200+ (Week 18) Fling Into Spring!



  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey ladies. so last night i was going to get on and log my food and update about my day, and what happens? the site was down for maintenance. grrrr......:grumble: but anyway, pinbot the chart looked good and i like the fri-sun weigh-in idea. had a good day today, although i made a bad choice for a snack. i ate a king sized hershey bar with almonds. that would have put me over my cals for the day but i came home from work and worked out for 38 minutes to my mom richard simmons dvd. i burned 366 cals according to my HRM. it is one of the cheap ones but i like it. i got it at walmart. lol got to love that place. i think i am going to do that dvd 2-3 times a week and maybe gradually make it 4-5 times a week. i say gradually because he kicked my but tonight. i guess that shows me how out of shape i am. well super heros keep up the good work and i will see you all tomorrow. good night!:yawn: :yawn:

  • shellster80
    Hey ladies,

    Everyone has done really well this week. I've not posted much as I have been quite pre-occupied.

    It looks like my weight loss is going to slow down quite considerably as I found out on Friday that I'm pregnant!! I'm so pleased, we've been trying 2 years to have a baby and I lost one last year at 15+ weeks so fingers crossed this is my take home baby!!!

    I'll still be watching what I eat but I won't be exercising as much and it'll be gentler exercise rather than high impact aerobics. it also means I can't do the core work/abs workout.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.....Um, I need to start reading:embarassed: ....never have been able to sit still long enough, or I fall asleep...I always tell my daughter it is her fault...because I kid you not, she had me read to her thousand of hours when she was younger...she still is an avid reader and when I do read it is usually one of her leftovers...and they are usually teen-girl books... here lately, Jodi Picoult, but she makes me cry, I'm way to emotional.

    I went to school for Cosmetology, but...gulp...I have been a stay at home Mom for the last 21 years. I have done some part time work from home, sewing...prom dresses, wedding parties, then when my oldest showed horses I got into equestrian wear for rider and horses. I don't earn a pay check, but try to save thousands of dollars a year using coupons, re-purposing items, I've made all most all of my children's clothes....well through middle school, once in High school they usually want the "name brand" stuff, but we usually only splurge around Christmas. I feel truly blessed to of been able to be home with them. I have been able to volunteer at the school and I love being around the kids...but goodness...CDS, I could never be a teacher, you must have patience:drinker: , I wouldn't be able to take the mouthy ones:laugh: :laugh:

    Amber...good for you, way to get moving!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Everyone has done really well this week. I've not posted much as I have been quite pre-occupied.

    It looks like my weight loss is going to slow down quite considerably as I found out on Friday that I'm pregnant!! I'm so pleased, we've been trying 2 years to have a baby and I lost one last year at 15+ weeks so fingers crossed this is my take home baby!!!

    I'll still be watching what I eat but I won't be exercising as much and it'll be gentler exercise rather than high impact aerobics. it also means I can't do the core work/abs workout.

    How exciting...... I wish you the best!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Congrats Shellster!!!! We hope you stay with us and keep us updated on pregnancy progress. We will be here for you when it's time to lose the baby weight.

    Deb - Jodi Picoult makes me cry too. I would not have considered her a teenage author - she writes excellent, thought provoking books that make you look at both sides of an issue. My Sister's Keeper is my favorite by her - I have read it three times :blushing: She does explore many teenage issues. I have gotten through about half of her books. I am stuck on The Pact - it is too upsetting to get through. I have started it several times but can't seem to finish.

    I just love books and always seem to have 2 or 3 going at once:blushing: I have gone through the Twilight series twice:bigsmile: Right now I am listening to An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabladon and getting ready to start Starvation Lake by Brian Gruley.

    Lacey - I am a physical therapist that owns my own company. I do outpatient therapy in people's homes. Unfortunately, we don't have any kids. It would be a miracle if any popped out now that I'm 41. My best friend has 4 and I keep telling them that they are going to have to take care of me when I'm old:wink: The oldest two at 9 and 13 are all for it.

