Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 8



  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Dangit, I lost a post again. whats going on with MFP? :explode:

    Anyway, I was commending Meokk on her post. I think we've all been there, and like Jlb says, loving youself really is the first step for everything else falling into place. We're not here to lose weight to satisfy strangers who make fun of us. We're here for our health.

    Sorry I've been gone. I've been having a hard time at work and not feeling very energetic because of the blues. I'll get over it though, its just some people have been making me feel down and I'm stressedand worried. I know I'll be fine though because I made that first step a long time ago and I truely love myself now. What a difference it makes!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I just wanted to tell everyone that I ran for 2 minutes straight at a pretty good speed yesterday.I haven't done that in forever.I know 2 minutes doesn't sound like much but to me it is.

    I have never been a runner, or much of a walker for that matter. Im def the girl that used to drive from one end of the shopping mall to the other. :blushing: I still kind of struggle with the 2 min runs, so kudos to you!! You'll be back to that 8 mile run in no time! :drinker:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Wow, eight mile runs? I wish. You guys are motivating me into wanting to finish the C25K program like right this second. Unfortunately I'm not usually as motivated once I get home in the evening.

    My plan for this evening is to ride my horse after work because it's gorgeous here today! If I still have the energy left, I'll try to get either a C25K workout or a kickboxing workout in as well. I have a lot of things to be motivated for and lots to work toward with the size 10 jeans and the final weigh-in of my weight loss challenge coming up super fast.

    Yay, it's almost lunch time because I'm hungry!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    first ...
    congrats awestfall!
    Hang in there marisami44, spring is coming and hopefully that will brighten our spirits!
    I hope to join all you runners soon, I tried last year and it was just to hard on my knees, but I'm determined to try again. I used to love running.

    checking in:
    calories: BAD, BAD, BAD ... I don't know what my problem was, I've been so good until my birthday meal, and hoped to get right back on track ... but last night I hit the potatoe chips - 7 servings! while making supper ... I felt really ill all night. :sick:
    exercise: good - did Y step in the morning, and this morning I tried out my new cardio kick DVD ... not as fun and didn't burn as many calories as a turbo kick class but I was still happy to get in my exercise for another day ... I'm on the 14th day straight!
    water: not so good
    proud: that I packed lunch this morning to try to get back on track
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi! Just checking in because I'm a MFP stalker LOL!

    I brought turkey kiebasa and sauerkraut in to work today for our "Biggest Loser" meal. I am WAY up on the scale but I know it's water and what not! (ok -'poop' - from now on I shall use the euphenisim 'what not' LOL!) I show a 2lb loss from my weigh in last week but still - HUMPH!

    Got to get back to work!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I second that! I am not a runnier at all and y'all are making me want to try this program out! I might have to un freeze my membership to the gym and start it up. I learned that during the winter I will not go to the gym because I hate the cold so I froze my membership and started working out at home. Just might be time to hit the gym again! :happy:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    WOW, awestfall, Eight miles! I am more of a walker than a runner, but i recently started to like running thanks to the C25k program. I wish one day to say i ran more than 5 miles...i can't even run a full 3 miles..my max is 2.75, one day, i hope.
    Cris, please hang in there - it will get much better.

    Check in for today: 3/3/10
    calories: under by 200...that's because we have no fruits...hubby's car broke down and he is using my car...i think we need to buy another car because this one is unfixable..ugh
    exercise: one hour on the treadmill..burnt 650 calories
    water: on my way
    proud: I did one hour of exercise..even though my log is 40 minutes.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Hi! Just checking in because I'm a MFP stalker LOL!

    I brought turkey kiebasa and sauerkraut in to work today for our "Biggest Loser" meal. I am WAY up on the scale but I know it's water and what not! (ok -'poop' - from now on I shall use the euphenisim 'what not' LOL!) I show a 2lb loss from my weigh in last week but still - HUMPH!

    Got to get back to work!

    Where do you buy turkey kielbasa? I'm dying for sausage recently, but I odnt want to load up with unessicary fat.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So... After running outside on concrete Saturday and Monday and walking so much indoors on a concrete floor yesterday, my shins are hurting. I looked up symptoms of shin splints and yep, got 'em. :grumble: Glad I recognized the problem and researched it before I aggravated them more. Since I'm used to walking/running on a treadmill, I guess I need to start off running on a hard paved surface very slowly -- once a week isntead of 3 out of 4 consecutive days (insert *DOH* icon here). They're not too painful so I'm just going to be biking it up for the next few days and I'll skip my run tomorrow. One thing I learned from the knee pain I had several months ago is that "pushing through the pain" is a horrible idea. :wink:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So... After running outside on concrete Saturday and Monday and walking so much indoors on a concrete floor yesterday, my shins are hurting. I looked up symptoms of shin splints and yep, got 'em. :grumble: Glad I recognized the problem and researched it before I aggravated them more. Since I'm used to walking/running on a treadmill, I guess I need to start off running on a hard paved surface very slowly -- once a week isntead of 3 out of 4 consecutive days (insert *DOH* icon here). They're not too painful so I'm just going to be biking it up for the next few days and I'll skip my run tomorrow. One thing I learned from the knee pain I had several months ago is that "pushing through the pain" is a horrible idea. :wink:

    Shin splints are awful! I have had those! Feel your pain!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'm also a MFP stalker, so here I am checking in yet again.

    I just went outside to get the mail here at work and I seriously considered going to my car and driving away. But, my purse is under my desk and it's not a good idea to drive without the driver's license that is in my purse. Darn logic gets in the way of all the fun! Two more hours...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    heather- AHAHAHAAH! I seriously just pictured you running away from work! HILARIOUS!

    JLB- Im starting to re-think the "pushing through the pain". My left knee is seriously messed up and I am currently ignoring the pain and working through it...I hobble most of the day now


    My legs wanted to quit, god knows my knees where begging me to stop, but the lady on my podcast kept saying only 1 more minute and I kept going. When I was finally done I was drenched in sweat, was bright red (and I am tan so its hard to get red), and felt like puking. I was sitting in the gym locker room trying to get my self together and this lady kept asking me if I was ok and that I should eat something...I guess I looked as awful as I felt. I am gonna hop into a hot shower now to see if my muscles relax, I already iced my knee so hopefully I wont be in too much pain tomorrow. I honest to god cant imagine doing this again, but I dont have to worry about that until Friday :tongue: :grumble:

    be back later to check in!

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    heather- AHAHAHAAH! I seriously just pictured you running away from work! HILARIOUS!

    JLB- Im starting to re-think the "pushing through the pain". My left knee is seriously messed up and I am currently ignoring the pain and working through it...I hobble most of the day now


    My legs wanted to quit, god knows my knees where begging me to stop, but the lady on my podcast kept saying only 1 more minute and I kept going. When I was finally done I was drenched in sweat, was bright red (and I am tan so its hard to get red), and felt like puking. I was sitting in the gym locker room trying to get my self together and this lady kept asking me if I was ok and that I should eat something...I guess I looked as awful as I felt. I am gonna hop into a hot shower now to see if my muscles relax, I already iced my knee so hopefully I wont be in too much pain tomorrow. I honest to god cant imagine doing this again, but I dont have to worry about that until Friday :tongue: :grumble:

    be back later to check in!

    Way to push through it girl!! Thats amazing and you are doing an awesome job getting that Couch25K done!! Keep it up
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    heather- AHAHAHAAH! I seriously just pictured you running away from work! HILARIOUS!

    JLB- Im starting to re-think the "pushing through the pain". My left knee is seriously messed up and I am currently ignoring the pain and working through it...I hobble most of the day now


    My legs wanted to quit, god knows my knees where begging me to stop, but the lady on my podcast kept saying only 1 more minute and I kept going. When I was finally done I was drenched in sweat, was bright red (and I am tan so its hard to get red), and felt like puking. I was sitting in the gym locker room trying to get my self together and this lady kept asking me if I was ok and that I should eat something...I guess I looked as awful as I felt. I am gonna hop into a hot shower now to see if my muscles relax, I already iced my knee so hopefully I wont be in too much pain tomorrow. I honest to god cant imagine doing this again, but I dont have to worry about that until Friday :tongue: :grumble:

    be back later to check in!


