Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    This week has been so crazy and I really have felt out of control and overwhelmed. My goal for next week is to get back to planning my schedule and my meals so I have a plan and am more in control.

    Fitness Friday - I'm going to try my Biggest Loser Cardio Max video today after I get home from work. I'm really excited about it!

    This weekend I'm taking my pooch to a Halloween party (yes I am that kind of dog owner) and heading about two hours away to visit some friends of mine who just bought a house. I plan on exercising tomorrow before leaving for my visit and then exercising Sunday evening after my return. On Sunday I plan to try my yoga dvd that I've had for a while. Is anyone else out there doing yoga?

    @Butterflywood - Thinking of you and sending happy vibes and motivation your way today. You can do this!

    Have a wonderful weekend everybody!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Hello all - I've been catching up on all the posts. You continue to be an amazing group of people!! Congrats to those with successes :flowerforyou: , my best wishes for those who haven't done so well or who are ill/injured :heart: .

    Here's my late Thursday truth: I feel like my grip on this chapter of my life has been shaken. The increased load related to my dad is just about beyond my capacity. I am doing just OK with my eating plan when I'm traveling (fine when I'm home). I am struggling with keeping at my walking---I'm doing it so far but today I just want to sleep. My Fitbit has let me know that my sleep pattern has gone whacky.

    I'm hoping for a patch of clear sailing! SOON!

    My Fitbit reports says I walked 37.4 miles last week. So Fitness Friday, trying to keep at it.

    Wishing you all a great weekend.


  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Friday Fitness::: Well this week I focused on getting back on track and logging my food. I am hoping to get a schedule of working out going. I am just trying to focus on eating right and logging everything again. It's like I need to start the habit all over again.

    The weekend is coming up and this is always my hardest time. ESPECIALLY since my husband is off on Saturday and Sunday, he's usually off on Sunday's only. So who knows what we will do for breakfast/lunch/dinner. But whatever it is I will do the best I can and make the best decision I can.

    I started this week weighing 227.8 and this morning the scale said 220.4. I know a lot of it was water weight so it came off easy. But still I'm happy to see the scale heading down again. Still not to my lowest weight recorded on here yet which is 218.8 I believe. So getting close. And I just want to see it keep going down and down and down.

    I am SO excited because Monday I go enroll for school! And Tuesday I go talk to the lady about student loans. As long as I can get student loans, which I don't know why I wouldn't, then I will be starting college in January!!!! Super excited for that.

    Have a FANTASTIC FRIDAY!!!!!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Morgori - so happy for you that you are doing well on continuing not to smoke - such strong will. You WILL Succeed!

    Butterfly Woods - I'm with you on the feeling of exhaustion and every part of your body dragging you down. Try chair exercises if you can't do anything else. If all you can do is sit, then swing your arms and lift your legs. While watching tv, let every commercial remind you to move those limbs. Soon it will become a good habit and those limbs of yours will get stronger and stronger. Then start walking a hall in your house during commercials so you can hang onto the wall. Just so you are getting up and down every 20- 25 minutes. It WILL make a big difference, and you will feel a lot better.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Thursday Truth:
    Went on a sweets binge yesterday. Not too terrible on overall calories, but LOTS and LOTS of sugar. Also no exercise--rainy and cold, so no walk w/ gunner, plus my lower back/hip is hurting, so no core work. I know the pain is just due to wearing running shoes that had worn out. I've replaced them already, but the damage is done, and I'm all out of alignment. :ohwell: Did some stretching to try to get things back in place and feeling a bit better this morning. The good news is that I got through a good chinck of grading yesterday.

    Will check back later to catch up on posts and do Friday Fitness.
    Grading goals:
    1. 13/22 AP essays
    2. 22/22 punctuation tests DONE
    3. x/22 2 paragraph responses
    4. x/59 Thoreau essays
    5. read section 2 of Montana 1948 DONE
    6. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE
    7. 59/59 M1948 vocab assignments DONE
  • aubeatle
    aubeatle Posts: 17 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone!

    Fitness: I'm in my second round of C25K and I follow their training schedule. I always run. I've only skipped two or three times in the last 6 months, which is shocking for me. Lately, I've been trying to incorporate some strength training on the days I don't run, which I haven't been as consistent with. I was doing a weighted ball workout, which was recommended by my gynecologist, but that's starting to get monotonous. I did discover a great beginner's body weight workout on Nerd Fitness which I'm going to try: 20 squats, 10 push ups, 20 lunges, 10 dumbbell rows, 15 second plank, 30 jumping jacks. There's a great video of it here: You're suppposed to do 3 rounds of these exercises. I started out with just one on Wednesday and it was relatively easy, so I'm going to increase that to 2 rounds.

    Monday: run 30 minutes
    Tuesday: group run: 25-35 minutes
    Wednesday: strength train
    Thursday: run 20-30 minutes
    Friday: strength train
    Saturday: group run, 30-40 minutes
    Sunday: rest, yoga or strength train (depending on how I feel)

    Have a great weekend!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I'm behind...again.

    Robin - I sure hope you get to feeling better soon and the DR turns you lose soon. It must be so frustrating for you!

    Mr. M! So very impressed with your non smoking efforts. Here are some of the benefits your body has to look forward to in the coming weeks (according to Palo Alto Medical Foundation, or PAMF):

    Within 24 hours of quitting, you have already decreased your risk of a heart attack.

    Within three weeks of quitting, circulation improves. Oxygen-rich blood once again begins to reach your heart and repair the tissue damaged by cigarettes.

    Within 72 hours after cessation, your bronchial tubes begin to relax, and air flows more easily into and out of your lungs.

    Within one to nine months after smoking cessation, the cilia begin to heal. As more cilia become active, a former smoker will often develop a cough, which indicates that the lungs are cleaning themselves.

    ButterflyWood - I can totally relate how hard this is for you to get started. Robin had a great idea about the hallway at home. Put a chair on either end of the house and walk back and forth between them. Chair exercises are great, I started with some of those from Youtube. They will get you moving and burning some calories and getting you used to carving out exercise time.

    Thursday truth - Been hitting the candy a little too hard. It started off with just a little box of DOTS....then it was DOTS and a tootsie roll....then it was DOTS, a tootsie roll, and a hard candy.....then a migraine. I don't think I can eat that much sugar after being off it for 7 months. :blushing: I have ONE tootsie roll on my desk and I'll eat it after lunch. That's IT.

    I keep reminding myself that they aren't going to STOP making tootsie rolls after Halloween and if I want another one I can buy it at any time. I don't know where this sense of... URGENCY... came from about food. Like if I don't get it now I'll never see any thing like it again. It's one of the biggest contributors to me getting this big.

    Friday Fitness:
    Sunday - Day Off
    Monday - My Swim didn't happen
    Tuesday - 2.42 mile walk
    Wednesday - 30 Minute swim
    Thursday - 2.89 Mile Walk
    Friday -
    Saturday -
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I keep reminding myself that they aren't going to STOP making tootsie rolls after Halloween and if I want another one I can buy it at any time. I don't know where this sense of... URGENCY... came from about food. Like if I don't get it now I'll never see any thing like it again. It's one of the biggest contributors to me getting this big.

    i think, in a way, that's the downfall of completely cutting anything out of our diet. because then we get this feeling of desperation that is hardwired in our brain.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    i think, in a way, that's the downfall of completely cutting anything out of our diet. because then we get this feeling of desperation that is hardwired in our brain.

    That makes sense. It would totally explain why 'DIETS' don't really work. The restrictive nature of what that implies just blows it before you can even start or makes it impossible to stick with for a lifetime. Maybe that's why it's working for so many of us now. We know we're not DIETING, we're living a healthier lifestyle that allows for things like tootsie rolls and cake and..whatever. Just controlling the AMOUNT. Moderation really is the key to life... who knew?
  • ButterflyWoods
    ButterflyWoods Posts: 35 Member
    Thank You!! All the encouragement and support really means a lot!

    Friday Fitness..Don't really have a clear cut plan yet, right now focusing on getting back into the habit of logging everyday and thinking about what goes in my mouth and increasing water intake. Today I got the logged in 5 days message which felt pretty good and then to come to the boards and see all the support makes for an even more uplifting morning. The chair exercise sound good, will have to do some YouTube searching :)

    Last night I did a few little things around the house...those little pick up this or that, normally the type of thing I would either ignore or ask one of the teens to do.

    Going to be a busy weekend, another baby shower (I swear my family is trying to set some kind of record on new babies), household errands and shipping the oldest off to council at Outdoor School.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning friends, it is a cold, damp, windy day in Kansas City this morning. Belle and I got our morning walk in and she is out cold on the sofa cuddled in a fuzzy blanket!!! I have my dr. appt. this afternoon and am looking forward to it. When I was walking I noticed my foot, knee and back were beginning to hurt again and realized I had forgotten to take my arthritis medicine for 3 or 4 days. Made sure I took it when I got back to the apt. Tomorrow I'm going to Topeka to visit sister, nephew and old neighbor I haven't seen in a few years. Looking forward to it, but it will also be kind of sad as I will also be going back to the small town I lived in with my husband and kids and will be going by my old house where I lived for 30 some years and where my husband died. Will allow myself to feel sad without resorting to eating to block it out. For Friday fitness, I made most of my walks this week, but keep forgetting to do the stretches. Have to make them a habit!

    Tom, keep up the good work on not smoking!
    Butterfly, hang in there!
    MOwMOw, tootsie rolls are one of my favs. Tried a piece of candy corn at my DILs but it was a weird flavor and didn't like it at all.
    Robin, praying your arms are doing better.
    Lin, praying for strength, courage and better sleep for you. Stress will really mess up your sleep and in turn mess up how you feel physically. Take care friend.
    Congrats on all the SVs and NSVs, Have a wonderful weekend.

  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    Tomorrow I'm going to Topeka to visit sister, nephew and old neighbor I haven't seen in a few years. Looking forward to it, but it will also be kind of sad as I will also be going back to the small town I lived in with my husband and kids and will be going by my old house where I lived for 30 some years and where my husband died. Will allow myself to feel sad without resorting to eating to block it out.

    @Christine ~ I'm glad you are going to visit your old home with your eyes and heart open, being sad is not the worst thing in the world, but it will help that you are going in aware, that it could be hard. Sending you prayers of love and peace. Have a safe trip.

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i think, in a way, that's the downfall of completely cutting anything out of our diet. because then we get this feeling of desperation that is hardwired in our brain.

    That makes sense. It would totally explain why 'DIETS' don't really work. The restrictive nature of what that implies just blows it before you can even start or makes it impossible to stick with for a lifetime. Maybe that's why it's working for so many of us now. We know we're not DIETING, we're living a healthier lifestyle that allows for things like tootsie rolls and cake and..whatever. Just controlling the AMOUNT. Moderation really is the key to life... who knew?

    who knew, indeed. :laugh: probably the thin people did
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Friday Fitness ... well, I managed to get on the treadmill a few days ago and walk a mile.
    That might not seem like much, but I have severe asthma and two bad hips (one already replaced).
    So it was a tremendous victory!
    I want to be able to walk every other day, if I can.
    So tonight will be my next walk.
    It takes about 25 minutes to walk the mile.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I am so excited about how my dr. appt. went today:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My dr. was excited about my losing over 60 lbs since May and told me soon I will have all the guys whistling at me:laugh: . My blood pressure was 122/68, lowest its been in over 2 years and he is weaning me off 1 of my BP meds. YIPPPEEE. High 5s all around. Praise God for doing for me what I could not do for myself!!! I go back to him in 3 months and hope to shed another 20 by then. Oh and the best part is I am no longer morbidly obese, just plain old obese. With all that excitement I lost my cell phone and had to get a new one, but had been planning on getting a new one anyway so just waiting on the new one to activate. Love you all, have a wonderful weekend all.

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Friday Fitness ... well, I managed to get on the treadmill a few days ago and walk a mile.
    That might not seem like much, but I have severe asthma and two bad hips (one already replaced).
    So it was a tremendous victory!
    I want to be able to walk every other day, if I can.
    So tonight will be my next walk.
    It takes about 25 minutes to walk the mile.

    Maddlyn, that was an awesome victory:flowerforyou: I know how difficult it is to exercise when you can't breath as I have COPD and am on O2. But it can be done and it can get better. Here's a water toast to you!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Christine-- That is Great News!!! So encouraging!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I am so excited about how my dr. appt. went today:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My dr. was excited about my losing over 60 lbs since May and told me soon I will have all the guys whistling at me:laugh: . My blood pressure was 122/68, lowest its been in over 2 years and he is weaning me off 1 of my BP meds. YIPPPEEE. High 5s all around. Praise God for doing for me what I could not do for myself!!! I go back to him in 3 months and hope to shed another 20 by then. Oh and the best part is I am no longer morbidly obese, just plain old obese. With all that excitement I lost my cell phone and had to get a new one, but had been planning on getting a new one anyway so just waiting on the new one to activate. Love you all, have a wonderful weekend all.


    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: FANTASTIC!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Caught up on all of the posts. Truly an inspiriing group.

    Good Friday my groups were really in a good frame of minds. So it was really fun . Getting ready for a Halloween dance next week.

    My husband went to a retreat its a gamer's retreat they go up to a beautiful area of Idaho called McCall. The group are a bunch of married men these games are board games like Settlers of Catan, they each bring up 2 bins of games. One game can take up to 4 hours. So these guys go normally meet once a month but once a year they go on a retreat for 2 days all they do is eat junk and play games no wives, no children. There will be a TV on for football games. I am happy he can get away and do this I am looking forward to hanging out with DD. Also wanting to get some deep cleaning done. Want to get closets organized.

    @MyMOwMow and @ Toots I agree with the reason diets don't really work.

    @Morgari Way to Go

    @ Lin I hope you can get some good rest in this weekend it so helps.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good news, Christine!
    My husband went to a retreat its a gamer's retreat they go up to a beautiful area of Idaho called McCall. The group are a bunch of married men these games are board games like Settlers of Catan, they each bring up 2 bins of games. One game can take up to 4 hours. So these guys go normally meet once a month but once a year they go on a retreat for 2 days all they do is eat junk and play games no wives, no children. There will be a TV on for football games.

    wow, my husband would adore that. i can't really get into those Settler games. my husband and his family love them. they have like seventy bazillion versions.