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SAHM 2/22 - 2/28



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    women--you pack a lot into a day (not to mention a post!)

    dinner was easy tonight--tortellini for kids and birds' eye alfredo chkn etc for dh and me. not as bad in cals as i thought --just 360 (tho 13g fat). it was very tasty!

    thank you melissa for your advice. i'm pasting everyone's info to a word page so i can save and print it. i have a stack of so many library books rt now!! there are quilting books, sewing bags, organizing for disorganized kids, biographies, it takes a village, unplugged play and more. i know, crazy!
    but i want to browse thru some things and start thinking abt how i would like to organize for hs. i'm so glad dh actually thinks it could be a good idea. normally he's so anti things "crunchy."

    (hugs) kim--our phrase here for days like that are ---some days are like that, even in australia (from alexander and horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day). it always makes us giggle.

    val--love up those dogs for me! the girls could tell you how i miss doggies! :( but it's just not the time.

    as for conceiving....first got pg right out of the gate--but then had early m/c, took another year to get pg with dd1 and needed clomid and progesterone, got pg again but m/c'd again, dd2 was thru ivf, then just not preventing and rt b4 the window of trying was going to close, ds got in. first time i got pg, didn't need meds, didn't m/c and had a boy. obviously he was determined to join our family (what luck!).

    so to all of you wanting more kids--i wish you the good health and patience to go thru the process--and healthy mom/healthy baby at the end. :heart:

    no exercise today. good on food and water. and good on being a mommy and loving wife. (if i do say so myself :wink: )

    later chicas!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hey michelle--we're ivf twins!
    glad that it was so successful for you--and definitely wise to follow neurosurgeon's advice. babies/kids need a healthy mom first and foremost. :heart:

    as for hs--i feel very comfortable having other ppl teach in areas i'm not good at. just like how dd1 has math tutor now.
    plus i just keep telling myself that if i decide to do it, it's for a year and i can't really wreck everything in a year. :laugh: and if it's not working, she can go to a public school. knowing i have an out (in any task) actually makes it easier for me to take on the challenge. i know that's warped :ohwell:

    off to log my food--amy did you log anything today??
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Just got home from church meeting and C25K, going to enjoy watching the movie 9 with hubby, so I will catch up with everyone in the morning, but just wanted to post about my workout

    I'm steadily improving against my mortal enemy. I was kind of grouchy tonight, so maybe that fueled me. Have you ever had those days where you get so bored out of your mind that you just get a bad mood? Yeah, I had one of those days. DD was sick, so couldn't take her to the child care at gym. Friend who watches her was also sick. I wasn't able to get to gym until after hubby got home from work. Oh and Steve (my iPod) was dead. So I did my run today solo. No music, just the Olympic games on the plasma TV next to my TM. I did a 5 minute warm up, and then I ran 2 min intervals for 15 mins. It sucked and was uncomfortable, but I DID IT! After 15 mins, I had a 5 min cool down and charged off to Church meeting. I hope this is a step in the right direction.
  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    Hi SAHMs. I'm also a SAHM with twin toddlers and a 2nd grader! Kicking some butt here on MFP - lost 24 lbs since Dec 14 YAY ME! - but starting to feel b.o.r.e.d. with all this good eating and exercising! I miss my treats and I miss my friend, Food. Hahha!

    Looking for other mom friends to check in with and share encouragement! So, other mommas, feel free for "Friend" me and check out my food and exercise journals and make all the comments you want. It truly helps me to have a crowd around me! I hope I can help sme of you too!

    Have a great day! BrattyLori
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome Lori! this is a GREAT group with lots of ways to keep you motivated.
    i like how you put it--that you miss your friend FOOD.

    hmmm that may explain why i keep going back to the same habits....

    i'm gonna read a bit to settle my brain down and then off to sleep
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Welcome Lori. Food was also one of my favorite friends! Just finished a 30 min round of pilates. I love pilates because they stretch me out so I feel nice and loose by the end, while still getting a decent workout! :)

    Had fun with the kiddos today. Danced to toddler tunes with my 2 year old while the baby watched and giggled. Forgot to try out rice cereal again until it was too late. :P I find it funny how I was so eager with these milestones with the first one and with the second one not so much. I want to keep her little as long as possible! :)

    Well, off to bed.
  • Hi all

    Wow alot of posts for me to read through, they'll keep me from food lol

    Weigh in this morning and another 2lb lost so thats 13 now YAY!!!:happy:

    We've had a dreadful couple of days of weather and power cuts so couldn't make the gym last night and won't make it tonight as I've got a fp appointment (making sure no more little people sneak into the house!)

    My goal is to try and drink more water, I'm a bit of a diet pepsi fan so gotta try and swap.

    Also will go to the gym friday evening and Sunday.

    Catch up later

  • happy to report that I lost those 3 awful lbs from Tuesday and and extra one! Sank the titanic w/ water the last 2 days so I think it was a lot of water retention due to salty soup. Now I will follow everyone's advice and stick to one scale and one time of day and probably only twice a week weigh in.
    Honestly I don't even own a scale b/c I obsess over it so much. I used to only weigh myself at my mom's house every other week but I fell back into my old habits w/ the gym scale, weighing every time I go and sometimes before and after working out and then coming home and weighing on the wii too! Must stop obsessing! I feel great and know I look better (although I wonder why I always have to lose the most noticable amount of weight in my chest!!) and that should be the most important thing. (Easy to say when I've had a triumphant weigh in :laugh:

    All 3 of my beauties were unplanned as well. DD was conceived 4 weeks after our wedding while we were trying to do natural family planning. We tried for our second and miscarried early and then were planning to wait about 6 months before trying again but conceived DS1 only 1 month after the m/c. DS2 was a total shock and i still consider it a miracle. We were trying so hard to NOT have another one at that point but somehow I found myself expecting! The boys are only 16 mos apart and I was totally freaked out that they would be so close but now I wouldn't change it for the world. Now as we consider doing it all over again I think we would probably have 2 more b/c there would be such a big space, my youngest will be 5 next month... So much to pray about and so many blessings to be thankful for already!

    Have a blessed day everyone!
  • Hi all! Wow it has been major melt down morning here. #1DS & I had a major discussion about self control & time management. #2DD threw her math in the trash. Luckily #3DD & #4DS are doing alright(so far)--however the dog is driving me crazy too. We are headed out of town tomorrow morning so I am taking a break from posting here--will read tonight & in the morning but I gotta get packed & ready to go. Going to have to find my own self control I guess.

    Goals for this weekend

    WATER--I always stop drinking while traveling. I think I will make some hot tea and put it in a thermos. That might help with wanting to drink. Cold water in the car just doesn't work for me.

    Taking a lunch tomorrow. Make wise choices about eating out--watch the salt & serving size. I cannot plan this ahead as I don't know where we will be eating.

    Sleep when I can--we will be up late & up early Friday & Saturday. Going to nap on the 6 hour drive. Well if the 6 teenagers in our suburban will allow that. :)

    Hope you all have a great weekend. On an up note I did an early measure this morning & I was down almost an inch in various places. Yipee! Crazy though--the scales are not moving. Well up 1 lb down 1 lb over and over. Sigh--not letting it bother me cause I bet I have gained more muscle than I have lost fat. My goal is to be down below 150 by my birthday. I keep saying that is my goal and I haven't reached it yet but I know it will happen sooner or later. NOT giving up!

    Besides the sun is shining here--gotta smile about that.

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hey, curlie, if inches are coming off, you are losing weight. The system is working. Have fun wherever you're going!

    Was naughty at Walmart again today. Got stuff for dinner (needed buns & lettuce for cheeseburgers), and also found cute St. Patrick's shirts for Grace, and one for me (nice white shirt with green words "Everyone loves an Irish girl"). Also spoiled Grace by getting a super pack of Crayola 3D sidewalk chalk, and 2 packs of the color wonder stuff. One was just the color wonder markers & blank paper, the other was color wonder crayons & Little Einsteins on clearance. We tried both & she's digging the blank paper one, surprisingly. It's a color explosion one and the satisfaction is almost immediately. She is sitting on couch now, coloring contently & watching Little Bear on Nick Jr while I enjoy my lunch in peace.
    It looks like the sun is coming out. I hope it dries out the driveway. We got snow yesterday & last night. Can't wait to bust out the sidewalk chalk. Honestly, I think most of the stuff I buy Grace is really for me. Yesterday I was so bored that I got really ornery & just a sour mood. So I'm hoping spring shines on us a little this weekend, and the coming weeks, so I can take Grace out & DO stuff. I get stir crazy locked in this house all day.

    Ended up drinking 140 oz of water yesterday. I hope I can get down to 213 this weekend, preferably 212. I'm SO close to being pre-baby weight!
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Well its turned into a rough week, I somehow manged to get sick AGAIN, I am so tired of this, I have exhausted all my ideas on how to get better, we must just keep passing it back and forth in our house, which probably isn't that hard with 7 of us in the family, this time I caught my hubby's sinus cold, so, besides taking the vitamins, herbs, airborne, drinking LOTS of water, I am agreeing with Melissa and I think I am going to cut out all refined sugar and dairy for now, see if this makes a difference.

    So once again I won't be going snowboarding tomorrow with my hubby, he is going without me, with my brother and my cousin I am so bummed, but I think I tried to get back into things too fast, I started exercising when I thought I was feeling better, and clearly my body was not ready. Trish I so have CABIN FEVER as well, I can't wait for SUMMER!

    On a happier note, got taxes done, woohoo, now just waiting for that big return, I literally hate tax season, I work from home so makes doing taxes a bit more tedious, I have to claim that I own a business when I really do not, but I receive a 1099 instead of a W2 so according to the government that means I have my own business, so I have to pay self-employment tax but I get to write stuff off like office supplies, my office space, etc.

    Also I have lost 3 lbs. this week, probably from being sick, and hopefully from the extra water I am drinking. I officially have 40 lbs. to go to make my goal weight. This is so obtainable, I am ready to work hard, and get 'er done!

    I think for dinner tonight is Brundage Burgers, kids love them, with some leftover mashed potatoes and a salad, cut up very small pieces, my teeth are still a bit sore, I keep reminding myself these braces will be worth it! My step-brother just got his braces, so now I can laugh at him, when he complains. Have a good night everyone!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    just a quickie

    i should NOT be allowed in an office supply store--even with a 15% off coupon!!
    oh how i love those places

    and ds says he no like his crib no more. :( bought a mattress for him to go on dd1's trundle (low and has sides so will be just rt for him). i wasn't ready to have him leave the cribbie....

    curlie and dolphin--congrats on the losses! all losses count!
    and curlie--have a safe trip. we look forward to hearing from you when you return. (and HUGS till you get that nap)

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Ugh, dol, so sorry you're sick again. Hubs is getting sick again too. Grace is just barely getting better. I have no desire to be sick again. Didn't we just do this? Try disinfecting every surface of your house and airing it out so that germies aren't passed around anymore, I think it will help. It's an option, right? Anything that makes everyone feel better.

    Looks like the weather is holding out here, and the driveway seems dry. Going to take Grace out with her new sidewalk chalk after snack time in a few mins.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone! Just a quick pop in, I am beat we went to a school outing today...bowling! How cool is that? And then we went for a hike, so I am oof to finish cooking dinner and then I think an early night, I will catch up with everyone tomorrow!
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I just want everyont o know taht BrattiLori is the reason i am following the site. Thank you Lori!!!!! i do appreciate the motivation. i had finally hit rock bottom and you helped get me out. these ladies are great. i understand food is my friend thing, i am having a hard time with that one as well. when you are home all day with kids, food is there, behaving and you do not have to yell at it!, my kids are all testing me. especially with listening skills and doing opposite of what i ask.

    off to clean up from dinner, i should be doing that and not playing on the computer, but truly i would rather be on this,
    good night everyone
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I just want everyont o know taht BrattiLori is the reason i am following the site. Thank you Lori!!!!! i do appreciate the motivation. i had finally hit rock bottom and you helped get me out. these ladies are great. i understand food is my friend thing, i am having a hard time with that one as well. when you are home all day with kids, food is there, behaving and you do not have to yell at it!, my kids are all testing me. especially with listening skills and doing opposite of what i ask.

    off to clean up from dinner, i should be doing that and not playing on the computer, but truly i would rather be on this,
    good night everyone
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello! I didn't make my goals yesterday. I got my walking in, but I only drank 7 cups of water. Doing better today. I've had 8 cups of water, and I walked 2 miles today. Can't wait for my muscles to catch up with my willpower! :laugh: My legs are stiff! Doing a little better each day though. :smile:

    I think my new approach to weight loss is helping. I am feeling so much better than I have in a long time. Even with sore tired muscles, I feel more alert now. I'll start logging all my food sometime next week.

    Dinner was Bob Evans tonight. It was school night there tonight where 15% of our bill went to the kids' school. I drank 2 glasses of water during dinner and brought part of my meal home. I did get their caramel mocha which was not healthy, but it was yummy!

    Dolphin - I hope you start feeling better soon!

    Trish - Did you and Grace get to use the new sidewalk chalk? My kids still love sidewalk chalk. I think that's something you never outgrow!

    Kim - Have a great trip!

    Stacey - :cry: Transitioning to a "big kid" bed is hard. I think it's harder on the parents than the child. They just grow up too fast!

    Well, I'm going up to bed in about 10 minutes once the show we're watching is off. Needed to make a little more room to record the Olympics. We're recording it all so we can fast forward through what we don't want to watch and commercials.

    Have a great night! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Made shepard's pie tonight for the first time. It was yummy! :) Even my husband's partner had some. :P Gave dd2 rice cereal for the second time. Last time I gave it to her she was a little freaked out, but tonight she ate it all down. :) Just finished my workout and so off to bed I go. So far I've made my calorie goal every day this week! I really am awful about drinking water. Any suggestions on ways to make sure I get my 8 glasses in? Right now I hover around 4 or 5.

    Kim- Muscle is denser than fat and weighs about twice as much. This is why I don't trust the scale. The more muscle you gain the more you weigh. You have to burn twice as much fat just to even it out. When I was a swimmer I would way about 5-10 lbs more during the season then off season. :P If you're losing inches than you are doing fantastic! Go you!

    Dolphin- :( on being sick and missing snowboarding! I pray you feel better soon and can hit those slopes!

    Off to bed!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Val - Have you tried Crystal Light? They have several different flavors you can mix in with your water. My personal favorite is the raspberry green tea. Glad to hear your youngest is doing better with the rice cereal. :smile:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Happy Friday!

    Dolphin- I hope you get better!

    Trish- I go through those stages of splurging!

    Kim- Have fun

    Stacey- Why is it we have a harder time than the kiddos?

    Val-Did you swim in high school and college? I used to coach before I moved to Oregon.

    Michelle- I think Kids are here to test us.....just to get us back for us testing our parents! What a vicious cycle!:tongue::laugh:
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