    Wow! That is such an accomplishment!!! Way to power through it and push yourself! Congrats!!! :drinker: :happy:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in!!
    calories- under by 50
    water- yes
    sodium- 1925 :drinker: trying to stay under 2000!
    excercise- C25K W4D1!! Done done done!!!:drinker: :drinker:
    Proud- I am so proud that I got through this workout. Honestly there were so many times that I almost quit and the only thing that kept me going was the thought of being able to log on tonight and tell you all that I did it! I wanted to come back so badly with good news! Thank you all for being my support system and my biggest cheerleaders, I would have quit a long time ago if it wasnt for all of you, and I mean that.:flowerforyou:

    Gonna enjoy a smartone ice cream sundae tonight!! Yay

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU, CRIS!!! You are a rock star! :flowerforyou:

    I had a crapola day, with court for my foster child I advocate for in the morning turning out like crap and wild kindergarteners in the afternoon. I'm calling it a day. Good night, friends! :yawn:

    check in:

    cals: OK
    water: OK
    exercise: 40 mins bike, plus 10 vigorous bike + arms
    proud: today I actually fit in the courtroom chair! I have never been able to fit before! :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good evening to all! Checking in for 3/3

    Calories: Think I'm right on target...not 100% sure. I made a steak stir fry with tons of veggies and don't really know how to track that so we will go with on target! :-)
    Water: 14 glasses as of now and the night is still young!
    Exercise: Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout...upped my weights tonight as well!
    Proud: That I made it through the whole workout with the heavier weights
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    check in....

    Today is the first day in a while that has gone as it is suppose to!! smiley-face-biggrin.gif
    I did manage to drink extra water and now I am sipping on some hot pomegranate tea.. yum!! smiley-face-drool.gif
    Tried to take it easy today and well.. today WAS GREAT!!!

    Calories.. just right (I think I have 40 to spare)
    water... yep.. even some herbal tea
    exercise.. about 30 mins
    Proud.. I actually logged everything today and held myself accountable!!

    Tomorrow is going to be another good day! I am making sure of it!!! smiley-face-sun-clouds.gif

    All you runners out there.. I am SOOOO jealous!!! I physically can not run, so I will continue to walk, ride the bike and elliptical and Cheer you guys on! Whoo hoo.. I am proud of you guys!!!! smiley-face-cheer.gif

    Well.. I am off to go and watch lost on Hulu. We had my daughters choir concert last night and she just can't wait to catch up. Then I think I will drink another hot cup of tea and try to get some much needed rest! smiley-face-sleep.gif
  • Solandra
    Solandra Posts: 84
    Checking in for 3/3/10
    Calories - under, for sure and for true!
    Water - Over, dear god I still have to pee!
    Exercise - Remember that walking route that I scouted last week? Yeah. That one - more than a mile, brisk walk for 21 minutes.

    Proud of - actually managing to accomplish what I intended to accomplish today.

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Everyone is doing so great!

    Chris - WAY TO GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: Now is a great time to give your knee a rest- check your shoes, maybe get new ones - RICE Rest Ice Compress (wrap) and Elevate! As well as anti-inflammatory meds like Ibuprofen!

    jlb- See above per shins :wink: Seriously - you guys are awesome! I told my Beagle she has to get ready - Betsy and I will be C25K ing it together...

    ColoradoGirl - good work! Put yourself first and rest and recover!:yawn:

    BlueNote- OMG I can't wait till I can sit in my Mom's rocking chair without my uncle making comments about my but hanging out! Fitting in the court room chair must have been a nice little reminder of all the wonderful things you're doing for your body!:flowerforyou:

    Solandra - Good job on walking your route! Keep up the great work!:smile:

    Momma2four - hope things smooth out for you and remember how much we care and how we're all pulling for you:love:

    Jess - I have never made it through a DVD workout. You did it with heavier weights - that's so inspiring!

    Heather - I hope you got to ride tonight!

    Awestfall - in case I didn't say this earlier - WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTT!!!!! on the loss you have earned it the old fashioned way - hard hard work.

    Today I got to the dentist office early and had to kill time so rather than going to the coffee shop I went to the GoodWill store and found 3 skirts and a pair of pants I can wear to work! I bought size 14 Jones New York pants for $4 that won't fit for a month or so and two size 12 skirts that might not fit till summer but it was SO MUCH FUN looking at "regular sized" clothes! I found a nice pair of size 14 Lane Bryant jeans but I didn't buy them because I would rather wait till I can get into an Old Navy size 14 - isn't that funny? I love KNOWING I will be a smaller size. I love KNOWING I'm in this for the long haul and it WILL HAPPEN.

    Checking in:
    Calories - under by a couple hundred so I'll have a spoon full of peanut butter before I go to bed!
    Water - spot on
    Exercise - crunches and push-ups this AM and a brisk 45 minute walk at lunch.

    Proud - that I didn't go to the coffee house - that I found some great bargains at GoodWill and purchased sizes too small for today :):bigsmile:

    Not-proud - I uhm... I am weak. I had TWO glasses of wine tonight while reading by the fire. *hangs head in shame*:embarassed: