Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tndfamily
    tndfamily Posts: 4 Member
    Greetings myfitnesspals! I'm new to the website and have a lot to lose - 100+ pounds. I am looking for advise, friends and motivations and I think this thread looks like I may have come to the right place! :smile:
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Thanks everyone for all the great exercise DVD recommendations yesterday. I decided to go with the biggest loser cardio max dvd as it looked tough, but I also think it could really motivate me. I just don't care for the others I have anymore. They were from a time when I was in better shape and muich thinner so I'm just going to hold on to them for later.

    @tndfamily - Please feel free to add me! I love getting and giving support. It's the only way we're going to make it to our goals.

    Thursday Truth - This week I have just been so exhausted and it really has been productive on any front at all. I didn't exercise as much as I should have, I didn't plan my meals, and I ate my exercise calories back, which I know works out fine for some people, but it doesn't seem to do so well for me. I'm going to take these next couple of days to get my act together so that next week will be a good one!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Greetings myfitnesspals! I'm new to the website and have a lot to lose - 100+ pounds. I am looking for advise, friends and motivations and I think this thread looks like I may have come to the right place! :smile:

    tndfamily, you indeed have come to the right place. This is where you will be supported, nurtured, motivated and loved by others sharing your journey. I have been here since July and credit a large part of my success to being in thie group. Welcome.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning everyone, praying you're having a successful week. I couldn't believe the scale this morning. I am down 3 lbs inspite of the predisone. God gave me the strength to overcome the urgings to eat everything in sight! It is fun watching my ticker getting close to the halfway point on my journey, only 11 lbs to go and I'm halfway there. My goal is to be there by Jan. 1st which is a realistic goal. I am loving my walks and they make me feel better physically as well as emotionally and spiritually.Blustery kind of day out today so only got a 25 minute walk in this morning. Belle does not like walking in the stiff winds and headed towards home when I was wanting a little more, but I gave in to her.

    I am praying for all those in pain, happy for all the SVs and NSVs and glad to welcome the newbies.

    Oh, I forgot my Thursday truth, hmm, I need to get motivated to sew, been putting it off for some reason, but want to do it, gotta do it, today is the day!!!

    Love you all,

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    THursday truth - I am not keeping my carbs under control at all! I am feeling frustrated with myself and am finding myself turning into a slug bug without getting any exercise at all. I've lost my motivation and have got caught up in my health problems. The doc says to "rest" and "take it easy" and "not push it" and all these cautionary things, but there's only so much rest a person can take before it becomes a dreadful habit of slothfulness, and I'm there! :grumble: I find I am craving carbs with these blustery winds and have been eating about 200 gms of carbs for the past week. Must wrest control over myself! Also, forgot to weigh myself this am......................freudian slip????????????

    Welcome newbies - such a great time to grab ahold of your new lifestyle. Please excuse my kvetchin' - its just a reminder to get back on the path again.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I have had 0 smokes since Sunday night!no:smokin: :bigsmile:
    Truth is I might actually quit on the first try this time, although the ultimate test is have a whiskey or two and still not smoke.:devil:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I have had 0 smokes since Sunday night!no:smokin: :bigsmile:
    Truth is I might actually quit on the first try this time, although the ultimate test is have a whiskey or two and still not smoke.:devil:

    That is an awe-inspiring feat:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Robin~Sorry for your continued pain and frustration, I hope you find relief soon.
    I have had 0 smokes since Sunday night!no:smokin: :bigsmile:
    Truth is I might actually quit on the first try this time, although the ultimate test is have a whiskey or two and still not smoke.:devil:

    Excellent!!! That was always the hardest time for me, still is when I have whiskey! I don't know what it is but whiskey and smokes just go together! :laugh:
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Wednesday Wish:

    My wish came true, I am one of few that are being considered for a second interview. The HR of the company is going to meet with all of the hiring managers and decide which of us they want to interview again. I will know by mid next week. Very exciting!

  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    I have had 0 smokes since Sunday night!no:smokin: :bigsmile:
    Truth is I might actually quit on the first try this time, although the ultimate test is have a whiskey or two and still not smoke.:devil:

    Congrats! What an accomplishment!
  • ButterflyWoods
    ButterflyWoods Posts: 35 Member
    Thursday Truth- I motivation for exercise is severely lacking. I know I need to do it...I know that to feel better it is a must.
    Most of the day is spent hiding or denying the pain in my body and so much energy expended just getting through the work day that at night I just want to collapse...but even then I keep going in the survival mode to make sure everyone is taken care of and errands ran and hose hold functioning (even that is not at the level it should be). Even laying down hurts because of the weight pressing down in places it shouldn't or restricting the circulation. Exhaustion is the most prominent feeling that quickly suppresses any motivation that creeps in. I often don't admit even to myself how much of a struggle each day is....I get though and try to act like everything is fine, being strong and functioning for those around me.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Thursday Truth- I motivation for exercise is severely lacking. I know I need to do it...I know that to feel better it is a must.
    Most of the day is spent hiding or denying the pain in my body and so much energy expended just getting through the work day that at night I just want to collapse...but even then I keep going in the survival mode to make sure everyone is taken care of and errands ran and hose hold functioning (even that is not at the level it should be). Even laying down hurts because of the weight pressing down in places it shouldn't or restricting the circulation. Exhaustion is the most prominent feeling that quickly suppresses any motivation that creeps in. I often don't admit even to myself how much of a struggle each day is....I get though and try to act like everything is fine, being strong and functioning for those around me.

