

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    Hello everyone, I keep coming back and looking at this topic Women Ages 50 + and all your posts and you are all doing so well with some amazing weight loss !!!! and fab motivation. I think i'm still in denial that I turned 52 last December as everyone that I work with and most of my friends are a lot younger than me and I just forget. But now I'm reminded every time I go on to my profile page and see Female 52 !!!!! .... so now that I have come to terms with my age I would love to join your group!!!

    Welcome!!!! Together on this thread we all feel young and fit and fabulous and you will too.:bigsmile: The women on this thread have changed my life and the same can happen to you.......:bigsmile: Just take it one day at a time, take baby steps, and stay open minded to new ideas.
    :heart: :drinker: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Still not sure if I am "all there" but at least I am here!!:bigsmile: Thank you everyone for your kind words of support and concern.

    Despite last night--eating my entire portion of beef tomato chow yuk--instead of asking for a box at the start and removing half of it--I am still down a pound from my last weigh in, which means one less that is hanging on from my prior transgressions.

    I have discovered the new Chinese restaurant that is close to my home will cook to order. When I say do it w/o salt and msg, they do, and "unleaded" Chinese food (as in cooked without massive quantities of sodium) is just as yummy as "regular".

    I went to breakfast this morning with my neighbor, who got the new French bulldog. Archie has mellowed a little in two weeks, but he still doesn't quite have the potty training thing figured out. He will go out for a walk for an hour and come back INSIDE :grumble: and leave a little "package." :noway: Since he didn't grow up in the house but in a kennel with access to outdoors, he doesn't have any prior experience with the concept of "going outside" in order to "go.":ohwell:

    If there are any doggie experts out there with experience in house training an adult dog, where having a doggie door is not an option (condo is upstairs) I will be glad to pass on any tips you may have. Feel free to PM me, if you don't want to post on the thread.

    After we went to breakfast, my friend, who is the biggest male shopaholic I have ever met, told me he had learned that today there was 20% off everything at Big Lots--if you don't have one in your area, it is like a dollar store on steroids. Lots of stuff, more than a dollar, closeouts, discontinueds, etc. Anyway, by the time I escaped, I had saved about $8!!--only had to spend $38 to do it !!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Actually, I did very well. I have been watching for a good buy on a new hair dryer, as I figure one of these days my 8 year old one is going to "retire." Usually when they quit, it is not a gradual process, so I don't want to wake up one morning and discover I am going to have a "bad hair day" due to no dryer. I also stocked up on some sandwich and storage bags, office supply items, health and beauty, and my one really silly purchase, but I HAD to have it, and you will see why.

    They have a whole section of home decor. There were some great signs " One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor." "My husband is a 'reel' catch." "Born to fish." All funny, but I left them there. The one I couldn't resist was.....

    "Remember STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backwards!!":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: How true!!!:blushing: I will find a place in my kitchen for that one. Somewhere near the other signs already there:

    "I clean house every other day. This is not the 'other' day."

    "Beware of food that is still moving." and

    "To be thought half as good as a man, a woman must do everything twice as well. Fortunately, this is not difficult."

    The weather here is nice, just like it is north of here where Barbiecat is, and "norther" still in Vancouver BC. A little windy, but the doggies didn't mind a bit as we went to the doggie park before coming to visit "grandma and grandpa."--where I am now. My mom is doing fine. Got some sad news about her sister up in BC. She has been in very poor health and recently had to be moved into a care facility--a process she fought every step of the way--much to the consternation of her son and daughter. Now they learn she has uterine cancer.

    I had hoped we would be able to make one more trip up there so my mom could see her, but she doesn't seem to think she can make the trip. I can understand her feelings, but up until now, she has talked regularly about making the trip in April. I even have the week after Easter scheduled off to make this possible. Now I am not sure.

    Also, to my surprise, this morning, when I talked to her on the phone while I was on my shopping excursion, I mentioned a cutting board I had found, as she had expressed an interest in replacing a wooden one in her kitchen. I about fell over when she said. "I am thinking of giving up cooking. I am sick of it." Since they live in a facility that has on site dining available for a small additional charge, she and my dad won't starve, but for her to even consider this is a huge change. So we are going to have to talk a bit more about how she is feeling, and get ready to make some adjustments. I always knew eventually things would change, but I am not quite ready to deal with it right now. :frown: Guess there is no choice. :ohwell:

    Well I have to get off here. Still have to drop the piglets off at home and head for church--thank goodness for Sunday night Mass!! One more opportunity to avoid being a sinner!!:flowerforyou:

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :wink: Bought my dress for the wedding (youngest son is getting married June 4th). I had already seen it on Friday at "Malanie Lyne" and it jumped out at me. My daughter Natalie came with me and agreed it is a wonderful dress. Black with white stitching on it. Fairly unusual (just right for a person who's called "Rebel"), yet elegant at calf length. It is sleeveless, so will have to find some bolero jacket to go with it. Plenty of time for that. And - guess what - I bought it in a size 10!! Nervy of me, isn't it!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I have a busy week ahead with more dental work on Monday and then going with Natalie for her knee surgery on Friday.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Just a quick check-in before nighty-night...welcome Barty and TamiToo...any anyone else I may have missed.

    Thanks for your kind words Cindy. I led the OA meeting this afternoon and we had a good discussion group. With OA abstinence can mean different things for different people. Basically abstinence is different things to different people Many consider abstinence three meals a day and nothing eaten at any other time. A Food Plan is a pattern of eating that you develop that you can stick with and that will satisfy your nutritional needs. Many people are able to stick to the three meals per day, eaten in a non-compulsive way with "nomal" size portions. Others might include a snack or dessert as part of their food plan. Many people are able to identify their "trigger foods" and choose to eliminate them entirely, i.e. sugars, breads, cheese...whatever trips their trigger, I guess.

    Mine has been rather sketchy as I have simply shot for around 1200-1300 calories per day, trying to eat as healthy as possible but not eliminating any foods entirely and allowing a snack if I have the calories to spare. When I have a binge night it just pretty much means I start snacking or grazing and can't seem to stop. At my worst I may consume three, four or maybe even five hundred extra calories. I usually manage to reel myself in by just making myself go upstairs for the night and go to bed!! In OA instead of succumbing to the urge to eat you are supposed to call someone for support, journal, pray, read literature or just plain get busy on something else...all very effective IF you DO THEM. I am getting better...just not there yet...but I have hope and faith that I will get there! And that is the difference of the OA program and this site...they both make me feel very hopeful and not despairing. I know that I am not perfect (never have nor ever will be) but one day at a time, I can get better!

    Thanks for asking. Have a good night all:yawn:

    Terri:heart::heart: :heart:
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    My daughter just went on a Low Carb Diet. Is anyone doing this? Does it work for you? Please give me your opinions as I'm thinking about it too.
  • Tamzenc
    No not from North Carolina, the n is part of my first name. It's wierd when I can't just use my first name, but the internet has shown me that I am not the only Tamzen out there. 2 days so far and doing better than expected.

    Good night all.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    My daughter just went on a Low Carb Diet. Is anyone doing this? Does it work for you? Please give me your opinions as I'm thinking about it too.

    I have done it in the past. It enabled me to lose 36 lbs, and then regain 45!!! I LIKE carbs. All carbs are not bad. Veggies (non starchy low glycemic ones) are good sources, as are fruits. Whole grains. Processed carbs are the kind to avoid.

    When I started my lifestyle change last April, I knew that there was no point in starting an extreme program that I could not follow indefinitely, as it would just lead to binging and falling off the wagon and backsliding. Watching my calories, logging my foods and exercise, and monitoring my fat and sodium intake while making sure I consume sufficient fiber have worked great for me. Others may need to monitor sugar or other factors, depending on their health needs.

    The point I am making is that MFP is a great tool, and you can still be very successful at winning the "losing game" without setting yourself up for failure by following an eating plan that is not something you can sustain indefinitely.

    I have read comments from people on low carb who swear they can eat that way for life, and if they can, great--I wish them every success. There are others with specific dietary restrictions, (ie diabetics) that have to treat carbs in particular and dieting in general differently than those who don't have that issue. My comments are not directed toward these folks.

    I can't personally recommend low carb as a permanent weight loss solution. You will probably lose on it, but KEEPING IT OFF can be a different story.

    Good luck,

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Weighed in this morning and everything stayed the same. On the positive side, I have much more energy than before and I can maintain my exercise level at a much higher intensity. I still need to work , a lot, on strength training and my goal is to do that at least 3 times this week.

    Just a quick check in for me. As always, there are more things to do than I really want to do. My prayer today is that I will pick up the things that need to be done and let everything else sit. They will be there for another day. This is the one I have and I want to make the most of it!

    Maybe when I check back our Part 2 will have begun!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    I totally blew it yesterday--daughters came home with candy, son and girlfriend came home with leftovers. I know I was tired but I also knew that I didn't need any of it! Oh well, I am back on plan today. I know what to do and I am doing it! Good, healthy choices and lots of water, get my exercises done. I'm on it!

    I hope I have welcomed the newbies! If not, WELCOME!:flowerforyou: This is a wonderful group to be a part of!:heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good Morning everyone,

    Just a quick post before I go off to work. I will catch up on all the posts later and I hope everyone is doing well.

    The Chinese New Year's party was fantastic. It was a mixed group from many angles and not just a high school party with some chaperones. The food was better than any of you can imagine. I swear if you put it all in tables in single file it had to be 50 feet of home made and bought items. There was a lot of seafood dishes, soups, steamed and fried buns, rice, veggie galore. There was very little meat dishes: one chicken and two beef. I was surprised at the number of egg dishes. I ate reasonable and mostly just tasted around. Chinese chocolate is not sweet like American chocolate. The blueberry moon cakes were fantastic. The high school kids were all very nice and friendly. There were exchange students there from all over the Albuquerque area who were from mostly other Asian countries. Our hostess to honor her guests also make Korean, Japanese and Vietamese dishes. The American food was limited to cheese and crackers and dips and chips. The soda was from Asia also and nothing like ours. Of course there was tea and other Asian beverages.

    Boy, us Americans sure do put a lot of sugar in EVERYTHING we make. lol

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Well yesterday was paved with good intentions and that is it. I did work out and had a really good work out. Did good most of the day. Went to an anniversary party and ate nothing. Then went to birthday party last night and ate two pieces of cake not one but two. it was good but not that good. ate a salad for supper so if I had not eaten the cake would have been good. I am doing good today. ate good breakfast. Just ate an orange. I really am still hungry but trying to overcome my cravings. Just need a week of good behavior and I will be fine. If I can make that week. Where is that woman who said no to every thing not good for her. I need to find her again. She is around somewhere. Someone said we need a good spring day and I agree. Hate to make excuses but this winter has really got me. Not used to all this cold weather and not being able to do stuff outside. I was doing really good on vacation and then got the news of my cousins death and I think something changed. I guess I am more of an emotional eater than I thought I was. Sorry to ramble but when I blog it takes my mind off of food. Hope you ladies are having a good day. talk to you later with a great report on my day. Barb take care it is scary to think that an injury that old can still affect you.
    Vicki m
  • mynyddisamrs
    :drinker: Hi everyone and... Happy Monday!!! Start of another week ... another week nearer my holiday!!
    :laugh: Only three weeks to lose those few pounds!!
    Quick check in today ...
    :noway: Weight up a bit this morning but surely.... will be down tomorrow .....????
    :smile: Cleaning for two hours today - so I've got some calories to make up for .... :embarassed: the two homenade/ buttered scones I've just eaten when my DS & DIL came for coffee!
    :smile: Chicken /vegetable curry with rice tonight ...so once again will sqeeeeak in with the calories.

    Hope all's well with everyone ... keep smiling if you can!! Not always easy I know

    :heart: Take care
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Happy Monday all. I am still having the weekend struggle. I do so well during the week but fall flat on my face come Saturday. :mad:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just another quick post this time from work............
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: - to all of you who need them for your health issues and those of your family members.

    Potty training an adult dog - try locking in the bathroom or laundry with water and a blanket. I've had success with it with my rescue off the street dogs.

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Need to get back to a busy day at work.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    .... Barb take care it is scary to think that an injury that old can still affect you.
    Vicki m


    Not sure where you got the idea this was an old injury. It just happened on Jan 24th. Regardless, the aftermath is a bother.

    I created a new treat last night--necessity being the mother of invention. After going to Mass Sunday evening--and discovering the parish supper was PIZZA and BROWNIES, along with salad--I decided "lead us not into temptation," and decide dinner would be somewhere else. I decided to get my mom's shopping done instead, so I wouldn't have to take time during our last sunny day (today) to do it. I also talked to a friend that I hadn't seen in a couple of weeks, and she was in the process of eating her dinner already, but suggested I stop by for "dessert." Since I was going to the store, it was easy to find something that wouldn't get me into trouble.

    As I walked in the front door, there was Kashi Go Lean cereal. I haven't eaten it in a long time, but remembered Barbiecat saying it promoted "mindless eating" for her. :noway: Therefore it HAS to be good, right :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: A quick read of the label told me, it would not be a bad thing to have around. I still needed to figure out my own dinner and only had about 400 calories left for the day. I suddenly had an inspiration that solved both problems, and tastes GREAT!!

    1 cup of Kashi Go Lean
    1/3 of a cup of Bolthouse Chocolate Purely Protein Smoothie (available in the produce department, if your store sells that brand)
    1 container (6 oz) of Yoplait White Chocolate Strawberry Yogurt.

    It is DELICIOUS, very filling, has over 20 grams of protein and less than 300 calories. :drinker: :drinker: My hostess plans to try it for breakfast in the near future.

    You could cut the portions of cereal and Yogurt in half, and experiment with how much of the protein drink to add, and have more of a dessert-sized dish with about half the calories.

    I am presently watching Oprah, thanks to the Olympics, they have her on mornings in my area, instead of my preferred Rachel Ray. Anyway, Oprah just had some folks on that proved just 'cuz you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD. Would you believe a couple of guys with W-A-A-A-Y TOO much time on their hands used 800 POUNDS of Godiva Chocolates, among other things, to create a FULL SIZE CHOCOLATE replica of the set on which Oprah shoots her show. The CHAIRS were actually made from CHOCOLATE!!:noway: :noway: :noway:

    This program also had a guy playing the "Flight of the Bumble Bee" on a violin so fast I thought his fingers were going to fall off. It is definitely one worth watching--assuming you like to see things you find hard to believe, even after seeing them!!

    For myself, I will be glad to see my scale back at the point that matches my ticker. I am weighing each day now, and I held steady from Sunday, so I have to keep at it to get back to where I was and keep going lower.

    Oh, Jam,

    Thanks for mentioning the doggie training tip. Since the dog already spends time in a limited environment when my friend is at work, I am not sure just that technique is going to do it. He seems to have difficulty understanding when it is time to "go." My dogs seem to understand English pretty well. All of them will actually "go" when told to, if we are on a limited amount of walk time. Maybe I need to take Archie out and speak French to him!!!:noway: :laugh: --being as he is a French Bulldog!!!

    I decided to visit my chiropractor today, as my neck has been "popping" a bit, and I am sure I did it no favors when I fell. Have a good day, everyone.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm interested in doing a 50-mile bike ride in May. Right now, I can bike for about 40 minutes straight without stopping (flat to low rolling hills). Any suggestions for building up to 50 miles? I have a 21 speed commuter bike.


    There are a couple of things you can do:

    1) Continue to bike for longer and longer. But don't go to crazy increasing distance / time by a lot each week. 10% is the standard used in running and I think it work pretty well for biking too.
    2) Do some speed work (maybe take a spin class)
    3) do tempo rides and not just all long, slow rides. (Tempo rides would be maybe half the time of your long, slow stuff, but you go at a faster pace than expect to at your event.)
    4) Do some hill repeats. (You ride up and down the same hill over and over for, say, 30 minutes or until you can't do it any more.)

    Keep in mind that you don't *have* to have biked 50 miles on a regular basis to do a ride like this. (I'm assuming it's a supported ride with rest stops.)

    You can take your time and take a good rest at the rest stops and be fine. I did a ride last year that was a 2 day ride, 75 miles the first day and 50 the next. It was a lot easier than I expected because of the rest stops every 12-15 miles. Which is not to day it was easy, but I thought I'd be thrashed for days after and I wasn't.

    Previously, I had done one ride of 65 miles and one of two 40 mile rides in the same day (with a 1.5 hour break in between). But most of my rides were in the 25 mile range with a handful in the 30-40 mile range.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    BUT if you're logging both food and exercise here in MFP why not just watch the Net Calories report?
    I do, but it doesn't show enough detail. It doesn't have a line across where I want them to be and doesn't show me min, max and average. So I had this idea that I was averaging right around the line, but I wasn't. :laugh:

    I don't type it in again. I make a report for the whole month and paste that into Word and then do a bit of editing and paste it into Excel. (You used to be able save it on disk as html directly but that seems to be broken since the last site upgrade.) The Daily Plate has a direct "export to Excel" and I have to say I miss it.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, I am back in the saddle again....LOL:laugh: :frown: I am actually starting over. :embarassed: I have embarassingly gained 10 lbs (6 of which I gained last week.):smile: Today is a new beginning, I had slim fast for breakfast, Hershy dark chocolate miniature, cereal and fat free milk for snack, lean cuisine for lunch and dinner and I am going to do the Leslie Sansone 3 mile. MIL is recuperating from treatment, we really won't know anything for 3 months when she goes back in for follow up. I just got home from work a little while ago and need to exercise and do some HOME work. I hope to catch up on post another day. :heart: Love (((Hugs))) and prayers for all, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey,, Rose, no one has to be embarrassed here. We've all been there and done that at one time or another! Take one day at a time. Have a good evening!!:flowerforyou:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Well its taken me two weeks to retame the carb monster I so foolishly fed on my 50th birthday. Today is honeslty the first day since then that I can honestly say I haven't craved carbs and easily stayed within my calorie limits.