Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Raven - doggone girl, sorry you're sick again, take care!

    @Robin- honestly I think it's stress just dragging my immune system down at this point. I keep getting stressed between losing weight, family drama, not making enough at work etc... I think I need to find a way to unwind.

    Wednesday wish: That I can find a way to unwind, release stress and just have fun for a day soon. No actual workouts... no cooking. No cleaning. Nothing strenuous... just fun.
  • lmackbethl
    @robin -- your arms seem to have a mind of their own. hope they start cooperating soon.
    @raven -- perhaps you could schedule a play-day?
    @aug & kaye -- hope the recovery goes smoothly and quickly.
    @kittyx2 -- welcome!
    @everyone in school or teaching school or thinking about going to school -- sounds stressful! I hope you find balance.

    Wednedsday Wish -- that my dogs would learn how to clean the house while I'm at work -- seems the least they could do -- and that my long list of errands would magically complete itself.
  • QBMontana
    QBMontana Posts: 11 Member
    So today I am starting the HCG diet. I weigh in in 1 hour. I have 145.2 pounds to lose, I am exactly double what I need to be right now. I choose to be happy about the fact that I am on the right path and not sad that I got to this point. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

    I can't wait to feel great! What a Wednesday this is.
  • ohpampered1
    ohpampered1 Posts: 37 Member
    Just had to share before I go to work. lost 3 pounds since her last weigh-in! Ohpampered1's lost 16 pounds so far. Wow MFP is really working for me, better than any diet I have been on! Have a good day everyone.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @ButterflyWood -- welcome back! And I'm going to try the turkey bacon wrapped eggs.
    @Katrena -- I am fascinated by anti-inflammatory diets, so do keep updating us.
    @aubeatle -- welcome! What I love about this group is that it's full of people who are going through, or have gone through, that sense of having to *keep at it* for a very long period of time. It's brilliant, because it counteracts all my family and friends who say 'but why would you want to eat healthily at a wedding/on holiday/at Christmas...'? Because it's part of a bigger pattern is why. I have stopped losing so fast ever since I started running a month ago. But I feel so much better for it; I sort of suspect that running does not in itself make weight loss any easier.
    @Aug -- glad to have you back and it's good to hear the surgery went well.
    @Christine -- when they put me on predisone I was bouncing off walls for a month. I couldn't have stayed on it long term!
    @sewhoppy -- congrats on the scale!
    @steffy -- well done for only gaining 2 pounds in 2 1/2 months away, that's very impressive.
    @Skinnyjeans -- yes I must have got confused... I do that sometimes...
    @Lauriek -- I'm looking forward to rock climbing when I'm 72!
    @Cathy -- thanks for letting us know about your mom. Hope she's feeling brilliant soon.
    @Kittyx2 -- welcome! BMI under 40 is my goal too; and I'm slowly getting there. 40.64 today!
    @Jana -- oh, dislocating your hip sounds really scary! Hope you're feeling better today.
    @Helena -- but 52 pounds is a brilliant success! Do keep logging, and focusing on what you've achieved already! It's really hard when you have someone staying with you; I feel ok about not getting in treats for my family (all of whom could stand to lose a few pounds, though my hubby has lost weight so fast on MFP he's going to need to switch to just fitness training soon), but it's much harder when it's someone else. You could see if there's something he adores and you could take or leave, or you could get him a box with a padlock on it.
    @Angelika -- welcome back; well done for getting off almost all that vacation weight. 125lbs! that's awesome.
    @QBMontana -- welcome!
    @Ohpampered1 -- what a happy update! I'm glad to hear it's going so well for you.

    I seem to be getting into a pattern where the day I run, I have loads of spare cals, and then the next day I am STARVING ALL DAY and have no energy to do any cardio. I think that's fine if I plan for it, but yesterday was a bit of a disaster; I'd planned to go to a new Zumba class just round the corner from me, and then when it came to it I sort of didn't fancy it and didn't do anything else either, thereby smashing my target into smithereens. Oh well.

    Anyway, I had a lovely run this morning, in post-rain sunshine. I'm not really getting any faster, but today (W4D2) had a six minute continuous run in it and that was fine. I can run, very very slowly, for six minutes! That's amazing.

    Have a fantastic Wednesday, everyone!

    -- Alison
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    @ohpampered~congrats on the loss this week, great job!

    @Raven~I highly recommend exercise to combat stress.

