Breastfeeding pics - Curious



  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    A couple of thoughts.
    1. Typically you see more cleavage and breast in most womens shirts than you do when a baby is nursing and covering most of the breast, and they don't seem to have a problem flashing those shots on fb or in profile pics. i.e. the original posters profile pic shows way more cleavage than a nursing mom could show unless she totally removed her shirt and purposely hung her baby off to the side to expose as much as she could.
    2. You can nurse a baby and tuck your shirt around closer to their mouth and nobody sees anything.
    3. God designed women's bodies to be ready to feed their baby whenever that baby is hungry, so why should I go selquester myself for fear of a camera.
    4. Although I don't actively take shots of me breastfeeding just to post them, there are pics in which I am breastfeeding. It doesn't bother me one bit.
    5. With all that said, I do not nurse my twins at the same time out in public. There is way to much skin shown and not enough arms to keep things covered. I do nurse them one at a time in public everywhere from the park, to the museum, to the store, to at church. So if you take a picture of me chances are I might be nursing one of the babies. They really like to eat!
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    As long as its really a baby and not yet able to ask for it with words, it doesn't bother me.

    Oh, but it's even better when they CAN use words. Milk, mama! Other side please! Yep, I'm still nursing my toddler although down to once a day now :-)
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    A mother feeding her child is a natural thing. I have no issues with it . Most mothers show less while nursing than most women show at the beach.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    What I always found ironic was that people see a lamb suckling on its mother in a field and the initial reaction is awwwwwww how cuteeee but when some of the same people see a baby feeding from its Mother they are disgusted.
  • ktrauzzi
    ktrauzzi Posts: 71 Member
    lol. I'm a very shy person. I had blankets and jackets and whatever I could find around me and I tried to schedule an outing around my sons feeding schedule. I had a lady come up to me saying she thought it was ridiculous I had to cover up while feeding. I told her that personally it made me uncomfortable to be "exposed" and that even if it was more ok, I would still choose to cover up. She got mad at me! lol. SO. Each to his own! It's natural. It's a good thing. Would I do it? No. Am I comfortable watching others do it or seeing those images on fb? No. But, I wouldn't be like "Get those pictures off of fb!" I'd much rather promote breast feeding than anything else.
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    A couple of thoughts.
    1. Typically you see more cleavage and breast in most womens shirts than you do when a baby is nursing and covering most of the breast, and they don't seem to have a problem flashing those shots on fb or in profile pics. i.e. the original posters profile pic shows way more cleavage than a nursing mom could show unless she totally removed her shirt and purposely hung her baby off to the side to expose as much as she could.
    2. You can nurse a baby and tuck your shirt around closer to their mouth and nobody sees anything.
    3. God designed women's bodies to be ready to feed their baby whenever that baby is hungry, so why should I go selquester myself for fear of a camera.
    4. Although I don't actively take shots of me breastfeeding just to post them, there are pics in which I am breastfeeding. It doesn't bother me one bit.
    5. With all that said, I do not nurse my twins at the same time out in public. There is way to much skin shown and not enough arms to keep things covered. I do nurse them one at a time in public everywhere from the park, to the museum, to the store, to at church. So if you take a picture of me chances are I might be nursing one of the babies. They really like to eat!

    Yeah they like to eat! About ever 3 hours! LOL
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    Anyone who is aroused -- or offended -- by public breastfeeding has a problem.
    There is nothing sexy about a milk-filled nipple in an infant's mouth
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    Anyone who is aroused -- or offended -- by public breastfeeding has a problem.
    There is nothing sexy about a milk-filled nipple in an infant's mouth

    ^ this
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Anyone who is aroused -- or offended -- by public breastfeeding has a problem.
    There is nothing sexy about a milk-filled nipple in an infant's mouth

    ^ this
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    One reason women post photos of themselves breastfeeding on Facebook is that threads like this one still exist.


    Double amen.
  • RubySinclair
    RubySinclair Posts: 90 Member
    FB is ridiculous. People don't even talk to each other face to face any more. I absolutely HATE when I see husbands and wives (or BFs and GFs) who are out to a romantic dinner FB POSTING EACH OTHER!! Why do this? IMHO, it's all just TMI as are photos of mothers breastfeeding. DOING it is public is one thing. Real life, real time. If someone doesn't want to see it, they can, indeed, look away and move on. Why does every little bit of life these days have to be photographed and posted on facebook? I don't get it. (omg.. I sound like my mother. please forgive the rant, but I just. don't. get. it!)
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    Honestly, I think that women shouldn't be shy about breastfeeding, but there's a point where you reach that line that shouldn't be crossed. If she wants to feed her baby in public, that's her choice to make..but I think putting it up on a social networking site for everyone to see is kind of bizarre. I really don't understand why you'd want to post that kind of thing in the first place. It's something that I, myself, see as being very personal. I would never put something so private on a public page.
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    What I always found ironic was that people see a lamb suckling on its mother in a field and the initial reaction is awwwwwww how cuteeee but when some of the same people see a baby feeding from its Mother they are disgusted.
    You can't tell the difference between an animal and a human being? I don't see the irony at all. BTW It's not disgusting to me, it's just not something I want to relate to when I'm shopping, or eating my meal. It's like seeing a cow giving birth to a bull calf, and then having a human give birth to a baby(obviously an extreme, but it's a bodily function that I don't think everyone is comfortable seeing and should be as private as it can be[whether that's a blanket or just covering it up as much as you can.)]

    A mother feeding her child is a natural thing. I have no issues with it . Most mothers show less while nursing than most women show at the beach.

    That's two different things though.

    My opinion could change if I ever have a child and I see what my wife has to go through. I know it can be hard trying to accommodate to everyone and having your baby eat every few hours. It's tough, they go through a lot.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    People post pics of their children in the bathtub. Why is that cute but a baby eating is somehow offensive?
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    It's a non-issue. It is a photo of boobs doing what they are meant to do, nourish a child. Society has sexualized them. Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing, a natural thing and anyone who doesn't like has the problem. I get so frustrated when FB bans photos of breastfeeding mommas but doesn't have a problem with smutty photos of boobs. I don't have a problem with either type of photo. I think boobs are just wonderful and I'm glad I have them for more than just nourishing my children.

    I just think women need to stop judging each other and support each other.
  • As you stated in your post, you believe that breastfeeding should be private. Perhaps your friend feels otherwise and thinks it is something to celebrate? I am personally not a fan of public displays, but I recognize that some people feel a natural desire to share.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    You can't tell the difference between an animal and a human being?

    Human beings ARE animals.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    It doesn't matter to me what other people do on Facebook
  • Toya2xcel
    Toya2xcel Posts: 107 Member
    I don't like seeing it when I'm having dinner at a restaurant.

    Yes I can look away, but it's the crash scene effect where you sometimes can't help, but look.

    I think it should be kept between her and the child, but it's not my call to make as I'm 99% sure it's legal thing to do anywhere.

    As for the facebook picture, yeah I don't know why she would post that and think her friends would want to see it... ?

    Question...would you rather see a mother breast feeding her child in a restaurant? Or hear the high pitched screams of a hungry baby while you are trying to enjoy your meal out at a restaurant? Trust me, you wont enjoy your meal AT ALL if that hungry baby is not fed. Better learn how to look away.

    Now about the facebook breastfeeding pic, I don't think its a big deal but I wouldn't do it.
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    The more women seen breastfeeding in public the sooner people will stop thinking about it as anything other than normal. It is only in the so called "civilised" world that it is seen as provocative or disgusting.

    ^ This, 100 %.

    Perhaps the "ex-friend" didn't realise her facebook settings were set to share with friends of friends or public, perhaps she thought she was only sharing that special proud moment with her friends, who would be supportive and encouraging, not petty people who couldn't simply glance and look away with maturity, grace or respect.