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So your eating less crap, but its still CRAP

It's really driving me mental!!! I have something like 89 friends on here. I browse a lot of food journals (friends and random people, too) and am SHOCKED by what I see most of the time. Most of you want to lose weight but I see are not willing to change your ways. Food for thought on this Thursday. Lean on your support network if you need help. That's why we're here! Why log in every day and record CRAP. If you want to change your body, CHANGE YOUR DIET!


  • niki87lewis
    niki87lewis Posts: 147 Member
    Agreed, although a small treat here and there won't harm
  • I would be sad if I cared so much to make a thread about what people that you don't know eat...hmmmm
  • IronDame
    IronDame Posts: 275
  • TheVeganPolice
    TheVeganPolice Posts: 5 Member
    Why don't you try positive encouragement, instead of complaining about what other people eat? If you don't like it, don't read their logs.

    Chill out, it's not your problem.

    And learn to spell.
  • I dont know about you but to me this is a lifestyle change not a diet and no food to me is off limits... Plus why worry about what other people eat your attitude is why people keep there diary's private....
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I eat crap all the time and I've been maintaining my goal weight for over a year. Eliminating all the crap that I like just makes for a really long boring life. If it fits in my budget and I want it, then I eat it. Not all day everyday but life is for living not counting out the micronutrients in seaweed.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    You must have a sad life to worry about other peoples food diaries. I eat chocolate and crisps every day (they are just lower calorie variations to the ones I used to eat) and it fits my macros, and I still lose weight. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet, and I don't plan to cut out anything that I couldn't give up forever.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    You must have a sad life to worry about other peoples food diaries.

    So if you don't care at all about the success of other people in this community, why are you here posting? Just read the posts for yourself if that's all you care about.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Why do people call junk treats and rewards? I am with this lady...fuel your body with the best not the worst...junk should be assigned to the bin really, not used as treats and rewards...it does make my blood boil a bit when I see those two words used, so does the word cheat...ugh!
  • Funny how you all think I'm such a loser for caring about the people in my network and that they learn something about health. My profession is to care and teach health. Guilty conscience? Or sad yourself since you so much time to breed such negativity about people who care about those around them?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I dont know about you but to me this is a lifestyle change not a diet and no food to me is off limits... Plus why worry about what other people eat your attitude is why people keep there diary's private....

    Yup! Some of us have chosen to do this in a more 'everyting in moderation' method, not go completely clean. This is a personal choice. If your friends ask for help then by all means, scan their diary and make suggestions. Otherwise who cares?! This is the reason why my diary is only open to friends and even then I rarely "complete" so that it's not out there to be viewed. My life, my choices.

    ETA: OP - who said you were a loser? We're just saying you're getting your panties in a twist over something that's neither any of your business nor something you can dictate to someone else. You've chosen to go completely clean - good for you!! Why mandate that all your friends do the same thing? Live and let live and calm down!

    How would you feel if some religious zealot came up to you and said you're going to hell unless you live the way they say you should? This is really not that much different...
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    FYI: you can lose weight and maintain it while including crap food in your diet.

    I understand what you are getting at but A. Your path isn't the only way and B. I am sure a subset of MFP would be just as worked up about your diet. I personally am not a fan of protein powders and advocate eating real food over using a tin of manufactured powder in your diet but I am certainly not worked up enough to blow up on you and others, let alone start a thread about it.

    Live and let live, my friends.
  • Define "CRAP"
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    You must have a sad life to worry about other peoples food diaries.

    So if you don't care at all about the success of other people in this community, why are you here posting? Just read the posts for yourself if that's all you care about.

    That's putting words in my mouth, I didn't once say I didn't care 'at all' about the success of others here, but to actually post a thread saying 'it's driving me mental' is a tad extreme. And this thread is hardly caring.
  • michwinger
    michwinger Posts: 37 Member
    I dont know about you but to me this is a lifestyle change not a diet and no food to me is off limits... Plus why worry about what other people eat your attitude is why people keep there diary's private....

  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Less junk food may still be crap, but it is also progress. I don't believe many people leap directly from eating a lot of junk food one day to eating squeaky clean the next.

    Offering constructive feedback is great. Being holier-than-thou is really just annoying.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    "Crap" is subjective. What you think is "crap," other people might not agree with. What you think is healthy, other people might think is "crap." I mean, I see things in your diary that I would label as "crap," as I think people should eat real food, rather than processed stuff like PB2 and meal replacement shakes. But, to each their own.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    You think you're better than me? You're a towel!! :laugh:
  • I think that this is a bit judgmental. So what if people want to eat a small piece of chocolate, or some chips here and there? At least they're not eating the amount that they used to. If I want to eat a serving of chips, or some cake, I will, and I'll add it to my calorie intake and make sure that I don't go over.
    I've lost almost 20 lbs in the last month and a half, still eating what I want most of the time ---- without the big amounts.
    No reason to make people feel bad for eating what they like.
  • I've seen a few threads like these and I never understand the point. You should be focused on your journey and not care so much what others are doing. People KNOW what they have to eat in order to lose weight. It's not rocket science. Some people just have a harder time making the change than others. People will lose weight by eating less "crap". When they stop losing weight, they will have to reevaulate their diet and make some changes to continue losing. I won't bash anyone that is here logging in everyday, because at least they are trying. If you have struggled with your weight your whole life, like me, overhauling your eating habits isn't easy. It takes time. If it bothers you so much, don't look at other peoples' diaries.