Cheating on your Spouse



  • Pimpmonkey
    ome people want to try new things sexually but are scared/embarrassed to ask their spouse for fear of being rejected or thought to be disgusting or deviant, so they cheat, do the new stuff with a stranger, and voila.
  • RobfromLakewood
    I don't think there is any universal reason why people cheat on the one they love, but I do think most people who do cheat feel that it only affects them, not their relationship or the one they love. I think it is easy for many, if not most of us to compartmentalize one part of our life from another. I don't make this comment from a lofty perch, but because I did something I wish I could take back, but thank god didn't go too far for my future wife to be unable to forgive me.

    I went to a conference when we were dating and I met a woman who i found attractive and more important for my ego, she found me attractive. Nothing happened on the trip, but we did exchange numbers and soon afterwards, she was going to find herself in my city. We made plans to see each other and then were sending inappropriate texts back and forth. A few days before she arrived my girlfriend confronted me in the middle of the night, in tears and apologizing for going through my texts. She said she knew I hadn't cheated yet, but I was on my way and why would I do that.

    There was a lot more to it, but long story short (too late), she forgave me and I learned only through the pain I caused her, that cheating is not something that happens outside your relationship. I may have already known it, but I didn't feel it. I know that i could borrow on our house and gamble the money away, tell her she's gotten REALLY fat, do any number of insensitive things that I could never imagine myself doing, but only one thing would destroy us, breaking this vow. I wish I hadn't learned at the expense of the pain I caused her, but I know I am luckier than I am able to express that she didn't leave me, she forgave me and she eventually married me.

    I still flirt around a bit, but I do tell her about it. I find women sexually attractive, I'm less likely to share that fact as clearly. I always remind myself that besides loving her, I genuinely like her more than anyone else I know, so why cause her a pain I would dream on visiting another person in this world.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    ome people want to try new things sexually but are scared/embarrassed to ask their spouse for fear of being rejected or thought to be disgusting or deviant, so they cheat, do the new stuff with a stranger, and voila.

    See when I hear a person is "scared" or "embarrassed" to tell their spouse about anything, I wonder why they are married.
  • loseweightjames
    Sometimes they might want the security of home and the excitement of something new. If they can keep it up they can have the best of both worlds.


    honestly, i think cheating should be allowed, or at least swinging. It's fun to have something different once in awhile. Imagine your favorite food. Now imagine eating it 3 times a day. How long before you get tired of it?

    I use to think "oh i just need the perfect girl and then I'd NEVER want someone else". Well, finally got her, sexy slim exotic dancer. Men loved her, women were jealous, amazing in bed, and I still wanted something else after a few months.

    i think it's human nature to never settle, never be content, to always want to push the boundaries, go a little further than before
  • darleyschroeder
    For a woman to commit adultery it is probably because she is selfish, bored and feeling that her needs are not met. If romance/passion and appreciate are lacking from the husband she (if she doesn't use her better judgement) can find herself in an affair. Sometimes it is for excitement. The woman may still love her husband, but isn't getting her needs met so she finds them elsewhere.
    THIS IS ALWAYS WRONG AND NEVER IS APPROPRIATE. but it happens too often.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    THey're not happy, but they can't bare the thought of actually telling the person they're not happy. The easy way out I suppose, for the short term anyway.
  • darleyschroeder
    Another way this happens is because of poor boundaries. A married man or woman should never, ever be alone with a member of the opposite sex. Even if that person is your best friend. why? Because it is all too easy for sparks to start flying out of nowhere. Also, safeguard yourself. When interacting with people act as if your spouse is over your shoulder, hearing everything, seeing everything. This way you can ask yourself if they would be okay with your behavior if they had seen it. I think this is a great way to guard yourself from adultery.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member

    honestly, i think cheating should be allowed, or at least swinging. It's fun to have something different once in awhile. Imagine your favorite food. Now imagine eating it 3 times a day. How long before you get tired of it?

    I use to think "oh i just need the perfect girl and then I'd NEVER want someone else". Well, finally got her, sexy slim exotic dancer. Men loved her, women were jealous, amazing in bed, and I still wanted something else after a few months.

    i think it's human nature to never settle, never be content, to always want to push the boundaries, go a little further than before

    Maybe the relationship was too shallow, and that's why you wanted something else?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I haven't read all of the responses, but I think most people let their animalistic nature take a hold of them.

    We are not truly meant to be with 1 person or we would not have those urges of being with someone else.

    Personally, I CHOOSE to be monogamous. But it is not the nature of humans to be with just one mate for life.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    honestly, i think cheating should be allowed, or at least swinging. It's fun to have something different once in awhile. Imagine your favorite food. Now imagine eating it 3 times a day. How long before you get tired of it?

    I use to think "oh i just need the perfect girl and then I'd NEVER want someone else". Well, finally got her, sexy slim exotic dancer. Men loved her, women were jealous, amazing in bed, and I still wanted something else after a few months.

    i think it's human nature to never settle, never be content, to always want to push the boundaries, go a little further than before

    Maybe the relationship was too shallow, and that's why you wanted something else?

    No, it is NATURE taking its course.

    Of course, we can make choices. Some choose to be monogamous and others tend to go with their instinct.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Another way this happens is because of poor boundaries. A married man or woman should never, ever be alone with a member of the opposite sex. Even if that person is your best friend. why? Because it is all too easy for sparks to start flying out of nowhere. Also, safeguard yourself. When interacting with people act as if your spouse is over your shoulder, hearing everything, seeing everything. This way you can ask yourself if they would be okay with your behavior if they had seen it. I think this is a great way to guard yourself from adultery.

    Are you serious? This actually made me laugh.

    People are not at the mercy of their impulses, they make choices. If you feel like something is warming up with someone inappropriate, then do something about it. To sever dear relationships because you might get the sudden urge to cheat at some point seems like you accept that you don't actually have control over yourself.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I think opportunity and temptation meet.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Another way this happens is because of poor boundaries. A married man or woman should never, ever be alone with a member of the opposite sex. Even if that person is your best friend. why? Because it is all too easy for sparks to start flying out of nowhere. Also, safeguard yourself. When interacting with people act as if your spouse is over your shoulder, hearing everything, seeing everything. This way you can ask yourself if they would be okay with your behavior if they had seen it. I think this is a great way to guard yourself from adultery.

    This sounds so immature and jealous..........WOW, just WOW
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I've heard "still in love, but not happy and I tried telling you..."
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member

    No, it is NATURE taking its course.

    Of course, we can make choices. Some choose to be monogamous and others tend to go with their instinct.

    Wow, I didn't know that someone who held the ultimate knowledge to the universe would be sitting on MFP on the forums. There is no book on what "Human Nature" is or isn't when it comes to this stuff. I think just as many people feel the natural urge to be monogamous as to be polygamous. Also, this discussion was more about why people choose not to talk to their spouse, not whether or not cheating is natural instinct.
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    Another way this happens is because of poor boundaries. A married man or woman should never, ever be alone with a member of the opposite sex. Even if that person is your best friend. why? Because it is all too easy for sparks to start flying out of nowhere. Also, safeguard yourself. When interacting with people act as if your spouse is over your shoulder, hearing everything, seeing everything. This way you can ask yourself if they would be okay with your behavior if they had seen it. I think this is a great way to guard yourself from adultery.

  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Another way this happens is because of poor boundaries. A married man or woman should never, ever be alone with a member of the opposite sex. Even if that person is your best friend. why? Because it is all too easy for sparks to start flying out of nowhere. Also, safeguard yourself. When interacting with people act as if your spouse is over your shoulder, hearing everything, seeing everything. This way you can ask yourself if they would be okay with your behavior if they had seen it. I think this is a great way to guard yourself from adultery.

    Are you serious? This actually made me laugh.

    People are not at the mercy of their impulses, they make choices. If you feel like something is warming up with someone inappropriate, then do something about it. To sever dear relationships because you might get the sudden urge to cheat at some point seems like you accept that you don't actually have control over yourself.

    Thank You.
  • Shaolin_Papa
    Hey everyone.

    I have recently found out that one of my "brother-in-law's" wife has been cheating on him (for at least the last month for what we now know of). The family is fairly devastated, and this in my eyes is tragic. They both appeared to be so happy and "in love" on the outside - but I guess we never really know what happens behind the closed doors of a marriage.

    Now I get it - people cheat. They cheat because they are not getting any at home, they cheat for the "excitement" (perhaps followed by a rush of guilt!), they cheat because they no longer love their partner and just want to feel wanted by someone. These are some of the reasons for cheating.

    I want to know WHY DO SPOUSES NOT TELL THEIR PARTNER THEY ARE THINKING OF CHEATING? I mean especially a married couple!! My in-laws were together for 7 years, and it just blows my mind that the wife could not approach her HUSBAND and say "Look, I am not happy in our marriage and I have been contemplating cheating on you". or "I am not happy, I am thinking of leaving". Instead what often happens is a wife/husband just cheats or packs up and leaves without any word of warning! I mean, yes there is the "unspoken warnings" but i figure if you have been with someone for 5, 6, 7 - 50 years you would be able to approach them and SAY "I am thinking of ending the relationship/cheating/leaving..etc".

    So - please, someone enlighten me to this phenomena as to WHY A SPOUSE DOES NOT TELL THEIR PARTNER THEY ARE CONTEMPLATING CHEATING/LEAVING?

    I have a few ideas, but I would love to hear other opinions as well as if you were the one who cheated *if you want*

    What negative topic for a forum...At least you appear to have all the "reasons for cheating" figured out..

    .That should make your spouse very comfortable (or is it one of those warnings you refer to above?)
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    My ex husband years ago cheated on me continously.. I asked him why.. when you ahve everything you could ever want at home... kids a wife who adored him and Im a southern girl we treat our men like kings.... and you know what he said????

    You are the woman every man would want to come home too but i cant control the need to cheat.. a man has the need to be with various women that has no meaning its sex... .. its an uncontrollable urge for a man.

    I left hm that night!!! thats bully pucky... if you wanna cheat tell me you dont want me and go... Ill never beg a man to stay.. simple... SO yea I DONT get it!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    No, it is NATURE taking its course.

    Of course, we can make choices. Some choose to be monogamous and others tend to go with their instinct.

    Wow, I didn't know that someone who held the ultimate knowledge to the universe would be sitting on MFP on the forums. There is no book on what "Human Nature" is or isn't when it comes to this stuff. I think just as many people feel the natural urge to be monogamous as to be polygamous. Also, this discussion was more about why people choose not to talk to their spouse, not whether or not cheating is natural instinct.

    My husband and I have went to marriage counselling and actually we thought she was nuts when she was telling us this very thing.............found 2 other counselors / therapists that stated the same thing.

    It is NATURE, pure and simple.

    We choose the lifestyle we wish to have. Monogamous, polygamy, etc. The natural attraction and urge is there. We choose to tune it out.
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