    Amber - Why do computers rule our life? I get so upset when I they wont do what I want. I feel for you. I would be lost if I couldn't log on. Richard Simmons is fun. Have you thought about trying Zumba?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I work for a big health insurance company. For the past two years my department was calling doctors' offices to update their demographic information in the database (place of service address, phone/fax numbers, extended hours, that kind of stuff that shows up in the directory). But now I've been trained to terminate the contracts whenever a doctor leaves a practice/retires/dies. Its a lot more extensive but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    shellster80 congratulations!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Big congrats to Shellster!!!!! Stay with us and just focus on eating right and getting the proper kind of exercise!!!
    That is one of my goals for losing weight is getting preggers this summer. We'd love to have baby number two, but I would like to lose weight first. I gained 50 lbs with my first (started out at 200).

    Deb, thanks for the pat on the back for being a teacher. I just hope things turn around. I think it's great you stayed home with your kids. That doesn't happen often anymore. I know I am going to have major issues when I go back to work. :sad:

    Anyhow, did some JM shred yesterday, but today is back to running. Gonna try for another 3.1 miles. Feel like I'm not doing enough with you all running like crazy women!! Your all definitely inspiring me to keep challenging myself!!

    Books: Harlan coben is another good writer. I do love reading! And my mother is going to teach me how to crochet on Sunday!!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    hey ladies. so last night i was going to get on and log my food and update about my day, and what happens? the site was down for maintenance. grrrr......:grumble: but anyway, pinbot the chart looked good and i like the fri-sun weigh-in idea. had a good day today, although i made a bad choice for a snack. i ate a king sized hershey bar with almonds. that would have put me over my cals for the day but i came home from work and worked out for 38 minutes to my mom richard simmons dvd. i burned 366 cals according to my HRM. it is one of the cheap ones but i like it. i got it at walmart. lol got to love that place. i think i am going to do that dvd 2-3 times a week and maybe gradually make it 4-5 times a week. i say gradually because he kicked my but tonight. i guess that shows me how out of shape i am. well super heros keep up the good work and i will see you all tomorrow. good night!:yawn: :yawn:


    Good for you just doing the workout!! Small steps lead to big changes.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    :grumble: Pinbot- that's great that you're a veggie times subscriber as well. the mac and cheese I made this week I believe is from the same issue as the cabbage one. Btw, I noticed yesterday that my oblique abs were hurting, so your exercises definitely worked me over!

    Shellster- congratulations!!!! that's so exciting!

    Today started out just lovely... I had to bring my car in because the check engine light was on. It wasn't the gas cap issue like last time, but something on the fritz/short-circuited with the car's ability to gauge it's temperature, thinking it was way hotter than it actually was. Another 190 bucks down the drain.

    Plus, the space I thought I would be getting at work doesn't seem to have panned out, and I'm stuck in a place I really don't want to be (loud, little privacy, no place to talk to my peeps), but it is what it is.:grumble: (<- definitely rockin' this emoticon this week)

    I'm a bit more peppy than I was yesteday... plan to hit up the rec center today as I failed like whoa yesterday. MWFs are always more crowded there, so I'm not super jazzed. I'm doing a chinese lunch buffet with my co-workers. I haven't been to a place like that in years. it could be difficult,but I'll try and do the best I can. Hope everyone has a good day!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Congrats on the pregnancy Shellster! Yeay for your and your husband!

    I have to hand it to the women and men who can stay home with their children full time. I worked my last year of college around so that I was home with Gracie or Jeff was home with her for that first year she was born so she didn't have to be in daycare and that was nice. However I can be honest and say that I would not be a good stay at home mom. My husband would be much better at it. Gracie does really well in her preschool and she can go clear through 5th grade there if we choose to pay the money for it. We just make sure to make a very conscious effort to spend some very quality time together as a family at night and on the weekends.

