Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I had a complete food blowout this weekend. My husband and Daughter went out of town to visist family and I had the whole house to myself. Somehow that ended up meaning I could eat whatever I wanted. Not a good idea. Not only was I undermining all my hard work but by Sunday afternoon I was physically sick. Whats weird is I still hadnt eaten even close to what I had been known to consume before I started making changes but my stomach was so sick and I was miserable. Needless to ssay a good learning experience, nothing like pain for teaching a lesson:tongue: Amazingly I had my weekly weigh in this morning and still managed a miniscule loss. I am currently reentering the job hunt world. I became a certified medical assistant about a year ago but a variety of things stopped me from looking for a job at the time. I am now going to look for a part time job. If I havent found one in a month or so then I am going to sign up to volunteer at the local hospital so I can still spend some time outside the house in my chosen feild and maybe make some contacts. I wanted to say good luck and best wishes to those who are having surgery today and condolences to the members who have lost family members. My heart goes out to you. I am off to my moms now to see if her computer will work any better then mine on something I am trying to do and then my husband and I will play some cards with mom and dad. So a nice fun relaxing afternoon. Hope everyone has a great day and dont forget to drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I have not had a smoke so far today!:smokin:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Hello fellow travelers -

    Best of wishes to those seeking a job.

    Also wishing everyone well who's been under the weather.

    For anyone off the track, here's hoping you're back in the groove soon.

    The weekend went ok. Off for dad duties for a couple of days---take care..........see 'ya soon.


  • ButterflyWoods
    ButterflyWoods Posts: 35 Member
    Monday Check In- I have been off of My Fitness Pal for a few months due to lack of motivation and frustration with life. I got back into letting myself feel like taking care of myself didn't matter and came last after taking care of everyone else. That the amount i have to loose and the lack of what I can physically do made it not worth the fight. Today is day 1 in being back on here.
    Struggles this weekend included family parties both Saturday and Sunday, both at pizza places. I also got upset, stressed and frustrated and didn't eat for almost 24hrs (Friday Lunch to Saturday lunch time).
    Success this weekend was trying a new recipe that I have been wanting to make for breakfasts that was a BIG success even with the teens. Turkey Bacon Wrapped Eggs- About 150 to 160 calories of good stuff,made on Sunday to heat up for breakfast during the week. Heated up and ready to go for everybody in just a couple min this morning and everyone had a hot meal in their tummy to start the day.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Monday Check In- I have been off of My Fitness Pal for a few months due to lack of motivation and frustration with life. I got back into letting myself feel like taking care of myself didn't matter and came last after taking care of everyone else. That the amount i have to loose and the lack of what I can physically do made it not worth the fight. Today is day 1 in being back on here.
    Struggles this weekend included family parties both Saturday and Sunday, both at pizza places. I also got upset, stressed and frustrated and didn't eat for almost 24hrs (Friday Lunch to Saturday lunch time).
    Success this weekend was trying a new recipe that I have been wanting to make for breakfasts that was a BIG success even with the teens. Turkey Bacon Wrapped Eggs- About 150 to 160 calories of good stuff,made on Sunday to heat up for breakfast during the week. Heated up and ready to go for everybody in just a couple min this morning and everyone had a hot meal in their tummy to start the day.

    Welcome back! Now you have me wanting to try your recipe - more details please!:flowerforyou:
  • ButterflyWoods
    ButterflyWoods Posts: 35 Member
    @Robinsegg Thank you :) See Below

    Turkey Bacon Egg Wrap

    Cook turkey bacon until done but not crisp
    Break up two or three pieces to put in the bottoms of muffin tins
    Circle whole pieces around the edges of each tin
    Mix egg with desired veggies (I used chopped spinach leaves and diced tomatoes) (1 egg per tin)
    Pinch of salt and dash of pepper or other spices as desired
    Top with small amount of shredded cheese of choice (I used Mozzarella lower fat and calories)
    Make changes or alterations per your tastes or dietary needs.
    Bake at 400 for 15 mins or until set.
    Cool and refrigerate
    They store for about a week in the fridge and heats up quick (30 to 45 sec in microwave) for a healthy breakfast.
    Add some carbs with a slice of wheat toast, english muffin or bagel.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Had a busy weekend. Couldnt find my suitcase and have no idea who I loaned it to. My sister loaned me hers and we had a nice lunch. Bill took his son to the car show. He has MS and would not take his walker or wheelchair and he wasnt able to stay long. He fell getting out of Bill's car but didnt hurt himself. I went thru all my winter clothes and most of them still fit. I also went thru my summer clothes and got rid of most of them. I feel strongly I will be smaller this summer and can get new clothes then. I started the anti inflammatory diet this weekend and find I am eating more than when I strictly log calories, which sometimes are not good choices, so I find I have to eat less to stay within the calorie range. I also feel a littel better, not as feverish as I sometimes feel.

    Had a great workout today. Our trip to NYC has been delayed a few days but we should leave this week. Am looking forward to relaxing. My weigh in day is Wednesday. I weighed today, a few days early and it showed I just maintained, so I have two days to make an impact on my loss, but I don't intend to crash diet, just eat sensibly, and face the music.

    Butterfly - Welcome back. You are worth the effort. I have had sucess with making recipes ahead of time, but currently am not doing that

    Toots - Good for you. Not smoking is benefiting you and your children

    jtconst - Thats great that even though you slipped, you didnt slide to the bottom of the hill. My boss used to say if you do something for 40 days, it becomes a habit. Sounds like you are building some great habits. Good luck on the job search.

    Bojemian. Congrats on the loss and good for you for all the exercise

    lmacbeth - Congrats on fitting into that oufit again. Enjoy the travel. I am leaving soon for my trip and while I hope to lose realistically I will do good to maintain

    Mymowmow - You are doing what I want to start doing. Making meals in advance so I will not have to scrounge around for something to eat that is healthy. Then I cant' use not having anything healthy to eat as an excuse to eat badly. I did this once before and I lost over 40 lbs. I just need to start doing it and stop talking about it.

    Morgori - Congrats on the smoking situation. One step at a time

    trhjrh06 - Everyday we start over. So I would not stress about this too much. You can do this. You have lost a lot. Do something nice for yourself today, non food related. Take a walk, something to break your routinre

    Robin - Thanks for keeping the thread going and letting us know how to jump. My weigh in is Wednesday, which s sort of ackward. I was thinking of changing it to Monday, but don't want to mess the losses up.
    The prednisone should help. Hoping your arm feels better soon. Sounds like the weekend (minus the Baileys) went very well

    ushkii -- At least you did not gain. Keep on keeping on

    Kris1085 - You have made good progess. Everyone runs into bumps from time to time. You have a good attitude about it though and sounds like you are letting it make you stronger

    Mnwalkingqueen - Hmmm that's too bad about the fall. What a bummer! Glad you are not hurt

    beachgirl613 - Glad you are feeling better and getting back on track

    Kah - You are on the last leg of your journey and your actions speak to your sucesses. Thanks for the great example
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tom~Hooray for no cigies so far today!!!
    @Robinsegg Thank you :) See Below

    Turkey Bacon Egg Wrap

    Cook turkey bacon until done but not crisp
    Break up two or three pieces to put in the bottoms of muffin tins
    Circle whole pieces around the edges of each tin
    Mix egg with desired veggies (I used chopped spinach leaves and diced tomatoes) (1 egg per tin)
    Pinch of salt and dash of pepper or other spices as desired
    Top with small amount of shredded cheese of choice (I used Mozzarella lower fat and calories)
    Make changes or alterations per your tastes or dietary needs.
    Bake at 400 for 15 mins or until set.
    Cool and refrigerate
    They store for about a week in the fridge and heats up quick (30 to 45 sec in microwave) for a healthy breakfast.
    Add some carbs with a slice of wheat toast, english muffin or bagel.

    Welcome back! Sounds yummy - thanks for sharing! :smile:
  • aubeatle
    aubeatle Posts: 17 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm new to this thread, mostly because I am in need of some motivation from people who have similar weight loss goals. I started my journey in April, joined a Couch to 5K training program and never looked back. I've lost 41 pounds, about 10 inches, 3 sizes, and gained much, much more. I still run 4 days a week and want to start weight training after I accomplish my next goal of running another 5K (without walking intervals) in December.

    However, my weight loss has begun to slow. Like most, the weight almost fell off at first. I would rarely have a weight loss of less than one pound per week for the first 4 months. Then, I started flip flopping. One week I would maintain but the next week would drop crazy numbers, like 3 or 4 pounds. Now, I'll maintain one week and then have a modest loss. I know this is normal but I have so far to go that it affects my enthusiasm and motivation. I've also stopped seeing any change in my size or in my body in general. My friends keep noticing but I can't see it when I look in the mirror. Someone suggested that since I'm too small for plus sizes (Hooray!), it may take longer to drop a regular size. Is this just a mental roadblock or something more significant?

