Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 8

here is the new thread ladies!! I am loving my new Wii and Wii Sports, EA Active,and Just Dance games.I am getting loads of cardio and strength training all while having fun doing it.I may not be shedding pounds but I can tell that my clothes are starting to become loose.I had to hold my pants up the other day when I was running on the track on my EA Active game LOL so I know this is working for me.


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks Awestfall!

  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA all weekend but I have been completely busy! But productive! We got my dress and the majority of the decorations. We met with the caterer and have that set up. He is letting me borrow some decorations for tables that he has so thats less money we have to spend. I picked up flowers and made the bridesmaids bouquets. I still have no idea what I am going to do about mine... maybe I will figure out that next weekend. I still need to order my cake.. but the cake lady didnt call me back. Im glad my job is so relaxed bc Im hoping I can sneak off tomorrow to take care of it.

    Check in 2/27
    calories: under
    water: way under
    exercise: Can I count all the walking I did?

    Check in 2/28
    cals: under but only be we went walkign since it was pretty!
    water: under
    exercise: walking for about an hr
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Your Welcome Jbl!! And congrats on your upcoming wedding Tiger!! I bet its going to be beautiful!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    awestfall - I love that you had to hold your pants up! Good for you! :laugh:
    tiger - you can absolutely count all of the walking you did!

    check in:

    cals: very close to target
    water: nothing but! OK, I had one cup of coffee. :tongue:
    exercise: 40 bike, 10 vigorous bike, + arms
    proud: today after a rehearsal some of us went to lunch. They had decided to go to this place called Just Burgers and Fries (or something like that). Well, two other girls & I are really trying to lose (plus I've had WAY too much red meat this week), so we decided that when we got there, we'd split 2 veggie burgers between us three (someone told us they had those). They did NOT have those, so I just got water and talked and enjoyed the conversation. The other two girls did the same. Then we three went to get salads! I was so proud of myself for resisting the unbelievable smell of those burgers and those fries! My mouth was watering! I also WALKED to the place for the salad! My friends were amazed, because I always drive - even to the other end of the shopping center! They were so impressed that I wanted us to walk. I am so impressed I did it! :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow it's been quite a weekend for everybody!

    Checking in
    Calories: Under
    Water: 8 Glasses
    Exercise: Yep. Did my upper and lower body sculpt for Last Chance Workout

    Calories: Honestly didn't track calories today. Was so busy running around all day but I think I did okay!
    Water: Under :-(
    Exercise: Last Chance Workout after I finish this post! :-D Not to mention running around with 5 kids all day!

    Hope everybody had a fantastic weekend!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow it's been quite a weekend for everybody!

    Checking in
    Calories: Under
    Water: 8 Glasses
    Exercise: Yep. Did my upper and lower body sculpt for Last Chance Workout

    Calories: Honestly didn't track calories today. Was so busy running around all day but I think I did okay!
    Water: Under :-(
    Exercise: Last Chance Workout after I finish this post! :-D Not to mention running around with 5 kids all day!

    Hope everybody had a fantastic weekend!
    Love the new profile pic!! Looking good girl!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    bump for tomorrow
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    quick check in for Sunday -

    Calories - Over (Jenny's Ice cream in Columbus OH) by a couple hundred
    Water - pretty good!
    Exercise - steps

    Proud - I made the main course for a family meal in Columbus (about 2.5 hours away) Venison Stroganoff, with egg noodles which I skipped, and we took fresh baby greens for the salad! I put the Greek yogurt on my bread (yum) and a dollop on my stroganoff.

    Not Proud - I had wine. My sisters had a bottle they opened for me and I didn't want to be the bummer - although I really know in my heart they would have understood and been supportive:frown:

    My weight is dropping off right now! Not sure except maybe my gut is empty without having a lot of fiber in it. I took my vitamins and fiber pills this morning so we'll see if I get a bit bounce back up today! I'm not going to change my ticker for the third day in a row but my morning weigh in had me at 183.9 which is a beautiful number LOL! :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
  • Solandra
    Solandra Posts: 84
    Checking in for the weekend:
    Saturday -
    Calories - right at the mark, but I didn't enter my yardwork marathon
    Water - Under
    Exercise - lots of yard work - I scrubbed our deck with soap and water and a long handled push broom. :)

    Calories - a little over, damn the icecream cake!
    Water - under
    Exercise - a little yard work

    This weeks challenge makes me happy. I usually drink hot tea or coffee in the morning, but won't be sad to give up any incidental soda or juice otherwise.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Checking in from the weekend...and beyond

    All my weight is back on :(
    Today's a new day
    I'm going to take time for me to fill out my food list
    I'm going to take time for me to check in with others
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awestfall -- I love that you love your wii! I'm so excited for you to see so much progress!
    Bluenote -- congrats on that salad! Treat yourself to a homemade burger with 96% lean beef or 99% lean ground chicken or turkey to satisfy a serious burger craving. :wink: I make 'em often and they're delicious! Especially if you put stuff in the burgers like -- mix spinach, onion, and feta into 99% lean ground chicken or mix onions and shredded cheddar into the beef. I found some whole wheat hamburger buns that only have 80 calories each! That makes it easy to have a whole burger with *cheese* for under 300 calories! Add some baked fries to that and you're all set.
    Stephanie -- so glad to see you back!

