MFP Friending 101



  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'm a lot more intrigued by the requiring answers to three random questions. What's that about? All in good fun or high maintenance?

    FYI, it's ALL in good fun. It's astounding how many people missed that.

    3 Questions before I friend you:

    What is your name?
    What is your quest?
    What is your favorite color?
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    I see people have posted on their profile they won't friend you if you don't eat MSG (monosodium glutimate)
    I'm into healthy food so did not send a message to these people.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    FYI, it's ALL in good fun. It's astounding how many people missed that.

    I think it's because some people really do take this friending stuff that seriously.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    Folks, we all know it's just good common sense to include a message with your friend request. So, please, stop sending me and my friends blank requests. There WILL be a test on this later. Class dismissed.


    What's your requirement in a friend request? Do they have to mention something you stated in your profile? Share a favorite exercise or similar diet? I know at least one person that requires answers to 3 random questions. I'm considering implementing a personality test.

    Personally, I just want to know you are literate and have some sense of humor. Bonus if you're a sarcastic *kitten*. I don't think I ask for much.

    I request a short message, too. I've had way too many creepy FR and I need to know WHY you want to be my friend.

    What I'm more intrigued by, though, is that fact you typed the word **kitten** and it didn't get ****'d out. :noway:

    ETA: And I was able to type it, too! :drinker: The mods must be sleeping! :laugh:
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    Sarahs my *****! So if any of you have a problem zach will kick your *kitten* and Sarah and I will watch while eating low calorie popcorn.
  • Nerdphiliac
    Nerdphiliac Posts: 136 Member
    some people take this **** way too seriously

  • AvgJ0e
    AvgJ0e Posts: 6
    Folks, we all know it's just good common sense to include a message with your friend request. So, please, stop sending me and my friends blank requests. There WILL be a test on this later. Class Dismissed

    What's your requirement in a friend request? Do they have to mention something you stated in your profile? Share a favorite exercise or similar diet? I know at least one person that requires answers to 3 random questions. I'm considering implementing a personality test.

    Personally, I just want to know you are literate and have some sense of humor. Bonus if you're a sarcastic *kitten*. I don't think I ask for much.

    I love sending blank requests just to see if i get lucky or not. I like the guessing it takes on why i.chose to send a request. Keeps things interesting.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Just so no one's surprised when they try to friend me, I have following requirements:

    1) Five pieces of valid government-issued ID.
    2) Three major credit cards.
    3) A Safeway, QFC, and Albertson's grocery club card.
    4) Pass either a drug test or a breathalizer test, but not both.
    5) English must be both their first and fourth language.
    6) Both legs must be of equal length.

    Potential friends that do not meet all of the requirements may appeal a denial, which goes to my a board of inquiry. Decisions from the board are made within 17 to 23 years. All correspondence must be sent via both certified mail and Fed Ex.
  • xo_Sarah_xo
    xo_Sarah_xo Posts: 308 Member
    Just so no one's surprised when they try to friend me, I have following requirements:

    1) Five pieces of valid government-issued ID.
    2) Three major credit cards.
    3) A Safeway, QFC, and Albertson's grocery club card.
    4) Pass either a drug test or a breathalizer test, but not both.
    5) English must be both their first and fourth language.
    6) Both legs must be of equal length.

    Potential friends that do not meet all of the requirements may appeal a denial, which goes to my a board of inquiry. Decisions from the board are made within 17 to 23 years. All correspondence must be sent via both certified mail and Fed Ex.

    Sounds legit....
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    Seriously? It's not like you're inviting them into your living room?
    It's nice when people add a message but it's not a major. I assume they've read my profile (or at least skimmed it) before requesting.
    The people with 30 million conditions on their profile page out me off requesting them, but maybe that's their goal!
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Just so no one's surprised when they try to friend me, I have following requirements:

    1) Five pieces of valid government-issued ID.
    2) Three major credit cards.
    3) A Safeway, QFC, and Albertson's grocery club card.
    4) Pass either a drug test or a breathalizer test, but not both.
    5) English must be both their first and fourth language.
    6) Both legs must be of equal length.

    Potential friends that do not meet all of the requirements may appeal a denial, which goes to my a board of inquiry. Decisions from the board are made within 17 to 23 years. All correspondence must be sent via both certified mail and Fed Ex.

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I only friend when they've sent a message. Not because I care why, but because I keep my list short and want interactive friends. Generally those who take time to include a message are friendlier.
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    I'm a lot more intrigued by the requiring answers to three random questions. What's that about? All in good fun or high maintenance?

    FYI, it's ALL in good fun. It's astounding how many people missed that.

    3 Questions before I friend you:

    What is your name?
    What is your quest?
    What is your favorite color?

    To seek the Holy Grail!
    Blue... er, yellow!
  • bennysammysofie
    Call me crazy but I will deny the hell outta you if you FR me with a message. Warning, I will only accept your FR if it is blank. Simple as that. True story. Peace out! Word.
  • Cougarita65
    Cougarita65 Posts: 240 Member
    I accept all FR I get, I never ask for a message, I always give someone a chance, if I see once were are friends & it's not working out, then I don't continue with that friend....everyone deserves a chance.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I have no requirements. A message is lovely and makes me smile, but it's not an obligation. I'll delete you if you're an *kitten*, other than that, I'm not fussy.
  • MissRose888
    MissRose888 Posts: 98 Member
    hehehehehe. This whole post is hilarious. I say, the more the merrier. I love new requests :) Plus, I'm single. . .so if you're a cute guy. . of COURSE I'll gladly accept the request!!!!
  • Carrie3B
    Carrie3B Posts: 45 Member
    I don't collect friends either--I am very active and like to cheer on my friends--so I try to keep the numbers reasonable. I like it when people tell me what they think we have in common or if we have a friend in common. I've had too many creepy guys that just want to PM stupid stuff and have no interest in fitness goals!
  • GwennyH
    GwennyH Posts: 80 Member
    Am I the only one here who never really gets random friend requests? Maybe 2 in the past 65 days of logging in. I feel so un-cool! ;)
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Please just send a message. It's not that hard.
    Brad Pitt could send me a friend request and if it were blank I'd deny it.

    I have a bad habit of ONLY being brave enough to send a FR after a few drinks. So I don't think they go through because I forget about the word filters.
    A tipsy garbanzo would make a sailor blush.