    Alrighty onward and upward..gotta get myself back to work!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Chinese buffet was not good. At least I didn't get any dessert, but definitely a lot of food. It didn't help that not a lot was labeled and being a vegetarian made it difficult to choose wisely. Not many veggies without meat. It was a fried bonanza. Definitely need to work out now. Plus salty like whoa I'm sure. *pounds back water*
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Chinese is too good it would be a downfall for me -it's best if I just avoid it. I will be in your shoes with food choices starting Fri. It looks like Jimmy Johns and beer at the Corner Brewery for dinner Friday, The Bomber for breakfast and Ashley's (not the Ann Arbor one) for lunch plus the baby shower restaurant and food Sat:noway: EEK. Not to mention my husband is obsessing over getting to a White Castle since it will be featured in Undercover Boss this week. There goes being under 200 unless I can figure out how to get some good workouts in downstate. I already have a headache from trying to pay the bills today - having a business sucks when it comes to bills cuz there are twice as many:grumble: . At least my brother is here doing my aunt's taxes. I have been stressing out over that too. I think I need to go take some aspirin and walk on the treadmill. Hope everyone is having a pretty good day.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Chinese food, within 5 minutes of eating it, gives me the worst stomach burn ever. Not heart burn. Stomach burn. I guess it is all the MSG in their food. I used to love it but its all fried and it really makes me mad when I get Mar Far and bite into a piece of it that is 90% breading and 10% fat chunk. GROSS.

    Sushi on the other hand. I could just about eat that every day. LOVE IT. (especially with sake but that is a whole other thing on its own!)

    I am thinking of making these this weekend for a prework out treat, they would be decent in protein since meringue is eggs, good in carbs with the sugar (that is the bad part) and I can use soy whipping cream for way less cals. No chocolate on it of course.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Pinbot- Aww corner brewery. *le sigh* At least your weekend should be fun. FYI, if you ever want a gym when you're in my area, the Washtenaw Rec Center allows non-members to use it. It's just 6 bucks (at least if you're a county resident. I don't know how much it is otherwise)... just a thought! You could see how I power through those workouts.

    Speaking of powering through, I did the second c25k workout for the week. It wasn't pretty, but it was done and I'm exhausted, but feel good about doing it. Especially after that chinese buffet (I don't even know how to begin to account for everything... I just hit the major highlights. I'm sure it was actually more calories and salt). Will try and go through the ab workout as well. If I don't get through all of yours Pinbot, I'm going to at least try and get some crunches in.

    The day took a turn for the better after one of the doctor's snagged me cause they had a patient just up my alley and I hit my target number to start my first group at the clinlc (yay!) and I found out my work laptop has finally arrived and I should get it tomorrow. *twirls*

    Lacey- my tummy wasn't feeling super spectacular after lunch, mostly because I really don't eat things that heavy (or greasy or salty) very much anymore. Sushi is pretty delicious... at least the veggie rolls. Again though, I got to be careful of the soy sauce. Mmm sake. That recipe looks great. Let us know if you try it out and what you think about them!!

    I'm going to bite the bullet and forgo the Olympics this evening (*gasp*) as there's nothing particular exciting about it this evening, and I really need to get a good night of sleep in or I will just be a meany as the week continues. Plus, I need to be at work a bit early as I have an 8am patient.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I've tried the recipe before and my husband and I were amazed at how good it was. I used Aidelles all natural jalapeno sausages instead of beef ones.
    This time I bought all natural lemon chicken sausages from the butcher counter at my favorite grocery store to use. YUM A meal in one dish.
  • mrsbojangles
    Sorry I've been MIA - been sick. Still am, unfortunately. But I am working out as much as I can! You ladies are inspiring!
    Congrats Shell!!! Wonderful news!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    mrsbojangles - take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon.

    Another great morning for me and the scale - I am down 1.5 pounds this week:bigsmile: . I don't know why but it seems to love me. Well, I really have been working hard, trying to eat cleaner and for the most part staying near my calorie goal.

    I keep staring at the girl scout cookies on the table. I haven't opened the boxes yet. My best friends girl sold them and she mailed me mine - now I'm being tortured. Maybe I'll put them in a closet and pull them out on a running day next week. Is anyone else being tortured by cookies? Well I have to go get ready for work too. I also have an 8:00 client - What was I thinking?

    Good luck with everything today Kristina - your laptop and work.

    Have a great day and make sure to get in a good last chance workout...
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    hey super heroes, I ruined yesterday and am 223 today when I was 218 last wk. I ate like a fat king and today i am ready to get back on track! weigh in is this weekend, good luck!! I'm gonna officially weigh in saturday.. wanna be down a few lbs!!
  • shellster80
    Ignore this, triple post!!!