    I know how hard it is not to be able to move without pain and to not be able to be comfortable sitting or laying down. This struggle is really hard particularly in the beginning, but it does get better and it does get more manageble. With COPD, fibromyalgia, arthritis, asthma, sleep apnea and depression I too struggled and still have days where it is very painful. The truth is if we don't do this we are going to die all too soon and then who will be there to take care of those around you? If I can do this, anybody can do it and that means YOU!!! So its time to put our big girl panties on and take 1 step towards getting healthy, next time you can take 2 steps. I'm here for you as are all the others on this site. Love you and praying for you.

  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    I just realized I'm a day behind. I totally thought today was Wednesday.. That's why I posted about my wish! haha!

    hmm.. Thursday truth: I have my heat set up to high even though it's been hitting like 60 in the day time, because the nights have been freezing.. or in my books, freezing!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good evening everyone. I hope ya'll are having a great day. I wanted to say great job to the gentleman who is quitting smoking. My hubby has tried several times with no success yet so I know how hard it is. I have had a pretty good day. Got a little housework done this morning and then played cards with my parents for several hours. My nice hubby then took me out for mongolian even though he says it is only glorified ramen noodles and not worth the cost. I dont figure it can be to bad for me since I only use about a cup of noodles a little meat and tons and tons of veggies. My thursday truth is I hate job hunting. I find it very disheartining if I dont find a job fairly quickly. It feeds into all my insecuriy issues about not being good enough for anything. Oh well. I need to get out of the house and a little extra spending money would be to nice to not make it a job if I am going to go out and do something. I will just have to keep trying and do my best until some employer relizes how awesome I am.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Good Evening everyone,
    Thursday truth- Overall, my day was busy with meetings during the school day which of course took all my planning time. Therefore I ended up working at school until 5:30 but at least I accomplished a few tasks. Lesson plan for observation on Wednesday is done and emailed now just waiting for feedback at the pre-observation conference, grading caught up for now, lesson plans for Monday are done and have my idea for Tuesday. I hope that I can relax a little this weekend since it will be a three day weekend. I have an unexpected day off, it is the board way of compensating us for unused health insurance premiums instead of giving us our money back. I get to enjoy my day but something tells me I will be running around doing errands with my mom. I also want to eat everything in sight due that that TOM. I hope my weight will drop in the next couple of days. I feel thinner but the scale is not showing that progress.

    Morogi- Congrats on your success so far.

    To those who have lost another pound or more---Way to go- Hats off to you. :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Butterflywood- Don't give up, every step you take allows you to increase your endurance and improve your health. :bigsmile: Just remember that you can take short walks just add a few more feet every day. Do you have a chair that your husband can put out for you along your path, that way when you reach it you can rest a few minutes before going back. Then each week or every couple of days have him move it back 10 feet. You are taking the positive steps to improving your health.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, :smile:

    Yesterday (Thursday) I came home from work once again so exhuasted and by the time dinner was over and had the kitchen cleanup . I was just zonk. I sat down at the computer to catchup on everyone's posts and kept nodding off. So I went to bed early fall right to sleep but of course as now wide awake since 3:30. So decide to make good use of this time by catching up on everyone's posts. So inspiring by how everyone is working hard trying we all have successes and failures part of life what makes the differences is you just keep moving and trying. :drinker:

    Today was bowling so I have my day group and than the afternoon group so yep I got to go bowling 2x's fun way to make a living. But it also keeps you on your toes . :wink:

    @Lin welcome back
    @Laurie70 Sounds like you got everything under control so hope you can use this weekend to recharge and be able to relax.

    @Christine you inspire me by you being so postive and encouraging. Thank you and you are doing it.

    @jtconst-- I hate job hunting too I know I need a different job but I keep putting off every looking I so hate the process. Hang in there.

    @to all those hurting or recovering Hugs!!:flowerforyou: @to all of those with NSV and scale victories congrats.:drinker:

    Well I am starting to get sleepy again so going to try to catch a few more Z's .