    I'm considering weighing in only once every two weeks or maybe even once a month, if only to not allow the scale to rule my world. (I'm weighing in once a week right now.) My calorie goal is 1400 daily, which is about 100 calories under my BMR to account for exercise and food miscalculations.

    Does anyone have any advice or suggestions? I would really love to be at my halfway point (50 pounds) by Thanksgiving but at this rate, I don't see it happening.

    As for my Monday check-in, I've been very proud of my ability to resist temptation recently. I went to a Mexican restaurant with my friends over the weekend and didn't have any chips, salsa or queso dip before my meal arrived. And just now, I walked by a table of cookies, cakes and ice cream at work and wasn't even tempted. Now THAT is a victory! :bigsmile:
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Monday check-in: Did TONS of bike riding over the weekend...2 hours on Saturday and 80 minutes on Sunday! Plan to water walk the TURTTLE pool this week. The pool stays open until 9:30, so it works well with my schedule. By the time I get home from school, fix a little supper, walk the dogs (???), it gets late. I can make it to the pool by 8:00 and by that time, I practically have the pool to myself! To everyone with surgeries, quitting smoking, struggling to stay on this weigh loss plan, etc.: Just keep on keepin' on! Good luck to us!

    BTW, you all motivate me more than you can imagine! :drinker:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots - Good for you. Not smoking is benefiting you and your children

    well, thanks :laugh: but i don't smoke. i was talking to Tom about his quitting. i appreciate the support anyway though lol
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    I want to thank everyone for the well wishes. My surgery went very well. The pain is no worse than what the carpal tunnel was causing so I'm doing alright.

    Morgori - I made 4 or 5 runs at quitting before it stuck. Them coffin nails is mean to quit. My last try I weaned down by only only carrying one days ration, and then carrying one less the next day. After I'd used my ration for the day I'd fill in the gaps with an electronic cigarette. It was rough but I'm smokeless for well over a year now.

    Good luck Kaye.

    Monday check-in - I'm here.

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Monday check-in: Had a great weekend, today not so much. Made a big mistake at Wendy's today, forgot to say grilled chicken instead of crispy chicken for my wrap. Ugh, stomach is still upset although it could also be the predisone and antibiotic too. Played with Madi, my granddaughter for 2 hours today, had fun swinging her, playing catch, pushing her on her trike and playing baby dolls. She is such a loving, funny, sweet little girl. Tonight I have a womens Bible study on Phillipians where we have a lite supper and study God's Word and pray for each other. Love the fellowship. Did get 2 of my goals done yesterday, cleaned kitchen and got through prayer list. Will work on pillow case dress tomorrow. I am praying to get more sleep tonight. With the medicine, I can't get to sleep until almost 4am and my dog has me up by 9am for our walk. Just praying this doesn't trigger my fibro.

    Aug-Glad the surgery wasn't too bad. Praying you heal fast!
    Morigori-Praying for your success with laying off the cigs.
    To those suffering from low motivation I will quote Bob Newhart from one of his shows when a women comes to him for help with fear of being buried alive and low self-esteem, "Stop It!!!" LOL if only it were that easy.
    Robin, I'm with you on the hungries. Fighting it, praying I win.
    To all, have a great week with victories over gluttony!!!

  • sewhoppy
    sewhoppy Posts: 2 Member
    Down 17 lbs
    <a href=""><img border="0" src="; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>

    139.5 to go
  • steffylynnxox
    wow wow wow ! it has been such a long time! well i have good news and bad news. even though its been a little over
    2 1/2 months since ive been on MFP (YIKESS!!!!:brokenheart: ) i've only gained 2 pounds (depending on when i weigh myself ). and that was really cheating big time. but im totally hopping back on to it and trying to get back down to my goal weight. how have you all been!!! things have been really rough but im ready to get back onto this. lets see monday is for what again? check in. thats right.
    well ive gained 2 pounds. but thats okay because we all make mistakes. my boyfriend and i broke up, which is probably for the better, and im having a hard time excersizing by myself. anyone got any tips about motivation? besides that i want to look realllly good by my birthday ?? :laugh:
    i hope you all are doing well!
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Monday Check-in!

    Well, I only went up by .2 in a whole week and i'm pretty proud considering this last week was really hectic, I had to eat out a lot because I didn't have time to cook and what not. Here's to a new week of weight loss!

    I haven't heard about my internship yet. I'm not really freaking out yet, but if I don't hear anything by tomorrow i'll start to get worried. haha.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @butterfly & steffylynn--Welcome back!! :flowerforyou:

    @aug--glad the surgery went well! :smile:

    @kaye--hope yours also went well. :smile:

    @alison--I'm not sure what you were talking about with the hot water w/lemon :huh: --maybe you confused me with someone else?

    @aubeatle--welcome! Your journey sounds similar to mine--lots of weight loss at the outset with a big slowdown once I passed the 35-40 lb mark. Now I maintain for weeks (even months) at a time before seeing a small loss on the scale. My friends also keep noticing and say I look like I'm still getting smaller, but the tape measure is pretty steady lately. One thing I have noticed is that my clothes are looser, but as you said, it DOES take longer to move down a size nowadays. I'm currently in a 14 (with an occasional "small" 16 or "big" 12) and my jeans are looser and looser, but the next size down is too tight. My only advice is to keep going--the scale will catch up eventually. As far as how often you weigh, research says it's better to weigh regularly/daily (so as not to let the pounds sneak up on you), but if it's really bothering you, then stick with your once/week weigh-ins.

    @tom--great job!! :drinker:

    @holly--ouch! so sorry you fell, but glad you weren't hurt badly. :ohwell:

    @liz--I didn't end up running yesterday b/c the skies opened up on us. Gunner hates the rain, so I had to force to finish going around the block with me. I did run today and it was perfect weather for it--sunny and cool. :smile:

    I know I'm missing some of you, but I need to get some stuff put away around the house before the roofers come tomorrow. They said to take breakables down from high shelves, so guess it's a good excuse to do some dusting. :wink:

    Welcome to any newlings!!! You will find lots of support here!

    Monday check-in:
    Did better with staying under my 40% carb goal last week. I think I only went over 2 days and only by a little bit each day.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--long run outside DONE
    Tues--core + walk dog (if I get home from meeting before it gets dark)
    Wed--walk dog
    Thurs--long run outside + core
    Fri--walk dog
    Sat--walk dog + gym
    Sun--not sure yet (depends on grading)

    I made my exercise plan kind of light for the week b/c I'm starting to stress about grading. It's starting to pile up, so I want to devote Wed. afternoon to grading vs. exercise.

    Grading goals:
    1. 7/22 AP essays
    2. x/22 punctuation tests
    3. x/22 2 paragraph responses
    4. x/59 Thoreau essays
    5. read section 2 of Montana 1948
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    @skinnyjeanz thanks for your reply. The job description suggests that i would do all those things, plus data collection and reports, plus work with parents, plus network with outside providers. I guess I will just have to ask what a typical day looks like, to get a sense of how much is direct student support versus other activities/responsibilities.

    What Karen describes is right on target with what our Behavior Interventionist do as well. They tend to follow the PBIS program- Positive Behavior Intervention Support. They are popular in elementary schools more than middle and high schools. They help to handle and deal with students who are hard to manage, have other issues that affect their success in a classroom. They help to write behavior improvement plan, check in-check out programs, reward positive behaviors etc.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    check in- It has been a very busy weekend. Saturday was a Fall Festival did well on eating protein and got in some walking. Sunday had a family dinner with my aunt, cousin and a few of her friends. Good dinner but it was kind of sad. This will mostly likely be the last time that I see her. Her daughter does not plan to bring her back to visit again. They are packing up the house and cleaning it out. I thought about buying it but I fear they will want to much money. It's a nice little house but it needs a lot of work both inside and out. I want to start looking for a place that will meet my needs.

    Today, I took my cousin who is 72 year old and her friend rock climbing. They made it up a few feet before stopping. At least they decided to try it and gave it a great shot. I enjoyed my climb and then workout out with my trainer. A great night for exercise.

    Have a great day.

    Exercise plan for the week
    Sunday Rest day
    Monday- Trainer workout and rock climbing :smile:
    Tuesday- gym with friend
    Wednesday- Frisbee golf
    Thursday- Rest
    Friday-Rock climbing
    Saturday- bike or swim
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    good news aug. hope it starts feeling great.