Deleting Friends...



  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,202 Member
    I only delete someone if they don't give the same support they expect or if they seem to be AWOL for awhile with no explanation.
    I have deleted a few people who constantly complained every day and were always negative and feeling sorry for themselves.

    Oh....and this.
  • I also delete people after not being active for 7 days or more and they're not on vacation.

    I delete people who eat each meal at McDonald's or other restaurants.

    I will delete someone who constantly goes over in calories and/or fat and complains that they can't lose weight.

    And I will also delete someone who never motivates me or responds to a single post of mine. It's a two-way street here.

    Some people I do keep on purely for entertainment.
  • txdahl
    txdahl Posts: 107 Member
    There needs to be support both ways. If that is not happening then there seems to be little point in continuing the friendship.

    ^^ this, my friends are for support, it has to be mutual
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I didn`t add any friends for the first year. Then I added friends after I got to where I wanted to be in the hope I could offer some encouragement and support.

    To cut a long story shore after 3 months I deleted my account and rejoined and would not bother to add friends again!

    So fed up of the WTG and OMG have eaten a candy bar, but each to their own :tongue:
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    I, personally, don't unfriend anyone (here or facebook) unless they give me a real reason. But, I've seen people here do it if they don't think the person is helping them or motivating them like they hoped they would. To each their own I guess..
  • ktrauzzi
    ktrauzzi Posts: 71 Member
    I delete people who haven't logged on for 4 or 5 months. I figure if they haven't logged in in that amount of time - I'm not going to miss them if they do decide to log.

    The only other reason I would unfriend someone on here is if they were being preachy instead of helpful, or if they weren't a positive influence for me. (I don't need haters). If they are struggling but are still trying - I'm good with that.
  • MrDelts
    MrDelts Posts: 209 Member
    i've only deleted one person..
    she was on the verge of a eating disorder, i tried to talk her out of the "Skinnygirl" unhealthy diet.
    and she wouldnt listen..but, basically she ate 300 calories everyday and i was worried about her.

    I've deleted only one and it was for the same reason above.. Kept getting updates on her binging and purging and how much she hated herself.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I delete people if they continuously dont log in (like if I see "blah hasnt logged in for 3 days" about once a week), annoy the crap out of me or have never commented on anything I post.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    They don't interact
    Because I like to feel powerful.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Just curious, as I've seen my friends list shrinking little by little.

    But, why would you unfriend someone? Because they're annoying or, because they don't talk enough. They go on about how they are too skinny/fat. Maybe they haven't logged on in long enough?

    Wondering what the reasons are for some people.

    ginger...did you try and steal their soul?
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    I delete people if I never talk to them. Especially if they just randomly add me out of no where, never had any contact with them etc. I see no point in having a friends list unless it's useful. I think some people just add everyone. Pointless imo.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    i delete if they are inactive, or never ever reciprocate any support or encouragement. there were tons of people on my list who milked in the support but never replied to anyone else's exercise or diaries.
  • Fr33zefram3
    Fr33zefram3 Posts: 163 Member
    ginger...did you try and steal their soul?

    Kinda, but they don't know that until it's already happened.
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    I delete friends who either haven't logged in after 2 weeks or if we don't interact with one another.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    when they never talk or when they dont log for 3-4 weeks.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I delete people that don't log in for a week or so, or if they never interact with me. Lucky for you, I give newbies a chance to get used to some of the crazy *kitten* I post on my wall. :wink:

    One douche was judgy and rude to some of my other friends because he thought he knew everything about everything as the world's greatest trainer. Needless to say, he was quickly deleted as well.
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    Everybody is here for support and that's what I give if they need me I'm there that's what this place is for , I don't delete people who eat bad or not enough because those are the people who need the most support
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I delete people who do nothing but complain, or people that don't log in for awhile. That's about it.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I delete ppl who haven't logged in for days or months. I deleted one person because they thought they were better than everyone because he lost his weight and was judgemental on everything.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    Some people are shy or have too many friends to comment on my posts so I don't delete them unless one of 3 things happen:

    1. don't log on for weeks
    2. they've hidden their diary from friends - seeing new menu ideas keep me motivated as much as support comments
    3. post something obscene and/or annoying (like posting their every thought 10 times a day IN ALL CAPS)
  • KatKisses
    KatKisses Posts: 296 Member
    People love to delete me, dont know why, they interact and we pm and then POOF! gone.
    I only delete people that haven't logged in for a long period of time.
  • chellie47
    chellie47 Posts: 97 Member
    I was deleted by someone.. she posted a lost 2 lb loss brought her to 60 lbs -which is awesome!! Then the next day they were at 80. I didn't say a word but the next day I notice I was deleted. lol I only remember due to I wish I could shed 20 lbs over night!!
  • I really only delete someone if they've been inactive for about a month. I try to give everyone at least that long. I would delete someone if they were way crossing the line with inappropriate advances or something like that & weren't taking a hint. I did delete one person because it was very clear that this person was not only a major attention *kitten*, but also acting like a real *kitten* & was causing drama & it was getting ridiculous. I don't usually like to say things like that about people, but its total truth.
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    ginger...did you try and steal their soul?

    Kinda, but they don't know that until it's already happened.

    Gingers don't steal souls...they just deeply enjoy the fact that everyone thinks they do!!! Bow to the power of the redhead!! :devil: :smokin: And yes i'm a ginger.. LMAO!!!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I have a few reasons why I delete people:

    - if they haven't logged on for 2 weeks to a month (without saying why first - ie holiday)
    - if they are completely insane, negative, hurtful to others, etc.

    I have always maintained that I will not post on every exercise status and say 'good burn' you already know this.
    I may not alwayscomment on all your journals, but if something peaks my interest, I may ask about a certain food. If you comment saying 'crappy day' or whatever I will usually make a comment to that.
    I ALWAYS comment when people ask for help or need a pep talk. (unless for whatever reason i miss it in my feed somewhere)

    Depends what you are looking for in your MFP friends I guess.
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    I've had thin women on my list who went on and on about what they ate. I quietly let them go. People who friend me without a message and I accept anyway, but then who don't contribute anything, ever. No comments. I delete them. And men who add me to their collection, but don't ever comment. I figure they are just collecting, so after a while, they get gone. One, however requested me back the next day. I figure if he noticed me missing from one of his 285 people, he must have had me there for a reason, so I kept him. I try to keep my list to a manageable number so I can encourage and get to know the people on it. If i have people clogging up my wall with their posts who never interact with me in any way, I move them out so I can find the posts from the people I converse with.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    i deleted two people. One was sarcastic/ rude about my food choices. Not helpful. The other has bone on bone arthritis but is choosing to ignore her doctor and over train with an unqualified "trainer" egging her on. Then she complains about how her knee is blown up and can hardly walk! I guess she figures she is going to end up with a knee replacement anyway, so she might as well train really hard to lose weight first, but I don't want to hear about her knee hurting- it makes my bone on bone knee hurt just hearing about it!
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    I have deleted a few people who didnt log for 2 months. I also deleted someone who was married and spent most of her time talking about what a piece of crud her husband was while sucking up as much attention as she could possibly get from her numerous male friends. Every other day there was some new drama in her home life and she rarely ever talked about exercise or anything fitness. When it got to the point that she was only posting "IM me so we can chat" and the only people commenting on her status were guys talking about how hot she looked i figured she was here for something other then fitness. Besides she only commented twice on my feed in 100 days. No big how you want but for me this is a support network!!

    I have had four people delete me and was suprised by all of them. I actively commented on their posts and was always respectful and encouraging. Maybe they didnt like something in my diary or whatever but honestly i couldnt come up with one obvious reason for the deletion. Oh well...theres always other friends out there. Thats the great thing about MFP..all kinds of people and all kinds of support!!
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I also delete people after not being active for 7 days or more and they're not on vacation.

    I delete people who eat each meal at McDonald's or other restaurants.

    I will delete someone who constantly goes over in calories and/or fat and complains that they can't lose weight.

    And I will also delete someone who never motivates me or responds to a single post of mine. It's a two-way street here.

    Some people I do keep on purely for entertainment.

    I can relate to most of these. I am working VERY hard at getting healthy and I don't want friends who aren't. I also deleted someone who said they burned 195 cals in 5 minutes. Come on. People will say it's none of my business, but I want honest friends.
  • heykaraoke
    heykaraoke Posts: 191 Member
    I used to delete if people didn't log in for a few weeks or longer, but I stopped doing that. Who knows, when/if they come back, they might need more support than ever.

    I also deleted a few people who were eating a very unhealthy amount of calories (800 or less per day) and were posting pics of themselves that clearly showed that, if anything, they needed to GAIN weight. Their posts were very negative and they wouldn't listen to common sense when others tried to explain that what they were doing was unhealthy and harmful to themselves.