Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    bumpity bumpity bump.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
  • bumpin' =)
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member

    This weekend was really great. Lost another 1.6 pounds and found a really great bridesmaid dress for my friends wedding that we're all going to look nice in. I printed a picture off of it and am carrying it everywhere with me as my motivation. I will reach my goal by her wedding in June. I will look fabulous!

    Have a great day everybody!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Monday Check-In~No real struggles this weekend, went out to eat a couple of times but feel like I made healthier choices. Got in my workouts all weekend and had another great session with my trainer yesterday.

    Going to be hard to get some workouts in this week, I'm so busy but here's my plan:

    Monday~??? (Maybe a walk at home after chiropractor)
    Tuesday~Cross Trainer
    Wednesday~??? (Have a late meeting, so maybe a walk when I get home)
    Friday~Cross Trainer

    Best wishes to Aug and Kaye for their surgeries today.

    Have a great day!
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Morning. Was sick last week with the flu so that's why I've been MIA. Back on track this morning and going to workout tonight. No excuses.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Monday Check In

    Well I got a much needed walk in until a block from my house I fell flat on my face due to uneven sidewalk was covered with leaves. I am pretty banged up and I broke my phone but I am still ok so no biggie.
    I got my mid-term done it was the worst grade ever on a midterm. I hope my homework and group project brings the grade up more.
    I still need to take my algebra test which is really bothering me because I am not that good at it.
    I hope to get all my water intake in today at work I have an all day meeting those make it hard to get enough water.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Monday check in
    I had to add a gain to my weigh this morning i know that i will get the weight off in no time
    I have lost 30 and i have 81 to go but i feel so much better and i have came so far !
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Check-in: Up a pound right back where I started the year, still maintaining. I guess that is good but not wanting to maintain wanting to lose. Well I better change things if I want to post a lost for the year. Sorry I have not been logging or keeping up with the thread.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Checking in - the weekend was full of fattening alcohol (Baileys Irish cream) and sitting by friend's lake playing games and relaxing. Weather was lovely during the day and then soaking rains both nights so perfedt fall weekend. Don't weigh til Thursday so don't know how I am doing. Am on prednisone for my arms and am fighting extra hunger urges - darn!

    My carbs were in the 220's for both days so will try to accomodate and really cut back the next couple of days.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm going into surgery this morning feeling very optimistic, and knowing that I have lots of friends and family praying for me. Thank you. I weighed in again this morning so I would know exactly where I was when I started this leg of the journey. I have lost 13#. I feel good about that considering the time frame I had to work with, though more would have been nice.
    I don't know when I will be around to check in again. I am planning to go to the local care center for in-house therapy for a few weeks. Wishing you all well while I am gone. See you "lighter". Kaye
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Monday Check In:: So my log in day tracker got messed up and I was afraid I was starting over. Well I was able to get it fixed. But it really made me realize how bad I have been lately. I keep saying it and not following through on how i need to get back on it. I do for a little bit and then fall off. That stops today. My scale is WAY up. And you know what it doesn't bring me down because I just know I need to push! I had my work out clothes laid out and my alarm set...but did I get up NO...I made an excuse and slept in. This can't happen any longer. I want this more than I want the food and to be lazy. So it's almost like I'm starting a way. I have to get back into a routine and focusing on things again. So here's my new introduction::

    Hi I'm Tina. I'm 25yrs old and ready to change. I am tired of being overweight. My whole life I have been overweight or at least bigger than any of my friends. I have low self esteem and lack self confidence. I'm working on it though. I am married to wonderful man and we have a gorgeous almost 4yr old daughter. I am doing this for ME first of most importantly but I am also doing it for them. It's time to make a change and finally become healthy and who I want to be.

    My goal is by Christmas I want to be under 200lbs. As of this morning my scale said 227 (which is WAY up) (I'm also betting I have lots of water weight due to that time of the month)

    Have a wonderful Monday!

    Oh also today I go to the college to talk about what a schedule would be like for me to see if I can make it work with working and such!!!

    OH ALSO for those of you who know about my sister who is married to the crazy guy......They signed the divorice papers! They've known since August but wanted to wait until it was final due to their history of back and forth. She is getting her own apartment. I am SO SO SO SO SO happy!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @Aug and Kaye - Best Wishes!:flowerforyou:

    I get to finish packing up the Lab at work and my cube that must be done by wednesday moring. I feel like quitting.:grumble:

    I have not had a smoke so far today!:smokin:

    Good health to all! s006.gif
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Monday check in - I survive the weekend. I got lots done around the apartment which is good. When I get stressed/down I tend to crawl in bed and ignore everything. This weekend I cleaned, scrubbed, washed, and vacuumed. My apartment is back at livable level. I made a big batch of seasoned ground beef. Half went into a big batch of enchiladas. The other half was spread out on cookie sheets and frozen into meat c rumbled., then dumped into a big baggie for taco meat for quick meals when I need them.

    Didn't bother weighing since the scale won't move for at least another 3 weeks any way. I put it away now so I don't obsess over it. I'll take it out when I'm ready to weigh in again on the 2nd of November.

    Mr. M - Good job on the no smoking. Very proud of you and I know how hard it is. I went cold turkey about 15 years ago. I still get the urge on occasion.

    Tina -I'm so sorry you're struggling. If you want, send me your number and I'll start calling you @ 5AM (or whenever you're supposed to get up). :laugh: :wink: Just remember it's like Abraham Lincoln said, "It's not about how many times you fall down, it's how often you get back up." You are stronger than this and you can DO it.
  • I think my interview went well and am cautiously optimistic that I will be offered this job... now to figure out if I want it! Thanks to skinnyjeanz, jana, and cathesh for weighing in on what it might entail and to robin for the well-wishes! Cathesh, the position sounds very much like the one in your district, although it is limited to one high school. It is a brand-new positon for them, so I think that's why the description was a bit confusing. I did get more clarity from the interview. NSV, I was able to find an interview outfit that fit in my closet -- definitely would not have happened a few weeks ago. Today was my weekly weigh-in and I lost another 2+ pounds. Yay!! I'm feeling very blessed today! Will be traveling for about five days starting Thursday, so just hoping to maintain this week... Best wishes to all of you for a happy, healthy week! Thanks for making my journey a bit easier...
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
  • Monday Checking- was sick over the weekend (since Thursday). dreading getting on the scale tomorrow as i did not workout...
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    A quick bump...

    @Tom -- best of luck quitting today!
    @SkinnyJeans -- how about hot water with a slice of lemon?
    @CathEsh -- that diet sounds really complicated...
    @Kaye and @Aug -- best of luck with your surgeries!

    Monday check in -- I have lost another pound and I am well pleased with that. I also had a super healthy lunch and have made up for it by testing to see if I can make salty sweet popcorn (er yes, yum), and generally scoffing anything that's not nailed down. I did get lots of exercise earlier; a run (W4D1), and a trip into London for an exhibition. So that's all right then.

    -- Alison