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SAHM 2/22 - 2/28



  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Amy, we did use the sidewalk chalk, but it was too windy & cold out. Blah! Needless to say poor little person had tantrum when I dragged her in the house. She's just getting over her cold, I didn't want her to relapse because we were coloring the driveway in the icy wind.

    Stuck at 215 (weekly weigh in). I am getting kind of annoyed at this plateau nonsense. I don't know if it's cuz I'm not eating enough or what. It's certainly not lack of exercise as I'm doing something active almost every day, with at least 1 rest day, and chug a lugging water. What gives?
  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    Hey gals,
    Lori here - thanks to everyone who has friended me! Love this group! This is exactly what I need.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hi Lori!!!!

    Trish- I am right there with ya! I am eating my all of my exercise calories to see if that is going to help...or at least most...some of them I just can't eat! I have been fluctuating between 166 and 168 for waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to long!!!
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Thanks everyone for the well wishes, I'm trying. Nicole, I am right with you, same exact thing, fluctuating between 166 and 168 since September, I finally got down to 165 this week, but only because I am sick and got my braces adjusted on Monday, I've just been eating softer foods, and not much, I haven't quite figured out the plateau thing yet, the first half of what I needed to lose was so easy, it just literally fell off, then I have been stuck for so long wondering if this 2nd half will ever go.

    Trish, we had sun yesterday for about 1 hour, so kids colored the whole driveway, they had lots of fun.

    Everyone have a great weekend!!!!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Dolphin, Nicole, and anyone else stuck on the bluff, let us sit down yoga style, deep breathe, close our thumb & middle finger together and repeat: "There is no plateau."
    See only the weight you wish to be!

    I did up our calendar with meals for almost the next month. I have been logging them in and making a concentrated effort on eating more of my calories to see if it will help. It certainly excites me to see some of the things on there & think "I get to eat THAT? Whoa!" It just seems like a lot of food, but 6 months ago I would've eaten all of that on top of 3000 cals from Taco Bell. I was a TB addict!

    Was watching Dr. Horrible's Sing A Long Blog last night (totally cute and funny if you want something short to watch), and stole & modified a quote from there.
    "Face your inner villains. Vanquish them. Become your own hero!"

    Going to dinner with hubs tonight, kid free, and then stopping by checkers to see if they have any entertaining accessories for Dave. Gotta bling out the new baby!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I am becoming a runner. My mortal enemy & I are coming to an understanding, I think. I didn't get to go to the rec center until 8:30 tonight, and it closes at 10. I needed to burn 500 cals, and I had had a great dinner (went to Cocolitos with hub, little person stayed home with babysitter, WOO!). Needless to say I had to get my run in first if I was going to get anything out of today. The place was pretty quiet, plenty of open TMs. So I get one dead smack in front of a plasma TV, and change it from icky basketball to AMC which happened to be showing Forrest Gump. Great movie. Can you believe it's almost 20 years old already? It doesn't seem possible!

    Anyway, after a good stretch, I started my 5 min warm up walk, and moved right into a 2 min run. I was feeling a little slow tonight, but I shook it off, and was feeling pretty good. Walk my next 2 mins, and run the next 2. At this point I'm feeling REALLY good, and wanted to check my pace. I go to push the button and, to my horror, accidentally stopped the belt by pushing the wrong button. Serves me right with my awful peripheral vision. I was going "No, no! BAH! Ugh!" I was doing SO great, and 10 mins done already, it had flown by. With a huff, I figure out how to reset the darn thing, mentally note that I went .58 miles in 10 mins, and start over with a 2 min walking interval. Moved into running 2 mins later, and continued the pattern. I kept looking down at the time to see when the interval would be over, and I was often 1 min to 1.5 mins through the interval. I just tried really hard to stay focused on the movie. Maybe I am a better runner without my iPod, Steve, going. I was just really happy that I did a full 20 min running & walking interval. At the end, I did a 5 min cool down walk, gradually slowing the belt, and finished at 1.66 miles total. Then I hopped right on the elliptical and repeated my idiot mistake. I am obviously technically challenged tonight! I did 20 mins total on the elliptical, and went another 1.47 miles. Sooo... I kinda did a 5k in 50 mins. I am improving!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    yay trish!!

    i haven't exercised this whole week but i have maintained. so that's ok with me. need to take some time today to "schedule/organize" my life for the coming week and month. too much keeps coming up and interrupting. kwim?

    hope you all have a great saturday! will chk in later--:flowerforyou:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey everyone! Quick check in from San Antonio! Remember, my goal is to NOT gain weight while I'm here ;) LOL Got a 4 mile run in this morning, and then we were at Seaworld for 4 hours...had to have burned some cals right? LOL The eating wasn't terrible til that cheesecake tonight, but I will run another 4 in the morning...running along the Riverwalk here is spectacular...wish I could run like this all the time! Tomorrow is another fun filled day, more Riverwalk and the Zoo...:)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Katie, you probably won't see this, but for a righteous time (and probably calorie killer), hit up Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament. I love going to it when I visit California & Florida. Their main thing is in San Antonio (at least where they breed their amazing Andalusian horses). It's a jousting tournament and dinner. There's no silverware. Just plates, cups, and you eat with your fingers. If I remember correctly, they serve a cornish game hen, some potatoes, drinks, and a fruit tart for dessert. It's delish!

    NM, i just checked their website & their Texas castle is in Dallas. I'm pretty sure their breeding program is in SA, TX though :)
  • I am BBBBAAACCCKKK! Wow I know it hasn't been long but I feel like the last 36 hours were stretched out really long. My kids were in a regional Bible Quizzing Tournament in Waterloo, IA and that is a 6 hour drive from here. So visualize me, hubby and 7 teens packed in our suburban. It was CRAZY but fun! They are the best kids I have met anywhere. Only got 5 hours sleep so I am going to bed & will check in tomorrow after church.

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome back kim! glad the trip turned out to be so much fun--even if tiring! :)

    katie--you talk about running 4 miles like it's a stroll in the park. your heart and lungs must be soooo healthy! enjoy the rest of your trip in SA. :)

    and girls on the plateau--it will change. if food and water changes aren't working, rethink your exercise. do serious high intensity cardio intervals for 2-3 weeks and see if that moves things again.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    finally exercised! i have a busy day today but would still like to find some time (soon) to plan out my march--my physical, spiritual goals etc.
    i need to regroup.

    hope you all enjoy your sunday
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Had our church party today. Pizza made me go over my calorie count. But I'm not too worried. As I like to think of it, this is supposed to be a lifestyle change. If I don't allow myself to splurge every once in a while I'm sure to fall off the wagon! Besides, I was under my calorie count by at least 200 every day this week but one. So I figure it's not too awful :)

    Amy - Good idea about the crystal light! I'll have to buy some tomorrow at the grocery store. Than I can use my water as a sort of snack :P
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    lol. Accidentally hit post with my button when I was leaning over. :P

    Nicole - I did swim on the swim team in high school and loved it! I swam laps every day in college just to keep myself in shape. (Had a great pool and of course it was free with tuition) I really miss it!

    to all you runners - I am in awe of you! :p I could swim for miles but hate running. I do about 30 min on the elliptical and I'm very proud. You all put me to shame! :) Keep up the fantastic work!

    Off to bed!

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