Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • steffylynnxox
    tuesday goals!

    i NEEED to go for a run tonight when i get home. no matter how tired i am its happening. and im going to do m:happy: y homework too.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning friends. I hope everyone is having a great day. I was a little worried I might be getting sick when I first woke up but it was just allergies kicking up. I am just putzing aroun the house today doing some picking up and cooking. My husband and I are taking dinner and desert over to a friends house this evening. We are going to have dinner and play cards it should be a good night. My goal for this week is to get my eating totally back on track instead of skating the line like I have been doing since getting back from vacation.
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Hi everybody,

    Well I set my goal for my friends wedding amd I'm hitting the exercise hard beginning today. 60 minutes 6x a week. I'm keeping the intensity fairly low to start with and then building it up over time. My goal is to lose 2 pounds this week and I think I'd doing fairly well so far on reaching that goal.

    I had my PT and spinning class yesterday and boy did tha take a ton out of me. I am really battling to stay awake and I am super sore.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!
  • kittyx2
    kittyx2 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi I'm new here, just signed up for MFP today. I found this thread & hope I can join in. I need all the motivation & support I can get!

    I am working to lose 130 pounds. I've actually lost 5 lbs this month (before finding this website). I believe I may be insulin-resistant. Although not testing diabetic, my blood sugar is in the high normal range. And I have the classic signs of insulin resistance--apple shape (definitely have put on the last 50 lbs in my stomach/waist as much as anywhere else), a lot of fatigue, addiction to sugar. I also find that just counting calories does not work for me. I've never had much success with Weight Watchers programs. I love carbs more than anything but I do not want to develop Type II diabetes. I am trying the way of eating describe in the Insulin Resistance Diet book right now. I can't do Atkins, too miserable for me.

    I am also trying to conceive. I'm 42 and waited too long for this, thanks to an unhappy 9 years in a bad relationship during my thirties. The odds of having a baby without IVF at my age are not looking very promising. So I'd like to shed as much weight as I can before next summer, when I plan to do IVF if I am unable to get pregnant before then. The fertility clinics I'm considering all want a BMI under 35 for IVF. My BMI is at 43.8 right now, yikes!

    On Tuesdays it appears you write about goals. So my first mini goal is to get my BMI under 40, so I'm just obese instead of morbidly obese.

    I'm also trying to be more active & do some cardio each day. I'm not always successful in getting it in everyday due to my work schedule & long commute. But I feel so much better after a work out.

    Anyway, I hope I'm following the rules of your forum correctly. Am looking for new friends to be weight loss buddies here!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    kittyx2 - welcome and your "following the rules" just fine ....they are just guidelines. You can post anytime you feel like it about anything -
    Sounds like you have a good foundation for losing weight - welcome to our mutual journey! :flowerforyou:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Welcome Kitty - You've joined at just the right time. ONe of our October 'challenges' is to be more mindful of our carb intake. I was diagnosed Type II in March when I had my stroke. I scored REALLY high and in 7 months of keeping my meals below 35 carbs (for the entire meal) and my total carbs for the day below 135 (ok, sometimes I skim up to the 140s with the occasional 160) I've been told I don't need the diabetes meds any longer and my last two A1Cs were within the normal range.

    I find anything really above 135 and I start to hunger for more carbs. If I stay below that it's manageable and I don't get the cravings I did before.
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    So much for being regular on here again...But life tends to suck sometimes, and it happens. On the up side, I got to cheer on my hubby and daughter on their very first 5k Sunday morning. I'm so proud of them. Not the time he wanted, but way better than I could do, and better than either of us were doing a 6 months ago! My daughter told him, "Next year I'm not waiting for you, I'll run on my own". lol She's 12 btw. Down side? My hubby's daily driver needs a new water pump, our normal mechanic is MIA, and everywhere wants 80-200 to fix it. Another up side, he has a friend from work who is coming over tonight to look at it, maybe even just fix it!

    I ate like POOP this last weekend. Lets just say the worst part was a pkg of great value fudge sandwhich cookies that disapeared over 3 days, and no one else got any...:grumble: I never imagined that one weekend would have this big and effect on my body. I went to do my workout, and was just dragging. My tummy's been upset, I have NO energy...I'm retaining water like crazy, my arthritis is acting up, my foot hurt so bad I couldn't do my full cardio workout. Someone slap me next time I look at a cookie!

    Ok, so goals...To get my rear end back on track, and feel better!
  • ButterflyWoods
    ButterflyWoods Posts: 35 Member
    Find new recipes for healthy easy to fix & store low cost foods (Trying to feed a household of teens on a minimal budget and eat the way I should)
    I'm looking at 3 separate slide shows from right now of cheap dinners. I've bookmarked 4 so far that I can't wait to try. Two of them are under 1.00 a serving. Can't get much cheaper than that. My restrictions are pretty tight as it has to be low carb, low cal, AND low sodium so you may find lots more than I did.

    Thank you for the suggestion. I will have to take some time to look over the Eating Well website and find some good recipes.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Monday Check-In:

    Sorry about missing yesterday, I injured myself working out and was unable to function. I dislocated my hip while doing floor exercises and was stuck for about a half hour until the pain subsided. I managed to get to the couch and get my massager onto my hip. I did that until I could finally get mobility in my leg and then hobbled to the bedroom and crawled into bed. I managed to pop it back in around 3am this morning and finally got some relief. :) I'm still sore, but not near what it was.

    Tuesday Goals:

    I had a few goals today, but none of which were accomplished. I REALLY need to get back to my workouts. I'm getting stressed out and my 10K is less than a month away. I am so freaked out that I won't be able to finish. I need to get motivated, but I'm not sure what to do. :( Any tips or advice? Has anyone else hit a wall and found a way to get over it?

    Hope you all had a great day. I'll check in again soon. :)

    ~ Jana
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Goal for Today: To practice gratitude for the blessings in my life. To continue to make efforts to improve my health

    Our trip to NYC was delayed to Nov 4. I was disappointed and my granddaughter was so disappointed, I decided to take her to Orlando for 4 days. Got a good deal at the Military Resort and the weather should be nice. We still have the tickets to NYC but she probably will not be able to go at that time.

    Since I have started the anti inflammatory eating plan, I have not been that hungry. Probably because you eat a lot of foods and two snacks per day. It keeps me from getting hungry.

    I started preparing my meals in advance. That will help from a planning standpoint.

    mymowmow - The goal that you and another had inspired me to go for my walk, even though I really did not want to. But I looked at what you accomplished and realized if I wanted to do the same, I would have to MOVE. Sounds like you have a plan for the candy. Glad to see your comments on carbs, as I have been wondering what was the best range.

    nzencak - Those are tough goals. I think when I get back from vacation, I will ramp mine up a bit. Not to your level, but up some

    Kittyx2 - Welcome aboard. You are following the rules of the forum and your goals are excellent

    LAmaypie - Looks like you are beating yourself up enough for those choices. Let me just encourage you to continue on this journey, knowing there will be some slips and looking for ways to minimize the damage
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi I am Cathy, Kaye's daughter. She asked me to update this thread on her surgery. The surgery went well. She was very alert yesterday but was having more pain than she would have liked. The nursing staff was on it and I hope they were able to get her better regulated after I left. She said this afternoon they would have her up and moving some.

    Thank you so much for the update on your mother. Glad she got through the surgery okay, and hope they get her pain under control quickly. Please let her know we are all thinking of her and wish her a speedy recovery! :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!. :grumble:
    Yes, that is a cranky face b/c I'm in a grumpy mood tonight. Had a long day at work including a union meeting afterward.

    Throughout the day, I kept getting messages from DH about the roofers. They were supposed to be here btwn 7-8 am; then they were running late and would be here by noon at the latest; then they showed up at 2 and took a half hour to back their trailer up our driveway; then DH left a message telling me I might need to "skip" my meeting to pick up the dog (we sent him to the vet for a bath = cheap babysitting to get him out from underfoot for the day); when I called him back to explain I couldn't miss the meeting b/c I was presenting, he agreed that he could pick up the dog (not sure why he thought he couldn't--it's not like he needed to be home while they did the roof).

    Then when I got home I parked in our neighbors' driveway b/c the roofers were still there. DH made a big deal about it even though they love us and wouldn't care the least bit (they don't even live there--they moved to an assisted living facility). I told him I was planning to call them anyway and would make sure it was okay. Even after I did that, he was still stressing about it. He gets really stressed when he has to be "in charge" of anything. It's hard for me to be sympathetic; I'm always responsible for everything--welcome to my life.

    @robin--that is really strange about your arms; I would get to the doctor.

    @tina--that sounds like such a busy schedule, but I know you can do it if you pt your mind to it!

    @jana--when I lose my mojo for exercise, I just make a point of carving out a day where my highest priority (if possible my ONLY priority) is to work out. That way I can't avoid it, and once I get back to it for one day, I usually feel so good afterward it's easier to go again and again.

    I know I had more responses, but my rant cleared my brain of everything else I was going to say. Thanks for listening--at least I'm a little less cranky now.

    Tuesday goals:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--long run outside DONE
    Tues--core + walk dog DONE (if I get home from meeting before it gets dark)
    Wed--walk dog
    Thurs--long run outside + core
    Fri--walk dog
    Sat--walk dog + gym
    Sun--not sure yet (depends on grading)

    I made my exercise plan kind of light for the week b/c I'm starting to stress about grading. It's starting to pile up, so I want to devote Wed. afternoon to grading vs. exercise.

    Grading goals:
    1. 7/22 AP essays
    2. x/22 punctuation tests
    3. x/22 2 paragraph responses
    4. x/59 Thoreau essays
    5. read section 2 of Montana 1948
    6. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    @Kaye-- Kathy thank you for the update Kaye is in my thoughts and prayers.

    I am extremely tired tonight I did stop in to read all of the posts and will reply tomorrow. I am going to curl up with a good book and my blanket hot cup of tea now getting ready for bed.

    Much blessings & good wishes to all,

  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    @kjeffries2 ~ What is the anti-inflammatory eating plan? Maybe you told us already and I missed it.

    Tuesday goals: I'm loving the pool at the Fitness Center so plan to keep doing that every day. Went golfing today and still went to the pool this evening. Hubby thought walking/jogging in a pool with a current couldn't possibly do much, so I convinced him to go with me. He was amazed at how winded he got! :tongue:

    I need to get my butt in gear and start doing homework for a grad class I'm taking on-line. I need to complete four modules before the end of December, and I've completed two. I just can't seem to find the motivation. It's different than when I was getting my Master's. For those classes, I had deadlines throughout the semester that kept me on top of things. With this class, the only deadline is December 31, and I am procrastinating! Ugh!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Sorta bump, bump, bump.

    Glad to hear Aug & Kaye are recovering well. :flowerforyou: And Robin, your new "arm definition" reminds me of my own arm discovery. Despite getting the "flap, flap, flap" of old, non-elastic upper arm skin, I am slightly fixated on my newish, toned upper arms. I can see bi- and tri-ceps and find self checking them periodically to see if my newly discovered muscles are still there! :laugh:

    Yesterday hubby had his 5th and hopefully final eye surgery since the end of May. Saw the Dr. today and he was pleased with outcome. Time will tell. Anxiety driven and had a chocolate crash tonight. Nuts!

    Plantar/achilles fasciitis slightly better (thank you therapy, taping and gel inserts). I appreciate all the suggestions and support of a week ago.

    Skinny, we all deserve a little rant now and then, and you always have a way of making us feel better about ourselves, so go ahead and vent. And I'm glad you mentioned some of our pals who are AWOL right now. I miss Helen, Doug and Mary's comments and hope they're still checking in, even if silent.

    Welcome newbies and oldies. I've been checking in for more than a year and am having trouble making it over the 100 hurdle. It's a mind over matter thing, mostly. Your stories and comments continue to give me a boost when I'm down. Thanks.

    Still doing the Halloween Challenge although I probably won't make 400,000 steps due to my right foot and fitbit failure (must remember to wear it :tongue: ).12,099 steps today/238,912 to date/400,000 goal. If you "pledged" to the challenge but aren't posting because you may not meet your goal, do it anyway. At least you are trying!!!
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    Tuesday goals, I would like to get more walking in, this week. If my knee can handle it, then so can I.

    @kittyx2- Welcome, and best of luck with all of your journeys. You found a great place to come and get support, I just had my 20th day here and I can truly say these fine people are the best! :flowerforyou:

    @Kaye- Cathy thanks for the update, my mom had a knee replacement and she also was in a lot of pain, but she is glad she got it done. I will be praying for you. :flowerforyou:

    @Robin- I would let the doctor take a look at your arm. How are you doing on the medicine they put you on?
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Tuesday Goal- to get back on the wagon, and stay on it!

    Seriously folks, the reason I disappeared for so long has been shame in knowing that I'm failing again.
    The arm is bursitis and tendonitis, and doc says I should wait for the elliptical. I've been getting leg cramps, so I've hesitated to use it (or anything else...) for just my legs. I'm caretaking for my uncle temporarily, and while he is staying with us, it's hard to keep on track. I feel like NOT getting the chips or sweets for him because of me is unfair to him, but then I can't resist it when it is in the house. (My husband has been on board with no chips or sweets. So long as we have bacon once a week, he'll put up with anything....)

    But I'm back. At least I'm going to record my food intake rather than bury my head in the sand. If I remain aware, I most likely will at least stay within the VICINITY of the wagon...

    OH, and some good news in my life.... I've been called in to sub a few times this year already! Maybe in that respect, this year will be better than last!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    (Hangs head) mea culpa
    I have been very busy, fighting a long summer cold and bearly logging my meals let alone participating or supporting others. I will fess up that during vacation I put on 10 pounds (EEEK!) but I have gotten 8 of them off already, so my goal is to get back down to my lowest weight by the end of October.
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    I miss Helen, Doug and Mary's comments and hope they're still checking in, even if silent.

    I miss naceto, too!

    @kaye ~ I've had two total knee replacements and am so happy I did! Hope your mom gets along well. PT is crucial in recovery! Hugs to her!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i ate all kinds of things outside of my anti-inflammation diet today. but it was the first time i've broken at all in two weeks. and i suffered for it. it will probably happen again, the diet is so very restrictive, but eventually i think it will sink in that it hurts when i don't do it :laugh:
    He gets really stressed when he has to be "in charge" of anything. It's hard for me to be sympathetic; I'm always responsible for everything--welcome to my life.

    i'm sorry. that really sucks. i hate it when someone won't pull their own weight. even when it's only emotional. my husband and i have this weird unspoken arrangement that wouldn't work for everyone but we have assigned tasks. they're ours. they become invisible to the other person. even if there's a problem with that thing, say finances, finances are my husband's thing, even if there's a problem, i just don't worry about it. that's not my job to worry about that. so i just turn it off. i don't even think about it. and, for instance, house related things, like your roof issue, would be my job. my husband wouldn't even ask how that worked out. because he isn't going to worry about it. because i'm already handling the stressing for that. it's odd, i know :laugh: but it keeps us from being too tense worrying about everything.
    Seriously folks, the reason I disappeared for so long has been shame in knowing that I'm failing again.
    The arm is bursitis and tendonitis, and doc says I should wait for the elliptical. I've been getting leg cramps, so I've hesitated to use it (or anything else...) for just my legs. I'm caretaking for my uncle temporarily, and while he is staying with us, it's hard to keep on track. I feel like NOT getting the chips or sweets for him because of me is unfair to him, but then I can't resist it when it is in the house. (My husband has been on board with no chips or sweets. So long as we have bacon once a week, he'll put up with anything....)

    welcome back. so happy to see you again.
    (Hangs head) mea culpa
    I have been very busy, fighting a long summer cold and bearly logging my meals let alone participating or supporting others. I will fess up that during vacation I put on 10 pounds (EEEK!) but I have gotten 8 of them off already, so my goal is to get back down to my lowest weight by the end of October.

    welcome back to you too! only two pounds? you totally have this thing.