    Wednesday Wish~That today's chiropractic appointment doesn't leave me in as much pain tomorrow as I was in yesterday after Monday's appointment. I still got a great workout in yesterday (actually the only time I wasn't hurting, weird) but had to take vicodin last night in order to get to sleep. :frown:

    This week's fitness:

    Monday~Elliptical at home DONE!
    Tuesday~Cross Trainer at gym DONE!
    Wedesday~Recovery day (usually catch up around the house)
    Friday~Not sure yet
    Saturday~Elliptical & C25K at gym
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good God do I hate my monthly visitor! I am so hungry this week and of course for all the wrong things! I also am incredibly tired and therefore, didn't get off my butt this weekend to plan my week so it has been chaos thus far. The scale has only gone up .2, but I really wanted to lose 2 pounds this week. Ugh!

    My wish is that my crazy hunger would go away and I'd wake up refreshed each morning rather than just wanting to go back to bed. How does everyone else handle this time of the month? Does it make it as crazy as it does for me?

    Also, if anyone can recommend a good cardio DVD I would be really grateful. Strictly cardio and no weights. I already lift weights three times a week, and I'm just looking for some intense cardio to balance that out. Walking the dog isn't enough for me.

    Thanks everyone and have a great Wednesday!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good God do I hate my monthly visitor! I am so hungry this week and of course for all the wrong things! I also am incredibly tired and therefore, didn't get off my butt this weekend to plan my week so it has been chaos thus far. The scale has only gone up .2, but I really wanted to lose 2 pounds this week. Ugh!

    My wish is that my crazy hunger would go away and I'd wake up refreshed each morning rather than just wanting to go back to bed. How does everyone else handle this time of the month? Does it make it as crazy as it does for me?

    Also, if anyone can recommend a good cardio DVD I would be really grateful. Strictly cardio and no weights. I already lift weights three times a week, and I'm just looking for some intense cardio to balance that out. Walking the dog isn't enough for me.

    Thanks everyone and have a great Wednesday!

    Most of the DVDs out there - 30 Day Shred, P90X, or Insanity are going to involve some kind of resistance/weight training also but you might try looking for a Zumba DVD or something similar. Try looking on Amazon, at least there you can get an idea of how well people like them. If you have a Wii and Wii Fit there are a lot of active games that are fun and are good for a great burn - there are a couple of dance/Zumba games that are a lot of fun.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Welcome back to those who have been out for awhile! Good to see you back!

    Thank you, everyone for your kind words and support as far as my schooling goes! I wont feel better until I am signed up for classes! Which will hopefully be next week. And YES it is a very busy schedule and I am going to be swamped. But I want it and will achieve it. Just like this weight loss journey. I want it so I will achieve it.

    Wednesday Wish:: My wish is for me to be able to get the student loans I need to be able to go to school!

    Monday my weight was 227.8 this morning was 222.4! So at least I know that the gain was water weight from that one time of the month thing. And I'm just getting off of it so probably still have some water weight. Now to start really losing! Have been doing good with my food. Trying to work in exercise when I can. Once I start school I will be busy so that will help as far as being more active. Clinicals and such.

    Have a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY everyone!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Good God do I hate my monthly visitor! I am so hungry this week and of course for all the wrong things! I also am incredibly tired and therefore, didn't get off my butt this weekend to plan my week so it has been chaos thus far. The scale has only gone up .2, but I really wanted to lose 2 pounds this week. Ugh!

    My wish is that my crazy hunger would go away and I'd wake up refreshed each morning rather than just wanting to go back to bed. How does everyone else handle this time of the month? Does it make it as crazy as it does for me?

    Also, if anyone can recommend a good cardio DVD I would be really grateful. Strictly cardio and no weights. I already lift weights three times a week, and I'm just looking for some intense cardio to balance that out. Walking the dog isn't enough for me.

    Thanks everyone and have a great Wednesday!

    Biggest Loser Cardio Max!!! I LOVE it! And one heck of a cardio work out!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Also, if anyone can recommend a good cardio DVD I would be really grateful. Strictly cardio and no weights. I already lift weights three times a week, and I'm just looking for some intense cardio to balance that out. Walking the dog isn't enough for me.

    If I may suggest.... check them out on youtube first. 30Day shred is on there, so is insanity. Those are the only two I looked for. It will give you a chance to try them out before you spend the money on the DvD. :happy:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Also, if anyone can recommend a good cardio DVD I would be really grateful. Strictly cardio and no weights. I already lift weights three times a week, and I'm just looking for some intense cardio to balance that out. Walking the dog isn't enough for me.

    If I may suggest.... check them out on youtube first. 30Day shred is on there, so is insanity. Those are the only two I looked for. It will give you a chance to try them out before you spend the money on the DvD. :happy:

    Great suggestion! I hadn't thought of that. :wink:
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    @KFEFFRIES2 - Thanks for the encouragement. It is greatly appreciated!

    Hubbies friend didn't have time to fix the car, so to the shop it goes. The lady I drive to work is in the hospital in ICU. She had a 104 temp and was unresponsive last night. I didn't find out till I showed up to pick her up, and she never came out. Had to find a nurse (she lives in a nursing home type place) and ask about her. I am really worried about her. No family that I know of...I'm going down here in a bit to check on her.

    So, My Wednesday wish is that #1 She is okay, and recovers well and quickly, #2 that it doesn't rain so I can walk back home from taking the car in and be dry.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Just had to share before I go to work. lost 3 pounds since her last weigh-in! Ohpampered1's lost 16 pounds so far. Wow MFP is really working for me, better than any diet I have been on! Have a good day everyone.

  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Excellent suggestion about checking them on youtube. Will do!
  • aubeatle
    aubeatle Posts: 17 Member
    Since I didn't post yesterday, I'll do a Tuesday catch-up as well as Wednesday's check in!

    Goals: I'm running my second 5K on December 7. My goal is to run the entire race with no walking intervals and this seems completely within my grasp. Last night at my group run, I ran my fastest mile with an average of 12:43! I was super excited to get under the 13 minute mile mark!

    Wishes: I recently interviewed for a better job with my current employer. I'm really wishing that I hear what the final decision is within the next week and wishing even MORE that I get it!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Helen at Random and Angelica Lumiere = Welcome Back and HUGS HUGS HUGS!!!!! :flowerforyou: Its so good to see you both back! Welcome and you both seem to be holding your own quite well.

    Sorry I'm not going to do personals this morning. Have used my arms too much and typing is another strain on them. Doc says my arms are doing their thing due to old age and inactivity and not to be too worried aabout it - also want to save energy - as am going out to try on jeans this afternoon if the weather permits. Need a pair badly.

    Thanks Cathy for updating us on your mom Kaye and glad to know she is in a care facility for rehab - I was thru a knee replacement and had same care and it went wonderfully.

    Best wishes to everyone on their goals this week.
  • ButterflyWoods
    ButterflyWoods Posts: 35 Member
    Wednesday Wish- For a new Xbox 360 to go with our Kinect....the family 360 crapped out several months ago and that was one of my few ways to get up and move because it can be done in any weather and I can sit down and rest as needed. It was also great because the teens were actual up and active instead of just sitting in front of the tv...our finances are too tight to replace it. It also happened right after my hubby went out and bought me the Zumba Rush for the Kinect that I had been wanting for months (got to try the demo and loved it) so I never even got it out of the packaging :( So in the mean time have to start finding things I can do during our wonderful (not) weather at my own speed and ability. There are a few local places that do Zumba classes but there is no way I could make it through one and too nervous and scared to look like an idiot to even try.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Butterfly - Do you live in a 'city' area with bustops? This sounds silly but when I first started walking I rested in a couple of bus stops along the way. They have benches so I could sit for a few minutes and start walking again. Embarrassing but @ 326 lbs there was no way I could walk any real distance. Now it feels great to breeze by the bus stop!

    Well, down another lb yesterday. NOt sure what's going on but I guess as long as the scale is moving in the right direction I shouldn't complain. It's dropping off a lot quicker than it has been in the past few months.

    Wednesday Wish - I didn't give my heart so freely once I give it. Four strikes and I'm out. I said that @ 3 strikes and he convinced me (after 3 long years) that he was different. I'm tired of getting crushed.
  • ButterflyWoods
    ButterflyWoods Posts: 35 Member
    Butterfly - Do you live in a 'city' area with bustops? This sounds silly but when I first started walking I rested in a couple of bus stops along the way. They have benches so I could sit for a few minutes and start walking again. Embarrassing but @ 326 lbs there was no way I could walk any real distance. Now it feels great to breeze by the bus stop!

    Nope, unfortunately live pretty much in the middle of no where....makes going for a walk at home daunting as at near 400lbs...even though I am still fairly mobile I can't do much or go far at once. Also, the weather has taken the turn towards fall so in our area that means the next 8 months or so are going to be miserable and WET