    I'm home from work today because my hives came back last night... along with an asthma attack. :noway: I haven't had an asthma attack in 2 years! I had no idea where a rescue inhaler was but thankfully my bf found one. It was expired, but it worked. It wasn't a bad asthma attack and I realized it was about to happen and pretty much prevented it with the inhaler but it was a wake up call that I *need* to figure out what I'm so allergic to in my house. I haven't changed anything that I can recall so I must be developing a new allergy. :sad:

    Calories: 1242
    Exercise: none -- I was so sore and so hivey itchy :ohwell:
    Water: not enough!
    Proud: I'm going to go out on a limb and say that plateau is officially over and I'm heading downhill at a steady pace again (I hope). Super proud to have stuck it out.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- WOW! I love your new pic, you looks awesome! Really, great job!
    mstahl- awww what I wouldnt give to be 183 again :sad:
    awestfall- I am so happy you finally found something thats working for you! You can just tell by your posts how much happier you are! :flowerforyou:

    Well, this morning the scale showed another loss, although I am not recording anything until weigh in day it doesnt seem like my night of 'fun' did too much damage. Today I start w4 of c25k and I am pretty sure I wont complete a workout for the first time. I was still having a pretty hard time running the 3 mins and doing 5 just seems impossible. I am going to do the best I can and repeat this week as many times as I have to to complete it.

    Im feeling a little discouraged today :brokenheart: My body just feels really tired and heavy, Im slightly sore from kicking my own *kitten* at the gym yesterday and I just feel like my goals are so far away...I dont know why Im so blue this morning but Im hoping it goes away soon. I'm off to read some quotes, they always get me motivated to keep going.

    Have a great day everyone,

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- if you feel tired and sore I'd take the day off C25k. Eat some extra protein, it'll help pick you up.
    As for week 4 of C25k, it was the hardest for me BY FAR. I thought it took me so long to get passed it because it was right around the holidays but then I heard it's the breaking point for a lot of people. I eventually kind of gave up & decided to just give week 5 a try & I was able to move on even though I was never comfortable with week 4. You can do this. :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess- WOW! I love your new pic, you looks awesome! Really, great job!
    mstahl- awww what I wouldnt give to be 183 again :sad:
    awestfall- I am so happy you finally found something thats working for you! You can just tell by your posts how much happier you are! :flowerforyou:

    Well, this morning the scale showed another loss, although I am not recording anything until weigh in day it doesnt seem like my night of 'fun' did too much damage. Today I start w4 of c25k and I am pretty sure I wont complete a workout for the first time. I was still having a pretty hard time running the 3 mins and doing 5 just seems impossible. I am going to do the best I can and repeat this week as many times as I have to to complete it.

    Im feeling a little discouraged today :brokenheart: My body just feels really tired and heavy, Im slightly sore from kicking my own *kitten* at the gym yesterday and I just feel like my goals are so far away...I dont know why Im so blue this morning but Im hoping it goes away soon. I'm off to read some quotes, they always get me motivated to keep going.

    Have a great day everyone,


    Thank you all for the compliments on my new picture. Black is a very flattering color but I was quite impressed when I was getting ready yesterday so had to take a picture and share it with y'all!

    Cris-I'm right there with you in feeling discouraged! Today I just wokeup in a blah mood and just not with it. Trying to kick myself out of this mood so I don't do something I regret later like not keep track of my calories or just push off working out. Hang in there. You will get to your goal. Don't get discouraged! You're doing great!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    checking in ...

    calories--way over.....damn brownies!!!
    water--spot on
    exercise--no, but sundays i take off!! (although, does packing and moving boxes up and down stairs count?)

    My focus this week is on keeping my calories around the same level each day (not going way under)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Chris - as goofy and ridiculous as this might sound - I tell myself "You're young, strong, and you can do this" when I'm wanting to quit. Sometimes I say it out-loud. While I'm no where NEAR as young as you, what I think about is all the people who have had to suffer through forced labor or forced marches who were older and weaker than I am. If they could go one more mile, I am well fed, in good health and strong - I can make it one more "fill in the blank unit of measure". I've talked myself into doing some remarkable things considering out out of shape I am :wink:

    You can do this!:flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    So this weekend was a terrible eating weekend and after Olive Garden and the casino buffet, I was up two pounds even though I know I didn't eat enough surplus calories for two pounds. I'm thinking TOM and extra sodium had a hand in this.

    Yesterday, I had a sinus cold that seems to have subsided some this morning (thank you, Nyquil), but it left me not wanting to eat since I couldn't taste much anyway. Because of the cold, I didn't ride my horse this weekend, either, but at least spring is in the air and I should be able to get some riding done this week.

    This morning, when I did my daily weigh-in, it said I have lost the two pounds gained over the weekend so I'm back where I was on Friday morning. It was like hitting the reset button for the week! Yay! I didn't log my food this weekend and probably won't since I'm now back where I need to be.

    Last night when I was getting ready for bed, I was able to wiggle my size 12 jeans off without unbuttoning or unzipping them, so I'm thinking it's time to go to the store and try on a size 10. The weird thing is that I will be able to get into an 8 within the next few months. I never thought I'd be able to wear single digit sizes!! If I've lost two jean sizes by losing 27 lbs and I have another 42 lbs. to lose, I could realistically wear a *gasp* 6 someday?? That's just unreal to me but exciting and motivating. I know I shouldn't be jumping ahead of myself here since I'm not sure I fully fit into a 10 yet...but, I"m thinking that way anyway! When I graduated high school, I was wearing size 10s.

    The best thing is that some friends want to go to dinner in the next week or so and they haven't seen my boyfriend or me since November; since then, we've lost a combined 50+ lbs, so it will be really fun to see what they have to say. If I can wear a size 10 jean, I will be where I was when I graduated high school and my boyfriend is now wearing jeans smaller than when he graduated high school. Woot woot!

    Tonight, my boyfriend and I have plans to go snowshoeing for about an hour after work. With the warm weather (30-40 degrees) we're having, our snow is quickly leaving us!! We'd better enjoy it while we can.

    Woops, sorry for the long post. Happy March!