    Thursday truth is at the bowling alley I order baked sweet potatoes I don't really think they were baked like the ones I make for they were a little too greasy. I went and ask if these were baked the kid said yes but I don't think he understood my question. I was hungry they tasted so good I ate them anyway. I was ok being I up my calorie thing. But I still don't want to give myself card blanc to eat what ever. One of my goals is to be healthy.

    Friday Fitness: Goal is to go swimming this weekend..

    Big cleaning day and getting things ready for winter. Saturday.
    and walking Bella.

    Hope everyone has a good Friday

    Take care, Liz
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Friday Fitness
    My oldest neice is coming up this weekend she is 12 ! So i will be getting a workout in tomorrow probably while she is painting i will be walking on the treadmill !
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Since I missed yesterday - here is my Thursday Truth. I've been so tired when I got home all week I didn't get to the gym, just ran up and down the 4 flights of stairs in my condo.

    Friday Fitness - it's supposed to be nice this weekend, so my plan is to wake up really early and get in a good walk.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Tina -- It does even out, and I don't tend to worry too much if I'm a couple of hundred over because I reckon as long as it's less than 500 it's still 'in the right direction'.
    @Steffy -- ooh, another thread member with an exciting new bloke!
    @Tungsten -- have a brilliant holiday!
    @Christine -- brilliant SV!
    @Robin -- I know what you mean about the colder weather coming on and craving carbs. I am finding this week really difficult and I'm noticing myself snacking and pecking at things. Plus I cannot get warm! I think I'm really feeling the lack of a 20-lb blubber jacket. I have got new flannel PJs and a flannel shirt and thermals. It's not even that cold here yet.
    @Tom -- So well done on the smoking! I do know people who've given up entirely except that they have a couple of smokes now and then when they have a drink, so that works for some people too.
    @ButterflyWood -- so sorry you're struggling at the moment. Just try to take a little step towards health each day.
    @Liz -- I tend to assume that absolutely *everything* that I eat out will have added fat in weird ways, unless I'm at a restaurant where everything is cooked fresh. Bowling is quite reasonable exercise though, especially if you did it all afternoon.

    Welcome newlings!

    Friday Fitness
    Last week's plan was:

    Saturday -- Badminton, and wedding ceilidh - DONE and DONE.
    Sunday -- Badminton booked, strength training, but this is totally a rest day. DONE
    Monday -- W4D1 of Ease into 5k (with a 6 minute continuous run!), clog practice. DONE running but ducked clog.
    Tuesday -- maybe Zumba, there's a class starting next Tuesday just round the corner from us. Quite freaked about this possibility. Total fail. I have been pretty idle really.
    Wednesday -- W4D2 of Ease into 5k . DONE
    Thursday -- dance mat. No; did badminton instead though so that's ok.
    Friday -- W4D3 of Ease into 5k -- going to do it next. Definitely. Have been procrastinating this morning.

    Next week:

    Saturday -- actually difficult because I'm at an all day meeting but I am going to go for a BRISK WALK at lunchtime, with Rubitrack on my phone so I know I'm doing it. That will also keep me away from the buffet table.
    Sunday -- Badminton
    Monday -- W5D1 of Ease into 5k
    Tuesday -- still thinking about Zumba in principle.
    Wednesday -- W5D2 of Ease into 5k
    Thursday -- Dance Mat (or badminton)
    Friday -- W5D3 of Ease into 5k

    -- Alison
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    TGIF!!! It’s going to be another beautiful Fall day here, then heat up again tomorrow.

    @Alison~Do you know the difference between the C25K and the Ease into 5K?

    @Christine~You inspire me the way you persevere and carry on through all of your limitations. Keep on keeping on, you’re doing awesome!!!

    @ButterflyWood~We all have times where we struggle, just try to make one little change - stick with that for awhile and once you've accomplished that make another change. The most important thing is to not give up, with every pound you lose it will get easier and easier and you'll feel better and more energetic. Hang in there!!!

    I hope Aug and Kaye are recovering nicely.

    Was very happy with the scale this morning, I finally saw a number on the scale I’ve been looking to see for a while – can’t wait to text my trainer and let him know. :bigsmile: For those that knew about the challenge I’m in at my gym – it ends in two weeks, we did an interim weigh in last night and I’m down 17 for the challenge – really hope to make it an even 20. Not sure where I am in the standings, but I’m happy with it.

    Friday Fitness~Since its going to be so nice I think I’m going to do a run/walk this afternoon from my house to the park and back – should be about 4 miles. I need to map my route to see. My running is improving by leaps and bounds, so find myself wanting to do it more and more...

    Fitness this week:

    Monday~Elliptical at home DONE!
    Tuesday~Cross Trainer at gym DONE!
    Wednesday~Recovery Day DONE!
    Thursday~Training DONE!
    Friday~Run/Walk Outside
    Saturday~Elliptical at gym

    Kelley :flowerforyou: