tough if i lose anything i will be shocked....even better if i dont go up a pound or 2 ill be thrilled!! Iv been taking water pills its almost that time of the month so hope that will help.

    I just looked at my week and i have been over everyday. Frid by 900, sat by 500 sun 500, monday only 130, tue and wed by 500.....all over :noway: and the worse thing my mind i am knowing im eating it i am recording everything even if i have to get closest calories with a guess.

    And even worse then that i have my weigh in tomorrow and i want to go back to cheesecake factory and get cheesecake and not any cheesecake this red velvet one that has 1250 calories!!! my gf ordered it yesterday while i ordered the one with splenda, and today i want that one even knowing i have weigh in and its 1200 calories :sad:

    so i dont know how to overcome this...this is what happens i lose weight and then get compliments get excited and start eating whatever and gain it please :grumble:

    Lost teen welcome!!!! Myth glad u like the "pizza" it was a close knock off for me that worked!
  • newbeginning--ah, red velvet cheesecake. delicious... *snaps out of trance/wipes drool off corner of mouth* haha. i think that even the fact that you know that it's so many calories, and that you know that you need to stay on track even though you've had so much success so far... so stick with it!! if you're getting compliments now, imagine how amazed people will be when you reach your goal! think of the satisfaction you'll feel. :)

    as for me, weigh in this morning revealed another pound down for me! yay :D i didn't think i'd do so well because i kinda slipped up the past couple days... but no matter! i'm back on track. so now i'm 143. i can't wait to be in the 130's...

    happy friday everyone :)
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