What do you wish you could tell your teenage self?



  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    If it has a drive through, drive on by!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Don't get mad and dump JT. Let your relationship ride awhile, it may very well have worked out.
  • You are not as nerdy as you think you are and, oh by the way, someday being nerdy will actually be cool.
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    I wouldn't tell her anything, i'd just push her into on coming traffic....
  • guildwars1987
    guildwars1987 Posts: 73 Member
    Start body building now because that metabolism is not going to last, fatty.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    It's okay to be carefree both in mind and spirit.... just stop inserting your foot in your mouth every 5 minutes cause you look REALLY stupid.
  • Fitfaery
    Fitfaery Posts: 68 Member
    you are NOT fat!

    ^^^^^ this AND study harder for your exams instead of the calorie books! x
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    The same thing I will tell my daughter....

    That having sex with a guy will not make him love me nor will it make me love myself more.
  • SandysNewLife
    SandysNewLife Posts: 87 Member
    Dont binge ! Dont start smoking. Dont start working at 13 have more fun !
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    Keep your job at the ymca, the free membership is worth it!

    Maintain that figure you have, you'll someday wish you still had it!

    Don't spread your legs so damn much!

    Actually go to the college of your dreams, don't listen to your boyfriend who wants to hold you back.

    DO go on the Europe trip, who knows when you'll get the chance to go again.
  • Yolanda_85
    Yolanda_85 Posts: 143 Member
    Great job deciding to lose weight in high school, but exercise with your diet, you'll be a lot happier with the results and might not be here now, trying to lose the same weight again! Don't sleep with your best friend, he'll promise you the world only to turn into an *kitten* that will break you down more than you ever thought possible. You're better than him and will eventually meet a great guy who actually deserves you. Oh yeah, study harder or change your major sooner!!!! You're not going to like the job you end up with!! LOL!
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member

    Get into computers but don't dedicate every second of your time to playing video games on them.
    Save your money, get an emergency fund started and never ever ****ing touch it. Or I'll come back from the future and bust your fingers off.
    Brush your ****in teeth, *kitten*.
  • Still 18, but..
    Get off the couch, get out of bed, and go back outside like you used to. Also don't eat an entire bag of chips in one sitting.
    Also also, drinking every single night for a month isn't going to benefit you in any way shape or form. Quit it.
  • td8425
    td8425 Posts: 3
    That bubble butt is cute! Don't be shy about that little flab on your belly is gonna be a lot worse when you have your baby. Show your petite little self off more you look great don't be subconcious. Put down those ciggarettes and don't hang out with those people and drink that stuff. Respect yourself and don't give in to peer pressure. Exercise more!
  • sonyalbruno
    sonyalbruno Posts: 63 Member
    YOUR BEAUTIFUL, dont let others define you and try to mold you into what they think you should be. GET TO CLASS, just because you live with your boyfriend and would prefer to go to work, school is more important. Be yourself!! Your in shape & curvy, and that dosnt make you fat!! Last but not least enjoy those teenage years they go by too fast!!
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Do. Not. Smoke.

    Oh, and travel, live on your own for awhile, figure some things out before you get married.
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    "When your mom pays for you to get liposuction..and you now have a tiny bottom. Keep it. Work off the rest and don't go get fat again." boo.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    dont hate the sweat, embrace the sweat
  • finish college. think more about econ the FIRST time, dont be an idealistic snob, its real life.
    dont marry the first guy you fall into serious lust with
    no dangling modifyers. lol
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    My top ten, no particular order:

    1. Stay away--far away--from Mark
    2. Learn to like who you are because you're not that bad of a kid and you have a ton of potential
    3. Move to San Francisco and go to art school
    4. Your mom is doing the best she knows how--and even if it's not good enough, appreciate the circumstances
    5. Your dad is a douche
    6. Your siblings are struggling so be kind to them
    7. Food is not your comfort blankie.
    8. Keep running--you love it!
    9. Go to college now, not later like you will actually do
    10. Credit cards are the devil