Losing Baby Weight



  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jess - WOOT!!! nice work!!!!
  • rfcollins33
    Okay, I feel like a real jerk cause I am so behind on reading all of your inspiring posts. So, I had gotten discouraged and logged on here and there, but didn't read this blog, which helps by the way. But, from now on, I'm committed. Let's do it. lol. I have great news. Two weeks ago, I weighed to find I'd gained a pound. So, I got serious and stopped the weekend snacking. My problem is I take a break from workouts on weekend and found myself snacking after so long. So, I stopped it, at least the unhealthy snacking. I noticed in mirror at gym, my thighs looked a little less chunky. lol. So, I weighed in today and have lost 5 pounds in two weeks, which brings me to a grand total of 10 lbs lost in a month in a half. yay, so excited. It really heps my motivation level to see results. I'm sure it's the same for you guys. So, I'm sorry for not reading your posts and keeping up. I will from now on and am gonna try to catch up. You ladies are so inspiring. Be talking to you guys more often!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • rfcollins33
    Anne, go to tools at the top and it gives you the option, then it will give you a code to copy and paste on here and it will show up!!
  • rfcollins33
    Kristen, Jess, you gals are doing great. Just carousing the blog. And, for Parker's mom, I've found that "mothers guilt" is a powerful thing. It gets me every time. Don't be so hard on yourself though. Many women have been in your shoes and many still will. I have never known guilt like what I get now about my son. But, then I realize that there are so many small things I could sweat. I am a good mom and I love my son. I'm sure you are too!!
  • mowens77
    mowens77 Posts: 36 Member
    Anne~you can go to lilypie.com and create the baby age ticker then it gives you the code you copy and paste that into your signature the weight loss ticker is in your tools(i think)

    rfcollins33~Good Job!!!!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning Girls!!

    Jess, Michelle, & Rachel - CONGRATS on the weight loss! You girls are doing a great job! Keep up the good work!

    I feel depressed and discouraged today. I honestly feel like I will look like this forever. I hate days like this.:sad:

    Kristen - where are you?!!

  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    found pics from Mason's birthday party - so put them on my profile. Pretty proud of the Cookie Monster Cake I did for his birthday... :) just thought I'd share.
  • StephanieJ82
    found pics from Mason's birthday party - so put them on my profile. Pretty proud of the Cookie Monster Cake I did for his birthday... :) just thought I'd share.

    Wow I LOVE it!!! Makes me wanna do something like that for my sons birthday.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I think all the adults were more impressed than the kids were. LOL
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I am at the pre-triplet weight and now i have to get to pre Maria and then pre Sarah and then lose the weight that i needed to lose before i started having kids.
  • biggieshorty
    Hi All,

    Wednesday I went to Zumba, but didn't cool down b/c I wanted to weigh myself before there was a line at the scale (no change :frown: ) Anyway, my upper back near my shoulder was hurting but I thought nothing of it. Thursday I woke up and turned my head and hear several cracking noises. IT HURT LIKE ****. DH and I had to take off. I went to the doc and got a muscle relaxer. Needless to say, since I couldn't cook yesterday was a bad food day. It still hurts a little today but I want to go to Zumba tonight. I don't know what I'll do yet.

    Cris-Hang in there. It took 9 months to put it on and it will take at least that long to take it off.

    Jess-How do you do it? Please share your tips with us on how you lose weight.

    I lost 26 lbs from August to November then took a break all of November and December. I just started back on my weight loss revolution on 01/15/10. I have not lost an ounce. I haven't measured myself but I do feel like I'm not as wide as I used to be and my legs have stopped rubbing together in the past month. Does anybody have any suggestions on what I can do to get the scale moving. Maybe a detox?
  • anneforster1102
    anneforster1102 Posts: 7 Member

    I have always found that weight does not come off easily in winter. maybe it's the sweat. maybe it's the being cold outside. I don't know, but come spring, the weight should start to go down again.

    That would make sense for you, since August September and October are good exercise months, weatherwise. and Jan and Feb are just too cold.

    the same should happen in spring months, the weight should come off more easily. I don't know why, but it's been like that for me for 20 years.

    hope that helps! Anne
  • cat1110
    Jess - Props to you for losing so much weight in a week! Do share your secrets!!! I am about to start the recovery week (4) for p90X and I understand what you mean about getting bored. I'm glad that the workouts change every 3 weeks, because if I had to do the same thing over again this week I would be really tired of it. I do think I am seeing good results - only the measurements next week will tell!

    Once again on a Friday night I find myself looking at my calorie intake wondering how much wine I can have...LOL!!! Sorry, I hope I don't sound like an alcoholic - I promise I'm not! But the weather is so beautiful here today and the wine bottle beckons.... :drinker:

    I took Carter to Gymboree Play and Learn today for the first time and he LOVED it! I've been feeling guilty that he doesn't get a lot of interaction with kids his age, so I think Gymboree will be great for him since he seems a little behind.
    Oh, and another milestone for Carter today.....we went to Publix and I put him in the buggy that has the truck with the steering wheel. OMG....he was so EXCITED!!!! Posted the pic on my profile. We may have to go to Publix just for fun so he can sit in the cart.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Thanks everyone for the congrats! I appreciate it! :)

    Welcome to the group Anne!

    Congratulations Michelle on reaching the pretrips weight! It sure feels good to hit a landmark like that, doesn't it?

    Biggie- please do be careful with your back! I would not rush right back into the workout! You will hurt yourself worse and be laid up for twice as long! Can you maybe do an easier workout at home for a few days? Back injuries are so bad! My dh pulled his back a little while ago grabbing a case of bottled water to load into our van. Just a dumb twist of the back the wrong way, and he could literally barely move for 3 weeks.

    Mina- the cake is adorable! :) I like the cupcakes too!

    Cat- Which version of p90x are you doing? I am doing the lean program, and if you look at the second month, only one workout a week is different! So, month two is almost identical to month one. The "muscle confusion" is a load of bull. LMAO. I think I am going to skip my recovery week, since I missed three workouts this past week.

    I really don't have any "secrets" with what I do. I am very strict about my diet. All lean meats and seafood- I eat plenty of protein. Tons of fresh fruit and veggies, and only whole grains for bread. Only reduced fat cheeses, and FF yogurts and sour cream and things. I really try to watch my calcium, because I think it's so important at our age, and they say that it helps you to lose weight also! I measure and weigh EVERYTHING I put into my mouth. I'm pretty good at eyeballing, because I've been doing it for so many years. But it can be very easy to slip up and be eating way more than you think you are! So I ALWAYS measure (when I am trying to lose weight that is- LOL). I'm also really trying to watch my sodium and potassium lately. It can be very hard to get the recommended amounts!

    I'm exercising almost every day, as long as I have no reasons why I can't. I did have a few days last week, where I just didn't have it in me, and just didn't do it. But generally I am exercising a minimum of an hour a day. I'm working hard to really push it hard to help to boost my metabolism. I generally don't "eat my exercise calories" per se. If I haven't worked out, I definitely do stick to my 1200 cal limit. Between 1200-1300 on those days. I will eat more on exercise days when my body tells me it needs it. If I feel sluggish, or lacking energy, I know I need to eat more. But, I don't eat just for the sake of eating the extra cals.

    And WATER. water water water water. The more I drink, I find that I am thirstier. At first that didn't make sense to me. Then I had an epiphany one day. My body had stopped retaining water, so I was getting thirsty more often. Sounds like common sense, and it is, but I just never really realized it!

    So, that's what I am doing. No big secrets. It's all stuff we know and have heard before. Once you get into the habit, it's much easier to just eat that way! Anyone who is not already friends with me, can request me if you would like to look at my food journal. I don't mind a bit!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    my pants feel loose - the last few days, been trying to make sure I'm eating better than I was last week - especially since I was afraid I was going to gain, and I'm hoping to see a loss on the scale on Tuesday - nice incentive to "behave" over the weekend. I have a church even on Sunday though, and we usually go out to eat at Shari's between the two services - so I do have one splurge coming up, but I treat it as more of a "brunch" instead of breakfast - since there's no need to eat THAT many calories for just one meal... I bought some really nice salads for dinner for the next few days (since I'm working) and they were on SALE, clearance, and I had coupons for them, so I totally SCORED with those! I love those things!
  • lizaconde
    BabyFatCat- Welcome, and I totally understand your frustration that's the exact word I use "disgusting". Know your not alone. Your on a great start, I heard those JM video really kick your butt. That's what I did started out with small time intervals. I first did 15 mins on the elliptical or treadmill now I'm up to 40. It takes time but I thinks that is the way to start baby steps and then just push yourself or we'll push for you. Good luck!

    Kristin- Congrats on your 14lb loss, AWESOME!! Glad to hear Ms. Kadence is feeling somewhat better, and is getting back to her routine. Sleep is so important for everyone in the house. Her 6 months apt. before you know it your dropping her off at preschool. It goes so fast. Wish they could just little forever. I keep asking Izabella to stop growing, she said mommy I can't but I'm always gonna be your baby. Love her!

    Jessica- Sorry to hear about your sick babies, how is the hubby and your baby girl doing. I hope better. Your goal totally obtainable especially by you. You've been on it! Great job on those inches I think that the best to actually drop inches sometimes that scale does show the true story. So inches is always a good way to see you progress. Jess, when do you get a break girl, just reading about your day makes me tire. God Bless! I get to join your club half way to my goal.Congrats it's so exciting to be half way there. Isn't it?

    Cris- I have felt your frustration that's way it's always a good idea to do your measurements, cause that scale isn't always so honest. Plus building muscle weighs. Kegel exercise is what we recommend to mothers with this issue. It works and more than not with time it does correct itself. Totally not personal that's what we're here for plus the percentage of mother's who suffer from this is huge. People just don't like to talk about it. It's OK to have down days we all do, but your not alone and we can do this. We can!

    Mina- Great job no gain and a loss of an inch, feels good doesn't it? Mason's first step love it, so many more to come. I patient once told me "we spend the first year of their life teaching them to walk and talk and the next 17 telling them to sit down and shut up!" I thought it was cute. LOL!

    Mowens77- Congrats! on your loss 2.2 lbs.

    Rachel- Great job on your loss, congrats! Keep it up, it's such a commitment to watch every thing you put in your mouth. Uh! it's exhausting. LOL!!

    Biggie- I agree with Jess be careful don't push it wait in till your completely healed before starting your workout again. If not you may injure yourself more and then it will take longer to recover. Listen to your body it knows best. Don't push all in good time. Ok!

    Anne- Welcome, happy to see another mommy.

    So today is weigh in day, so far here are my status.

    Beginning weight- 220 1/5

    Today's weight- 200.3 2/20

    Loss- 19.7

    Inches lost since 1/23

    Breast 1.5/44

    Waist 3.5/41

    Hips 2.5/47

    I started using the Wii Fit to track my weigh does anyone else use WII? How accurate do you think it is? Because between my bathroom scale and the WII there's a pretty big difference. But I put my daughter on the WII and it seem to be accurate with her pediatricians last weight for her. So I'm half way to my pre-JJ weight. Short term goal is to be prebaby weight which would be 180 by his first birthday, May 2nd.We're planning a huge first Birthday Party which is a tradition in our family would love to debut my 40lb weight loss. Then I'm hoping to take on a bigger challenge and be pre-Izabella weight which would be another 20lbs, which weight from 6 years ago. But still doesn't belong on these thighs or worst my flubbery belly.

    Wishing everyone a great weekend. JJ is ready for a nap and he makes sure the entire house is aware he's tired. So happy calorie counting and lets get some good workouts in this weekend.
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    it is great to be at pre-trip weight. i weigh 8 pounds less than i did when i got married but my wedding band/engagement ring is no where close to being able to fit, i do not want to have re-sized since i want to lose so much more weight. was able to jog 2 miles in 30 minutes which is a big milestone for me right now. in high school i ran faster but that was 20 years ago!!! there goes my timer for playing, i need to get some cleaning done before my house gets even further out of control. been trying to follow fly lady.net, but have gotten behind, time to get on board, so off to clean i go!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning! Quick check in...

    Been sick since last Wednesday...Kadence was sick too...no sleep...no exercise...poor food choices...blah! Ready to get back to normal! We're all feeling better today and Kadence finally slept in her crib all night again last night...thanks goodness! I will try and check back later, but need to get started on work since I was home in bed last Thursday and Friday!

    Have a good morning!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning Girls!!!

    Liz - thank you for the encouragement!!

    Kristen - glad you are back; was getting worried about you!

    Had a good weekend with lots of exercise and stayed under my cals. I I was one workout short of last weeks mini goal but sure did come close! Still no weight loss but I am feeling a little more positive. I noticed yesterday that I feel stronger and have more stamina when working out so that was rewarding!

    I have a poopy diaper to change and a heap of laundry to get cranking on!

    Hope you are all well!

  • biggieshorty
    Good Morning,

    Congrats to all of you who are at your pre-baby weight!! That must be so exciting!!! I'm happy for all of you and can't wait until I can join your club. :smile:

    This weekend I went to buy a Spanx to go under a bridesmaid dress. The sizes are like for panty hose A-F depending on your weight. It was so funny and kinda sweet. DH picked up the size that was for people who weigh like 180 and he thought it would fit me. HAHAHAH....was he ever suprised when I told him how much I really weigh. It kinda makes me feel good that I don't look like I weigh over 200 lbs.

    I took everyones advice and let my body heal. I'm definately going to the gym today though and hopefully everyday this week. DH will be out of town Thursday- Sunday so we'll see.

    Jess-you have a lot of discipline. I decided long ago this was a life change for me(not saying it isn't for you) and not just losing a quick 20 lbs like I've done in the past. I'm trying to incorporate things I can easily do forever that will work for me. I wish I could weigh my food but I know its not something I'll sustain so I don't do it. I have recently started cooking with herbs and olive oil and I'm trying out new receipes and adding more veggies to my diet. I'm hoping I'll be able to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle doing those things.

    Since I don't eat veggies does anybody have any suggestions on which ones I should start with or how to hide them in my food?

    Thanks and congrats on everyone's progress
