Turn your Life around 20's



  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member

    Yay so I suck at pushups!

    40 in 1 min. How did all of you ladies do?

    40?! Are you kidding thats amazing! I can only do 25 at least with the correct form, my upper body strength is something I'm working on...

    ~Leash :heart:
  • sollygirl
    Oh gosh you girls did great. I can do like ten at the very most.lol.but ill post what i get im not ganna do them till later though. but i do plan on taking my baby out for a walk/jog today so hopefully its not to cold like under 70 degrees lol. but every wed. we go eat at my restraunt i work at so im ganna try to save my calories for dinner and maybe do a workout video tonight.

    While im typing this my SO and son are eating jack n the box right next to me. and i actually turned it down even thought it smells so good. Got a diet coke though.
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Oh gosh you girls did great. I can do like ten at the very most.lol.but ill post what i get im not ganna do them till later though. but i do plan on taking my baby out for a walk/jog today so hopefully its not to cold like under 70 degrees lol. but every wed. we go eat at my restraunt i work at so im ganna try to save my calories for dinner and maybe do a workout video tonight.

    While im typing this my SO and son are eating jack n the box right next to me. and i actually turned it down even thought it smells so good. Got a diet coke though.

    good job solly!

    As for push ups, yea I could only do 22. haha I will improve though!
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    So i thought i wrote this but guess not. Haha. I kinda cheat and do girlie ones. I can do like 3 'real' ones. lol. Oh goodness. Tomorrow I shall try real ones, but i felt like doing more girlie ones would be more effective than 3 real ones and then me laying there for 30 seconds because i'm dying
  • sollygirl
    Well i did 11 "real ones" and then 18 "girl" ones on top of that so 29 all together. I got a pull up bar thats also for push ups and sit ups so this should help me be more motivated to do them.
  • dirtybird
    Oh god i'll be the oldie of the bunch at 29!

    Is my last ditch attempt to get amazing before the big 30, count me in xx
  • sollygirl
    Welcome! and its never to late good luck on your journey.

    15 real push ups and 14 girl. So 29 again. But im glad that i cld do at least 15 real ones.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey its been 2 weeks since I weighed in, but i have kept up with the posts. I want in on the push up challenge! I will definitely do that starting today when I hit the gym. I did 3x at the gym this week so far. I willlll go today when i get out of work. My goal was 4 or more.

    I am down 3 pounds from 2 weeks ago! So 10 pounds so far! I am really happy about this. If i followed the plan more strictly I would be losing 2 pounds a week, but the weekends are the DEVIL for me. ANY SUGGESTIONs? Anyone else set weekend goals to help them get through it (i have no will power over weekends)

    High weight-185
    Current- 175
  • renasneed
    renasneed Posts: 20 Member
    So this week wasn't a great week for me and I expected to gain a little bit. I did do just that. I gained .4 pounds back. Booo. However, it's a next week next week with new expectations! Good job to all of you!
  • sollygirl
    Well this week was good for me. I lost 2 lbs which was my goal for the week so hopefully i can keep it up!

    The push up challenge is also going really good I've even done more then the challenge. I've also been doing sit ups and trying to be able to do pull ups but i can only do two at a time lol.

    Now i just need to start drinking water. Ah!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Sollygirl- GREAT job!!!!!

    dirtybird- Welcome to the group!

    Rena- No worries, you can do this! .4 is nothing anyways, you didn't do bad at all!

    Uconncoed- AWESOME!!!! Uh yea weekends can suck especially if I'm bored but I make sure to get great workouts in so the eating isn't as much of a problem and just think about that scale that you'll have to face or the jeans you want to continue to fit in or maybe ones you want to fit in, you can do it!

    I actually lost a pound myself, I'm not really trying to lose although I don't mind losing a few, I've been really diligent about logging my food so I make sure I'm getting allll the nutrition I need... I have been having some health issues and I finally have an appointment in march for the tests I need to get done. I'm hoping they can figure things out cause all I want to do is RUN... lol.... My pushups have been going alright, I really need to work on that upper body strength, it helps in running more than one might think so I'm off to do .. lets go for 26!!!! Have a great weekend everyone!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Good Job ladies!

    I am again not weighing in till monday. So I don't go overboard this weekend! But i'm making a big spaghetti dinner and Cookies today. Its only me and this guy, but I'm Italian and I don't know how to make little meals lol. So I'm working out extra and cleaning with more drive than usual! haha.

    You ladies have a wonderful Saturday!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Good Job ladies!

    I am again not weighing in till monday. So I don't go overboard this weekend! But i'm making a big spaghetti dinner and Cookies today. Its only me and this guy, but I'm Italian and I don't know how to make little meals lol. So I'm working out extra and cleaning with more drive than usual! haha.

    You ladies have a wonderful Saturday!

    Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow girl! :smile:

    Hope everyones having a great Sunday...

    ~Leash :heart:
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    Hey all!

    Hve continued to maintain, but I have been shoveling my face full of carbs like crazy, not sure where that happened, but back to salads for lunch this week, which will hopefully get me back on track. Now that i think weve had our last snow, we will get back on track to the gym.

    Hope everyone has a good week.
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Good Job ladies!

    I am again not weighing in till monday. So I don't go overboard this weekend! But i'm making a big spaghetti dinner and Cookies today. Its only me and this guy, but I'm Italian and I don't know how to make little meals lol. So I'm working out extra and cleaning with more drive than usual! haha.

    You ladies have a wonderful Saturday!

    Hope your weigh in goes good!

    Well today i went over board but i did work off a lot of calories, but tomorrow i will start the week off right!! Hope everyone is doing good with thier push ups!!
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Ah! Weigh in not a total loss, but not great either! My challenge for myself this week is not to snack! This weekend I was so bad! I was under my calorie goal almost every day, but didn't add in the time i decided to sneak cookies. So i guess I cheated! I will not do that this week. I'm off to go do my Morning Yoga!

    Less than a pound away from 20 lost! I will do it this week!
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    This was a very good weigh in! I thought that after my road trip (700 miles round trip, no excercise, all restraunts) that I wouldve gained weight. Psh, lost 1.6 instead! I watched what I was eating and only went far over my calories one time. Maybe my body just needed a break from me being super good where I only lost 3lbs in the whole month of February. Back to the grind before my "Spring Break" to NOLA this weekend!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Well, I kinda forgot about the challenge this week. There has been so much going on!! Planning a wedding, one of my good friends is having a baby like tomorrow! Busy busy!

    For the weigh in, I lost .06. So that is better than nothing!

    Great job to everyone! Totally helps me stay motivated! :flowerforyou:
  • ashmarie8722
    ashmarie8722 Posts: 247 Member
    Lets keep this challenge going another week, considering we started it late i believe, and its a good one!
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    Thats a good idea. I actually am so sore if any of you want a good challenge my bf and I did this two nights ago and are ganna do it every tuesday, thursday, and sunday.

    Get a deck of cards and first person flip it over and watever number is on it thats how many pushup u need to do. J=11 Q=12 k=13 A=14 then next person goes. It then goes back to first person they flip card and double the number and thats how many sit ups you do..Its a great workout and a lot more fun then just ur normal sit ups and push ups.