So your eating less crap, but its still CRAP



  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Wow! OP, you sure hit a nerve! I get what you are saying. I look at diaries for inspiration but have found little to inspire me! And, it has nothing to do with ice cream or cookies. We're a community. We are supposed to support each other, right? But, I think this is another one of those instances where it is best to stay quiet unless asked or you have something positive to say. I may be overweight but I do know the basics of good nutrition. It's amazing to see what works for some people. It is more amazing to see what others log and can't understand why it's not working. It's a journey. We all learn something along the way. I didn't feel that your observation was judgmental.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Ate 2 burgers, and some cheesecake. Went to Gym lifted 400lbs a few dozen times. Came home, laughed at forums.

    I think I'll have some ice cream now.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I wish we were friends......My diary would give you a coronary. I am pretty happy with where I am getting and I like Ice Cream.....a lot.

    Me too, Jack! :smooched:

    ice cream > crack
    Where's the love people??? Come on now...

    There's some love right there.

    For the record, I love ice cream, too.

    And Resee Cups.

    And Ice Cream with Resee Cups.

    Love is in the air.
    except you judged a page and half of people on how they LOOKED. Way to go...and some of those people didnt even have their picture in their avatar.
    how do you know whether they are jacked or look good? AND what does it matter?
    do I need to PM you my body so you can decide whether I can disagree with the OP and whether my opinion is valid? Wonder if I will measure up.

  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Ate 2 burgers, and some cheesecake. Went to Gym lifted 400lbs a few dozen times. Came home, laughed at forums.

    I think I'll have some ice cream now.

  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Just a quick observation...

    The majority of the avatars telling the OP to cram it because she's a judgmental loser and a meanie pants are not fit, lean, jacked, or awesome looking.

    Not everyone wants to look like you.

    Just sayin'.

    Of course. I didn't say, assume, or allude to some idea that everybody wants to look like me. I did say that I wouldn't value the advice or opinion of (paraphrasing) a fat person on how to not be fat or a weak person on how to be strong. But if someone says, "here's my goal, here's my plan," and OP sees consistent deviation from the plan that derails the goals, where is she wrong to call out, criticize, or coach the person who is sabotaging himself?

    I actually think that's quite a disgusting attitude to have. I have a friend who has lost over 100lb while still having occasional treats - but she still has a way to go and in your book would no doubt still be 'fat'. Does that mean I shouldn't listen to her because she hasn't reached her goal yet?

    How do you know that the same doesn't apply to the people you have just blatently criticised on here? MFP is a learning curve, and anyone that is on here, making changes and logging their food regularly deserves a round of applause regardless of what they eat, in my opinion. We don't need people like you criticising our opinions just because we are not 'jacked' or 'awesome looking'.

    I didn't say you shouldn't listen to her. I said I wouldn't. Using your line of thinking, why would anyone listen to me? I haven't reached my goal yet. Being friends on this site or in life isn't about making each other feel good. It's about caring enough about the other person's pursuits to support them when they're doing well, catch them when they fall, and coach them when they're making mistakes.

    If you're not looking to cut fat and build/maintain muscle mass, then no, you don't need any information from me. But the folks I coach sure do seem to appreciate me "critici[z]ing" their opinions. Even the ones who are not on a quest to be jacked or awesome looking.

    You don't care about making your friends feel good? I'm glad you are not one of mine. Your post may have had an unoffensive meaning but your delivery was downright awful.

    Nice attempt to judge my spelling of 'criticise'. I would like to point out that I am from the UK which is how we spell it. Both ways are acceptable.

    "Nice attempt to judge my spelling"

    Can't we have some cross-pond levity anymore? Brits do that to me all the time and give a good natured ribbing about how we bastardize (or is it bastardise) their language. I knew from the car in your slider that you were from the UK.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    OP is probably going to lose a lot of friends off her friend list today
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I wish we were friends......My diary would give you a coronary. I am pretty happy with where I am getting and I like Ice Cream.....a lot.

    Me too, Jack! :smooched:

    ice cream > crack
    Where's the love people??? Come on now...

    There's some love right there.

    For the record, I love ice cream, too.

    And Resee Cups.

    And Ice Cream with Resee Cups.

    Love is in the air.
    except you judged a page and half of people on how they LOOKED. Way to go...and some of those people didnt even have their picture in their avatar.
    how do you know whether they are jacked or look good? AND what does it matter?
    do I need to PM you my body so you can decide whether I can disagree with the OP and whether my opinion is valid? Wonder if I will measure up.


    ^ Yes please dear. Bold part. Thanks!

    Carry on people.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It's really driving me mental!!! I have something like 89 friends on here. I browse a lot of food journals (friends and random people, too) and am SHOCKED by what I see most of the time. Most of you want to lose weight but I see are not willing to change your ways. Food for thought on this Thursday. Lean on your support network if you need help. That's why we're here! Why log in every day and record CRAP. If you want to change your body, CHANGE YOUR DIET!

    ^^^^Reason #17....why i keep my food diary locked.


    But I still say OP should bookmark mine. I keep it public because I just don't give a damn what other people think. I'm here for *me* and to achieve *my* goals. I can't even really say that I'm here for my family like some people say they are. My family doesn't give a damn that I'm overweight. They love me unconditionally. I have my own goals and am slowly learning how to achieve them. I am also not trying to drop 170 pounds in a year.

    My fitness goals are mine! This is one time in my life where it *really* is all about me and no one else.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    The .most successful person I know here use IIFIYM...........just saying.

    IIFYM is a very successful and no-nonsense BS-free way of looking at eating that allows a great degree of freedom.

    Rarely do true IIFYM adherants stuggle, and those that criticize pretty much totally miss the point.
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    To the OP, maybe I read the tone differently than everyone jumping on you. I saw a person with genuine interest is seeing the people around them succeed. It's difficult watching people you care about do stupid things. For me, it tends to be financial. I made so many mistakes in my impulsive youth. I hate seeing family and friends blunder into the same or worse situations, when I all I want is to see them thrive. I think that's the feeling you get reading diaries on here.

    That said, I do try to log my food most days. I'm still on a learning curve, even after blowing 79lbs. As an accountability factor, I make myself add the "bad". For me "bad" tends to be over extending my calorie goal, as most of my choices have been pretty good, save for Chuy's Mexican and the like once in awhile.
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    I don't eat clean. I'll defend not eating clean. See result pics in my pics. I keep my diary open. Why? So judgmental people know to not friend me. I'm cool.. I'm easy going. I encourage when I can. I love my supporting cast here. I don't work out. Well, not intentionally.

    These threads upset me. Its workout fascist and health fascist that ruin the love. It is about support. I ate terrible to get big. I enjoy food still, and I love food still. I just do it smarter. Since losing the weight.. I am healthier. In every way.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The .most successful person I know here use IIFIYM...........just saying.

    IIFYM is a very successful and no-nonsense BS-free way of looking at eating that allows a great degree of freedom.

    Rarely do true IIFYM adherants stuggle, and those that criticize pretty much totally miss the point.

    ^ Especially the bold part. Brb I guess IIFYMers strictly eat pop tarts and disregard micros.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    To the OP....STFU and get a life!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Some people don't have "visible abs" as a goal.

    Lies! Heresey! She's a witch - burn her!

    It's the goal of everyone everywhere to have visible abs for the sake of it and if your diet and training isn't geared towards that you're just not trying hard enough dammit!


    That's Queen Slacker to you, plebe! :laugh:
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    this person is a perfect example of the weight loss going to their heads, nothing more nothing less. Keep doing what your doing. I hope you will keep the weight off down the road Miss High and Mighty. Lots of people on here sneek in junk food because
    1: they can, it's a free country
    2: they like it
    3: life without some sucks
    4: to piss people like you off
    5: some aren't dieting or eating clean, they are just maintaining what they got
    6: it's none of your business
    7: stop reading others, if it ruins your day!

    Oh and news flash! Maybe they actually factored in their "crap" with their calories for the day!
    I had an iced sugar cookie this morning with my coffee! OMG Imagine my surprise that I had crap today.
    Wondering since you are so judgmental of others why you posted a 500 calorie meal to your diary without listing exactly what those calories were for? Did you by chance have "crap" and don't want anyone to know about it? Ashamed of something I think? Hows it feel now having someone peek and pick apart your "crap"?
    Did you know there are a couple of things you can do if reading your "friends" diaries is making you "mental"?
    1. you can stop imagine that one!
    2. See a shrink because there is probably a pill for that lol.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    What would be more helpful is to talk to those people directly, not post a thread that bashes them.

    Everyone is at different're barking about someone eating crap and why bother logging it...well maybe just not too long ago they didn't even bother to log food...or take in consideration what they were eating, how much etc.

    Point is...get off your high horse, realize others don't have the same goals as you and well...learn to deliver your "care" in more appropriate ways.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Just a quick observation...

    The majority of the avatars telling the OP to cram it because she's a judgmental loser and a meanie pants are not fit, lean, jacked, or awesome looking.

    Not everyone wants to look like you.

    Just sayin'.

    Of course. I didn't say, assume, or allude to some idea that everybody wants to look like me. I did say that I wouldn't value the advice or opinion of (paraphrasing) a fat person on how to not be fat or a weak person on how to be strong. But if someone says, "here's my goal, here's my plan," and OP sees consistent deviation from the plan that derails the goals, where is she wrong to call out, criticize, or coach the person who is sabotaging himself?

    I actually think that's quite a disgusting attitude to have. I have a friend who has lost over 100lb while still having occasional treats - but she still has a way to go and in your book would no doubt still be 'fat'. Does that mean I shouldn't listen to her because she hasn't reached her goal yet?

    How do you know that the same doesn't apply to the people you have just blatently criticised on here? MFP is a learning curve, and anyone that is on here, making changes and logging their food regularly deserves a round of applause regardless of what they eat, in my opinion. We don't need people like you criticising our opinions just because we are not 'jacked' or 'awesome looking'.

    I didn't say you shouldn't listen to her. I said I wouldn't. Using your line of thinking, why would anyone listen to me? I haven't reached my goal yet. Being friends on this site or in life isn't about making each other feel good. It's about caring enough about the other person's pursuits to support them when they're doing well, catch them when they fall, and coach them when they're making mistakes.

    If you're not looking to cut fat and build/maintain muscle mass, then no, you don't need any information from me. But the folks I coach sure do seem to appreciate me "critici[z]ing" their opinions. Even the ones who are not on a quest to be jacked or awesome looking.

    You don't care about making your friends feel good? I'm glad you are not one of mine. Your post may have had an unoffensive meaning but your delivery was downright awful.

    Nice attempt to judge my spelling of 'criticise'. I would like to point out that I am from the UK which is how we spell it. Both ways are acceptable.

    "Nice attempt to judge my spelling"

    Can't we have some cross-pond levity anymore? Brits do that to me all the time and give a good natured ribbing about how we bastardize (or is it bastardise) their language. I knew from the car in your slider that you were from the UK.

    Sorry, I guess now I've reali(s)ed I'm not jacked or awesome looking, I'm in a bit of a foul mood.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    I wish we were friends......My diary would give you a coronary. I am pretty happy with where I am getting and I like Ice Cream.....a lot.

    Me too, Jack! :smooched:

    ice cream > crack
    Where's the love people??? Come on now...

    There's some love right there.

    For the record, I love ice cream, too.

    And Resee Cups.

    And Ice Cream with Resee Cups.

    Love is in the air.
    except you judged a page and half of people on how they LOOKED. Way to go...and some of those people didnt even have their picture in their avatar.
    how do you know whether they are jacked or look good? AND what does it matter?
    do I need to PM you my body so you can decide whether I can disagree with the OP and whether my opinion is valid? Wonder if I will measure up.


  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    for me, it's been calories in / calories out, although i do choose fairly low fat options most of the time. i haven't read this entire thread, but i assume it's another rant against some processed food or something. i eat those, too, but once again, i watch my calorie intake, and i exercise a lot. i'm on maintenance, and i will be for life. i don't see a problem with continuing to eat food i like in moderation. for me, logging foods and concentrating on exercise have been the most critical parts of my diet / maintenance.
  • ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥
    ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥ Posts: 267 Member
    I'm so glad that you aren't on MY friend's list, Judgey McJudgerson!

    Wow! :noway:

    Me too!! i've just ate a cadbury caramel!!